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121 Cards in this Set

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tx of social/specific phobias
cog beh therapy: recreate the attack, flooding , implosion, systematic desens,
what is biofeedback for ?
tx hypertension, raynaud's, migraine and tension haches, chronic px, fecal incontinence, tmj
what is dynamic p+'-
recreation of the past through clarification, confrontation, and interpretation ...pt lies on couch away from therapist,
good diff b/w suppression and repression?
suppression = consciously postponing the feelings/to deal w/ later, etc. repression = indefinitetely witholding an idea from consciousness
what is supportive psychotherapy?
absence of interpretations of pts thoughts, with emphasis on helping the pt funcion in the real world and supporting him with positive communication and concrete suggestsion of how to fxn
what is reciprocal inhibition?
type of desensitization in which the perceived fearful stimulus is paired with a feeling incompatible w/ anxiety , ie relaxation, good thoughts, etc.
what is reframing?
used i family therapy; involves giving a new meaning to a problematic behavior/situation that makes it more acceptable to the family
c/i's to hypnosis?
paranoid / suspicious patients (ie p schizo or paranoid delusions)
(will not comply well w/ losing control in hypnosis)
trauma pts
what must family members be taught about schizophrenia?
1) about schizophrenia
2) to keep communiations at low emotional level b/c environment of negative emotions induce further relapsing in schizophrenic pts
3)learning more ways to cope w/ stress
limited predetermined number of sessions for tx of specific areas of problems in life of an otherwise normal patient?
brief individual insight-oriented psychotherapy
psychoanalytic therapy is for?
ppl who can think well, abstract well, etc, who want to understand themselves...good for pts w/ neuroses ie OCD, hysterical, phobias, personality disorders, or ppl w/ problems w/ intimacy, relationships, self-esteem/worth, etc
cognitive therapy vs behavioral therapy for panic disorder?
cog ther = giving pt info about how harmless the perceived sx she is feeling during attack are...giviong pt different interpretations of the situation/ her sx, than what she is currently believing
beh ther = desensitization with stimuli, exposure, etc.
what is interpersonal psychotherapy?
dev by Gerard Klerman as time related tx for depression by identifying all the relationships an individual has and its effect on: ( role w/sign others, transitions in life, current relats, social deficits, etc) and how his depression fits into these relationships

basis is that depression stems from dysfxn in relationships
desensitization vs extinction?
desens: unwanted situation causing feeling/anxiety is linked to desirable feeling/relaxation/calming

extinction: not linked; instead, just wait until feared result does NOT occur and if repeated, eventually the anxiety about it will go away
chance that monozygotic twin will have depr if other has?
which cancer may have a prodrome of depression or crying spells, etc
pancr cxr ...check amylase levels
post partum blues usually peak when and resolve when?
peak at 5-7 days, resolve by at least 2 wks if not less
diff b/w normal bereavement and adjustment disorder?
both occur w/in 3 months of event, may last up to 6 mo.

ad causes SOCIAL/OCCUP impairment
tx of psychotic depression?
start on ssri AND antipsychotic
post stroke depression %?
which lobe affected in strokehas highest prevalence of post stroke depression?
percent of mothers developing post partum blues? depression?
blues = 30-50%...
depression = 10-15%
post-stroke pts at high risk for depression for how long after stroke?
2 yrs!
what behavior has an antidepressant efffect in depressed pts and can causa a manic event in bipolar pts? tx?
sleep deprivation...
ie think when pt cramming for tests gets irritable/manic.
give sleeping pill or benzo
lifetime risk fo suicide in affective disorders? in schizo?
aaffective = 10-15%
schizo = 10% (with 50% attempted)
depression w/ hypersomnia and hyperphagia lasting for a few months...
think seasonal affective disorder! presents w/atypicalsx like eating more, sleeping more.
what of antidepressants has slightly lower risk for triggering mania ie for tx of bipolar on lithium w/ new onset of depression?
if pt w/ hypoth becomes depressed, then you tx hypoth and 6wks later pt still depressed, what to do?
start ssri...
often depression SECONDARY to hypoth may still remain after hypoth is treated..!neet to then treat w/ ssri
m/c side effect of ect?
hache, nausea, muscle soreness
less common but more concerning = antero /retro grade memory loss
dysthymia / cyclothymia/ in adolescents may be dx'd after sx for how long?
over 1 yr

vs adults = over 2 yrs
standard tests to give any pt on lithium, regularly?
plasma lithium
thyroid fxn
(ECG if over 50)
ECT for whom?
dep resistant to antidep's
severe dep that needs immediate tx before ssri's are able to work
dep w/ psychotic features
ppl who can't stand side effects of antidep's
ppl w/ medical illnesses (or pregnancy)
catatonic schizophrenia
depression in elderly /
parkinsonism w/ depression (lowers extrapyramidal signs)
(also mania, nms, schizo w/variable results)
how does depression manifest in preschoolers? in school aged kids?
preschoolers - irritable, w/drawn, aggressive, clingy
not nec. sad

school aged - loss of interest in school or friends
adolescent - similar to adults
you should give ssri then what, next line in tx for refractory depression?
main contraindications or ECT?
increased ICP or RECENT (within 2 WEEKS) MI,
relative = space occupyikng lesion or something disrupting the BBB
% of depressed pts who will also at some pt be alcoholic?
PET test results for all depressed pts?
decreased blood flow and metabolism in frontal lobes, bilaterally
melancholic depression? tx?
anhedoina, lack of reactivity, intense guilt, wt loss, early awakening, and pm retardation.
tx = TCA's
major dep developing in person w/ dysthymic disorder?
double depression
tx for atypical depression?
try MAOI's...ahve been shown to work better for atypical dep
tx of dissociative disorders?
amobarbital sodium interviews
psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy to recover lost memories of disturbing emotinal experiences
what is depersonalization disorder?
recurrent feelings of detachment, from own body or from environment (derealization)
has insight; NORMAL reality testing and knowst hat these are just feelings
under what somatiform disorder does pseudoseizure (psychogenic non-epileptic seizure) fall?
somatiform disorder
(not = conversion disorder, and not actually factitious)
conversion disorder vs factitious?
conversion is NOT voluntary, although manifestation of physical sx follows PATEINT's understanding of disease, NOT usual diagnostic signs used by medicine.
acute episode of urinary incontinence that resolves, then later acute episode of other neurol deficiency ie blurry vision?
think MS!! not conversion b/c sx of incontinence are uncommon among conversion disordedr...but if ie arm paralysis, consider conversion
what is common finding in dissociative identity disorder ( multiple personality disorder)
significant memory gaps (hours-days)
auditory hallucinations
most cases of dissociative amnesia resolve spont or not?
do resolve spont
buspirone vs benzos?
bus = same potency (as ie diazepam) but less sedating, less addictive, less quick in onset: takes upt o 3 weeks to work.
OCD requires SSRI in higher or lower doses than that for depression?
nocturnal erection and depression?
may be decreased or absent in depression
diff b/w social phobia and avoidant personality disorder?
spp = certain situations causes fear, self-consciousness, etc;
apd = interpersonal comm / relations causes it
common medication causing erectile dysfxn?
propanolol (bblocker = also has serotonergic effect)
life time prevalence of personality disorders?
tx of personality disorder?
psychodynamic psychotherapy
common affective sx of anabolic steroid use?
irritability, mania, hypomania, aggressiveness
(fever, tachycardia, hypertension, creeping bugs on skin or other vis halluc in previous substance abuser? tx?
think delirium tremens caused by either benzo / barb withdrawal or chronic alcohol withdrawal.
tx =diazepam, +- brief antipsychotics if pt hallucinating
mort rate of delirium tremens?
which opiate is often accompanied w/seizures w/ illegal use, and why?
meperidine in chronic user causes accumulation of normeperidine, a toxic metabolite causing seizures
duration of LSD intoxication/hallucinations?
usually 8-12 hrs
duration of PCP hallucinations?
may last up to weeks!
signs of alcohol intoxication may be seen at what blood alcohol level (in mg/dL?
20-30 = signs seen
100-200 = signif. motor/mental impariment
200+ slurred speech/ blackout, etc
>400 resp coma / death
sleep effect of aldcohol?
causes decreased REM, stage 4 sleep, while more fragmented sleep
2 fast acting benzo's that you can give a pt with delirium tremens?
diazepam or
what to give pt with delirium tremens?
1) benzo
2) folate + thiamine (before glucose)
3) MgSo4 if pt has hx of seizures upon withdrawal
alcohol abuse vs dependence?
abuse = abnorm use causing social/occup impairment
dependence = abuse PLUS:
1) w/drawal sx
2) Tolerance or
3) Pattern of repetitive use
4) ineffective attempts to cut down (addiction)
lifetime prevalence of alcohol dependence? females? males?
3-5% females
10% males!!
drug used to tx opoid withdrawal sx?
clonidine (alpha 2 blocker)
(usually given WHILE methadone is given for detoxification from heroin)
postop headache, fatigue, inability to concentrate due to what withdrawal?
amt of alcohol in blood over which, if no signs of intoxication, patient has alc tolerance?
if over 150 mg/dL and no signs = tolerant
tx for PCP intox?
short acting benzo (diazepam or chlordiazepoxide) and then antipsychotic for halluc's
long term effects of marijuana?
respiratory compromise
PCP acts by what mech?
stim's glutamate NMDA receptors
time after smoking cannabis that judgment ie for driving is still impaired?
8-12 hrs
agitation, restlessness, tc, tremors, htn, mydriasis, and feeling like one can fly?
LSD - has sympathomimetic properties
drug associated with bruxism, shortness of breath, cardiac arrhythmias, and death?
which bblockers do NOT cause bronchospasm?
atenolol, metoprolol
tx of akathisia?
why not use MAOInhibitors in elderly?
b/c MAIN side effect is ortho hotn (although other side effects may be more severe)
effective tx for OCD?
clomipramine (TCA)
emergency tx of very high lithium toxicity?
emergency dialysis
what dose of tca's is fatal?
only 2-3 g!! that's why don't give to suicidal pt!
tx for sexual dysfxn while continuing causative ssri?
give cyproheptadine
benzo overdose tx?
2 low potency antipsychotics?
chlorpromazine, thioridizine
whaty type antipsychotic to give elderly?
DONT give low potency ie chlorpromazine or thioridizine, b/c they have sedating anticholinergic and orthostatic hotn s/e's! this is disastrous in elderly.
so give haloperidol, low dose
washout period necessary after ssri stoppage and before MAOI initiation to prevent serotonin syndrome?
2 weeks
5 weeks for fluoxetine
tx of tardive dyskinesia?
1) discontinue antipsychotic
2) if cannot do this, switch to clozapine
tca drugs?
tx of tca overdose?
MONITOR ECG for qrs prolongation /arrhythmias!
preferred tx for mania in pregnant women during 1st trimester (time of risk of ntube defects)
types of drugs used for non-compliant schizophrenia?
haloperidol decanoate (inj)
fluphenazine (inj)
fluoxetine inhibits metabolism of what drugs?
s/e's of ritalin?
crying spells
insomnia (so don't give after lunch!!)
gi distress
decr appetite
tx for elderly pseudodementia (depression)
SSRI, NOT TCA b/c causes hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias
disulfiram works how?
inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
tx for narcolepsy? cataplexy?
narc = methylphenidate (remember, ritalin causes insomnia)
cataplexy = SSRI's TCA's b/c they reduce REM
tx of psychotic pts with parkinsons?
clozapine - b/c doesn't cause extrapyramidal sx / parkinson sx
how lojng should tx with one antidepressant be given (with increasing doses), if no effect is seen?
up to 3-4 wks, then SWITCH antidep's rather than continuing to incr dose or to add another
lithium takes how long to reach equilib in blood?
half life is 20hrs, so takes 5-7 days to reach equil in blood
tx of akathisia in pt w/asthma (so can't give propanolol)?
what is a "poor metabolizer"
concerning TCA's, 10% of caucasians have poorly metabolizing P450 2D6, so they have higher chance for TCA toxicity/side effects
1st do CBT / psychotherapy
but for
Hyperarousal sx, tx w/ bblocker or clonidine
which of the antipsychotics does NOT cause ortho or postural hotn?
only haloperidol does not have these anticholinergic effects.
olanzapine = postural hotn
clozapine = ortho hotn
low potency drugs = anticholinergic effects = ortho hotn
MAOI's taken with what may cause a hypertensive crisis?
any sympathomimetic! (in addition to any tyramine containing food like aged cheese, red wine, alcohol, or smoked meats like pepperoni) Pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, methylpehnedate, phenylephrine, etc.
used to tx enuresis, as well as ADHD?
"I" nuresis
target range for lithium in bipolar?
1-1.5 meq/L
tx for acute dystonia?
benztropine; diphenydramine (anticholinergics)
m/c cause of malpractice claims against psychiatrist?
1physical injury caused by tx's
2suicide, or attempted
what is beneficience? nonmalevolence?
b = preventing harm and promoting well being
n= do no harm
fiduciary principle?
doctor patient relat is built on honor and trust that dr will act competently and responsibly in partnerhsip w/patient and w/ patient's consent....done by cointinued attention to ptn's needs (= 'responsibility')
Tarasoff I vs II?
I = if phys finds that pt has intnent to do harm to someone else, physician must warn potential victiim
II =phys must protect potential victim ie by notifying police, ensuring protection, etc.
How surrogate decision makers should make decisions?
1 first decide what pt WOULD have wanted.
2 if this is unknown, make decision based on pt's best interest
pt tx'd for depression and insomnia, comes to ER w/ severe respiratory depression?
secobarbitol / barbituate o/d
from barb's given for insomnia..!

Or fluoxetine causes decr metab of carbamazapine, halo, and DIAZEPAM...so may be inhibiting b/d of diazapam ...?
intense hunger, tiredness, headache are signs of what withdrawal?
remember: ie methylphenidate / amphetamines causes wt loss and decr appetite!
nystagmus, psychotic features, and aggression in what drug use?
dyspareunia vs vaginismus?
d = px upon intercourse
v = px upon intercourse OR vag exam
retinal pigmentation is a side effect of ?
thioridazine (low-potency antipsychotic)
disorder with the greatest sex difference?
MDD (women >>men)
what is used to evaluate hearing loss in newborns/infants?
auditory evoked potential test
what is negative reinforcement?
when a person increases behavior due to the reward of having an adverse reaction decreased (ie pt continues going to dr. b/c each time, px decreases)
ECT indications?
1severe major depression with psychotic features
2manic delirium or severe mania
4depression refractory to tx
5schiz refract to tx (some say y/some no)
6pregnant or elderly (is less harmful than other drugs)
7pt w/ medical illnesses
8parkinsons w/ depr (lowers extrapyr signs)
9severe suicidal depr that needs tx before meds can kick in