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47 Cards in this Set

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In the trematode life cycle, the cercaria is the Larval trematode (which may not have a tail, depending on the species) Cercaria develops fom the germinal cells of the sporocyst and emerges from the snail (intermediate host) to later become (in most species) the metacercaria
Reduction of disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity, or mortality to a locally acceptable level as a result of deliberate efforts. Continued intervention measures are required to maintain the reduction
a single, evaginated scolex that is embedded in a small solid cyst that are typically found in small intermediate hosts such as arthropods
Definitive Host
found in all parasitic life cycles. It's the host in which the sexual stages of the parasite ("adults") mature. if there are no sexual stages in the life cycle, then the definitive host is the host in the life cycle considered most important to humans.
Direct Parasite life cycle
a life cycle of a parasite in which the pre-parasitic larvae develop in the environment as free-living stages in which the eggs will EITHER hatch and the pre-parasitic larvae are entirely free-living and the infective stage is usually an L3 and infection occurs via ingestion of infective stage of skin penetration OR the eggs DO NOT hatch and pre-parasitic larvae develop inside their eggs and infective stage is usually the egg containing the infective larva and infection of the definitive host occurs via ingestion of the infective stage.
a parasite that lives ON the surfaces of the body of the host (i.e. fleas, ticks)
Embryonated egg (larvated egg)
a nematode egg with a developed larva inside it. most nematode eggs leave the host in the morula stage and develop in the environment to the emryonated stage (the stage just before hatching). a few nematode eggs are embryonated at the time they leave the host
a parasite that lives INSIDE the body of the host (i.e. roundworms)
permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of infection caused by a specific agent as a result of deliberate efforts. Intervention measures are not longer needed
the specific organism no longer exists in nature or the laboratory
Final Host
Definitive Host
a general term referring to the nematodes (roundworms), trematodes (flat worms, flukes), cestodes (tape worms) and acanthocephalans (thorny-headed worms)
Hydatid Cyst
Larva of the Echinococcus spp. which is a large fluid filled cyst containing many invaginated scolecies and daughter cysts that also contain many invaginated scolecies. There are two types of hydatid cysts: E. granulosus has uniloculular (one chambered) cyst and E. multilocularis has a multi-locular (many chambered cyst)
In Parasitology: A temporary halt in nematode development within the host at an early stage in the parasitic phase of the life cycle in nematodes with direct life cycles only. Nematodes arrest as immature forms in the definitive hosts ata time when conditions in the external environment pose a hazard to survival of free living pre-parasitic stages (usually in winter or dry seasons). Once conditions are more favorable, the arrested development resume their development to adults the life cycle continues
Incidental Host
designates the host in which that particular parasite is NOT found (i.e. a dog flea on a human)
Intermediate Host
a stage in the life cycle that is essential to parasite development (with some exceptions), and the mode of transmission of the parasite to the definitive host is usually by predation. Intermediate hosts are not required for all parasite life cycles. i.e. rodents are the IH for tapeworms
Indirect life cycle
a life cycle of a parasite in which the pre-parasitic larvae develop inside an appropriate intermediate host
Life Cycle
the stages an organism goes through over time containing a possible pre-parasitic and a parasitic phase. Usually represented as a circle beginning with the formation of a individual and ending with the production of the next generation. In Parasitology, the life cycle of the parasite gives the investigator predictive value for understanding pathogenesis and clinical signs, and for understanding the epidemiology and control of the parasite. Life cycles can either be direct or indirect
stage of trematode life cycle that the cercaria after invading the second intermediate host or attaching itself to vegetation, develop into. When ingested by the definitive host, the metacercaria will develop to the adult stage
Mature tapeworm larvae
the pyriform, ciliated larva of a trematode that developed in and hatched from the egg. The miracidium will penetrate the snail and undergo development to the next stage in the lifecycle
Infestation of organs and tissues of vertebrates by larval dipterans (true flies)
Normal Host
designates the usual or preferred host in which that species of parasite is found. i.e. fleas to dogs
Occult Infection
an infection with adult worms but no corresponding diagnostic stage. i.e. Infections with heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) some hosts may not have circulating microfilaria (this may be a result of immune-mediated clearance of the microfilaria, a single-sex infection, chemosterilization of the adult worms by drug treatment, or senescent adults). This would be known as an "OCCULT heartworm infection".
Organisms that live temporarily or permanently on or withing other living organisms (pant or animal hosts) for the purpose of obtaining food
Parasitic Phase of Life Cycle
The development and maturation to adult males and females occurring in the definitive host of a parasite cycle
a two species association in which on species, the parasite, lives on of in a second species, the host, for a significant period of its life and obtains nourishment from it. The parasite may or may not sause disease in the host
The study of host-parasite relationships. Traditionally this area of study has focused on parasites belonging to the protozoa, helminths and arthropods
Paratenic Host (transport host)
A type of intermediate host in which immature helminths may survive for indefinite periods but do not undergo development. Further parasitic development depends upon infection of the definitive host, which is usually by predation on the paratenic host. Competion of a life cycle may happen with or without a paratenic host, but the presence of a paratenic host may serve to make infection of the definitive host by the parasite more efficient
Periparturient Rise in Fecal Egg Counts (PPR)
An increase in the number of parasitic eggs in the feces of an animal around parturition. This can be pronounced in ewes, sows and goats
Pre-Parasitic Phase of Life Cycle
The development to the infective stage occurring outside the definitive host in the environment of in a second (intermediate) host of the parasite life cycle
Predilection Site
The site within a host where the parasite is normally found
Prepatant Period (PPP)
The period of time from infection until mature adult parasites are producing eggs of larvae
one segment of the body (Strobila) of a tapeworm. Proglottids may be immature, mature (male and/or female sex organs present) or gravid (full of eggs)
Resevoir Host
Usually refers to wild animals. Infections may be passed on to other species
The anterior end ("head") of the adult cestode, it is the hold-fast organ that anchors the worm in the GI tract
Somatic Migration
Migration in the host by a parasite through the lungs into the systemic circulation distributed throughout the body and encyst in the tissues
The string of proglottids which make up the "body" of a tapeworm
Parasitism belongs within the context of symbiosis, a term for a biological relationship in which two species live in close proximity to each other and interact regularly in such a way a to benefit one or both of the organisms
Tracheal Migration
Migration in the host by the parasite into alveoli up the respiratory tree and then swallowed and then mature in the intestine
The stage of the protozoa in the host which feeds and grows until division commences
An intermediate host in the parasitic life cycle, that may or may not be essential for the development of the parasite. a Vector will seek out the definitive host in the life cycle to prey on it, whereas other intermediate hosts will not
Visceral Larva Migration
Nematode larvae migration in hosts that are suitable for long survival but are unsuitable for development to the adult stage. The larva worms wander for a time in the host's tissues
A disease that can be communicated between animals and humans
Routes of Infection
1. Oral: anything that passes trough the mouth
2. Cutaneous: the parasite burrows or penetrates into the skin via a vector
3. Nasal passage: by sniffing
4. Transplacental (intra-uterine): the parasite (usually in larval form) encysted in the mother's muscle, migrate to the bloodstream, cross the placental barrier and infect the fetus
5. Transmammary: through Milk
Ways Parasites cause Disease
1. Absorbing Nutrition
2. Sucking blood or Tissue Fluid
3. Mechanical Obstruction (Blocking blood vessels or intestinal tracts)
4. Causing wounds (in which other pathogens may enter)
5. Causing Tissue reaction in the host
6. Tumor Formation
7. Introduction of the host to other harmful pathogens
8. Self Trauma (Due to inflammation, the animal becomes irritated and causes self-trauma or mutilation in efforts of relief)
Classification of Parasite Phylae
1. Nematodes: includes Roundworms
2. Trematodes: Includes Flatworms
3. Arthropods: includes insects AKA bugs!
4. Protozoa: single celled animals