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400 Cards in this Set

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98 % of chronic constipation in early childhood is due to?
functional constipation = find a dilated,stool filled anal canal with poor sphincter tone; VS: Hirschsprung's = no stool in rectum, sphincter tone is normal, seen in first few weeks of life,
dx of hirschsprungs?
either rectal manometry or biopsy
nocturnal abd pain and fecal occult blood in pt with similar family hx
peptic ulcer disease
conclusive dx of peptic ulcer?
5 y/o with grossly bloody stools and iron def anemia? DX?
dx is with Meckel's (technecium 99) scan in RLQ
sx of necator americanus/ ancylostoma duodenale?
these are HOOKWORMS;
sx = abd px,weakness, dizziness, eosinophilia, pica, guaiac-+ stools (not grossly bloody)
CF pts require what enzyme/vit supplementations?
require pancreatic enzymes as well as fat sol vit's (KADE)
dx confirmation of midgut volvulus in 1week old? tx?
Barium upper and lower (enema) GI radiograph show cecum in wrong position. tx = surgery!!
common and serious complication of TPN?
TPN via central line may frequently cause SEPSIS.....
also thrombi, etc.
complication of short bowel syndrome?
chronic diarrhea
pyloric stenosis causes what electrolyte changes?
Hypochloremic met alkalosis
3 YEAR/o child with intractable chronic constipation since birth?
think Hirschsprung's!!
dx = manometry or rectal biopsy
acute cholecystitis may be seen in late childhood with what other diseases?
Sickle cell, other hemolytic anemias
intussusception usually occurs in what age group?
blood, mucusy, currant jelly stool, acute onset of colicky px in 8 month old...? Dx/Tx?
intussusception! Dx AND Tx done by air contrast enema (75% reduced during exam)
Tx for gerd?
usually none; just tell mother to give smaller feeds, thicker foods, and avoid high-fat meals
Chron's often first presents as?
ANAL fissure/fistulas!
kwashiokor def? marasmus?
Low protein in diet = low albumin prod = loss of fluid to interstitial tissue ie edema; skin depig, and hair depigmentation = edema and pot belly
Marasmus = low prot AND carb from overall inadequate caloric intake = skinny, wasted limbs, pot belly
protein should be at least what % in a 6mo old's diet?
at least 8% should be protein
best test to detect GERD? H.pylori PUD?
esoph. pH probe.
(to confirm/detect h.pylori gastritis = endoscopy)
are intestinal lactase levels normal for all individuals at birth?
YES!! they then may decrease as the genetic predisposition kicks in
workup for lactase deficient suspicion?
first, stop lactose ingestion to see if subsides; + returns when reintroduce lactose. To confirm, may do breath test for hydrogen (more specific); or acidic stool pH in the presence of reducing substances
def of obstructive jaundice?
direct bilirubin > 20%
waht to consider in any 6w/o with obstructive jaundice? workup?
CF, alpha anti trypsin deficiency, choledocal cyst. Do ultrasound to check for obstr; as well as HIDA scan to check biliary tree
chronic hep C in kids tx?
interferon + ribavirin
fluid loss of what %: muscles may become spastic, skin may shrivel and wrinkle, vision may dim, urination will be greatly reduced and may become painful, and delirium may begin.
10-15%. >15% are fatal
fluid loss of what %:
groggy or sleepy, experience headaches or nausea, and may feel tingling in one's limbs (paresthesia)
inital bolus to give patient with hypernatremic hypovolemia/dehydration?
Normal saline
often seen in hypernatremic dehydration due to insulin changes?
hyperglycemia due to decreased insulin secretion
tx for hypernatremia?
initial bolus of normal saline, then slow rehydration over 48 hrs to prevent significant fluid shifts and increased ICP
order of teeth eruption?
5-7 mo, mandibular central incisors
6-8 mo, maxillary " "
7-11mo, lateral incisors
10-16 mo, first molars
20-30 mo , second molars
extensive frontal maxillary tooth decay but no frontal mandibular decay?
Excessive bottle feeding of sweet liquids ie juices in bottles
congenital inguinal hernia in baby due to?
patent processus vaginalis
what percent of 2ndary teeth that are avulsed are able to be successfully replanted?
If in first 30 mins = 90%
if after 2 hrs = 5%!!!
emergency tx of alkaline drain cleaner ingested?
just endoscopic exam w/in 12-24 hrs...not induce vomiting (this will reexpose mucous membranes to agent again) or give copious liquids -(will cause vomiting and reexposure also)
what toxins may be tx'd with charcoal ingestion?
Antidepressants (tricyclics)
Theophylline, long release
initial dx plan for suspected NEC? and test/looking for what???
abd radiograph series!!
Pneumatosis intestinalis!!!!!! (and/or perforation/air under diaphragms/liver)
hemorrhagic E.coli (EHUC) must be cultured on?
sorbital-MacConkey agar
impaired wound healing, diffuse tenderness, evidence of hemorrhage, swelling, tachypnea, poor appetite,bone atrophy, epiphyseal separation?
scurvy/vit C deficiency
night blindness, and dry, scaly skin?
probably due to vit A deficiency
greenstick fracture due to?
riketts! (vit D def)
6 y/o child with vomting, seizures, coma, and liver failure 6 days after varicella infection?
Reyes syndrome = fatty degen of liver with acute encephalopathy
sudden onset crying in 3mo old for several hours, then abd gets distended and tense, then legs drawn up to abdomen, and passing of gas... what condition? tx?

Tx = feeding in upright position, frequent burping, gentle rocking, assistance in passing stool/flatus
gold standard of dx for pt with celiac's?
small bowel biopsy
genital ulcers, apthous ulcers, uveitis, and conjunctivitis?
plus fevers, e. nodosum,
think Behcet's syndrome = autoimmune vasculitis
"betcha you've got oral and genital ulcers!!"
KUB showing calcification of adrenal gland in infant with hsm, diarrhea, FTT
Wolfman syndrome
urinary reducing substances found. what metabolic disorder may kid have?
galactosemia, fructosemia
acute liver failure due to what metabolic disorder in infancy?
tyrosinemia type I (tyrosinosis)
ftt, hypoglyc, hmegaly acidosis in 3-4 mo old?
G6PD def!
chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis and portal hypertension in childhood; or cholestasis, bleeding into CNS/GI, umbilical stump, and elevated transaminases
alpha-1 antitrypsin def
dx of gaucher's disease?
aseptic necrosis of femur causing erlenmyer flask femur head, and hepatosplenomegaly?
Gaucher's disease
cause of irritable, microcephalic, tachycardic neonate whose mother had heat intolerance?
neonatal thyrotoxicosis = usually wears off afterr 2months when Thyroid stimulating IgG's from mother have dissipated. May cause heart failure! must treat
tx drugs for neonatal thyrotoxicosis?
carbimazole (blocks coupling of iodothyronine), lugol's iodine (blocks thyroid hormone synthesis ), and propanolol (to reduce adrenergic symptoms)
causes of true precocious puberty in boys? girls?
boys - CNS lesion ie hypothal hamartoma causing increased GnRH release
girls - early maturation of hypothal axis
short kid at puberty with normal sized sex organs, what can you ruleout?
rule out pituitary or hypothalamic lesion, which would cause both decreased growth and decreased sex hormone prod.
constitutionally short stature vs. familial short stature?
const: BONE AGE corresponds to height age, both are decreased.
familial: BONE AGE is normal and equal to chronological age, height is decreased.
constitutionaly short stature comes with what?
INCREASED LEVELS of leutenizing hormone in 12 y/o boy with < 50% upper/lower body segment ratio, think?
bilateral subluxation of lenses + dilated aortic root?
m/c cause of goiter in 13 y/ o?
hashimoto's thyroiditis
low set ears, downslanting palpebral fissures webbed neck, shield chest, cryptorchidism, edema over hands and feet in MALE?
Noonan syndrome = "male turner syndrome" but noonan also occurs in females
CF dx'd in kid. what test to do for family/ bro's sisters?
do DNA analysis , not chloride test
which gene to check for mutation in CF
delta 508 phenylalanine arm
tx for labial vaginal adhesion in infant/kid?
estrogen cream
common cause of vulvovaginitis and UTI's in infants
labial adhesion
upper:lower normal ratios for ages:
3 yrs,
6 yrs,
10 yrs?
birth: 1.3-1.7
3yr: 1.3
6 yrs 1.1
10 yrs: 1.0
most common genetic skeletal dysplasia?
marfan syndrome has incr or decr upper/lower body segment ratio?
decreased (less than 1.0)
persisting increased (PERSISTING immature body ratios = increased ratio)
trisomy 18?
Ears low set, malformed
Election age
Clenched hands and overlapping digits
Retinoblastoma 2ndarily causes what other cxr?
osteosarcoma!! think ie eye and leg removed in parent
m/c intraocular tumor in kids?
retinoblastoma associ with what chromosomal mutation
mut/deletion of long arm of chr 13
NSiM of kid with thyroid nodule
thyroid fx tests.
then US,
then antithyroid AB levels,
radionuc uptake and scan
Hurler''s syndrome?
mucopolysaccharidosis type I :
deposition of mp's in body tissue and derm/hep sulfate deposition in urine.
normal birth with later developmental delay and HEPATOSPLENOMEGALY
brachydactyly, increased bone density of cranium, delayed bone age, short stature, obesity with round facies, perivascular calcifications of basal ganglia, and short neck with low calcium and high phosphate?
pseudohypoparathyroidism = Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (PTH resistance) = high PTH but low ca resorpt and low phosph excretin
precocious puberty +
bone problems (fibrous dysplasia) +
cafe-au lait spots?
McCune Albright syndrome
kid post fracture who starts getting listless?
think encephalopathic changes of IMMOBILIZATION HYPERCALCEMIA
post - accident, kid with constipation, anorexia, polyuria, hypertension, convulsions, encephalopathy?
immobilization hypercalcemia
complications of immobilization hypercalcemia?
nephropathy, nephrocalcinosis, hypertension, convulsions, encephalopathy
test if suspect immobilization hypercalcemia?
CA - Creatinine ratio over .2 establishes hypercalciuria
tx of hypercalcemia (immobilization)
vigoroous IV hydration with balanced salt sol; restrict dairy; +/- diuretics or calcitonin
low sodium, high pot, hypotonicity, and hyperpigmentation?
CAH due to 21 hydroxylase def!! = salt losing

or adrenal insufficiency crisis
who is gynecomastia normal for?
adolescent males in tanner 2 or 3
gynecomastia in what drug use?
black wet diaper with reducing substances in it? and tx?
ALKAPTONURIA = increased homogentisic acid .
No specific tx. affected children are otherwise asx
bilat inguinal hernias in 2 w/o GIRL?
testicular feminization due to androgen insensitivity (over 50% of males w/testicular feminiization have inguinal hernias)
any baby exclusively breastfed w/o supplementatal vit's; expect what vit def?
VIT D = nutritional riketts, causing decreased ca and phosph intest absorption -- transient hypocalcemia --PTH stim's increased ca and phosph resorption from bone and increased ca reabsorption and Phosph excretion in urine and nutritional rickets/ soft bones
extreme tallness with no mental retardation?
= most likely marfan's
normal birth glucose?
over 40 mg/dL
elevated Mg in newborn may cause what?
sedation, and apnea but not tetany /seizures seen in hypoca
hypoca in newby is caused by? causes?
Caused by:
#1 idiopathic,
mat diabetes or hyperPTHism,
neonatal RDS,

may causetetany, seizures
rickets like but not responsive to vit D supp?
= vit-D resistant rickets = due to defect in renal reabsorp of Phosph only. therefore normal Ca and HIGH phosph seen
o imperfecta serum ca and po4 change?
all normal!! problem is with MATRIX of bone
presentation of hypoparathyroidism?
tingling and numbness, plus later seizures due to hypocalc. and hyperphosphatemia
obesity, mental retardation, hypogonadism, polydactyly, and retinosa pigmentosum and night blindness
laurence-moon-biedel syndrome
night blindness ddx?
lmb syndrome
vit A deficiency
tx for pseudohypoparathyroidism?
LARGE DOSE vit D and reduction of phosphate load
when does PCOD present?
shortly after puberty
obesity, hirsutism, secondary amenorrhea, with later infertility?
three general characteristics of DM II?
increased ins resistance in skel muscles
increased hepatic glucose prod
decreased ins secretion in response to elevated glu levels
shoulderpads permanently staining a football player's neck, think?
actually acanthosis nigricans of dm II
why may na and k be low in G6PD pt?
b/c hypertriglyceridemia causes pseudo hypo nat/ kal emia
CAH and adrenal crisis both have what?
hyponatremia (in 21OH def CAH = salt wasting), hyperkalemia
examlpe of an X-linked dominant disease?
hypophosphatemic vit-D resistant rickets
Dubin johnson vs
Fanconi vs
Steven Johnson syndromes?
DJ: conj. hyperbilirubinemia due to inability of hepatocytes to secrete bilirubin into bile
Fanconi: PCT problem reabsorbing nutrients causing RTA II = hyper - glu, AA, ua, po4, hco3 - URIA, low in blood
Steven Johnson syndrome: more severe form of e. multiforme having \ 10% involvement..(?) and 1+ mucous membrane involvement
lackign a paternal part of chrom 15 may cause? lacking a maternal part may cause?
No pubic hair at all; testic vol less than 1.5 ml, penis 3 cm or less, no glandular tissues
Tanner I
Small long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at base of penis and scrotum or on labia majora; skin on scrotum thins, reddens, no change in penis size; breast buds form in female
tanner II
More coarse and curly pubic hair; penis begins to lengthen; testic vol 6-12 ml, female breast extends beyond border of areola
tanner III
incr br size and elevation; areola and papilla form a secondary mound projecting from the contour of the surrounding breast; penis to length 10 cm; adult pubic hair extending across pubis but sparing medial thighs
Tanner IV
hair extends to medial surface of the thighs; testicular volume greater than 20 ml; adult scrotum and penis of 15 cm in length; breast reaches final adult size; areola returns to contour of the surrounding breast, with a projecting central papilla. [
Tanner V
what drugs may induce nephrotic syndrome?
Trimethadione, penicillamine, captopril, lithium, NSAIDSetc =dmgopathy= #1 cause notic syndrome in adults (kids = min change)
lax, wrinkled abd wall plus dilated urinary tract plus abdom testes in kid born with oligohydramnios due to renal dysplasia?
prune belly syndrome
pulmonary hemmorrhage + hematuria and proteinuria?
Goodpasture syndrome
causes of Fanconi syndrome?
gentamicin, outdated tetracycline, valproic acid, azathioprine. these cause ATN..!!! which causes Fanconi's
drug that can cause RTA and nephrogenic DI?
drug that causes nephrotic syndrome OR TIN?
phimosis (inability to retract foreskin) normal when?
in first few years of life. beyond age 3 think pathologic phimosis
when foreskin gets retracted and trapped behind glansand cannot be relocated to normal position due to edema and venous congestion
is phimosis associated with other GU abnormalities?
uncircumcision can lead to higher risk for uTI or STD's
tx of vesicoureteral reflux in 1 y/o?
if not severe = daily AB's and urinalysis every 2-3 mo's.
If severe = surgical reimplantment of ureter
obstruction and proximal dilation of the bladder ?
'posterior urethral valves'
bone abnormalities may see 2ndary to chronic kid disease?
Osteomalacia due to hypovitaminosis D 2ndary hyperpthism causing decreased bone formation
Osteoporeosis due to increaesed H+ buffering bone
OFC (brown cysts) due to hypovitaminosis D and etc.
rickets due to hypovitaminosis D
growth retardation or precocious puberty seen in CKD?
growth retardation due to malunutrition
CKD what changes in RBC's?
normocytic anemia due to low EPO production
hyperglyc or hypo glcyemia in CKD?
hyperglycemia due to increased resistance to insulin in skm
routine testing for hypertension done on what age groups?
over 3 y/o's and
undr 3 y/o with recurrenet uti's, umbilical art caths, etc
hypertension in kids is usually sx or asymptomatic?
severe htn sx?
facial nerve palsy (may be only one!)
increased LVH
decreased urine output
abd bruit
orchipexy (surg to descend a testicle) changes risk for what in males
does not change risk for testicular cxr, uti, sperm count changes, or epididymitis but does decrease risk for torsion
urine count indicating infection in suprapubic tap? in clean catch from asx child? in clean catch from sx child?
significant infection if:
1) sp tap = 1000-10,000
2) clean catch asx = over 100,000;
3)sx = over 10,000.
when after GAS throat inf does PSGN develop?
8-14 days
burning on urination with brown-gree fetid odor discharge of vagina?
vulvovaginitis; 70% is chemical, non infectious. due to tight fitted clothing or prolonged bubble baths or fecal matter from wipin back to front
significant vaginal itching in kid, with rectal itching?
pinworms in vagina
heliotrope rash?
What rash may precede PSGN?
Impetigo, or scarlet fever (NOT AS COMMON) rash
tx of tense, fluid filled area surrounding right testicle?
= hydrocele; observation only
iga nephropathy vs psgn in onset after urti?
iga neph occurs w/in 24 hrs of urti, psgn occurs 8-10 days after
idiopathic calciuria can caus what nephro problems?
gross hematuria, recurrent; persistent microscopic hematuria,
enuresis tx
reassurance of parents of self-limiting nature; possible DDAVP which helps in 65% of cases, but often recurs after removing tx
next step after stabilizing a newby's with RDS born with oligohydramnios?
renal ultrasound to rule out renal dysgenesis as cause of oligohydramnios
juxtaglomerular hyperplasia causing hypokalemia, hypercalciuria, alkalosis, hyperaldost, and clin sx of constip, weakness, vomiting, polyuria, and polydipsia
Bartter syndrome
1 y/o with low wt and ht, severe polydipsia, polyuria, an constipaton and dehydration bouts?
Bartter's syndrome
during or after receiving anasthesia, development of very high fever and muscle rigidity? tx?
malignant hyperthermia
blood behind a tympanic membrane after fall?
basilar skull fracture
if tymp membrane ruptures and csf otorrhea occurs, how tx?
sit in upright position;
observe for 72hrs for signs of increased ICP
drainage beyond 72 hrs may require surg closure
acute hemiplegia in kid with slow develp delays? Tx for this condition?
tx: B6 pyridoxine may be helpful but wil need for life;
otherwise restrict methionine intake
early closure of sag suture =? tx?
primary craniosynostosis;
may tx with surgery
pontine hemmorrhage, OP poisoning, nerve gas, horner's all cause what to eyes?
pinpoint constriction
thromboembolic occlusion of mca causing hemiplegia with eyes looking away from the side of paralysis
actute infantile hemiplegia
Fabry disease? what def?
alpha-galactosidase deficient causing angiokeratomas in bathing trunk area causing severe pain episodes
frontal balding, catracts, testicular atrophy, sustained grip, increased CK, facial weakness seen in ?
MYOTONIC dystrophy
proximal muscle weakness with hypertrophy; clumsiness and difficulty standing up?
DUSCHENNES muscular dystrophy
CT finding in very, very low glucose and high lymphocyte CSF pt with meningial signs?
= TB meningitis. look for enhancement of the basal cisterns due to exudate
psychoneurological deterioration, consisting of personality change, seizures, myoclonus, ataxia, photosensitivity, ocular abnormalities, spasticity, and coma in child with persistent-measles?
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
pts with R-L shunts commonly get what type of infections of the brain? dx?
brain abscess. Must to brain mri/ct
top three brain tumors in kids?
cerebellar astrocytoma
brainstem glioma

all are infratentorial
what in infants may first present with acute constipation , then leading to weakness/ facial diplegia?
botulism (from honey)
cherry red spot at birth vs 6mo later?
at birth = GM1 gangliosidosis = beta galactosidase deficiency.
at 6 mo+ sx = hexosaminidase A deficiency
cong toxoplasmosis cns lesions are?
basal ganglia calcif's;
cortex cacif's (scattered and soft appearin intercranial calcif's)
hypotonia + weakness and delayed dev milestones due to ANTERIOR horn disorder?
Werdnig Hoffman
intrinsic foot muscl atrophy, then intrinsic hand muscle atrophy, and prox leg muscle atrophy?
sx of black widow bite
Black widow:
acute aBd px + sx (n, v)
Bite mark site
tx with MeBBBeridine + antivenin
scorpion bite sx? tx?
Scorpion with a BARB:
tx with pheonoBARBitol + antivenin
brown recluse bite?
Redness and
necRosis/ ulceRation at site
adhd, ocd, and motor and vocal tics in kid?
tx of dystonia caused by phenothiazine/ chlorpromazine?
6 mo old with blindness on same side as large facial lesion?
PHACE syndrome:
post. fossa malformations,
arterial anomolies
coarctation and cardiac defects
eye abnorms
14 y/o with precocious puberty, cafe aulait spots, bon abnormalities, and goiter?
McCune Albright
TORCHES are associated with what pl and Hb findings?
Thrombocytopenia and anemia in newbys.
Aspirin taken by mother during birth may cause?
NOT TCP but normal platelet levels WITH bleeding in newborn
what is HbA1, A2, and A3?
HbA1 = 2alpha/2beta
HbA2 = 2alpha/2delta
HbF = 2alpha/2gamma
tx for petechial rash + 20k platelets and no other sx?
this is ITP.
Tx = observation +/- steroids or IVIG
pallor, fever, bleeding, HSM, lcytosis, tcp?
kids with SCC also give what?
(PCV 7 valent (normal) )
PCV 23 valent at 2 yrs
Folic acid (all Hemolytic anemia pts need it)
Meningococcal vaccine at 2yrs
Prophylactic penicillin daily
m/c cause of jaundice in first 24 hrs?
ABO HDN = mommy has O and baby has A/B/AB
indications of poorer prognosis in ALL kids? Most of these have what type of ALL?
mediastinal mass;
age less than 12 o or greater than 10 yrs
WBC over 100,000
CNS leukemia

most of these have the T-cell type ALL (this is cd 1-8 + and NOT CD10 + as in B-cell ALL)
shock, decreased fnogen, increased f split products? tx?
Tx by txing underlying disorder!!
if nec, give 1- FFP for coag factor def's and
2- packed RBC's for anemia and
3- platelet concentrates for tcp
does allergic rhinitis usually cause systemie eosinophilia?
no...just eosinophilia in nasal washings.
2nd most common bone cxr in kids, see mottled moth-like projections on xray?
m/c bone cxr in kids? what see on xray?
Osarcoma...see sunburst appearance
predisposing factors to Osarcoma development
Paget's, retinoblastoma, radiotherapy
chemotherapeutic agent causing gi mucositis
vincristine toxicities?
SIADH, jaw pain,"", constipation, peripheral neuropathy
prednisone side effects?
cushing's , salt and water retentsion, hypertension, Oporeosis, susc to infection
adriamycin side effects?
tissue necrosis
CARDIOTOXICITY!!! if over 550 mg/m2
first step if suspect hodgkin's?
do CXRAY!!
howell jolly bodies seen in ?
asplenic pts ie Sickle Cell!!
target cells seen in a normal, asx pt getting a routine CBC screen
hemoglobin C disease
3 main endocrine causes of short stature? ht and wt changes in these?
hoth, low GH, low ACTH
in all of these, should have depressed ht while normal wt; vs malnutrition = decr ht and wt
def of short stature?
below 3rd %ile or 2 SD below target ht
don't give MMR to whom?
Cxr, AIDS, or low CD4 pts (b/c its a live vaccine)
if allergic to gelatin or neomycin
DTaP side effects?
fever w/in 3 days, encephalopathy, uncontrollable crying
don't give DTaP to?
High fever pt, seizure pt, encephalopathy pt
rotavirus vaccine...when give?
4 and 6 mo's
how give Poliovirus vaccine (IPV)?
injected (dont' give oral/live anymore except for global eradication)
who/when give meningitidis vaccine?
over 2 y/o who's asplenic;
11-12 y/o
pre-college who hasn't had it yet
which peaks earlier, CRP or ESR?
O TO P RATIO...what is it?
CSF WBC (predicted) = CSF WBCs Detected - (WBC in Blood * RBC in CSF / RBC in Blood).
Use for traumatic tap to still be able to rule out bacterial meningitis. if greater than 1, = chance of bact meningitis
what also can give in 1st 2 hrs post acetaminophen poisonoing?
what type poisoning occurs from multivitamin ingestion?
iron antidote?
sx of iron ingestion toxic ingestsion (ie from multivitamins)
bleeding to GI
classic finding in OP poisoning?
number one effect of OP poisoning?
CNS toxicity
dose of tylenol that may cause toxicity in adolescent?
over 7.5 g/day
when must you plot a normogram for acetaminophen poisoning
4 hrs after ingestion
if within 2 hrs, may give charcoal
top 2 causes of chronic diarrhea in dev country?
viral GE, celiac's
what sx do most Celiac's disease pts present with?
shortness, abd px,"", chronic diarrhea (comes later!)
what is fxnal diarrhea of childhood caused by?
chronic diarrhea caused by
increased juice intake, decreased fat intake
algorithm for chronic diarrhea
1 rectal exam
2 stool exam
3 24 hr fast, if secretory, d will continue, if osmotic, will stop
4 if osmotic, do celiac's test and check for pancr insuff (CF)
what diarrheas do probiotics shorten the length of?
ab-induced c. difficile p.colitis
rotavirus diarrhea
central pallor is greater than 1/3 the size of rbc
basophilic stippling is seen in?
ringed sideroblasts seen in?
howell jolly bodies?
heinz bodies?
1 lead poisoning
2 All sideroblastic anemia =
alcoholism, B6 def, Pb pois
3 in asplenic pts ie Sickle cell
4 oxidized Hb in G6PD
types of influenza virus?
nasal ( live, may spread) and injected (dead)
does flu vaccine cause the flu?
what give mother during labor to prevent GBS tmission to kid?
penicillin prophylaxis
when give pneumovax?
2,4,6, **23** mo
and give 23 serovalent vaccine for asplenic pts!!
Hep B shots when?
birth, 1mo, 6mo
what age start giving HPV vaccine to girls?
at age 10
side effect of ceftriaxone?
biliary sludging
when does croup/stridor present during a 24 hr day?
usually in evening
tx for stridor seen in preme?
just flip over on stomach...this stops stridor in most of cases
2 y/o gets fuo from mother w/fever, kissing her ?
over what age is monospot test useful in?
only useful over age 40!
sinus TC in babies, + fever think?
Hotension def?
up to 1 mo : less than 60
up to 1yr: less than 70
up to 10yr: less than 70+2xage
over 10 yr: less than 90
fuo def?
over 38.3, for over 2 weeks
anti-endomyseal ab's in?
how to measure fever if think may be facticious?
place therm in urine sample
each increase of temp by 1degC should increase HR by?
15 bpm!
Only type of fever with bradycardia?
Typhoid fever
if ever see acute mastoiditis -like reaction without O.M.?
isn't mastoiditis, but is external O.M.
m/c cause of neonatal fever?
acute swelling of mouth, tongue lips, hands, gi cramping, hereditary? tx?
Hereditary angioedema. Tx = danazol; or CI INH infusion; may need intubation to keep a/w patent
what AB given for severe blitis? why?
Azithro...not for bacteria but to decrease mucus secretions!!
RSV or non-RSV blitis more severe?
RSV vaccine for?
all babies less than 31 wks, or with CLD taht are over 31 wks, or less than 1 year by november
BPD def?
36 w/o preme that still needs O2
tx for BPD/
STEROIDs, diuretics for edema; nutrition
late sepsis bugs?
staph epid, MRSA, saureus
US findings in preme brain ischemia?
periventricular calcifications
cysts/ hollow places in brain tissue in preme less than 30 wks gest?
periventricular leukomalacia
percent of PVL that will result in CP?
all preme's get what routine procedure, to check for what?
brain US to check for PVL
psycho/neural problems almost ALL preme's get?
learning disabilities,
pt with sx of acute asthma attack but O2sat = 100%?
psychogenic asthma
white vs gray exudate on tonsils?
white = c dipth; GAS.
gray = necrosis = Mono/EBV
why does vulvovaginitis occur more freq in babies/elderly?
b/c don't have estrogen, and estrogen causes aciduria which prevents fungal candidiasis
what orgs are resistant to all ceph's 1, 2, and 3rd gen? so how to treat these?
enterobacter, citrobacter, proteus, p. aeruginosa
treat with tmp-smx or for p aeruginosa, may use AG's
what to give for strept. faecalis (enterococci)
amp + gent ; or vanco
Ladenitis give what AB's
amoxy + clav acid
if RR in blitis pt is over 50, what other tx must you consider?
baby probably cant eat/drink well; consider IV fluids
crackles in baby's lung, most likely a sign of?
bronchiolitis, not bacteria
Under what # diapers / day do you consider a baby dehydrated?
avg HR, RR in newby? older child?
newby: 140-160; 40-60
older child: 120; 15-25
BW in what intervals should be doubled, tripled, qadrupled?
doubled at 4-6 mo
tripled at 12 mo
quad'd at 2 yrs
Ht should be what at what ages?
1 yr = 30 inches
3 yr = 3 feet
4 yr = 40 inches
childhood avg growth (wt and ht ) / yr?
5lbs/year and 2.5 "/ year from ages 4-13
2 m/c sites of central venous line in babies?
femoral, int. jug
(subclav not used)
pros and cons of fem; int jug
central venous lines?
fem = easy infection with fecal flora; poor CVP measurement
Int Jug: risk of PTx! good cvp measurement; contaminaton rare
fever immediately post burn...tx?
no; observe. fever w/in 1 day of burn is usually due to burn; if continues to 2 days, give AB's
burn infection pathogens?
Staph A, GAS, pseudomonas( if after 1st wk)
give AB's to burn victims prophylactically?
Not indicated! only if pt gets fever persisting over 2 d
see septic emboli on skin of kid, what pathogen?
sub cutaneous hemorrhages = name?
purpura = petechia or ecchymoses
erysipelas presents like?
diffuse redness with distinct borders
cellulitis presentation
diffuse redness with INDISTINCT borders
strawberry tongue plus rash and fever? (3)
scarlet fever, TSS, Kawasaki's!!
pathogen causing gingivostomatitis?
measles vs rubella?
measles = 3 d pre-prodrome sickness of Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivitis and fever; h-toe, stays for 6 days

rubella = no prodrome; just retroauricular or post-cerv or postoccipital LAD; rash lastign 3 days only; rash h-t then disappears h-t
pos-circumcision vesicular, oozing, diffuse rash
SSSS; tx is AB's and elytes
M. Furfur is pathogen of what type fungus?
tinea versicolor
tx for FMF?
opsoclonus myoclonus=?
dancing eyes, dancing feet = affects 2% of kids w/neuroblastoma
what does amoxi-clav cover for that you dont get with 2nd gen ceph's?
g - 's
abdominal peritonitis seen in patient with recurrent fever, think?
FMF!!!! 95% get peritonitis at some point! also see pleuritis, causing chest attacks, or pericarditis
Famililal Hibernian Fever?
like FMF but get Tnf-R Assoc Periodic Fever = TRAPS
retinitis pigmentosum = what disease?
Hog seen in LGA's to DM mothers AND?
and preme's or SGA's due to underdeveloped liver!
hyp0albuminemia complicates?
causes decreased wound healing in burns
surfactant is inhibited by? stimulated by?
corticosteroids; cortisol (stress), thyroxine hormone; prolactin
kcal and prot / day
kCal / kg/day: 115 0-6mo
105 6-12mo
up to 200% for LGA's/FTT's to catch up!
prot = 2.2g/kg/day
ingestion of cow's vs human milk?
cow: may lead to hypernatremia b/c higher Na; has excess caseins; no taurine; no lipase; LESS lactose = constip; fewer Ig's = more infections.
Human: less caseins; Taurine; greater unsat fats;contains lipase;more lactose= softer stools; more Ig's = less inf's
blind loop sx?
chronic diarrhea b/c reinfection of blind loop
milk allergy seen with what signs?
FOB in stool; may see eosinophilia
abetalipoproteinemia may have what sx and signs?
retinosa pigmentosum;
acanthosis (spiky abnormal cells) on smear
tx of abetalipoproteinemia?
low fat diet or pt may die!
depressed fontanelle + decr urine output in 5m/o?
#1 diarrhea pathogen?
salm vs shigella?
salm = GEitis + pea soup colored diarrhea

shig = colitis + red diarrhea
giardia affects what part of GI?
proximal Small intestine
only tx's for acute diarrhea? (3 cases)
1) traveler's d - cipro prophylactic
2) Giardia - metronidazole
3) Salmonella in 6m/o or younger, or IC pt - AB's to cover g- ie amp+gent
osteomyelitis due to Salmonella infection is much more common in this disease than in the general population
Sickle cell anemia
thumbprint sign in bowel seen in what conditions?
ischemic bowel, C. difficile, HSP, HUS
nocturnal cough?
#1 cough in kids?
#2 cough in kids?
PNDrip 2ndary to chronic rhinitis
other causes of cough in kids?
bectasis; hypertrophied tonsils; GERD;
best test to check for pl effusion in kid?
US is gold standard
or may use CT or decubitus Cxray
best test for empyema? tx?
VATS = video assisted thorascopy.
tx = chest tube +/- surg drainage; AB's;
hot potato sound on breathing/talking?
spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)?
=Werdnig Hoffman
Pectus cavernatum, think?
avg birth head circ/
normal head circ growth?
1cm/mo for first year; so by year 1 should be 47 cm
precocious puberty def?
puberty by age:
7y/o (6y/o black) female
9 y/o male
non-cyanotic hd's?
VSD, ASD, PDA ( unless erlenmenger's sets in)
cyanotic hd's?
TF, transp, trunc art, Tricusp atresia, TAPVR,
m/c pathogen, and tx for o.media?
S. pneumonia; H. influ (strain causing O.media is not decreased by vaccine)
amoxy; if resistant use amoxy + clav acid
if give amoxy and pt gets full body rash, what may patient actually have?
may have EBV and be getting rash from tx
pink liquid drug, probably?
pathogen causing OMyelitis? #2 pathogen is ?
s. aureus
king kingella! (or GBS in neo's)
also p. aeruginosa if foot puncture
% of Omyelitis causing a single vs multiple site infection? in neonates?
90% single loc unless neonate = 50% single, 50% multiple sites!!
dx and tx o Omyelitis?
Bcultures; Aspirate + take culture; bichemistry to check WBC's and ESR; xray of metaphysis; mr/ct; Technetium BONE SCAN!!
tx of Omyelitis?
oxacillin/nafcillin (anti staph) + cover GBS and g-'s in neonates with cefotaxime
normal wt should be?
8 +2xage; ie in 7 y/o = 22kg
less than 3 mo with blitis, also do what in workup?
full sepsis workup = BC, LP, CBC, suprapubic urine C
what may occur 2ndary to pneumonia in 7w/old?
GBS or HI meningitis
m/c uti in kids?
ecoli; 5% = enterococci
m vs female uti?
m more common up to 6 mo; then femal more common 10:1
apnea or excessive sleeping in infant may be sign of?
sepsis! do full workup
headache + unilateral tearing;better with O2 administration?
cluster headache OR sinusitis
when administer rotateq vaccine?
daily vit D intake for all kids?
only c/i's to flu shot for all kids?
less than 6mo or older than 18y;
anaphylactic shock hx;
Guillan Barre
biomarker for SBI (serious bact infection)
gestational DM hinders what in offspring?
expressive language..!
why give oxacillin and not an AG in osteomyelitis?
AG has less effectivity on bones and low O2 tissues
first step in txing kid with iron def?
try stopping cow's milk consumption to increase iron absorption
when and how to introduce new foods to baby?
1 new food / week starting at 5 mo to test for allergies
Epstein heart anomaly may be caused by?
lithium taken during pregnancy
#1 cong heart anomaly seen in kids of DM I mothers?
#1 cong heart anomaly seen in kids of gest DM mothers?
Hocomp that resolves
rubella in mom during what trimester affects baby?
1st trimester or especially if before and during conception!!
type of murmur from rubella
PDA; PULM STEN; vsd, asd
most important q's to ask mother to det/n if cong heart dis may be present?
is baby feeding normally(ask # of feeds/day); is baby gaining weight.
In congheart defect, will have problem feeding; and increased energy use may cause decreased wt gain
% of kids born to mother with cong heart disease that will also have?
% cong heart diseas in pop?
ASD murmur is really just?
increased flow across Pvalve and tricuspid valve
noonan's (male turner's) heart defect?
chest px in kid, think?
1st asthma; but think aslo of kawasaki's
doughy, soft muscles and shallow breathing are signs of?
cause of hypotonia?
any CNS defect ie malformations, b damage, umn or lmn lesion, neural tube defects, Guillan barre; also Tay-Sachs, Prader Willi, Down's
peripheral weakness/hypotonia caused by neurons?
n-m jxn?
GB, trauma, SC lesion

Mgravis, botulism, tick paralysis

Myotonic or Duchennes MD
congential lymphangiectasia that causes protein-losing enteropathy.[1] It is also known as intestinal lymphangiectasia with peripheral lymphedema.
causes unilat/bilat lower extremity edema in young girls?
Milroy disease
hypoalbuminemia in kids?
less than 3.0 g/dL
causes of hypoalb in kids?
Milroy's (protein losing enteropathy); Notic syndrome; CHF; liver failure
strep/ecoli peritonitis tx?
3rd gen ceph
who are children at special risk that require covalent (7-valent) pneumovax more frequently if under 2y/o?
asplenic ie Sickle Cell
Vaccin 1x with 23 valent pneumovax for?

revaccin with 23 valent pneumovax every 5-10 years for?
adults only; or asplenic/ kids over 2
asplenic or nephrotic pts
#1 cause of death in kids with nephrotic syndrome?
Strep pneumonia peritonitis!!!!!!!!! so must give 23 valent vaccine to all kids with notic syndrome, give every 5-10 yrs;
why does nephrotic syndrome predispose to inf with strep pneumonia?
Notic syndrome causes hypogammaglobulniemia = low IgG levels = low opsonization of spneum
1st line drug for kids with htn?
captopril s/e's?
angioedema, cough, rash, may cause notic syndrome due to diffuse membranous glomerulopathy
captopril contraindicated for?
preg girl in 2nd/3rd trim
cang ive captopril to what ages?
ALL: ages as young as neonates are ok
use of ranitidine?
is h2 blocker; use in GERD; also for anaphylaxis to prevent delayed reaction
% notic syndrom that will recur in lifetime?
66% (2/3)
percent notic syndrom will respond to steroid therapy?
cause of 2ndary htn in kids?
v-u reflux syndrome; rastenosis;nephritic syndrome (rarely notic), hyperth, cushing's, a-genital syndrome
% of CAH caused by 21oh deficiency?
This causes salt-wasting, with life-threatening vomiting and dehydration occurring within the first weeks of life. and is also the most common cause of ambiguous genitalia due to prenatal virilization of genetically female (XX) infants.
CAH caused by 21 0h def (95%)
hypertension in kids classif? NSiM?
90-95th = pre htn: follow
95-99th = stage I: check in 2 weeks; if still high, refer
+99th = stage II: refer
shiny bald patches on edges/tip of tongue and recurring cough?
think asthma = tongue of asthma
blurred, widened limbus of eye?
bruxism think asthma or chronic rhinitis
three vessels in umbilicus?
2 arts, one vein
single umb art is associated with?
increased cong anomalies
epigastric peristaltic waves l-r during feeding?
think pyloric stenosis
diminshed femoral pulses, think?
coa of aorta
cong anomaly
if over 3, rheumatic disease causing ao sten
all 5 T's (cyanotic cong heart disease) have what type murmurs?
systolic; usually on leftsternal border
lactose, protein in soymilk?
no lactose;
soy protein (still 10-30% of milk allergy pts allergic to this)
for lactose intol, give what?
milk allergy, give what?
try soy; if still allergic, give casein hydrolyzate formula ie nutramigen, progestemil
progestemil has what char's?
casein hydrolyzate PLUS MCTriglycerides = easier breakdown
m/c SBO in toddlers less than 2 y/o?
good way to tell central vs periph hypotonia?
central = hyperreflexia; caan withdraw to pain but need strong stimulus); do brain CT

periph hot: can't withdraw to pain; absent reflexes; don't need brain CT; just neuromuscular studies
fast onset; increased Na retention causing pulm edema and h2o overload seen in nitic or notic?
nitic syndrome
slow onset; liver tries to compensate for low albumin by increasing prod of all products ie triglycerides, etc....seen in nitic or notic?
notic syndrome
non-albumin proteinuria caused by?
Multiple myeloma (can't detect the type of proteinuria on dipstick, though)
viral: no blood, mucus, or leukocytes on slide;
bact: may have + all
don't give what to v-u reflux pt?
cipro! but do give ceftriaxone if UTI
less than 1000g preme's need what prophylactically to tx what?
fluconazole to prevent invasive candida
contents are described as "blood and/or mucus",[2] and sometimes "blood and mucus".[3] In either case, it represents the consequences of mucosal INVASION of the intestine.
kcal and prot / 100 ml human milk?
67 kcal/ 1.2 g prot
phosphorous excess in cow's milk may cause?
feedback to inhibit PTH to cause hypocalcemia and chvostek's/trousseau sign/tremors/tetany
humanized cow's milk has?
less protein; less phosph and na; increased lactose; supplemented with vitA
viral genteritis does what to lactose?
viruses cause decrease of lactase at brush border SI=temporary lactose intolerance= colonic lactic acid causes acidosis and osmotic shift = diarrhea
if viral genteritis causes lactose intolerance in baby breastfeeding, how tx?
stop bfeeds and give lactose - formula (ie soy).
migraine with aura vs without?
with: unilat; 1-3hrs; familial 90%
without: 5-60mins, blurry vision; light flashes in eyes
cyclic severe vomiting plus recurrent GI px?
think abdominal migraine!!
EEG during a migraine shows what?
no abnormalities
tx for migraine?
lifestyle changes unless significantly affects daily life; give ie sumatriptan, cyproheptadine, etc.
headache, NON throbbing, stress induce, due to caffeine, etc, may have underlying depression?
tension headaches
headache with psychosis, behav changess
basilar migraine
% of SGA's that eventually catch up?
drugs causing short stature?
asthma steroids/ other disesae needing steroids