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35 Cards in this Set

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preconception counseling
1. folic acid
2. rubella status
3. DM
4. hypothyroidism
6. PKU
7. oral anticoagulant
8. are they on any anti-epiletic drugs
9. isoteinoins (accutant)
10. smoking, alcohol, drugs
11. obesity
12. STDs
indications for genetic counseling
1. known or suspected genetic diseas
2. > 35 y/o
3. teratogen exposure
4. ethnic bkgd
5. recurrent preg loss
6. abnl shown on sonogram
7. fh of early onset cancer
intial office visit-comprehensive H&P
-prior OG hx
-# of miscarriages
-size of baby
initial labs
1. pap
2. CBC with diff (lok for anemia)
3. syphilis screen
4. HepBs
5 rubella
6. RH and AB screen
7. UA/C & S (asym UTIs)
optional testing
gonorrhea/chlamydia, HIV, herpes, PPD, fasting blood sugar, tay sach, varicella,
nageles rule
LMP - 3 month + 7 days
calculation of gestational age
-preg wheel
-size of uterus: 12 wks at pubic symphysis
-fundus at umbilicus at 20 weeks, after that measure with tape measure and it should correlate with gest age
-20 wks mom feel movement
-U?S- 5 wks fetal pole; 7-8wks fetal heart tones
routine vist-hx
-fetal movement
-contraction or ab pain
-vag bleeding
-leakage of fluid
routine visit- PE
-urine drip
-fundal ht
-FHR (dopple at 12 wks- 120-160 bpm)
-leopolds maneuver
leoplds maneuver
1: what occupies the fundus
2. what side is the back
3. which part is over pelvic inlet (head is hard)
4. what side is the cephalic prominence?
routine testing
1. 12-13 wks: nuchal transleucency and biochemical markers
2. 16-20 wks: sonogram; triple screen (for down syndrome or a neural tube defect), amniocentesis (if >35)
3. 24-28 wks: glucose challenge test; 3 hr GTT; admin rhogam if RH-
testing at 36-38 wks
-group beta step cultur
-gon/chlamydia culture
tesing at 40+ weeks
- all tests looking for signs of baby being compromised and if they need to be induced
-nonstress test (2/wk)
-biophysical profile ultrasound (fetal breathing, movement, tone; amniotic fluid index)
frequency of visit
every 4 weeks until 28 wks
every 2 weeks 28-36 wks
every wk beyond 36 wks
contractions of false labor
-Occur @ irregular intervals
-Intensity unchanged
-No change in cervical dilation (KEY) (if truly in later the cervix will change size)
-Discomfort mainly in lower abdomen
-Relieved by sedation (will go to sleep and not even feel contractions)
contractions of true labor
-Occur @ regular intervals
-Interval gradually shortens
-Intensity gradually increases
-Cervix dilates (change from 2 -3 -4…)
-Discomfort in back & entire abdomen
-No relief with sedation
-Is patient cant talk or don’t want to be talked too
expressed in cms, use fingers
-as women contracts cervix is brought up and starts getting shorter and thinner (how many cm do you feel around your fingers?)
-expressed in percentage (o& uneffaced or 100% paper thin)
-subjective, change over time is most important
about the presenting part; inrelation to ischial spines (-3 to +3)
-find ischial spine and try to feel hard --> is head is had the same level -0; +5 is crowning
position of fetus
-run fingers along babys head and fontinel: you will be able to know id the baby is facing down or up
-impt because diameter of babys head changes depending on the way iti s facing
-best for head to be facing ground
fetal presentations
LOA: left occiput anterior: baby has his or her back on the mother's left side. The baby faces between the right hip and the spine of his or her mother
LOP: left occiput posterior--> not good
LOT: left occiput transverse
stages of labor
-First Stage: From onset of contractions to fully dilated
-Second Stage: From fully dilated to delivery of baby
-Third Stage: From birth to delivery of placenta
-Fourth Stage: recovery; vague (some says 6 weeks post partum, some say it is just a couple hour after delivery)
mgmt of first stage
-monitor fetal heart tones
-freq of contractions
-vaginal exam
-examine every 1 hr to 2 hrs to see if there is cervical change
friedmans curve
Within first stage there is phases: latent, active, dilation, second
-4 cm→ big change→ usually when they admit patients
friedmans curve avgs for nulliparous
Latent: 20 hrs
active: 12 hrs
dilation in cm/hr: 1.2
second stage 2.5 hrs (pushing_
friedmans curve avgs in multiparous women
Latent: 14 hrs
Active: 7
dilation: 1.5 cm/hr
second stage: .5 hrs
cardinal movements in labor
engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, expulsion
non-pharmical methods
-continuous labor support
-water immersion
-maternal movement and positioning
-touch and massage
pharm methods: first stage of labor
1. epidurals: catheter into epidural space
2. spinal: no catheter, just a dose of meds, more used for C/S and abrasions
3. combine spinal-epidural: (“walking epideral”- initially give a spinal but an epideral catheter is placed at same time and later given meds
4. systemic: opoids, go into baby; want to deliver baby within 1st hr of after 4hrs b/c baby can become depressed and have respiratory issues
pharm methods: second stage of labor
-local for episiotomy
-pudenal block
indications of epiostomy
1. facilitate delivery
2. inevitable tear
3. forceps/vacuum/breech
pros: surgical incision can be repaired better than jaged tear
cons: increases incidence of 3rd and 4th degree extension, blood loss, dyspareunia, pain postpartum, rate of infx
perineal lacerations
-First degree: Involving the vaginal mucosa or perineal skin
-Second Degree: Involving the subepithelial tissues of the vagina with or without the perineal body
-Third Degree: Involving the anal sphincter
-Fourth Degree: Involving the rectal mucosa exposing the lumen of the rectum
3rd stage of preg
-placenta separation usually occurs within 5 min, should not last longer than 30 min (if longer need to do it manually)
-signs of separation
-umbilical cord legthening
-"gush" of blood
-firm and rising uterus
postpartum orders
-Admit to RR then PP floor
-Dx s/p NSVD
-Condition good
-Vitals apr
-Activity OOB (out of bed) as tolerated
-Nursing Breast & Perineal Care
-Diet Regular
-IVF 20U of Pitocin in 1LR @ 125cc/hr x 2 (given to help uterus contract to avoid bleeding)
-Meds tylenol 650mg po q4-6hrs prn pain
-Percocet i-ii tabs po q 4-6hrs prn pain
-Allergies Penicillin
-Labs CBC in am
4th stage of labor: postpartum care
-6-8 wks
-initial concerns: postpartum hemorrhage, fever, uterine pain, dysuria, breast problems, leg pain or swelling
-long term: lactation, baby blues, wt