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80 Cards in this Set

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Pregnancy lasts ____ days (___ weeks)

- Calculated from the first day of ____

-Trimesters divided in to __weeks-__ weeks-___ weeks
280 days, 40 weeks

- first day of last menstrual period (LMP) based on 28 day cycle

- 13;14;13
Gravida definition


- number of pregnancies a woman has regardless of outcome

- pregnant once

- pregnant 2 or more times
Parity: definition



- number of deliveries after 20 weeks gestation

- never delivered an infant after 20 weeks

- delivered an infant beyond 20 weeks

- two or more deliveries
"Florida Power And Light"
Full Term, Premature, Abortions, Live children
Stage 1 of pregnancy
- Latent = ____ contractions become progressively better coordinated and cervix effaces and dilates to ___ cm

- Active: the cervix becomes fully dilated and the presenting part descends well into the ____
- irregular; 4cm

- midpelvis
Stage 2 of pregnancy

- Time from full ____ to delivery of fetus
- cervical dilation
Stage 3 of pregnancy

- begins after ____ and ends with ____
- highest risk of ____
- after delivery; delivery of placenta
- hemorrhage
This is defined as a purposeful stimulation of uterine contractions for the goal of delivery prior to the onset of spontaneous labor
- Induction
Contraindications to induction of labor

- placenta or vasa previa
- abnormal fetal lie (breach)
- Funic presentation (cord prolapse)
- Prior classical uterine incision
- Active genital herpes
- Pelvic structural deformities
- Invasive cervical carcinoma
Chorioamnionitis, cesarean delivery, iatrogenic prematurity, respiratory morbidities in newborn are risk of ____
Should not induce prior to ____ weeks and should be at least 36 weeks since last ______; 30 weeks since ____ detected on doppler
- 39 weeks
- positive pregnancy test
- heart rate
For induction, a Bishop score of <6 indicates what?

Bishop score >6 indicates what?

Bishop score >9 indicates what?

Bishop score <4 indicates what?
<6 = unfavorable cervix; may require ripening agent

>6 = favorable cervix, agent inducing contractions

>9 = success

<4 = failure
Nonpharma methods for cervical ripening- name some
- Membrane stripping
- Sexy time
- Nipple stimulation (tassels optional)
- Herbs/Homeopathy
- Castor oil
- Enemas (no thanks)
- Acupuncture
- Amniotomy
True or false: Misoprostol is an FDA approved agent for cervical ripening

- Given ___ug tab q ___ hours

- Not recommended if >___ contractions in 10 minutes

- Side effects
- False- off label

- 25 ug, Q4 hours

- > or equal to 3 in 10 minutes

- SE = uterine hyperstimulation
- what is it used for?
- Brand names?
- cervical ripening
- Prepidil, Cervidil

Prepidil = __mg placed _____

Cervidil ___mg placed _____ in the posterior fornix of the vagina; inserts release ___mg/h for 12 hours

- Patient should remain recumbent for __-___ min

- Side effects
- 0.5 mg; intracervical

- 10 mg; transversely; 0.3mg/hr for 12 hours

- 30-60 min

- uterine hyperstimulations
True or false: some studies have shown that Cervidil is better than Prepidil (both dinoprostone).
- what's it used for?
- given via ____ infusion or in ____ed dosed as

- starting dose: __-__ mU/min with increases every __-__ minutes

- Adverse effects
- labor induction
- continuous; pulsed

- 0.5-2.5 mU; 15-60 minutes

- uterine hyperstimulation; hyponatremia (water intox), hypOtension related to infusion rate
Preterm labor
- defined as cervical changes and uterine contractions that occur before ___ weeks gestation or:

- dilation >___cm with effacement > ___% and regular uterine contractions
- 37

- >2cm; >80%
True or false: cervical length is inversely related to the risk of preterm birth?
- the greater the length = decreased risk
What is fetal fibronectin used for?
- to predict the risk of preterm delivery

- if its present, there's a 75-80% chance you'll deliver in 14 days
What is the leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality?
preterm labor
____ is also known at 17-OHP

- indication: history of spontaneous preterm birth <___ weeks

- moa?

- given via weekly __ injection
- progesterone (17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone)
- 37 weeks

- not fully understoon- naturally occuring steroid

- IM
Nonpharm therapy for treatment of preterm labor

- modified _____
- ___alysis
-_____ (orally or parentally)

- is there a proven benefit?
- bed rest
- urinalysis
- hydration

- no
___ weeks gestation defines a point at which early pregnancy loss is less commonly attributable to karyotypic abnormality

- delivery prior to ___ weeks is considered a spontaneous abortion rather than preterm birth
-15 weeks

- 20 weeks
Goal of tocolysis:

- prolonging delivery for ___week(s) can decreased neonatal morbidity and mortality up to __15

- neonatal morbidity is substantially decreased at >___ weeks
- 1 week; 15%
-34 weeks
Does tocolysis prevent preterm deliver?
Purpose of Tocolytic Therapy

- stop ___ and prolong delivery for at least __-__ hours in 75-80% of women

- postpone delivery for admin of antenatal _____ to improve pulmonary maturity
- contractions; 48-72 hours
- corticosteroids
Maternal factors precluding tocolysis

- pre-______
- _._._._._ syndrome
- hemorrhage
- advanced labor
-HELLP (increased LFTs, liver distress)
Medications Used for Tocolysis

- ___ sulfate
- ________ agonists
- _____ inhibitors
- ____ ____ blockers
- antenatal _____ admin
-____ therapy
-Magnesium sulfate
- B-Adrenergic agonists
- COX-2 inhibitors
- Calcium Channel blockers
- antenatal glucocorticoids
- antibiotic therapy

What is the most frequently used parenteral tocolytic?

- what else is it prescribed for?

- what is its MOA?

- antagonizes ____ at the cellular level and in the extracellular space
Magnesium sulfate

- eclampsia

- relaxes urterine smooth muscle and decreased myometrial contractility

- calcium
Mag Sulfate Dosing:

loading dose: __ mg IV over ___ min

Continuous IV infusion: __g/hr through controlled infusion pump

- how is it excreted?

- dose it cross the placenta?
- 6 mg; 30 min

- 2 g/hr

- renally

- yes
_____ is probably as effective as B-adrenergic agonists, terbutaline, ritodrine in postponing preterm delivery for 48 hours

- it is also associated with a decreased risk of ____ and ____ in neonates
- Magnesium

- cerebral palsy; mental retardation
Contraindications to Magnesium:

1. hypo___
2. _____ ____
3. ___ failure
- myasthenia gravis
- Renal failure
Magnesium may be increased ___g/hr until <__ contractions per 10 minutes.

Max dose of ___gm/hr

myometrial contractions are inhibited with concentrations of __-__ mg/dL
- 1 g; <1 contraction

- 4 g

- 6-9.6 mg/dL
True or false: serum concentrations of Mg are linearly related to its efficacy?
Magnesium Monitoring:
1. ___ ___ reflexes hourly
2. ____ rate hourly
3. ___ output (__=__ hours)
4. ___ balance
5. _____ serum levels (__-__ hours)
1. deep tendon
2. respiratory
3. urine, 2-4 hrs
4. fluid balance
5. Mag q 6-12 hrs
Magnesium Side effects for the mom

- associated with loading dose?

- (HYPO/HYPER)thermia
- paralytic ___
- ____ edema
- transient hypOtension; flushing; sense of warmth, HA, dizziness, lethargy, blurred vision, diplopia, dry mouth

- hypO
- ileus
- pulmonary edema
Neonatal side effects of Magnesium

- (HYPER/HYPO)tonia
- (HYPER/HYPO)calcemia
- ____ intolerance
- ______ depression
- hypOtonia
- sleepiness
- feeding intolerance
- neuromuscular depression
_____ ____ are considered second line for tocolysis

-_____ is one of these and is available IV, SQ, and PO
- B-adrenergic agonists

- terbutaline
Terbutaline admin

Acute: (Route?) 0.25 mg every __-__ min for up to __ doses until tocolysis achieved

Maintenance: (Route) 2.5-10 mg every __-__ hours for as long as necessary to prolong pregnancy depending on pt tolerance
-SubQ; 20-30min; 4 doses

- PO; 4-6 hrs
True or false: B-adrenergic agonists such as terbutaline reduce the rate of preterm delivery?
Adverse Effects of Beta Agonists for the MOM:

1. ___ edema
2. palpitations
3. (TACHY/BRADY)cardia
4. ____ ischemia
5. (HYPER/HYPO)glycemia
6. (HYPER/HYPO)kalemia
7. ____ toxicity
1. pulmonary edema
2. palpitations
3. tachycardia (hold if >120 bpm)
4. Myocardial ischemia
5. hypERglycemia
6. hypOkalemia
7. hepatotoxicity
Fetal adverse effects of Beta Agonists:

1. (BRADY/TACHY)cardia
2. (HYPER/HYPO)tension
3. (HYPER/HYPO)glycemia
4. (HYPER/HYPO)calcemia
5. increased risk of _____ hemorrhage
1. Tachycardia
2. HypOtension
3. hypOglycemia (mom is hypER)
4. hypOcalcemia
5. intraventricular
Indomethacin is a _____ inhibitor and is used as a ____ agent

- often used when women have failed with _____

- prostaglandins ___ and ___ are important regulators of myometrial contractility
- COX; tocolytic

- magnesium

- F-2alpha; E2

Loading dose: 50-100 mg given ___ or ___

Maintenance: ___ - ___ PO every __-__ hours for 24-48 hours
- Rectally or PO

25-50 mg; q 4-8 hours (6 is most common)
True or false: Mag and Beta agonists are more effective than indomethacin in delaying delivery for 48-72 hours
- False- Indo is as effective as both
In a meta-analysis of tocolytics, which of the following was the only one to decrease preterm birth and birth weight <2500 g?

A. Beta agonists
B. Indomethacin
C. Magnesium
C- indomethacin
Maternal AEs of Indomethacin


Renal toxicity

Esophageal Reflux



Prolonged bleeding time

Fetal AEs of Indomethacin

Necrotizing enterocolitis

Ductal constriction

Renal failure


Intraventricular hemorrhage

What CCB is used as a tocolytic agent?

- duration of tx typically continued through the ___th week of gestation

- 34th
Nifedipine Dosing

Loading dose: ___mg PO followed by additional ___mg in 90 min
__mg PO followed by additional ___ mg every 20 min for up to 4 doses

Maintenance: __-__ mg PO q 4-6h
LD: 20; 20
10 mg; 10mg

Maintenance: 10-20mg
True or false: studies have shown that nifedipine is more effective compared to B-adrenergic agonists in reducing the number of preterm births within 7 days before 34 weeks?
Maternal Side Effects of Nifedipine

1. (TACHY/BRADY)cardia
2. headache
3. flushing
4. dizziness
5. nausea
6. (HYPER/HYPO)tension
7. Contraindicated with ____ due to increased suppression of muscular contractility
1. Tachycardia

6. hypOtension

7 CI'd with Magnesium
Fetal side effects of Nifedipine

Potential for reducing ____ and ____ blood flow.

- has this been confirmed in humans?
- uterine and umbilical

- no
Nitric oxide donors and oxytocin-receptor antagonists are used for what purpose?
____ are given to facilitate fetal lung maturation

MOA: act on the type ___ pneumocytes to induce the syntheses of precursors for ____ and increase the production of ________

- given to all women in preterm labor between ___-___ weeks gestation
- antenatal glucocorticoid

- type II; surfactant; phophatidylcholine

- 24-34
Glucocorticoid Dosing

Betamethasome ___ mg IM x 2 (__ hours apart)

Dexamethasone __ mg IM x 4 (__ hours apart)

Clinical effects can be seen for __-__ weeks
- 12 mg; 24 hours

- 6 mg; 12 hours

- 1-2 weeks
What is the time elapsed between the first day of the last normal menstrual period and the day of delivery
Gestational Age

(expressed as COMPLETED weeks- 25 week 5 day old fetus is still 25 weeks)
What is the time elapsed between the day of conception and the day of delivery?
Conceptional age
What is the time elapsed since birth?
Chronological age
What is the gestational age + chronological age?
Postmenstrual Age
_____ age is calculated by subtracting the number of weeks born before 40 weeks gestation from the chronological age

_____ = Weeks before 40 - Chronological age
Corrected age
Birth Weights

Average Full term: ___ g

Low <____ g

Very low <____g

Extremely low <____ g
- 3500 g

- 2500 g

- 1500

- 1000 g
Birth Weight

Small for gestational age <___th percentile

Appropriate for gestational age between ___th and ___th

Large for gestational age >___th
- <90th percentile

- between 10 and 90

What are some major complications of premature birth?

1. _____ distress syndrome
2. _____ of prematurity
3. (HYPER/HYPO)thermia
4. (HYPER/HYPO)bilirubinemia
1. respiratory
2. apnea
3. hypO
4. hypER
What is a major sign of respiratory distress syndrome Dr. Gore emphasized?
What are treatment options for respiratory distress?

1. oxygen
2. mechanical ventilation
3. fluid restriction
4. surfactant
True or False: Synthetic surfactants are superior to natural type and improve survival, have fewer comorbidities, faster onset of action, and decrease dependence on mechanical ventilation?

Natural is better

1. ____ is the ferrari of surfactants and it porcine derived

2. ____ is bovine derived

3. ____ is used least and is bovine derived
1. Curosurf (poractant alfa)

2. Infasurf (calfactant)

3. Survanta (beractant)
Adverse Effects of Surfactant Therapy:

1. (TACHY/BRADY)cardia
2. (HYPER/HYPO)tension
3. _____ desaturation
4. Cyanosis
5. ____ obstruction
6. pneumothorax
7. apnea
8.______ hemorrhage
9. pulmonary interstitial _______
1. Bradycardia
2. hypOtension
3. oxygen desaturation
5. airway obstruction
8. pulmonary hemorrhage
9. emphysema
Apnea definition:

cessation of breathing for >___ seconds or less if accompanied by ____, sifnificant ______, or _____
>15 (or 20 seconds)

bradycardia, hypoxemia, cyanosis
In this type of apnea inspiratory efforts are absent
Central apnea
In this type of apnea inspiratory efforts persist but obstruction is present
Obstructive apnea
In this type of apnea, airway obstruction with inspiratory efforts precedes or follows central apnea
Mixed apnea
Apnea Treatment Options

1. supplemental ______
2. continuous _____ _____ pressure
3. _____ pressure ventilation
4. ________ therapy
5. ______ tactile stimulation
1. oxygen
2. airway pressure
3. positive
4. methylxanthine
5. gentle
Treatment of Choice for Apnea?

MOA: increased levels of 3-5 AMP by inhibiting _____

Improves _____ contraction

Competitive inhibition of ____ at surface cell receptors

- phosphodiesterase

- skeletal muscle

- adenosine

Monitoring trough __-___ mcg/ml
5-25 mcg/mL
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is caused by (CONJUGATED/UNCONJUGATED) bilirubin?

mean peak is around ___mg/dL

7 mg/dL
Hyperbilirubinemia Treatment?
Light therapy between 435-472 nanometers