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20 Cards in this Set

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whcih hormones share a common alpha subunit


what is the diffeence between a case control study, a cohort study, and a clinical trial? which studies use odds ratios, and which use relative risks?


which neoplasm is most commonly responsible for each of the following hormone parpneoplastic syndrome


cushing syndrome

pth-related peptide






selectioin bia

the referral centers for a trial of a new anticancer drug have more pt

with end stage dz than early stage, so more pt with end statge dz are referred for the trial than early stage dz

berkson bias

studies performed on pt that have been hospitalized type of selection bias

recall bias

parents of autism pt have a more detailed recall of events and illnesses in their childs first two years of life compared to parents of healty controles

sampling bias

a study performed in china may not generalizable to the us population

late lool bias

sending a survey out to people dx with a fatal ilness 5 years after dx will perferentially sample those with a low grade dz (or few comorbidities)

procedure bias

the positive benefit of a new drug during a study simply may have been due to the fact that study participants were required to attend clinic monthly, where they received extra dz education and counseling compared with the controls.

confounding bias

are abestos miners more likely to have cancer because they mine abestos or because they are more likely to smoke

lead time bias

while test PSA-xyz may detect prostate cancer before it is detected by a traditional PSA, early detection using PSA-xyz does not increase cancer survival compared to traditional PSA

pygmalion effect

an orthopedic surgeon investigator who finds statistically significant benefit of arthroscopic surgery when compared to non invasive therapeutic strategies. a chiropractor led study that finds significant benefit of the effects of cerivical manipulaiton when compared to traditional medicine strategies

hawthrorn effect

when studying the effects that infection control educaiton has on physicians, the investigatior notes that both the experimental and the control groups improve their hand hygiene.

study x shows that vitamin c can preven coronavirus infections, but 10 other studies show no benefit. what type of error is found in study x


study Y shows that aspirin administration during an MI offers no improvement in patient morbidity or mortality. what type of error is present


what is the difference between the mean, median and mode


what does it mean to say that a statistical distribution has a positive skew?
