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176 Cards in this Set

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almost all abdominal pregnancies are caused by?
early rupture or abortion of a tubal pregnancy
tx for abdominal pregnancy?
surgery - and cut cord close to placenta but leave placenta in abd to avoid risk of hemorrhage (but increases risk of infection)
tx of placenta acreta , percreta, or increta?
hysterectomy!! (if severe enough)
tx of placenta previa?
why p previa tx'd by C-section cause hemorrhage? tx if unstoppable hemorrhage during CS?
b/c in the lower uterus the muscles have low contractility -so if bleeding, hard to stop

tx would be hysterectomy for unstoppable hemorrhage in CS for p previa
DIC other name?
consumptive coagulopathy
woman with 5 weeks past abortion who still has spotting at risk for what?
DIC from retained pregnancy tissue
ACUTE polyhydramnios occurs when and causes what?
occurs in early pregnancy and causes labor before 28 weeks
levels of AFI?
An AFI < 5-6cm is considered as Oligohydramnios[2] and an AFI > 20-24cm is considered as Polyhydramnios.
4 causes of polyhydramnios?

4 complics of polyhydramnios?
20% = gest diabetes
20% = cong anomalies ie esoph atresia +/- te fistula, duod atresia (ie in DS)
Maternal cardiac/kidney failure
Chorioangioma of placenta
placental abruption
uterine dysfunction
cord prolapse
dipstick finding indicating severe preeclampsia?
indications of severe preeclampsia?
preeclampsia PLUS ANY of:

- >5g / 24hrs proteinuria
- 3+ protein on random dipstick
- > 160syst or >110 diastolic bp
- oliguria <500ml / 24 hrs
- cerebral or visual disturbances
- RUQ px, or epigastric px
- impaired liver fxn
- pulm edema or cyanosis
- fetal growth restriction
is CS always necessary for ecclampsia?
no, but some form of delivery asap is
best drug for preeclampsia to prevent seizures?
for eclampsia?
for both = MgSO4
= better than pheynytoin or diazepam!
donor vs recipient in twin-twin transfusion?
donor: anemic due to blood loss,
recipient: polycythemic, may develop thromboses, or hydramnios from overloaded vasculature
candidate for cerclage?
pt with 3+ MIDtrimester (not first) pregnancy losses or early preterm deliverieswithout evidence of labor or abruption,
what cerv os length or funneling amt is assoc with increased risk for preterm delivery?
<25 mm or funneling of >25%
bleeding occurs in what % human gestations? what % end in abortion?
35%, 18% end in abortion
missed abortion definition?
fetal death occurring before 20 weeks without any expulsion of fetal or maternal tissue or bleeding for at least 8 weeks
enlarged- for-date uterus and continued bleeding in the first 2 trimesters?
dx: hydatidiform mole
tx for hydatidiform mole in woman who has completed chldbearing?
regrowth occur in what percent of molar pregnancies
20% of COMPLETE molar
less common in partial molar (which is more common)
tx for woman who had a molar pregnancy evacuated?
weekly HCG levels
NOT prophylactic chemo b/c in 90% of cases, no regrowth
when to initiate single- vs double agent chemo in pt with previous hydatidiform mole?
single - if hCG remains high 8 wks after evac. or rises/plateaus 2-3 weeks after evac.
combo chemo therapy if mets to liver, brain
pathology: villi seen in a tubular structure from path from laparotomy?
= tubal ectopic pregnancy
what would ruptured tubal pregnancy present as in ER? sx? NSiM?
hemoperitoneum! = peritoneal signs, vag bleeding, hotn + tc, ETC.
do Culdocentesis
what is culdocentesis?
aspiration of fluid from culdesac (rectovaginal pouch of douglas) for blood caused by ruptured tubal preg
laparotomy vs laparaoscopy for tubal pregnancy removal?
laparotomy = longer stays, less ectopic tissue remainign
lapscopy = shorter stays, more ectopic preg tissue remains
both = same future fertility rates
major factor causing ectopic preg's? other factors?
PID. others = any tubal operation, previous ectopic preg, IUD, induction of ovulation DES exposure,
PPROM + chorioamnionitis with normal FHR and no cerv changes...NSIM? if FHR is non-reactive?
iv ab'S to prevent neonatla sepsis, induce labor if necessary ; dont' give steroids b/c labor is imminent AND b/c cant give in chorioamnionitis! if fhr is nonreactive do CS
PPROM, when steroids indicated? in every other case?
24-32 weeks otherwise, if no PPROM, give steroids 24-34 weeks
1st step in managmeent for premature contractions
give IV hydration, since dehyd can cause premature contractions
vag bleeding in 25 weeks...order of management?
do US first to check placenta location for p previa, then do digital exam for cervical dilation
don't give indomethacin as a tocolytic in what condition?
don't give if oligohydramnios or twin-twin tfusion causing oligohydramnios...
this drug itself causes oligoh
is there vag bleeding assoc with subserous pedunculated fibroid
no - it grows OUTWARD into abdominal cavity
ANY pt with vag bleeding in 3rd trim should undergo what FIRST?
US to r/o pprevia; (b/c if + can't do digital exam)
hemorrhage from pprevia NSiM?
CS emergency
drugs given for uterine atony?
Methylergonavine IM
Prostaglandin F suppository
Misoprostil suppository
Prost E suppository
NOT terbutaline = ut relaxant
tx for placenta accreta
placenta accreta is greater in women with what hx?
previous CS's
causes of over 3-4 cm smaller fundal ht than expected?
1) dates incorrect
2) oligoh
3) fetal restriction,demise
cause of assymetric vs symmetric fetal IUGR?
assymetric = nutritional def's or hypertension
symmetric = fetal infections, chrom abnorms, congen anomalies
IUGR fetuses may dev what after birth?
they often get stressed = pass meconium = aspiration = hypoxia
also they often have hypoxia from placental insuff;
also may have mulitple organ thromboses due to PCV from poor placental o2 transfer
after titers for anti-D found +, how often should be followed and at what pt administer IgG?
follow every 4 weeks and when titers become over 1:16, do amnocentesis to check for fetal hemolysis that can be seen by bilirubin on spectrophotometric analysis OR PUBS to check for fetal blood Hct and fetal blood type
hydrops fetalis def?
condition in the fetus characterized by an accumulation of fluid, or edema, in at least two fetal compartments, including the subcutaneous tissue, pleura, pericardium, or in the abdomen, which is also known as ascites.
causes of hydrops fetalis?
m/c = Rh disease (immune type)
also iron def anemia, b thal, lysosomal storage dis, turner's, etc (non-immune)

these ALL cause fetal ANEMIA which causes heart to pump harder/more blood vol = fluid accum in body
htn in pregnancy definition
at or over 140/90 at least 2 separate measurements 6hrs apart or more
when to give eclamptic woman also a antihypertensive? purpose? what give?
if diast gets over 110...purpose is to avoid maternal stroke
GIVE nifedipine, hydraliazine, or labetolol
in eclamptic pt at 36 weeks, what NSiM?
Induce labor! amniotomy and pitocin
don't do CS b/c of maternal risks from surgery
when and what changes occur in Mg toxicity
4-7mg/dL = normal levels
8-12 = patellar reflexes lost
10-12 slurred speech, somnolence
15-17 muscle paralysis and resp diff
over 30 = cardiac arrest
does shingles in mother cause VZV in kid?
not likely b/c is a reactivation of vzv and mther already has IgG which she passes to kid
hsmegaly, petechial rash, and cong heart disease, and rash and jaundice in newby?
cong Rubella!!
tx for pen-allergic motehr who has asx NG?
give her spectinomycin / or erythromycin
highest time of risk of dvt/ thromboembolism/ cva in preg pt with past pulm embol during first preg...? tx?
give prophylactic heparin low dose, during post-partum period (highest risk)
prego comes in with rocking, knees drawn up and trunk flexed in agony?
classic sign of acute pcreatitis
ratio of amylase cleraance to creatinine clearance in acute pancreatitis?
always >5%
rate of asx bacteriuria in pregos? what % becomes sx during preg? tx?
2-12%;35% becomes sx during pregnancy;
for ASX BU: tx =amp or cephalasporins;
Maternal DM causes what to fetus?
highest time of risk of dvt/ thromboembolism/ cva in preg pt with past pulm embol during first preg...? tx?
give prophylactic heparin low dose, during post-partum period (highest risk)
prego comes in with rocking, knees drawn up and trunk flexed in agony?
classic sign of acute pcreatitis
ratio of amylase cleraance to creatinine clearance in acute pancreatitis?
always >5%
rate of asx bacteriuria in pregos? what % becomes sx during preg? tx?
2-12%;35% becomes sx during pregnancy;
for ASX BU: tx =amp or cephalasporins;
Maternal DM causes what to fetus?
90% of pregos have what kind of murmur? 20% have what?
syst ejection; diast murmur
Rifampin S/E's
Renal failure (acute)
Orange sweat, urine, tears
Flulike syndrome
Abd px
Neuropathy (reversible w/pyridoxine)
Lupus-like syndrome with + ANA's
Rash, fever
Streptomycin S/E's?
Ototoxicity in m and fetus
Ethambutol S/E's?
optic neuritis
prego with chronic HepB inf ...what tx of fetus and her?
fetus should be givne hep B IgG and Hep B vaccine at birth
M/C derm condition in pregnancy? spread?
PUPPP = pruritic and urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. starts in abd/trunk...spread to buttocks, thighs extremities sparing the face
vesicles and bullae in 2nd/3rd trim all over body?
gestational pemphigoid (herpes gestationis)
excoriated , small, pruritic lesions appearing on trunk and forearms in prego, 25-30th week,
prurigo gestationis
pustular eruption along margins of erythematous patches; in late pregancy; lesions at points of flexure and extend peripherally; mucoous membranes involved; nausea, vomit, diarrhea, chills, fever, with no itching usually
impetigo herpetiformis
first line tx for prurigogestationis, or papular dermatitis (PUPPP)
antihistamines + corticosteroids topical
tx for prego with HSV outbreaks? how to deliver?
acyclovir in weeks 36 and beyond; deliver vaginally if recurrent herpes, but no lesions present; if lesions, do CS. also do CS if mom's first time with HSV (b/c no ab's IgG's made yet to transmit to fetus)
m/c malformation in fetus of mother with Dm?
gest DM predisposes to what?
intrapartum complications
main cause of gest DM?
insulin resistance (preg hormones binding to ins receptor)
rf's for gest DM?
prev gest DM
prev hix of ins resistance/gluc tol/ impaired fasting glycemia
fam hx (1st deg relative(of dm II
ethnicity (afr., native am's, islanders
age of mother >35
past poor obstetric hx
sx of gest dm?
mostly asx, but may see:
thirst, increased urination, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bladder infection, yeast infections and blurred vision
positive GTT =?
Fasting blood glucose level ≥95 mg/dl (5.33 mmol/L)
1 hour blood glucose level ≥180 mg/dl (10 mmol/L)
2 hour blood glucose level ≥155 mg/dl (8.6 mmol/L)
3 hour blood glucose level ≥140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/L)
is gest dm a arisk for birth defects?
no, but DM II is: ie VSD, msk and cns malformations, sacral agenesis
gest dm causes what in fetus?
macrosomia / shoulder dystocia/ etc.
low blood glucose (hypoglycemia), jaundice, high red blood cell mass (polycythemia) and low blood calcium (hypocalcemia) and magnesium (hypomagnesemia).

MEPPP, and UTI's in mom, RDS
what is they only complication in DM II people that when pregnant, may worsen?
proliferative retinopathy
ptu medications for Grave's in mom cause what in fetus?
fetal hypothyroidism, goiter
after gest dm confirmed and diet given, what are normal levels when gluc is rechecked?
Normal ranges for blood sugars on diet therapy are:

1.) Fasting blood sugar of less than 105 mg%

2.) Blood sugar values two hours after meals of less than 120 mg%

If these not met, = A2 type, give INSULIN
when should labor be induced for gest dm? when CS?
AT term; if poorly controlled gest dm A2, consider delivery right at 37 weeks.
If baby is >4250 g, do CS
tx for acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
immediate delivery
diff b/w gestational tcp and ITP?
immune tcp = women have prior history of easy bruising, nose and gum bleeds, etc.
gest tcp = often asx, and have no prior hx of bleeding
tx for severely low platelets in ITP?
platelet tfusion if <25000
splenectomy if necessary
does influenza in mom cause effects in baby?
what fetal effects does VZV in mom cause? when occur?
if in first half preg, causes:
hydroceph, cortical atrophy, bony defects, ydronephrosis, and chorioretinitis;
possible severe pneumonitis in mom
neonatal CMV?
periventricular calcifications; chorioretinitis, retard, s/n defects, hsm, jaundice, anemia, tcp
neonatal toxo? when occur
infection occurs when mom gets infected during 3rd trim usually; cortex calcifcations, lbw, jaundice, seizures, reatrd
neonatal syphilis sx?
hsm, edema, ascites, hdrops, petechia/purpuric skin lesions, osteochondrititis, lad, rhinitis, myocarditis, nephrosis
parvovirus in mom can cause what in fetus?
fetal anemia--> fetalis hydrops, abortion, sxtillbirth..
20% occurs during school outbreaks
if it's pregant mom's FIRST herpes infection, what % fetal infection? if recurrent?
first = 50%!!!
recurrent only 5%
def of protracted active phase? tx?
<1.2 cm/hr dilation of cervix
tx = either expectant OR pitocin
what tx may decrease the need for CS in pts with variable decelerations seen?
most forceps deliveries are what type forceps? what type of forceps?
"Low forceps" deliveries = station of at least +2 / 5, but head not on the pelvic floor yet...
use SIMPSON forceps for low, kielland forceps for mid
m/c cause of anaesthetic deaths in obstetrics?
aspiration pneumonia
tx of protracted active phase OR arrested dilation OR hypotonic uterus (dilation w/ weak contractions)
pitocin/oxytocin, as long as there's evidence of NO Cephalopelvic disproportion or fetal decline; if there is, do CS...also, if there are already significant regular contractions, oxytocin is not necessary(won't help) so just go straight to CS
midline vs medio-lateral episiotomies?
midline= easier to repair, less px, blood loss, or surg b/d, BUT higher chance to extend incision to rectum
37 weeks prego, abd px with bleeding, tender uterus with frequent contractions....dx? immediate NSIM?
abruption placenta!!
stabilize mom w/2 IV's and fluid
prepr for CS
int ut catheter for fetal status
fetal monitor
give pt with acute abruption placenta oxytocin?
no; b/c uterus is already contracting
any deteriorating fetal condition...ie fall in scalp pH, late dec's ...NSIM?
tx for protracted latent phase?
meperidine to help pt go to sleep and then will probably wake up in active labor!!
what may epidural lead to?
abnormal labor patterns,
ie hypotonic uterus (ie only 40mmHg contractions)
delay of descent ( lengthened second stage of labor)
need for oxytocin
fetal BC caused by maternal hotn (tx with ephedrine to mom)
tx for arrest of descent in active labor and adequate contractions?
CS, b/c oxy wont do anything if contractions are adequate
type of block assoc with fetal bc?
paracervical block
block taht can reach up to T10?
what may spinal block also do?
cause maternal BC, and decr uteroplacental perfusion due to inhib of sympathetic system
when may epidural provide relief?
1st (l and a), 2nd stages of labor (delivery)
false labor definition?
IRREGULAR contractions (ie every 3-12 minutes),
UNCHANGED contraction intensity
NOchange in cerv dil or effacement
Lower back px and abd discomfort
relief with sedation
full def of arrest of labor?
arrested cerv dilation PLUS adequate uterine contractions (<200 Montevideo units = (#contrcts/10mins X intensitymmHg)
what are indications for assisted delivery (vacuum/forceps)
when :
when cervix is already FULLY dilated and
fetal head is engaged AND:
1)prolonged 2nd stage,
2)suspicion of pot fetal demise
3) need to shorten 2nd stage for maternal benefit (ie exhaustion)
NSIM with shoulder dystocia during delivery?
mcrobert's maneuver(knees to chest to widen pelvis-->
suprapubic pressure-->
Wood's corkscrew (rotate post shoulder)
delivery of post shoulder

do NOT give fundal pressure
c5-c6 vs c7-T1 injuries?
5-6 = erb/duchenne's palsy
7-10 = Klumpke's =hand paralysis (due to interosseous (ulnar) and thenar/hypothenar (median) paralysis
vacuum vs forceps S/E's
forceps: ocular trauma and corneal abrasions
vacuum: cephhematoma +/- jaundice;
retinal hem's, intracranial hem's
staion 0 is where anatomically?
in b/w ischial spines
degrees of episiotomies?
1st = only vag muc or perineal skin
2nd = +subcut tissue
3rd = + rectal muscle
4th = + rectal mucosa
tx for prolonged latent labor, OR for suspected false labor?
prolonged latent = mepiridine (narcotic)
and suspected false = morphine...

piont is, sedate woman and if true labor, will wake up in active labor with energy to deliver. if false, sedation will cause contractions to cease
when to do internal podalic version?
in TWINS, not in single fetus births
higher risk in breech positions? risk for what?
footling = worst risk
complete = lesser risk
frank = least risk

risk is mainly for cord prolapse / fetal hypoxia, also for head entrapment and
NSIM in ambiguous baby genitals?
thorough physicalexam for signs of hirsutism (CAH = hyponat, hyperkal -> fetal death if not dx'd!)
sx of sheehan's
(anterior pituiatary necrosis)
atrophy of breasts,
loss of thyroid fxn
loss of adrenal fxn
M/C causes of puerperal fever? m/c bug?
1) genital tract inf
2) uti
3) MASTITis - 15% of postpartum women..! less if given lact suppressants
4) lesion from intubation

m/c bug = GAS (s pyogenes)
events in hypoth - pit caused by suckling?
suckling --> decr dop release in hoth --> decr prol inh factor (PIF) from portal system to pit gland -->incr prod of prol by pit --> also release of oxy by pit-->milk release by lactif ducts
also --> suppresses LH-releasing factor so acts as contraceptive
how common is postpartum PE? waht % has classic triad of hemoptysis, dyspnea, and pleuritic chest px?
only 20%
acute endometritis causes of?
compromised abortions, delivery, medical instrumentation, and retention of placental fragments.
septic thrombophlebitis post partum may effect which vessels? what may follow?
ovarian vein or iliofemoral vn but rarely both;
IVC thphlebitis may follow
postpartum pelvic infection iwth pain and fever with fever spikes,...
dx? how confirm?
ovarian vein/ iliofemoral vein thrombophlebitis
confirm dx with CT
signs of puerperal mastitis...fever, tc, chills etc with redness on breast..NSIM? most commonn bug?
breastmilk culture; then if + initiate AB's = dicloxacillin (pen-ase resistant), since most bugs are s aureus
% contraction of TB by baby in first year if + mother and no prophyl tx given to baby?
up to 50%
tb tx to baby with mom + for tb?
BCG vaccine OR
INH prophylaxis
BCG vaccine given, can do PPD test after?
No; ability to perform PPD is lost
postpartum ( with episiotomy done) inability to void dx? NSIM?
consider vulvar hematoma,
urethral laceration pain
oxytocin (is a antidiuretic --> overdistended bladder, inability to void)

NSIM = indwelling catheter
C/I's to breast feeding?
Lithium, active TB or HIV, ACUTE Hep B, neoplastic drugs, Tetx. NOT mastitis, engorgement, cracked/bleeding nipples, other AB's, or URTI in baby
NSIM for chorioamnionits during labor?
tx with amp and gent and continue with labor
which organism is resistant to pens, gent, and causes postpartum maternal infections often? tx?
b fragilis
tx with CLINDAmycin (actually, wiki says cefoxitin or metronidazole b/c resistance to clinda in 30% is reported)
vaginal bleeding >2weeks post partum with asx uterus but larger than expected...dx?
subinvoluted uterus
vaginal bleeding >2weeks post partum with excessive bleeding or uterine tenderness....ddx?
retained plac fragments OR
endometritis (caused by retained plac fragments)
subinvol of uterus (is usually painless though)
stimulants of uterine contractions?
methylergonovine maleate (methergine)
ergonovine maleate (ergotrate)
NSIM for uterine inversion while delivering the placenta?
IV's and blood available
Anasthesiologist to administer halothane
remove placenta
restore uterus
remove anasth and induce oxytocin to contract uterus
clostridium found on cervical smear after vag delivery...nsim?
CLOSE management for renal failure, hemolysis, or gas gangrene...
if gas gangrene, do total hysterectomy!!
m/c ifnection post CS?
predisposing rf's for endometritis?
long labor, and prolonged ROM
fever in atelectasis post surgery (ie CS)?
occurs in FIRST 24 hrs!
AFTER tx for metritis with AB's, still see fever spikes...dx?
this is classic for ov vein thrombophlebitis (= fever spikes continue even after AB tx)
ovtp occurs 2ndary to pelvic infection
endometritis vs Ov vein thrombophelbitis?
e = uterine tenderness; occurs furst
ovtp = no px, fever spikes AFTER inf and tx for e or other pelvic infection
tx for ovarina vein or iliofemoral vein thrombophlebitis?
IV heparin
tx of endometritis?
cefotetan / cefoxitin for polymicrobial pelvic infection
onset and durationof PP depression?
onset = 2wks-12 months postpartum
dur = 3-14 mo
PP or maternity blues onset? resolves in?
3-6 days pp , resolves in 10 days
does ACOG recommend routine circumcision on all males?
does ACOG recommend routine circumcision on all males?
types of analgesia acceptable for circumcision?
topical lidocain cream, dorsal penile nerve block, subc ring block
types of analgesia acceptable for circumcision?
topical lidocain cream, dorsal penile nerve block, subc ring block
aging of newborn based on phys findings?
36 wks and less = one ant transverse sole crease, breast diam 2mm or less, scalp hair fine and fuzzy, lobes w/o cartilage
over 39 wks = creases on entire soles, cart in earlobe, breast nodule diam over 7mm, scalp hair coarse, silky
aging of newborn based on phys findings?
36 wks and less = one ant transverse sole crease, breast diam 2mm or less, scalp hair fine and fuzzy, lobes w/o cartilage
over 39 wks = creases on entire soles, cart in earlobe, breast nodule diam over 7mm, scalp hair coarse, silky
0 - 1- 2

HR absent - below 100 - over
resp abs - slow, irreg -ok/cry
musc flac - some flex - motion
reflex irrit - none - grimce - cry
color blu/pale - ext blue-all pnk
0 - 1- 2

HR absent - below 100 - over
resp abs - slow, irreg -ok/cry
musc flac - some flex - motion
reflex irrit - none - grimce - cry
color blu/pale - ext blue-all pnk
NORMAL fetal blood gases? what is acidemia?
pH 7.25-30,
pco2 50mmHg
pO2 20mmHg
bicarb 25mEq

acidemia = less than pH 7.0
NORMAL fetal blood gases? what is acidemia?
pH 7.25-30,
pco2 50mmHg
pO2 20mmHg
bicarb 25mEq

acidemia = less than pH 7.0
br feeding decreases what conditions in babies?
SIDS!!!, uti's, ear inf's, infant diarrhea
br feeding decreases what conditions in babies?
SIDS!!!, uti's, ear inf's, infant diarrhea
tx for woman 3 d post birth who elects to stop br feeding but wants tx for engorgement?
ice packs, breast binder, well fitting bra, and analgesics
tx for woman 3 d post birth who elects to stop br feeding but wants tx for engorgement?
ice packs, breast binder, well fitting bra, and analgesics
what are types of OCP's that may decrease br milk prod in br feeding mom?
OCP's containing estrogens. these inhibit lactation or milk supply. The rest ie those with just progesterone will not
what are types of OCP's that may decrease br milk prod in br feeding mom?
OCP's containing estrogens. these inhibit lactation or milk supply. The rest ie those with just progesterone will not
ocp's w/ just progesterone?
depo provera (IM)
IUD w/prog release
prog only pill
ocp's w/ just progesterone?
depo provera (IM)
IUD w/prog release
prog only pill
when to give testosterone cream for vag dryness?
in postmenopausal women with vulv atrophy or lichen sclerosis (but s/e's include clitoromegaly and increased pubic hair)
when to give testosterone cream for vag dryness?
in postmenopausal women with vulv atrophy or lichen sclerosis (but s/e's include clitoromegaly and increased pubic hair)
what is adenomyosis?
portions of the endom (secretory column cells) grow into the myometrium causing menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea = tender, boggy, and symmetrically enlarged uterus (vs fibroids = firm, irreg, enlarged; and vs subinvolution = bleeding, enlarged, otherwise asx)
NSIM for wound infection?
probe wound for fascia to r/o wound dehiscience (separation of wound's facial layer); then debride and leave open for healing by secondary intention