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78 Cards in this Set

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The limits of the distribution and abundance of organisms and the interactions between organisms and their environment
Individual Ecology
localized , the smalles reproductivly viabel unit
Population Ecology
2 or more, all members are the same speciesin the same range, interacting
Community Ecology
A set of species all share the same range and interact
the Community and the relavent mineral environment
Rates of increase
dn/dt- average population growth
The possiblility of living to an age
Patter of individuals in space
R=Nt/Nt-1 or Nt=NoRt
R=the population ratio of increase
Perindividual rate of reproduction
birth rate = #of births/ # present in time
death rate= # of deaths/ # present in time
expontential growth model assumptions
'r' is constant over time environment and age.
changes are instantaneous. No lag effects in reproduction
Exponentail population growth curve
it is a positive feedvack loop the positive effect means that there can be and exponential growth curve
Exponential growth is rapid if....
r>0, and there is positive feedback between dN/dt and N
and 'r' is inversely proportional to generation time (r=1/generation)
Survivorship curves
measure the probability of survival to any reproductive age. it is best measured by following a cohor of individuals throught their lives
Type I pattern of survivorship curve
Present in cases where the probability fo survival is high until and organism is old, best possible environments, species with high investment in individual juveniles
Type II Pattern of Survivorship curve
exponential survivorship curves occur when the probability of deathis random over all ages, a constant fraction (1-d) survive in each time interval
Type III patter of survivorship curve
Hypervolic curves are typical when b and juvenile d are bothe high, Sessile organisms with many small planktonic larvae show Type III survival, The probability of survival increases sharply with age
Density independent environmental limits
A birth rate or death rate that does not change with population density
Density-Dependent environmental limits
A death rate that rises as a population density rises, can be negative and positive, Negative effects have the greatest effect on dense populations
Logistic model of population growth
the S-curve of growth of some set P. The initial stage of growth is approximately exponential; then, as saturation begins, the growth slows, and at maturity, growth stops. no lag effects and r decreses as N increases
The model for logistic popula tion growth
is a stable equilibrium, A system muc return to it if it is displaced from it
A stable equilibrium is produced in this model by a balance of feedback effects...
positive feedback in reproduction and negative feedback from the environment
carrying capacity has two meatnings
numerical and environmental
Human population growth
r values have been positive but low, developing nations show an increase in r due to decrease in mortality, r decreases in technologically developed nations due to changes in individual economic priorities
The next 50 years in Human population
Even though human r has decreased over the last 40 years the global human population will grown in the next decades due to lag effects in human age stuctures
habitat and resources relevant to an organism
Predictable variation
seasonal changes, photoperiod
unpredictable variations
daily weather
Phenotypic plasticity
any adaptive chainges within an organism's lifetime
behavioral plasticity
fast reversilble
Physiological plasticity
Acclimations, high altitudes, enzymes, reversable
irreversable,long term variation in the environment
How do populations adapt through evolutionary change?
Chages accumulate across generations, some individuals reproduce more than others, populations in different environments accumulate genotypic differecnes that increase adaptation of each population to its particualr environment
Temperature regulation
based on negative feedback
endothermic- produces heat internally
ectoderms get heat from external environment
Facultative endotherm
turn heating proces off and on Bees and heat tranfer
Ethological school of behavior
guided by the hypothesis of evolution through natural selection, there are fixed differences in genotype and phenotype between species and populations within species
operational behaviors
occur with out learning independant of environment genetic basis
How behavors
are proximate
Why behaviors
are Ultimate
Ultimate explanations focus on what evolutionare effects
adaptive use, historical effects
Fixed action pattern
invariant in pattern, situation and species specific once the behavior is started it goes til completion
are simple and conspicuous and predictable over evolutionary time and accumulate thru natural selection
illustrates the fixed nature of innate responses, it exaggerates the important simple elements of the sign
A form of special learning, has a developmentally specific sensitive period, hightly durable and hard to forget
are sets of species that share habitat and range as well as interactions
a positive effect for one species and no effect for the other
the species have a negative effect on each other
they have a positive effect on each other
One species gets a positive effect and one species gets a negatie effect
Competitive exclusion principle
2 species on limiting resourse one species lives the other is extinct
live in the same place with different ranges
Scramble competition
Speed of resource use and the competitors do not need to directly interact
Interference competition
competitors interact directly. resouce patches may be monopolized through territoriality (behavioral) and allelopathy (Chemical interference- poisoning)
Random dispersion pattern
no predictibility, no information, very rare
Clustered dispersion pattern
predictibully clustered for resources, habitat, social , and reproduction
Even dispersion pattern
you know the distance of one you know the distance for all
Competitive Relaese
demonstrated by species exlusion during experiments to find the true range of an organism with out its competator
Character displacement
two species differ more in sympatry than they do in allopatry
componants of diversity
species density , or richness and even ness of representation
fugitive Species
population apear and disappear sporadically in different regions over their range, boom bust cycles
Key Stone predators
maintain diversity in the communities by control the meso preditor population
warning coloration, advirtising noxious quilities
Batesian Mimicry
noxious species as model but is edable
Exploitative mimicry
resembles food like the angler fish
get energy and carbon from inorganic sources
consumer, grazer
Consumer, eats herbavores
Consumer, easts something already dead
consumer, eats across a variety of tropic levels
Assimilation effeciency
Net production efficiancy
How efficient an animal is at using energy for growth and reproduction v. maintainance
What dictates the number of trophic levels
Energy flow from plants to other teirs