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45 Cards in this Set

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George Washington


"Whiskey Insurrection"

Set up the Federal Court System

John Adams

First President to occupy the White House

Created the Navy

Lived to see a son in the White House

Thomas Jefferson


Purchased the Louisiana Territory

Marbury vs. Madison decision

James Madison

"Architect of the Constitution"

Introduced the "Bill of Rights"

War of 1812

James Monroe

"Era of Good Feelings"

John Quincy Adams

Took a strong stand against slavery

"President who never retired"

Andrew Jackson


"Old Hickory"

Responsible for the "Trail of Tears"

Considered the founder of the modern Democratic Party

Martin Van Buren

Panic of 1837

National Treasury established in Washington D.C.

William Henry Harrison

Died in the White House one month later

John Tyler

Appointed a Democratic pro-slavery cabinet

James Knox Polk

California Gold Rush

American - Mexican War

America gained Oregon, California, & New Mexico territories

Zachary Taylor

"Old Rough & Ready"

Controversy over the extension of slavery into the new territories heats up.

Millard Fillmore

Uncle Tom's Cabin published

Signed the Fugitive Slave Law

Franklin Pierce

Negotiated treaty with Japan for world trade for the 1st time

Kansas - Nebraska Act

James Buchanan

Dred Scott Decision handed down by the Supreme Court

John Brown tried to organize a slave revolt

Only president who never married

Abraham Lincoln


Civil War

1st President to be assassinated

Andrew Johnson

A southern senator who stayed loyal to the union

1st President to be impeached

Ulysses S. Grant

One of the most corrupt administrations with the Teapot Dome Scandal

Battle of Little Bighorn

Rutherford B. Hayes

Ended Reconstruction by withdrawing federal troops from the south

Began Civil Service Reform

James A. Garfield

2nd President to be assassinated

Chester A. Arthur

Pendleton Civil Service Act

Grover Cleveland

Only President to serve two non-consecutive terms

"Public Office Is a Public Trust"

Benjamin Harrison

Battle of Wounded Knee

Height of the Gilded Age

Grover Cleveland

Panic and Depression

William McKinley

Spanish - American War

3rd President to be assassinated

Theodore Roosevelt


Panama Canal constructed

The Progressive Era

The "Trustbuster"

William Howard Taft

Became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Woodrow Wilson

World War I

League of Nations

Warren G. Harding

His cabinet was the corrupt "Ohio Gang"

The "Teapot Dome Scandal"

Calvin Coolidge

The "Roaring Twenties"

Charles Lindbergh's famous Flight

Babe Ruth

Herbert Hoover

Beginning of the Great Depression

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Only President to be elected to four terms

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

World War II

Harry S. Truman

The Nuclear Age begins

The Cold War begins

Korean War

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Billy Graham

Rock n Roll bursts onto the American scene

John F. Kennedy


Cuban Missile Crisis

Space Race begins

4th President to be assassinated

Lyndon B. Johnson

Vietnam War

"The Great Society"

Richard Nixon

Watergate Scanal

Only President to ever resign

Gerald Ford

Acquired the job of restoring confidence in the Presidency

Jimmy Carter

Mt. St. Helens erupts

Iran Hostage situation

Ronald Reagan


Computer Revolution

Considered by many to be the strongest President of the 20th century

George Bush (Sr.)

Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

William J. Clinton

Disgraced the Presidency

2nd President to be impeached

George W. Bush

War on Terror

President when I was born


President when Mrs. Urbanowski was born
