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43 Cards in this Set

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3-D Figures
The union of al pints on a simple closed surface and all pints in its interior
a simple closed surfaced formed by planar polygonal regions
Each polygonal region
Vertices and Edges
the vertices and edges of the polygonal regions
Transformational Geometry
The study of manipulating objects by flipping, twisting, turing and scaling them.
a transformation that slides an object a fixed distance in a given direction
a transformation that slides an object a fixed distance in a given direction
Transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point called the center of rotation
Transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point called the center of rotation
Objects have the same shape and size but the figures face in opposite directions over a line of reflection
line of reflection
-The line where you can imagine a mirror placed

-the distance from a point to the line of reflection is the same distance from the points image to the line of reflection
-The line where you can imagine a mirror placed

-the distance from a point to the line of reflection is the same distance from the points image to the line of reflection
Glide Reflection
a combination of a reflection and a translation
a combination of a reflection and a translation
A transformation that shrinks an object or makes it bigger.
A transformation that shrinks an object or makes it bigger.
An arrangement of closed shapes that completely covers a plane without overlapping or leaving gaps.
An arrangement of closed shapes that completely covers a plane without overlapping or leaving gaps.
a 2-D figure that can be cut out and folded up to make a 3-D solid
a 2-D figure that can be cut out and folded up to make a 3-D solid
Measurement (Length) conversions
Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles

12 inches=1 foot
36 inches=1 yard
3 feet= one yard
5,280 feet= 1 mile
1760 yards=1 mile
Measurement (Weight) conversions
Ounces, pounds, tons

16 ounces= 1 pound
2000 pounds= 1 ton
Measurement (Capacity) conversions
Fluid Ounces, Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons

8 fluid ounces= 1 cup
2 cups= 1 pint
4 cups= 1 quart
2 pints= 1 quart
4 quarts= 1 gallon
Metric Units
Square units
1 square foot= 144 square inches
1 square yard=9 square feet
1 square yard= 1296 square inches
The distance around a circle

Area of a Circle
A= pi*r^2

area=pi*r squared
Lateral Area
the area of the faces excluding the base
surface area
total area of all the faces including the base
the number of cubic units in a solid,the amount of space a figure holds
Right Prisim
where B is the area of the base of the prism and h is the heigh of the prism.
where B is the area of the base of the prism and h is the heigh of the prism.
Rectangular Right Prism

V= lwh
Regular Pyramid for volume
V=1/3 Bh
Right Circular Cylinder
Surface Area
S=2*pi*r (r+h)
V= pi*rsquared*h
Right Circular Cone
V=1/3 Bh
Solving for rates:
1)write equation
2) multiply each term by the LCD of all fractions
3) this will cancel out all of the denominators and give an algebraic equation to be solved

ex: Elly can feed animals in 10 min Jethro can feed them in 10 minutes, how long will it take them to feed them together?

Elly can feel 1/15 of them in one min 2/15 in 2 min...
x/15 in x minutes
Equation: x/15 +x/10=1 (one job)
-multiply by LCD of 30 and get 2x+3x=30
Adjacent Angles
have common vertex and one common side but not interior points in common
have common vertex and one common side but not interior points in common
Complementary Angles
add up to 90 degrees
Supplementary angles
add up to 180 degrees
Vertical angles
have sides that form two pairs of opposite rays
have sides that form two pairs of opposite rays
Corresponding angles
are in the same corresponding position on two parallel line cut by transversal
are in the same corresponding position on two parallel line cut by transversal
Alternate interior angles
are diagonal angles on the inside of two parallel lines cut by a transferal
are diagonal angles on the inside of two parallel lines cut by a transferal
To make a circle graph/pie chart:
1)total all the information that is to be included
2)determine the central angle to be used for each sector of the graph using
information/total information x 360=degrees in central angel
Dependent event
the probability of the second event depends on the first event

ex: it is sunny on saturday /you go to the beach
ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the number of unfavorable outcomes
sample space
list of all possible outcomes of an experiment

ex: tossing two coins : (HH, HT, TT, TH,)
Fundamental counting principle
if there are (m) possible outcomes for one task and (n) possible outcomes for another task then there are
(m x n) outcomes all together.
the number of possible arrangements of items without repetition where order is important
the number of possible arrangements, without repetition where order of selection is not important
addition counting principle for of counting for mutually exclusive events
if A and B are mutually exclusive events
n (AorB)= n (A) + n(B)