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104 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of aging?
not all age-related changes are necessarily present in an older person, no 2 individuals age at the same rate

may include chronological, physiological, and clinical age
What is chronological age?
- most convenient measure, widely used in clinical settings and aging research
- medicare, most important mechanism for payment of health for elderly, eligible at age 65
What subcategories are the groups of older adults divided into?
young old 65-74
mid old 75-84
oldest old 85+
What is physiological age?
- biological age
- progressive changes of physiologic system w age during postmaturation period of life
- with decr physiologic reserve, older adults cannot mount an adequate compensatory response to an insult (surgery, new onset disease process, catastrophic psychosocial event)
What are the normal signs of aging?
loss of height
gray hair
wrinkles in skin
reduced mvmt coordination
What is clinical age?
emphasizes that intrinsic physiolgic aging, extrinsic factors, as well as disease processes all contribute significantly to decr physiologic reserve, reduced functional capacity, and altered homeostasis in older adults
What are the changes in the brain associated with aging?
- volume of cortical gray matter decreases w age
- aging incr CSF and incr ICP
- reduced NTs (dopamine, ACh, NE, 5HT3 -- glutamate not affected)
- memory declines in 40% after age 60
- CBF decr (15-20% CO) in proportion to neural tissue
- preserved cerebral autoregulation of blood flow
- hydrostatic pressure incr
Elderly pts need a ____ dose of LAs with peripheral nerve blocks.
The process of aging causes anatomic changes of the extradural space which constricts the vertebral canal, making it more difficult to...
thread an epidural catheter
Lipophilic drugs will have a _____ volume of distribution, and will last (shorter/longer).
larger, longer
Renal failure pts will have a ____ volume of distribution.
Dehydrated elderly pts will have a _____ volume of distribution.
What drugs are lipophilic and have a higher volume of distribution in the elderly?
fentanyl, propofol -- give lower doses!
In the elderly, hydrophilic drugs will have a ____ volume of distribution.
The elderly have a sensitivity to centrally acting anticholinergic agents such as...
scopolamine and atropine
Brain sensitivity to most anesthetic agents ____ With age.
How are benzodiazepine pharmacodynamics different in the elderly?
- no change in benzo binding properties of GABA receptors
- ability of midazolam to MODULATE GABA receptor function (can bind but not causing a change/conveying info) varies w age
- suggests alterations in signal transduction
In the elderly, a decr in muscle mass and an incr in percentage of body fat leads to..
a decrease in total body water
In the elderly, decreased volume of distribution for water-soluble drugs can lead to...
higher plasma concentration
In the elderly, increased volume of distribution for lipid-soluble drugs can lead to...
lower plasma concentrations
Thiopental is ____ soluble.
In the elderly, dosage for local and general anesthetic are _____.
In the elderly, epidural anesthetic tends to result in a more extensive ____ spread, but with a shorter ______ and _____.
more extensive cephalad spread,
shorter duration of analgesia and motor block
Cognitive dysfunction in the elderly postop is multi-factorial and includes...
drug effects
underlying dementia
metabolic disturbances
lower levels of NTs (ACh)
What are the age-related cardiac physiologic changes in the elderly?
- decr arterial elasticity (incr afterload, incr SBP, LV hypertrophy)
- decr adrenergic activity (decr resting HR, decr 1 bpm per yr over 50; decr max HR, decr baroreceptor reflex)
- 20-30% decr in blood volume
What are the common cardiac pathophysiologies in the elderly?
- atherosclerosis
- essential HTN
- cardiac arrhythmias
In the absence of disease, what CV functions are preserved in the elderly?
- DBP (unchanged or decr)
- CO
- resting systolic cardiac function
Diminished cardiac reserve in the elderly may manifest as ...
exaggerated drops in BP during induction of general anesthesia
Prolonged circulation time in the elderly delays _____ but speeds _____.
delays onset of IV drugs,
speeds induction w IAs (IAs dont need circulation, just lung to brain transfer)
Elderly pts have less ability to increase their HR to respond to....
hypovolemia, hypotension, hypoxia
What are the age-related RESPIRATORY physiologic changes?
- decr pulmonary elasticity (decr alveolar surface area, incr RV, incr Closing capacity (leads to atelectasis), VQ mismatch, decr arterial O2 tension)
- incr chest wall rigidity
- decr muscle strength (decr cough, decr maximal breathing capacity)
- blunted response to hypercapnia/ hypoxia
What are the common RESPIRATORY pathophysiologies of the elderly?
emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung CA
In the elderly, mask ventilation may be _____.
difficult (endentulous)
The elderly have a ____ Risk of aspiration pneumonia and hypoxia.
The elderly may experience ______ from VQ mismatch.
In the elderly, decr FRC and incr Closing volume leads to...
more atelectasis
In the elderly, post op pain and analgesics contribute to a reduction in _____ and impaired clearance of _____.
tidal volume,
impaired clearance of secretions through normal cough mechanisms
How is HPV shunting different in the elderly?
response is blunted
The elderly have a greater sensitivity to narcotic induced...
respiratory depression
What should the preop eval entail for elderly pts?
- H/P
- Spirometry
- ABG, ECG, exercise/stress test, echo, labs
How is O2 consumption different in the elderly?
basal and maximal O2 consumption declines
How is heat production and loss affected with aging?
heat production decr
heat loss incr
What occurs in hypothalamic temperature regulating centers with aging?
resets to a lower level
Elderly patients have _____ insulin resistance, ____ response to beta-adrenergic agents, and _____ NE levels.
incr insulin resistace
decr response to beta agents
incr NE levels
How is GI function affected with aging?
- decr liver mass
- decr hepatic blood flow
- decr hepatic function reserve
- decr biotransformation rate and albumin production
- decr plasma cholinesterase (in men)
- incr gastric pH
- prolonged gastric emptying
What are the age-related RENAL physiological changes with aging?
- decr RBF: decr renal plasma flow, decr GFR
- decr renal mass
- decr tubular function: impaired Na handling, decr concentrating ability, decr diluting capacity, impaired fluid capacity, decr drug excretion
- decr renin-aldosterone responsiveness (impaired K excretion)
In the elderly, impaired renal Na handling can lead to...
over or under excretion fo Na (And accompanying fluid)
What are the common RENAL pathophysiologies of the elderly?
- diabetic nephropathy
- HTN nephropathy
- prostatic obstruction
Why is serum Cr level unchanged w aging?
decr in muscle mass accompanies it
How are BUN and ability to reabsorb glucose changed in the elderly?
incr BUN
decr ability to reabsorb glucose
What are the musculoskeletal changes associated with aging?
- muscle mass reduced
- NMJ thickens
- skin atrophies
- veins frail
- arthritic joints interfere w positioning and regional anesthesia
Albumin, which tends to bind ____ Drugs, will ____ with age.
acidic, decreases
AAG, which binds ____ Drugs, will ____ with age.
basic, increase
MAC anesthesia requirements _____ with age.
decrease -- 4% per decade over 40 yrs old
The onset of IAs will be faster if... and delayed if....
faster if CO is depressed

and it will be delayed if signification VQ mismatch
With aging, the myocardial depressing effects of IAs are _____.
Isoflurane reduces ____ and ____ in the elderly.
In the elderly, recovery from IAs may be _____.
How is the thiopental dose different in the elderly?
1/2 induction dose needed for octogenarian, as compared w 20 yr old
How is diazepam administration different in the elderly?
VD is larger and elimination is longer
How is lorazepam administration different in the elderly?
elim half life remains relatively unchanged
How is the administration of muscle relaxants different in the elderly?
- succ and non-depol. are unaltered
- decr CO my cause up to 2-fold prolongation in onset
- non depol MRs that depend on renal excretion may be delayed
- non depol MRs that depend on hepatic excretion may have prolonged half life and duration of action
the periop plan must take into account the ____ and ____ changes of aging as they impact surgical and anesthetic management
psychological and physiological
What are the common Nervous System changes related to aging?
-decreased CBF and brain mass
-degenration of peripheral nerve cells leads to prolonged conduction velocity and muscle atrophy
-increased threshold for sensory modalities
-pain perception changes are poorly understood
-dose requirements of many anesthetic agents decrease
make sure to allow sufficient ____ for IV drugs to circulate from the IV site to the heart to the brain before you ____ again!
decrease in the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine, norepi and serotonin causes...?
a decreased ability to respond stress
elderly have are sensitive to centrally acting anticholinergics like ____ and ___ because of decreased neurotransmitters
scopolamine and atropine
delirium, dementia and depression are predictors of ____ patient outcome
(age, poor cognitive fxn, poor physical condition, alcohol abuse, AAA, non cardiac surgery, abnormal Na K or glucose)
delirium occurs ___ to ___ % of the time after general surgery. This number increases to 28-61% after orthopedic surgery due to fatty emboli being released.
the length of stay for patients with delirium increases by ___%
what are the major symptoms of delirium?
-abrupt change in cognition and consciousness
Do not give ____ to elderly pts because it increases their risk of delirium 2-7x that of other opioids (long acting)
____ and long acting ____ also increase the risk of post op delirium
barbituates and benzos
when an elderly person gets a spinal anesthetic it will?
last longer
fibrosis of the SA node, atrophy of pathways, loss of pacemaker cells, sick sinus syndrome, hemi-blocks, BBB, SV and vent ectopy put elderly patients at risk for?
Recent MI, uncompensated CHF, unstable ischemic heart disease and certain rhythm disorders are?
the strongest predictors of adverse cardiac events
unstable coronary syndrome, decompensated CHF, and severe valvular disease are all?
major clinical predictors
*evaluate and treat prior to elective non cardiac surgery
mild angina, prior MI, compensated CHF and DM (realatively controlled) are all?
intermediate clinical predictors
advancing age, abnormal EKG, rhythm other than sinus, low functional capacity, hx of CVA and uncontrolled HTN are all?
minor clinical predictors
functional capacity based on expenditure is measured by ____?
eating, dressing, walking 1-2 blocks and light house work is?
1-4 METs
climbing stairs, walking up a hill, heavy house work, golf, bowling, tennis and dancing is?
4-10 METs
continuing beta blocker therapy is important because it has shown to reduce...?
long term (6 month) mortality rates
Antihypertensives should be continued during the periop period except?
ACE inhibitors-hold the am of surgery
Continue beta blocker and ____ even if the pt is NPO.
Arthritis of the TMJ/C-spine makes for a?
challenging intubation
the lack of upper teeth can actually help with _____ of vocal cords during laryngoscopy.
to prevent periop hypoxia ____ FiO2 concentrations, give PEEP and provide aggressive pulmonary ____.
pulmonary disease ____ the risk of periop complications.
preop functional level is a reliable ____ of pulmonary complications periop
patients with severe preexisiting respiratory disease, following major abdominal and chest surgery should potentially?
be left intubated after surgery
more agressive ___ ____ should be considered for patients with existing lung conditions
pain management
(epidurals, intercostal blocks)
the additive effect of the supine position, general anethesia and thoracic or abd incisions leads to ____ FRC and ____ airways resistance

Because of this the elderly are predisposed to _____, _____ and infection

Keep elderly patients covered and ____
adverse effects of hypothermia include (8)
-decreased immune fxn
-decreased wound strength
-impaired platelet fxn
-inhibition of clotting cascade
-decreased drug metabolism and clearance
-increased risk of infection
-increased incidence of MI
Arthritic joints may become problematic with ____ and ____.
positioning and regional anesthesia
Joint mobility should be assess when?
prior to induction
With positioning it is important to watch for nerve _____ or over _____.
Atlanto-occipital degeneration may make airway manipulation more difficult due to?
cervical stenosis/spondylosis
benzos like midazolam and diazepam can contribute to prolonged ____.
____ can contribute to increased secretions, bronchodilation, increased ICP and increased delirium
Etomidate is less cardiac ____ than propofol
-rapid recovery from hydrolysis to inactive metabolites
-clearance is hepatic and blood flow dependent
-high incidence of post op N&V
-depression of adrenocortical fxn
Induction dose of propofol in the elderly is?
1.2-1.7 mg/kg
-rapid onset
-lasts 5-10 mins
-produces dose dependent CV and resp depression
How can hypotensive effects of propofol be minimized?
push it slowly and titrate it to effect