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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the elements of pre-pregnancy counseling?

1. Lifestyle


3. Environment

4. Medical problems

5. Genetics

6. Vaccines

What are the TORCH infections?

1. Toxoplasmosis

2. 'Other'

3. Rubella

4. CMV

5. Herpes

What genetic diseases are screen for in pre-conception counseling?

1. Sickle cell

2. Down's syndrome

3. Tay-sachs

4. Cystic fibrosis

5. Polydactyly

What type of vaccines is generally safe for for pregnant women?

1. Killed

What is the use of 'gravida' when describing pregnancy?

1. Patient is pregnant, has been pregnant

2. Communicates pregnancy outcome

3. Gravidity- number of times pregnant

What prior obstetric complications tend to recur?

1. Preterm labor/delivery

2. Hypertensive disease

What classifies a menstrual cycle as irregular?

1. >28-30 days

What are the major goals of the initial evaluation of the gravid woman?

1. Assess maternal/fetal health

2. Determine gestational age and establish an EDC

3. Start plan for pregnant woman

When is hCG secretion highest in pregnancy?

1. 5-10 weeks

What is the mean duration of pregnancy?

1. 280 days

2. 40 weeks

What is Naegele's rule?

1. Add one year to LMP

2. Subtract 3 months

3. Add 7 days

How long does it take hCG to double?

1. 40 hours

What is the use of hCG+ultrasound?

1. Determine probability that pregnancy will go to term

2. Determine risk for ectopic pregnancy

What is nulligravida?

1. Not now pregnant

2. Never been pregnant

What does parous mean?

1. Patient has delivered

2. Parity-- number of deliveries--- multiple births does not increase parity

What does nulliparous mean?

1. Patient has not had a pregnancy completed beyond abortion

2. May or may not be pregnant

3. May leave had spontaneous abortion or TAB

What is parturient?

1. Woman in labor

What is puerpera?

1. Woman just gave birth

How is the OB history expressed?

1. 1st digit-- number of term babies

2. 2nd digit-- number of preterm babies

3. 3rd digit-- number of abortions

4. 4th digit-- number of children currently alive

When can you auscultate fetal heart sounds using doppler?

1. 5-6 weeks

What percentage of fetal heart sounds can be heard from weeks 20-22?

1. 20-- 80%

2. 21-- 95%

3. 22-- 100%

What does the uterine fundal height correlate to?

1. 20-31 weeks in cm=gestational age in weeks

How can a full bladder affect the fundal height of the uterus?

1. Increase height by 3 cm at 17-20 weeks

When is an ultrasound necessary?

1. LMP does not correlate with uterine size

2. Patient unsure of LMP

What is an ultrasound most accurate to predict EDC?

1. 6-12 weeks--- usually within 3-5 days

How often should a pregnant patient see her doctor?

1. q4 weeks until 28 weeks

2. q2 weeks until 36 weeks

3. Weekly until delivery

When should you screen for Down syndrome? How?

1. 15-20 weeks

2. MSAFP+BhCG, unconjugated estriol=Triple test

What can alcohol cause in a fetus?

1. Fetal alcohol syndrome

2. Cardiac defects

3. Mental retardation

4. Microcephaly

5. Facial anomalies

What can phenytoin cause in a fetus?

1. Broad nasal bridge

2. Cleft lip and palate

3. Microcephaly

4. Average IQ of 71

What can valproate cause in a fetus?

1. Neural tube defects

2. Craniofacial abnormalities

What can warfarin cause in a fetus?

1. Depressed nasal bridge

2. Stippled epiphyses

3. Seizures

4. Developmental delay

What is pregnancy category A?

1. Human studies show no evidence of risk in pregnancy in any trimester

What is pregnancy category B?

1. Animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated fetal risk

2. No controlled human studies

3. No evidence of risk in later trimesters

What is pregnancy category C?

1. Animal reproduction studies have demonstrated an adverse fetal effect

2. No human studies

3. Only to be given if potential benefits justify the potential risk to the fetus

What is pregnancy category D?

1. Positive evidence of human fetal risk exists

2. Use may be acceptable despite the fetal risk if drug is needed in a life-threatening situation or for a serious disease

What is pregnancy category X?

1. Do not use

What is the use of the various antiemetics in pregnancy?

1. Metoclopramide--- class B

2. Meclizine--- class B

3. Promethazine--- class C