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80 Cards in this Set

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What are the normal growth patterns for preschool children ages 3-5?
growth slows and stabilizes
average weight gain 2.2/yr
average height gain 3in/yr
growth in legs rather than trunk
what stage of erickson are children 3-5?
Initiative vs. Guilt
charistics of initiative vs. Guilt characteristics
Ability to learn & play.
Development of “can do attitude”
Behavior becomes goal directed, competitive and imaginative.
Imitate parents & gender roles.
Proud when accomplish new goals.
When criticized show feelings of guilt.
Freud stage and expectations
Phallic Stage
Focus on genitals
increased love for opposite sex parent
superego emerges
develop feelings of giuit
piagets psychological stage
Pre-operational stage
characterisctics od pre-operaitional stage?
Pre-operational Stage 2-7 years
Readiness for school
↑ physical activities & loud
vivid imagination and curious
Limited attention span
Time- recognizes past and future
Idiosyncratic system for organizing events
See the world via me
Fear of Bodily harm
Ban-aids keep everything in place!
developmental skills of a 3 year old?
Walking, running and jumping well @ 36
900 word vocabulary/3-4 word sentence
Copy a circle and cross
Builds a tower of 9 blocks
Ride tricycle, walk stairs alternating feet
Pour from pitcher
Asks a lot of questions
developmental skills of a 4 year old?
1,500 word vocabulary/4-5 word sentence
Can copy a square
Very noisy, talkative
Exaggerates stories
Loves Rhymes & songs
Names 3 colors
Hop on one foot
Catch a ball with both hands, throws overhand
↑ Self-Care: Brushes teeth
Gets dressed ↑ Cooperation
developmental skills of a 5 year old?
2,100 word vocabulary/6-8 sentence
Copy diamond and triangle
Prints name
Draw person with 6 parts
Head, body, 2 arms & 2 legs
Talk constantly
Names 4 colors
Skip & Hop on alternating feet
Walks backwards
Hits a ball
Ties shoes & manage big zippers
what are characteristics of 3-5 year old socialization?
↑ Peer interaction & communication
Learn to relate to others
Increased cooperation & Sharing
Conform to expectations
Enjoy games with simple rules
PreSchool play dramatic & creative
what are 3-5 yr old devel. task expectations?
Large and small muscle coordination
Uses initiative with a conscience
Becomes a participating family member
Settles into a daily routine
Dental & personal Hygiene
major preschool age safety issues?
MVA #1
drowning and falls
dont really understand danger
you should provide safety education
Preschool health concerns?
Increase exposure to germs
Increased UTI in girls
Stress handwashing and hygiene
no sharing of pencils or utensils
preschool health concerns: eyes
Visual acuity and depth perception fully developed by age 7
Vision testing begun at 3 years
whats the expected screening charts for preschoolers?
3years allen card images
>4 use E chart
Expected vision for 4 and 5 year olds
4yrs: 20/30-20/40
5yrs: 20/20-20/30
↓ Coordination of EOM
Eyes are not aligned
One or both eyes can turn
Amblyopia "Lazy Eye"
Only uses 1 eye for vision
No binocular vision
↓ vision in the deviated eye
Distorted visual field
Can develop if strabismus is not treated early
If left untreated → Blindness in deviated eye
Amblyopia "Lazy Eye" treatment
Patch normal eye x 24 hours/day
Deviated eye must work
possible Surgery
Hearing screening
Early detection = better outcome
Mandatory newborn hearing screenings

Routine Audiometry screening by age 3
Various tones @ various frequencies
Standard volume (usually 20 db)
Normal hearing ranges from 10 → +15
By age 5 hearing is fully developed
what is Sensorineural (Nerve deafness?
Damage or malformation of structures of
inner ear/and or auditory nerve
Hearing loss is usually permanent
what are the causes of Sensorineural (Nerve deafness?
Infections: CMV, Rubella, Herpes, Meningitis
Prematurity (Hypoxia)
Ototoxic meds
Sensorineural (Nerve deafness) treatment
Hearing Aids- worn ASAP to help facilitate language development
Cochlear implants = Controversy
American sign language ↑ communication
What are conductive hearing impairments?
Middle hearing loss affected by
inflammation, obstruction or damage
Cerumen impaction
Temporary & restores to prior hearing level
what are the treatments for conductive hearing impairments?
Antibiotics for infection
Myringotomy & Tympanostomy tubes
Biological Development School Age 6-12 years?
Growth slows down
Weight: 5 - 6 lbs/year
Height: 1 - 2 inch/year
Average 6 year old
46 lbs & 45 inches
physical characteristics of school age children?
Lose baby teeth @ 6 years.
First permanent teeth @ 6yrs (6 year molar)
“Ugly Duckling Stage”
Distorted facial proportions
Wide range of physical differences
Age 7 could look like 10-years or 5-years
Treat according to their age not appearance
what is the erickson stage for children 6-12?
Industry vs Inferiority
characteristics of industry vs. inferiority?
Interest in doing work
Learn and solve problems
↑ accomplishment RT ↑ motivation
Desire to master & do well in everything
If they don’t they will feel inferior.
Reinforce that they cannot do well in everything
What freud stage is for 6-12?
latency period
Characteristics of Latency period?
Sexuality plays less prominent role
same sex best friend
usually does not want to play with opposite sex
Developmental skills of a 6 year old?
Period of Transition
Self centered
Normal to cheat at board games
↑Activity RT ↑coordination
↑Dexterity = drawing & writing
Developmental skills of a 7 year old?
Quiets down
Solitary play
Sensitive listener
Modest (Need Privacy)
Developmental skills of a 8 year old?
Fluctuating Behavior
↑Graceful movements
↑Interest in nature
Very self-critical
Developmental skills of a 9 year old?
↑ Independence
Refined eye-hand control
Musical instruments
Best friend
Well organized
↑Physical complaints with stress
May have boy/girl relationship
but won’t admit
what are the developmental skills of a 10 year old?
↑ Stamina
Budgets time
↑ Energy
Enjoys family activities
↑ Appetite
what are the developmental skills of a 11 year old?
Strict superego-conscience
Strong morals/values
Best behavior is away from home
what are the developmental skills of a 12 year old?
↑ Personality integration
↑ Self discipline
↑ Self control
Mutual understanding with parents
what are the developmental tasks of the school age child?
↓ Dependence on family
↑ Neuromuscular skills
Must adjust to changes in body image
Develop positive attitude
What are health/ injury problems of school age child?
Generally not a sick age
Injury Prevention
MVC remains # 1
Access to Guns
What are the 3 cardinal signs of ADHD?
what are some affects of having ADHD
Unable to self regulate & inhibit behaviors
↓ Academic Performance
RT ↑ Distractible & ↓ Task completion
↓ Self Esteem = ↓ Peer relationships
↑ Risky Behavior = ↑ Substance Abuse & MVA
Sequela: Conduct, Mood & Anxiety Disorders
What is the etiology of ADHD?
familial tendency,
Toxins (Pb), meds, food allergies, lead, smoking, alcohol, sugar
↓Neurotransmitters: ↓ NE, ↓ DA and ↓ 5-HT
guideline to diagnose ADHD?
Based on report by parent
Onset By age 7
Symptoms must last >6 months
have 6/9 symptoms listed
Must affect 2/3 areas (home, school, social situations)
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD?
Complex neurodevelopmental disorders
Core deficits in 3 areas:
Social Interaction
Verbal & nonverbal communication
Restricted interests, repetitive behaviors & resistant to change
Affects prenatal & postnatal brain development
NO correlation with MMR vaccine
what are ASD Clinical Signs?
Inappropriate social behavior
Unable to maintain eye contact
Avoid body contact
Lack emotional reciprocity
Impaired expressive & receptive language skills
Delayed echolalia
Inability to sustain or initiate conversation
Repetitive behaviors:
Opening & closing doors, flipping light switches,
H2O play, shredding paper, prefer item movements & ritualistic behaviors
Insist on “sameness”
Self-Stimulatory behaviors:
Finger licking, hand flapping, body rocking, run in circles
Deep pressure stimulation-crawl into tight spaces
Self-injury RT ↟↟ Pain Threshold, aggressive behaviors
GI Symptoms- Constipation ➔ Mega rectum
what are some ASD treatments?
Developmental screening, Physical exam, multidisciplinary approach, Early intervention programs, Highly structured and intensive behaivior modification programs (Promote positive reinforcement
Increase social awareness of others
Increase verbal communication skills
Decrease unacceptable behavior), Use brief, concrete communication,
Minimal holding & eye contact to avoid outbursts,
Gradually introduce new situations
Atypical antipsychotic- Risperidone,↡ behavioral symptoms only
What is scoliosis?
Abnormal lateral curvature
>10% of the spine
Severe type can ↓ thoracic capacity
↑ risk for osteopenia
Develops in preadolescent growth spurt
Higher risk in females 85%
About Functional/Idiopathic/Secondary scoliosis
Most common
Rapid growth & Poor posture
Unequal leg
what are the treatments for functional/Idiopathic/Secondary scoliosis?
PT for posture
Shoe Lifts
About Structural/Congenital/Neuromuscular scoliosis?
Muscle or bone deformity
congenital or result of neuromuscular disorders
S shaped curved with vertebral rotation
thoracic cavity
scapula, breasts, shoulders and hips
↑ deformity during periods of growth
therapy for Structural/Congenital/Neuromuscular scoliosis? (Braces)
Milwaukee Brace worn 23 hours a day, boston brace low profile most widely used, providence brace used only at night= increased compliance
therapy for Structural/Congenital/Neuromuscular scoliosis? (Surgery)
Harrington Rod-
internal spinal fixation- “flat back”
post-op immobilization required
Lugue Segmental System-
flexible wires threaded through spine-
no post-op immobilization required,
↑ risk for nerve damage
Spinal fusion for severe scoliosis
Iliac bone graft
post op interventions for scoliosis surgery?
Log rolling
Neurovascular checks
Pain management
Skin care
Urinary retention
Mesenteric Artery Syndrome-
Shift of abdominal organs =
Abdominal distension/emesis
Varicella is contageous for how long?
1 day before eruption to 1 week after outbreaks of vesicles
until all vesicles have crusted over
what are S/S of Varicella?
Low grade temp, Anorexia, Rash in outbreaks occur in crops at increased temp of like 104, very itchy (pruitic)
What is therapy for varicella?
Antihistamines (benadryl)
Antipyretics (Calamine lotion)
↓ # of lesions-when given within 24H of rash
mostly for high risk pt’s
Varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG)
given within 96 hours for high risk pt’s
Strict isolation in hospital
Some info about Lice
Highly contagious infestation of scalp
“itchy” from crawling mites and saliva
↑ @ occipital area
↑ @ night
√ Environment
Stuffed animals
Clothing (fur)
What are the therapies for lice?
Rid/Nix-Permethin 1 %
One application
Kills lice and nits.
Not for kids < 2 years
Kwell- Lidane
Two applications
Repeat in 7-10 days after eggs hatch
facts about Pinworms Enterobiais
Infects 1/3 of all children
Inhalation, ingestion or contact
Worms (intestines) migrate & lay eggs in anal area @ night
Very itchy anal area = ↑ scratching
Spread fecal → fingernails → mouth
Tape test √ eggs @ anus
Treatment for Pinworms Enterobiais?
mebendazole (Vermox) > 2 years
100mg & repeat in 2 weeks
pyrantel (Pamoate pin-X) > 2 years
11mg/kg & repeat in 2 weeks
what happens with stings?
Allergic response
May develop anaphylactic shock
Wheal formation
Raised & reddened
interventions for an allergic response to a sting?
Epi-pen Jr 0.01 mL/kg (1:1000) IM
About animal bites (dogs/cats)
80 % punctures/lacerations
Avulsions (tissue tears)
↑ infection risk
How should you treat a dog/cat bite?
Wash area
Moist cool compress & dsg
√ vaccination status (Rabies)
Plastic surgery
info about Obesity?
Weight & Body Mass Index (BMI) >95%
Compare to age, gender and height
Culturally induced
30-40% ↑incidence in 6-11 year olds

BMI = wt (kg)/ht (m2)
Calculate yearly
What Causes Obesity?
Diet- fast food junk food, ↓ Physical activity, Genes – Family Hx, Prader Willi Syndrome PWS
Complications caused by obesity?
HTN & ↑ cholesterol @ age 5-10
↑ incidence of Type II diabetes
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Cardiac disease
Orthopedic problems
↓ Self-Esteem
Social Isolation
therapy for obesity?
nutritional counciling, Behaivor modification, Recognize and monitor associated risks for chronic diseases
Info about adolescence?
12-18 years of age.
Period of physiological changes.
Sex organs mature, menses, spermatoza
Growth during adolescence?
Growth spurt
Reach adult height by age 17
Increase in height 2.5 inch -5 inches
Girls @ 12 Boys @ 14-15
Need ↑ nutrition
About sexual develoopment during adolescense?
Male secondary sex characteristics

Female secondary sex characteristics- Estrogen
what erickson stage are adolescents in?
Identity vs. role confusion
What are characteristics of identity vs role confusion?
Internal Stability
Achieve Sense of Self
Occupation/Future Goals

Social Development
FRIENDS!! >> Family
Peer pressure
Recognition via group identity
Dating groups vs. individual
Sexual intimacy
adolescent cognitative development (piaget)?
Formal Operations (11-15)
Abstract thinking
Future Oriented
Scientific Reasoning
↑↑ Range of Logic
What are the Developmental tasks for the adolescent?
Accept body changes
Achieve satisfying sex-related role
Achieve independence & warm relationship with parents
Develop mature set of values, work ethic & occupation
about adolescent acne?
Inflammatory Disease ↑ @ age 17
Males > Females
17 million kids/year
clogged sebaceous glands
androgens stimulate secretions
bacteria = inflammation
Treatment for acne?
Topical Antibiotics- Cleocin, EES
PO Antibiotics - Tetracycline
Antibacterial - Benzoyl Peroxide
Tretinoin (Retin A)
interrupts keratin formation
use @ night Sunshine ↓ efficacy

Isotretinoin Retinoic Acid (Accutane)
SE: depression & Teratogenic
↟ congenital defects
Document if sexually active √ HCG q month
Common health probplems for adolescents?
Cardiac, Drug use, Pregnancy and STD's, Depression and suicude
about anorexia nervosa
Preoccupation with food
Distorted body image
↑ Need for control
↑ Pressure to be thin
↑ Intense fear of being fat