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23 Cards in this Set

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there are two catagories of cells
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
cells that do not contain membrane bound nucleus
prokaryotic cells
thykaloid membrane in cyanobacteria hold what?
chlorophyll a and accessory pigments are NOT contained in membrane bound chloroplast a and the pigments are held in photosynthetic membranes called thykaloids.
cyanobacteria are often enclosed by a membrand structure called a?
mucilaginous sheath
name the two kinds of cyanobacteria that we looked at in class?
os-cill-atoria, and
plant cells are surrounded by a ridgid ___ made primarly of _____
a ridgid cell wall , made of cellulose
_____are ellipitical green organelle in plant cells that are the site of photosynthesis
____ are organelles found in plant and animal cells that are the site of aerobic respiration?
plastids that store starch
the inner memebrane folds inward to form cristae
cristae holds respiratory enzymes and other large respirarory molecules in place.
the ___ in a plant cell occupies about 90% of the volume of a mature cell and is a storage site for organic and inorganic molecules, ions, water, enzymes, and waste products.
central vacuoles
cytoplasm contain____
is often the thin layer between the vacuole and the plasma memebrane.
cytoplasm contain - the cells organelles.
houses chromosomal dna and is surrounded by a double memebrane.
what is the most abundant organic compound on earth?
what is a polymer of a gluclose molecule
the movement of the cytoplasm along with other organelles is called?
cytoplasmic streaming or cyclosis
what organelles make and store food
how does an amobea move
pseudopodia helps in movement of the cell whre ther is a temporary protrusion;
Pseudopodia also surround food particles and create food vacuoles where food is digested.
what are the two importaint structures of amoeba
contractile vacuole and pseudopodia
Contractile vacuole accumulates and expells water and waste products.
know what the structure of an amoeba looks like
check out your book pg. 45
protists are single-celled_____ that cannot be classifyed as____
eukarotes that cannot be clasifyed as plants, animal or fungi.
the process that uses energy from sunlignt to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water is called
a Paramecium moves by means of short, hair like projections called