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7 Cards in this Set

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"durch-" means "through:"

Wir sind durch die Eisschicht durchgebrochen.

We broke through the layer of ice.

Das Flugzeug hat die Schallmauer durchbrochen.

The plane broke through the sound barrier

Die Nachricht ist uns zu spät durchgedrungen.

The news reached us too late.


Remember that in pronumciation, the separable prefix is stressed: "ÜBERsetzen". When the prefix is inseparable, it is not stressed: "überSETZen."


"über-" is most often inseparable, meaning either "over," "past," "too much," or "fail to." When a separable prefix, it means "over" or "across":

Ein Betrunkener hat meinen Hund überfahren.

A drunk ran over my dog.

Die Fähre hat ihn und seinen Wagen übergefahren.

The ferry conveyed him and his car.

Die Armee hat die Stadt überfallen.

The army descended on the city.


"um-" is more often separable. It denotes change, as well as meaning "around," "down," and "over."

Wir bauen um.

We're remodeling.

Denken wir alles wieder um.

Let's rethink everything.

Bei dem Verkehr möchte ich München lieber umfahren.

With this traffic I'd rather make a detour around Munich.


"unter-" is almost always inseparable. It has a number of meanings, including "below," "beneath," or "down," but it can also convey omission or that something is forbidden.

Die Frau behauptet, ihr Mann unterbricht sie dauernd.

The woman claims her husband continually interrupts her.

Daran geht die Welt nicht unter.

The world won't go under because of that.

Jeden Abend geht er in die Kneipe und unterhält sich mit seinen Freunden.

Every evening he goes to the bar and talks with his friends.


"voll-" usually denotes "full" or "complete."

Der starke Glaube vollbringt Wunder.

A strong faith achieves miracles.

Sie hat ihr erstes Lebensjahr vollendet.

She has completed her first year of life.

Wie haben die Gießkanne vollgegefüllt.

We filled the watering can.


"wieder-" is separable, with one exception:

Das Kind wiederholt alles, was du sagst.

The child repeats everything you say.