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46 Cards in this Set

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Properties of Addition
Associative, Cummutative, identity, inverse
associative property
The order that numbers are grouped in addition does not matter.
commutative property
The order that numbers are added does not matter. 4+5=5+4
identity property
The sum of any number and 0 is the original number. 5+0=5
inverse property
any number plus its opposite is 0.
Properties of multiplication
associative, cummutative, identity, property of zero, inverse, distributive
associative property of multiplication
The order that numbers are grouped in multiplication does not matter.
cummutative property of multiplication
The order that numbers are multiplied does not matter.
identity property of multiplication
any number times 1 is the original number. 14x1=14
Property of zero (multiplication)
Any number times 0 is 0. 23x0=0
adding terms with variables
only terms that have the same variable with the same exponent can be added or subtracted together. 3x cannot be added to 2y
multiplying variables with exponents
1st multiply the coefficients, then add the exponents of the variables.
acute triangle
all angles less then 90 degrees
right triangle
has an angle equal to 90 degrees
obtuse triangle
has an angle greater than 90 degrees
isosceles triangle
has two sides of equal length
equilateral triangle
all three sides are equal in length
two polygons (not just triangles) that are exactly the same size
two polygons (not just triangles) that are the same shape, but different size (proportionally)
pythagorean theorem
in any right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the square of the 2 legs added together.
area of a rectangle
length x width
area of a triangle
1/2 base x height (expressed in unit squared)
volume of rectangular prism
length x width x height (expressed in units cubed)
volume of a cylinder
area of a circle
average number
number that occurs most often (if there is not a number that occurs more than once, there is no mode; if can be two modes if more than one number occurs the same) number of times
the middle number (if there are two numbers in the middle, it is the average of these two numbers)
the largest number minus the smallest number
whole numbers
positive numbers that do not have any decimals or fractions (1,2,3,4,5,6....)
numbers, positive or negative, and do not have a fraction or decimal (...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...)
rational number
any number that can be written as a fraction; all whole numbers and integers, as are decimals that either repeat or end. (.25, .5, -5, 1/13)
real numbers
any numbers that can be written on a number line. (includes whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers, all numbers we use in our everyday lives)
A comparison of two objects using "like", "as", or "than"
A comparison of two objects not using "like", "as", or "than"
A contrast appearance, where intent and actual meaning differ.
point of view
How the literature is told, usually 1st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person
First person
A story told using "I" "we" or the equivalent
second person
A story told using "you"
Third person
A story told through using an all-knowing narrator. They know and see everything that goes on, and tell what they choose. (omniscient point of view)
The structure/arrangement of words in a sentence
the main thought or idea of a work
purposeful exaggeration, not intended to be taken literally
the repetition of similar sounds usually in the beginning of sentences
words that sounds reflect their meaning
sounds the letter make