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191 Cards in this Set

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The transition to adult roles includes a phase of development known as emerging adulthood, which...
greatly prolongs identity development.
Over the past century in industrialized nations, improved nutrition, medical treatment, sanitation, and safety have resulted in an increase in average life expectancy of about...
25 to 30 years
Biological aging...
begins in the early twenties.
According to the "random events" theory of aging, spontaneous or externally caused mutations cause gradual damage to...
In males, semen volume and sperm concentration and motility gradually decrease after age...
Adding some weight between ages 25 and 50 is a normal part of aging, resulting from a gradual decline in...
basal metabolic rate.
To maintain normal body function and better health, the best rule of thumb is to...
eat less fat of all kinds ans substitute unsaturated for saturated fat.
The ingredients of cigarette smoke leave their damaging mark...
throughout the body.
Research on sexual behavior shows that...
sexual partners tend to be similar in age, education, ethnicity, and religion.
Men who engage in sexual assault...
have difficulty accurately interpreting women's social behavior.
According to Perry's work on epistemic cognition, which skill is the first to develop?
Individuals separate information into right and wrong.
Most student who drop out of college...
do not have the ability to succeed at the institution to which they were admitted.
Twenty-year-old Dominic explored the possibility of becoming a teacher by tutoring in an after-school program and interviewing several of his previous teachers about their career choice. He then decided to major in education. Dominic is in the__________ period of vocational development.
The relationship between personality and vocational choice is...
moderate, as most people are a blend of personality types and could do well at more than one kind of occupation.
Non-college-bound North American students...
are typically unable to find a job better than the ones they held as students.
What provides support for the programmed effects of "aging genes"?
Human cells that are allowed to divide in the laboratory have a lifespan of 50 cell divisions, plus or minus 10.
Research on the role of key hormones in aging indicates that a gradual drop in growth hormone (GH) is associated with...
loss of muscle and bone mass.
During the twenties and thirties, physical changes in aging...
occur so gradually that most are hardly noticeable.
In healthy individuals, the heart's ability to meet the body's oxygen requirements under normal conditions (as measured by heart rate in relation to volume of blood pumped)
does not change during adulthood.
Studies of outstanding athletes show that...
the upper biological limit of motor capacity is reached in the first part of early childhood.
Treatment for obese adults should...
begin as soon as possible.
Among groups of North Americans, who is more likely to be inactive compared to their counterparts?
Premenstrual syndrome...
affects nearly 40 percent of women.
With regard to epistemic cognition...
the most mature students eventually progress to commitment within relativistic thinking.
Those who get an early start in creativity tend to peak and drop off sooner, whereas "late bloomers" reach their full stride at older ages. This suggests that creativity is more function of ___________ than of chronological age.
"career age"
Cognitive growth during the college years is promoted when...
students live in college residence halls and become involved in campus life.
What statements about influences on young people's vocational choices is true?
Young adults tend to choose occupations that are consistent with their family values, but teachers also play an important role in career decision making.
When 18-to 25-year-olds are asked what it means to become an adult, most emphasize...
psychological qualities.
Who is most likely to become a mentor?
a senior colleague to a new coworker.
During the age-30 transition, young people reevaluate their...
life structure.
At the very beginning of a relationship, the strongest component of love is...
Who has the largest number of other-sex friends?
highly-educated, employed women
____________ of young adults return home to love for a brief time after initial leaving.
Nearly half
Among North Americans, the average age of first marriage is...
a little higher in Canada than the United States.
When a women's workplace status and income exceed her husband's...
the risk of divorce increases.
For most divorced adults, negative reactions to divorce subside within...
two years.
On average, people remarry within...
four years of divorce.
In the United States, the largest group of never-married parents are young...
African-American women.
Like Erikson, Levinson viewed development as...
a sequence of qualitatively distinct eras.
Levinson found that during the early adult transition, must individuals construct a(n)...
are more readily available to men than women.
Ellie's same-age friends all seemed to be getting married and starting families, while Ellie was still single. As a consequence, Ellie felt lonely, had a negative opinion of herself, and questioned her future. The best explanation of Ellie's situation is the...
social clock.
Compared to Eastern cultural perspectives, Western views of mature love are more likely to focus on...
autonomy, appreciation of the partner's unique qualities, and intense emotion.
Highly educated, employed women...
have the greatest number of friends and other-sex friends.
Loneliness usually peaks in the...
late teens and early twenties.
Most well-educated, career-oriented women expect a(n)...
egalitarian marriage.
In partner abuse, women are more often targets of...
More people seek family therapy during the period when their children are __________ that at any other time in the family cycle.
Voluntarily childless adults...
are just as content with their lives as parents who have warm relationships with their children.
The voluntarily childless usually...
are college-educated and have prestigious occupations.
In a study of racial basis in the labor market, researchers found that...
resumes with white-sounding names evoked more callbacks than resumes with black-sounding names.
Middle age is loosely defined as taking place between ages...
40 and 65.
Throughout adulthood, the size of the pupil shrinks and the lens...
Middle-aged adults are at increased risk of _________, a disease in which poor fluid drainage causes a buildup of pressure within the eye, damaging the optic nerve.
Men's hearing declines...
more rapidly than women's.
What percentage of individuals affect with cancer are cured?
Sharon decided that she was unhappy at work. She realized that the primary cause was frustration with an irresponsible co-worker. She met with this individual, came up with strategies to help the young woman meet her responsibilities, and subsequently derived more enjoyment from her job. Sharon used...
problem-centered coping.
Hardy individuals...
view challenge as a chance for personal growth.
The double standard of aging refers to the notion that...
middle-aged women often feel assertive and confident, yet are viewed by the larger culture as being less attractive and having more negative traits than middle-aged men.
Many cross-sectional studies show that _________ increases steadily through middle adulthood, whereas __________ begins to decline in the twenties.
crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence.
With respect to memory in middle adulthood...
the amount of information people can retain in working memory declines.
During middle adulthood, creativity...
shifts from an egocentric concern with self-expression to more altruistic goals.
Research on the relationship between vocational life and cognitive development shows that...
people in their fifties show as many cognitive gains from complex work as do individuals in their twenties and thirties.
Adults who return to college for undergraduate and graduate study are most likely to be...
Adult on-set hearing loss...
is minimal in most middle-aged adults, suggesting that severe hearing problems are caused by factors other than biological aging.
As we age...
the epidermis becomes less firmly attached to the dermis.
What is true of fat distribution in middle adulthood?
The rise in fat largely affects the torso as fat levels decline on the limbs.
The period leading up to and following menopause if often accompanied by...
mood fluctuations.
Hormone therapy...
is linked to a mild increase in heart attacks, stroke, and blood clots.
The leading cause of death in middle adulthood are...
heart disease and cancer.
Cancer-causing mutations that are due to an inherited predisposition are called...
What is as vital to adoption and maintenance of an exercise program in midlife as it is to career progress?
The heart of the double standard of aging may be related to the ideal women being represented as...
young and sexually attractive.
What tasks most clearly make use of crystallized intelligence?
creating novel pieces of work
According to the neural network view, what causes age-related slowing of cognitive processing?
Neurons die, resulting is the formation of less efficient connections.
Researchers who believe that, with age, the entire information processing system slows down to inspect and interpret information espouse the...
information-loss view.
As Shamiya gets older, which type of memory task will probably be the most difficult for her?
Recalling lists of unrelated words or numbers.
What percentage of returning student adults are women?
According to Erikson, a culture's _________ is a major motivator of generative action.
belief in the species
In middle adulthood, some individuals choose to participate in activities that advance human welfare. What of Levinson's developmental tasks are these individuals attempting to reconcile?
Levinson reported that during the transition to middle adulthood, most men and women in his samples experienced...
substantial inner turmoil.
Sharp disruption and agitation during the midlife transition...
are more the exception than the rule.
Research on well-educated adults ranging from the late teens into the seventies, the following three traits increased from early to middle adulthood and then leveled off:
self-acceptance, autonomy, and environmental mastery
When an aging person's spouse cannot provide care, the relative who is most likely to do so is...
an adult daughter.
Willingness to engage in job training and updating in midlife is influenced by...
co-worker and supervisor encouragement.
According to Levinson, middle adulthood begins with a transitional period that spans the ages from...
40 to 45.
Rebuilding the life structure during middle adulthood depends on...
supportive social contexts.
As a young adult, Christian dreamed of being a great athlete and a very successful businessman. At age 40, as a high-paid administrator for a large corporation, he has largely attained on of those goals. As he enters middle adulthood, Christian will probably...
concentrate more on nurturing personal relationships and on performing competently at work.
According to parental imperative theory, identification with traditional gender roles is maintained during active parenting years to help ensure...
the survival of the children.
Neuroticism, extroversion, and openness to experience...
show modest declines or remain unchanged from the teenage years through middle age.
Studies show that 9 out of 10 middle-aged North Americans...
live with families, usually a spouse.
Although most divorces occur within 5 to 10 years of marriage, ________ percent takes place after 20 years or more.
In southern European countries of Greece, Italy, and Spain, middle-aged parents...
actively delay their children's departure of the home.
Marcia's ability to keep her family of grown children together by holding bimonthly parties and get-togethers at her home shows that she has...
taken on the role of kinkeeper.
During middle adulthood, many siblings...
feel closer than they did in early adulthood.
Even though it is essential for better retirement and adjustment, nearly _____ of middle-aged people engage in no concrete retirement planning.
Today, average life expectancy in North American is approximately...
75 to 80 years.
When researchers estimate the active life span, the country that ranks first is...
What statements are true of the brain in late adulthood?
Brain weight can decline by as much as 5 to 10 percent by age 80.
What statements are true of eyesight in late adulthood?
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among older adults.
Aging of the cardiovascular system causes the...
artery walls to stiffen and accumulate some plaque.
Older adults need about 7 hours of sleep per night, which is about _________ younger adults require.
the same amount as.
Research demonstrates that over the past two decades, compression of morbidity has occurred in developed countries due largely to...
medical advances and improved socioeconomic conditions.
The leading cause of death among individuals age 65 and older is...
cardiovascular disease.
The most common type of arthritis afflicting older adults is...
affects people of all ages.
What is true about Alzheimer's disease?
It can result in coma and, eventually, death.
The disorder most often misdiagnosed as dementia is...
The Adult Development and Enrichment Project (ADEPT) was an intervention program that...
contributed to improved memory and problem-solving abilities among elderly participants.
A North American baby born in 1900 had an average life expectancy just under 50 years. In 2004, this figure reached ________ in the United States and __________ in Canada.
77.9; 80.1
The likely reason that women live 4 to 7 years longer than men, on average, is that women have...
the protective value of their extra X chromosome.
Declines in brain weight throughout adulthood largely result from...
death of neurons.
Aging of the immune system...
is related to increased malfunction, so that the immune system is likely to turn against normal body tissues.
Creasing and sagging of the skin and the appearance of age spots all extend into old age. The face is especially likely to show these effects because it is...
frequently exposed to the sun.
By very old age (85 and beyond), women are more impaired by men because...
only the sturdiest men have survived.
What is the best example of primary aging?
Farsightedness resulting from stiffening of the lens in the eye.
Although ______ contributes to frailty, researchers agree that _______ plays a larger role, through genetic disorders, unhealthy lifestyle, and chronic disease.
primary aging; secondary aging
Sporadic Alzheimer's disease...
is associated with an abnormal gene on chromosome 19, resulting in excess levels of ApoE4.
What individual is most likely to be placed in a nursing home?
a Caucasian American with Alzheimer's disease.
Research on memory capacity in late adulthood shows that...
recognition memory suffers less in late adulthood than does recall.
Elderhostel, Routes to Learning, and similar programs...
combine educational programs with recreational activities.
As 75-year-old Margaret tells her grandchildren of times long ago, when she was just a small child, she is engaging in...
In old age, the majority of older adults...
continue to actively pursue, hoped-for selves.
As a result of negative changes, 82-year-old Jada is more likely to report ________ than her 85-year-old brother.
a lower sense of psychological well-being.
According to ________, social barriers to engagement, not the desires of elders, cause declining rates of social interactions as people age.
activity theory
Both urban and rural adults report greater life satisfaction when _______ reside in their neighborhood.
many senior citizens.
Elderly gay and lesbian couples in long-term partnerships typically...
report happy, highly fulfilling relationships.
Couples who divorce in late adulthood constitute only about _______ of all divorces in a given year.
Compared with widowed women, divorced older women may be more motivated to remarry because of...
more extreme economic circumstances.
The kind of assistance that elders most often receive form their adult children is...
emotional support.
Elder maltreatment is more likely to occur in nursing homes...
that are overcrowded.
At age 80, Barbara can't face the idea that she will die and the world will go on. She has children and grandchildren, but has little interest in their lives. According to Peck, Barbara need to work on...
ego transcendence.
During late adulthood, self-concept becomes...
simpler and more streamlined.
Compared with people of other age groups, elders have the...
highest suicide rate.
Women over age 75 are far more likely than men of the same age to...
have others depend on them for emotional support.
Ethnic minority elders are more likely to accept agency-provided support services when they are...
connected to a familiar neighborhood organization, such as the church.
Among ethnic minority older adults, about ____ percent of Americans and ______ percent of Canadians live in cities.
50; 75
The majority of older adults in Western nations want to live...
in their own homes and neighborhoods and 90% of them do.
Older Americans experience the most extreme restriction of autonomy if they live...
in a nursing home.
The influential model of changes in our social networks as we move through life is known as the...
social convoy.
When marital dissatisfaction is present in late adulthood, it...
takes a greater toll on women than on men.
When asked about the reasons for divorce...
elderly men typically mention a lack of shared interests and activities, while elderly women typically mention their partner's refusal to communicate and emotional distance.
Studies of gender identity in midlife reveal...
an increase in "masculine" traits in women.
Studies of men and women show that from the teenage years through middle age...
agreeableness and conscientiousness increase.
In inner cities, welfare recipients, regardless of age and ethnicity, often include a larger number of single mothers. This trend is an example of...
the feminization of poverty.
Once young adults strike out on their own, members of the middle generation, especially mothers, often take on the kinkeeper role, which involves...
gathering the family for celebrations and making sure everyone stays in touch.
Which pair typically has the closest relationship?
maternal grandmother and granddaughter.
In late adulthood, sibling relationships...
involved increased levels of support when siblings live close to each other.
Older women, more often than older men, have friends who are not intimate but with whom they spend time occasionally, such as a group that meets for lunch. These friends are termed...
secondary friends.
Elder maltreatment is more common when caregivers...
have a history of family violence.
Involvement in leisure activities...
is related to better physical and mental health and reduced mortality.
Death is long and drawn out for what percentage of people?
The definition of death that is currently used in most industrialized nations is...
irreversible cessation of all activity in the brain and the brain stem.
"Death with dignity" refers to...
being well-informed about one's condition and receiving assurance of support and compassionate care.
Who among the following Westerns is LEAST likely to experience death anxiety?
an adult with deep faith in a higher being.
Death anxiety is largely limited to...
adolescence and adulthood.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's stages of dying...
should be viewed as coping strategies that individuals can call on in the face of a threat.
What statement accurately describes how those who are terminally ill cope with impending death?
They use diverse coping strategies, influenced by personality and others' responses.
When asked to describe a "good death," dying patients typically say they hope to...
maintain a sense of identity, or inner continuity with their past.
In communicating with a dying person, it is best to...
foster a trusting relationship by listening attentively and accepting the person's feelings.
What statement about dying at home is true?
Although most older adults would prefer to die at home, they express concern about the burden placed on family members.
One disadvantage to dying in a hospital is that...
privacy and communication with family members are secondary to monitoring the patient's condition.
Central to the hospice approach is that the dying person and his or her family be offered...
care at home, rather than in inpatient settings like hospitals and nursing homes.
The right of a dying patient or family member to choose passive euthanasia...
is supported by more than 3/4 of North Americans in cases where there is no hope for recovery.
The best way for people to ensure that they will have access to passive euthanasia should they desire it is by...
preparing and signing a durable power of authority.
Assisting suicide is...
illegal in many, but not all U.S. states.
Among the various forms of euthanasia, North Americans are LEAST supportive of...
assisted suicide.
Theorist formerly believed that bereaved individuals moved through three phases of grieving. A account, however compares grief to a...
roller-coaster ride, with many ups and downs.
The major difference between a sudden, unexpected death and a prolonged death is that when dying is prolonged, the bereaved person has time to engage in...
anticipatory grieving.
Bereavement interventions typically...
encourage people to draw on their existing social network.
Compared to lecture-format death education programs, experiential programs are...
less likely to heighten death anxiety and may sometimes reduce it.
Technological advances have changed our way of thinking about death by...
providing so may means of keeping death at bay that death has become a forbidden topic for many people.
About ____ percent of people experience a quick, agony free death.
Resuscitation is NOT possible in...
a persistent vegetative state.
Compared with earlier generations, today's children and adolescents in industrialized nations are...
more insulated from death because they are more likely to reach adulthood without experiencing the death of someone they know well.
Death anxiety...
increases with age, as individuals experience more deaths of family and friends.
_______ predicts low death anxiety.
Symbolic mortality
A patient who ________ is most likely to cope well with dying and attain the goals of an appropriate death.
view's dying as part of life's journey
Effective communication with the dying should include...
building a trusting relationship that maintains hope as long as possible.
When a dying person feels a strong sense of spirituality, it tends to produce...
less fear of death.
Today, about ____ percent of deaths in the United States and ______ percent in Canada take place in hospitals.
80; 70
80-90% of North Americans say that they would prefer to die..
at home.
The central belief of the hospice approach is that...
quality of life is the most important issue surrounding a person's journey toward death.
In North America, use of passive euthanasia for terminally ill patients and those in a persistent vegetative state is considered...
an ordinary part of normal medical practice.
In case of terminal illness, coma, or other near-death situations, people specify the treatment they do or don't want in a(n)...
living will.
The U.S. state of ________ has passed a law, the Death with Dignity Act, that allows physicians to prescribe drugs so that terminally ill patients can end their own lives.
Grief refers to...
the experience of losing a loved on by death.
Adjusting to death is easier when...
the survivor understands the reasons for the death.
Compared to those grieving other types of losses, people who have lost a loved one to suicide are...
more likely to conclude that they contributed to or could have prevented the death.
Children who experience the loss of a parent or sibling...
often display persistent mild depression, anxiety, and angry outbursts.
One of the best ways to help a grieving person is by...
listening sympathetically and "just being there."