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114 Cards in this Set

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increase in size
continuous process by which an individual changes from one life phase to another
prenatal period
begins with fertilization and ends with birth
postnatal phase
begins at birth ends at death
union of a secondary oocryte and sperm cell
how long is a trimester
3 months
how do the sperm cells meet the egg
move upward through the uterus and uterine tube
what stimulates the lashing of the sperm tails
inability to conceive after a year of trying
common cause of female infertility
insufficient secretion of gonatropin hormones
membrane rich in glycoproteins that surrounds the secondary oocytes cell membrane
zona pellucida
how does the acrosome aid penetration
digesting proteins of the zona pellucida
sperm entry triggers lysosome like vesicles just beneath the oocyte cell membrane to release enzymes that
harden the zona pellucida
approaching nuclei from two cells cells are called
each sex cell provides ___ chromosomes
first cell of the future offspring
how long after forming does the zygote undergo mitosis
30 hours
two new cells after mitosis of the zygote
phase of early rapid cell division
solid ball of 16 cells
morula hollows out and becomes
inner cell mass
gives rise to the body of the developing offspring
embryonic stage
from inner cell mass formation to the end of the eighth week of pregnancy
from after the eighth week until birth
cells of the endometrium form a vascular structure called the
two ovarian follicles release secondary oocytes simultaneously and both are fertilized
fraternal twins
developed from a single fertilized secondary oocyte
identical monozygotic twins
hormone that prevents spontaneous abortion
human chorionic gonadotropin
the cells from the outer blastocyst secrete
human chorionic gonadotropin
LH maintains the
corpus luteum
hCG continues at a high level for ____________ and then declines by about
2 months

4 months
function of placental estrogen and placental progesterone
maintaining the uterine wall
placental lactogen secreted from the ______________ and functions by

stimulating breast development and preparing the mammary glands for milk secretion
inhibit the smooth muscles in the myometrium suppressing uterine contractions
relaxin relaxes the ligaments of the __________ and ___________ during the last week of pregnancy
pubic symphasis

sacroiliac joints
increased adrenal secretion of aldosterone causes ____________________ during pregnancy
renal reabsorption of sodium and leads to fluid retention
the parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone which helps to
maintain a high concentration of maternal blood calcium
what happens during the embyonic stage
placenta forms
main internal organs develop
major external body structures appear
inner cell mass organizes into a flattened
embryonic disk
layer of the embryonic disk
ectoderm- outer

endoderm- inner
the ectoderm and endoderm fold and a third layer of cells forms the
organs form from these three cell layers called the
primary germ layers
attaches the emvryonic stalk to the developing placenta
connecting stalk
cells that give rise to the nervous system, special sensory organs , epidermis, hair , nails, glands of the skin and linings of the mouth and anal canal
ectodermal cells
cells form all types of muscle , tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, internal reproductive organs, kidneys and epithelial linings of the body cavities
mesodermal cells
epithelial linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary bladder and urethra
endodermal cells
to layers of cells lining the trophoblast
form around and between the villi, fill with maternal blood
slender projections from the trophoblast
chorionic villi
all main organs are established by
the end of the seventh week
substances cross the placental membrane by
active transport

while the placenta is forming the chorion a second membrane forms around the embryo
fills the space between the amnion and the embryonic disk
amniotic fluid
three blood vessels inside the umblical cord
two arteries
one vein
structures that are distinct from the embryo
where does the yolk sac attach to the embryonic disk
the underside
forms during the third week

tube from the yolk sac into the connecting stalk of the embryo
fetal stage
begins at the end of the eighth week of development and lasts until birth
during the third month what appears in most bones
ossification centers
by what week is it distinquishable as male or female
by the 12th week
fetal hemoglobin can carry about __________ more oxygen than adult hemoglobin
the_________ carrys blood and bypasses the liver
ductus venosus
the ductus venosus joins the
inferior vena cava
opening in the atrial septum
formen ovale
most of the blood in the pulmonary trunk bypasses the lungs by entering fetal vessel
ductus arteriosus
carries nutrient rich oxygenated blood from placenta to fetus
umbilical vein
carry blood containing carbon dioxide and wastes from the internal iliac arteries to the placenta
umbilical arteries
prenancy continues for 38 weeks from conception and ends with
the birth process
what suppresses uterine contractions
where is ocytocin produced
posterior pituitary gland
functon of oxytocin
stimulates powerful uterine contractions
positive feedback system of labor
uterine contractions stimulate stronger uterine contractions
dilation of the cervix stimulates
posterior pituitary to release oxytocin
what causes the ductile systems to grow and branch and deposit fat around them
what does the production of milk occur after birth of the child
placental progestrone inhibits its milk production and placental lactogen blocks the action of prolactin
prolactin stimulates
the mammary glands to make milk
contains more proteins and less carbs and fats than milk
milk ejection requires specialized cells in the alveolar glands called
myoepithelial cells
neonatal period
begins at birth and extends to the end of the first four weeks
newborns most immediate need
obtain oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide
ductus venosus contricts after birth and in an adult is the
fibrous cord or ligamentum venosum imbedded in the liver
in an adult the depression of the forman ovale
fossa ovalis
the ductus arteriosus does what after birth
constricts and stops the blood from bypassing the lungs
aging as a passive process is
the breakdown of structures and slowing of function
at the molecular level passive aging is seen as
degeneration of the elastin and collagen proteins of the connective tissues causing skin to sag and muscle to loose firmess
mitochondra also begins to break down in older cells resulting in
a decrease in the supply of chemical energy
free radicals
highly reactive chemicals

unpaired electron in its outermost valance shell
lipfuscin granules result from
passive breakdown of lipids
programmed cell death
inherited traits are determined by
DNA sequences
how genes confer specific characteristics that affect health or contribute to our natural variation
charts that display the 23 chromosomes
pairs 1-22 are __________which________ carry genes that determine sex

do not
X and Y carrys genes called the
sex chromosomes
have two copies of each autosome
somatic cells
variant forms of a gene
two identical alleles of a gene
person with two different alleles
a heterozygote is also called a
combination of alleles constitutes a persons
the appearance health condition or other characterists associated with a particular genotype is a
patterns of inheritance through families
modes of inheritance
an autosomal condition affects
both sexes
x linked affects
males more than females
y linked traits are
passed from father to son
a person inherits an autosomal recessive condition from
both carrier parents
recessive conditions can_______ generations
three major modes of inheritance are
autosomal recessive
autosomal dominant
x linked recessive
shows family members how they are related and their genotypes
only one disease causing allele is neccessary to inherit a
autosomal dominant condition
autosomal dominant disorders begin at
autosomal recessive disorders begin
earlier in life
more than one gene
traits molded by one or more genes and enviroment are
multi factorial