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22 Cards in this Set

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Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological, Safety, Love and Belongingness, Esteem, Self-actualization
Albert Bandura
Social or Observational Learning Theory: children learn by observing others / "Modeling";observational learning;Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation
B.F. Skinner
Operant Conditioning; "Grandfather of behaviorism"; Learning is a function of change in observable behavior
Carol Gilligan
Stages of the Ethic of Care; challenged male centered theorists
David Ausubel
"Advance Organizer"; help link prior knowledge to current lesson (assimilation theory) (Examples: semantic webs, KWL charts, concept maps)
Erik Erikson
8 Stages of Human Development
Fredric Jones
developer of positive classroom management; nonverbal communication; incentives
supportive and preventive discipline; describe issue or event instead of saying the child did something wrong
Howard Gardner
Multiple Intelligences: linguistic, logic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal
Jacob Kounin
"with-it-ness"; constant monitoring and awareness of student behavior, awareness of classroom, pacing and smooth transitions
Jean Piaget
4 stages of cognitive development
Jerome Bruner
Discovery Learning and Constructivism / Cognitive Learning Theory
John Dewey
Learning Through Experience; School is a social instituion and process of living, focus on creating problem solvers, students should direct their own education.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Theory of Moral Development: Preconvential - obedience inspired by punishment, Conventional - approval of others and meeting obligations, Post-conventional - social mutuality and interest in welfare of others, Conventional - social mutuality and interest in welfare of others
Lee Canter
"Assertive Discipline"; clear expectations, rules and follow through; choice to obey or face consequences
Lev Vygotsky
Zone of Proximal Development; social development theory of learning
Luis Moll
Funds of Knowledge; multicultural families can become social and intellectual resources for a school
Madeline Hunter
"Direct Instruction": Objectives, Standards, Advance Organizer, Teaching, Practice, Closure, Extended Practice
Maria Montessori
Follow the Child; Learning process: stage 1 - Introduce, 2 - Process through work or experimentation, 3 - knowing, pass test, teach to others
Nitza Hidalgo
Three Levels of Culture: Concrete (objects), Behavioral (communication and social roles), Symbolic (values and beliefs)
Pavlov, Ivan
"Classical Conditioning": conditioned responses, responsible for experimental basis of behaviorist learning theory
William Glassner
"Choice Theory or Control Theory"; Focus on behavior, not students during conflict. Student involvement. Create space to learn.