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35 Cards in this Set

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"Daily Doings" probably one of the worlds first newspapers
Acta Diurna
PR goes back to
Ancient Egyptian times
major practitioner of PR thought the middle ages, was one of the first to use Propaganda.
Catholic Church
used the term "propaganda" to supervise foreign missions and train priests to propagate the faith.
Propaganda Pope George XV
"Best known publicity stunt of all time"
By who?
-Boston Tea Party
-Sam Adams
wrote "common sense", more than 120,00 copies were sold in three months.
Tom Paine
Was instrumental in bringing the "lukewarm citizens into the Revolutionary Movement"
"Common Sense" by Tom Paine
Comprised of 85 letters written by Alexander Hamiliton, James Madison and john Jay
"The Federalist Papers"
Invented the printing press (which caused MAJOR social change... people could interpret things for themselves)
Came after the printing press became public
Different parties/views and choices.. market place of ideas.. PR is crucial in this part
for ____ years we were in a "social experiment"... china, we get to make choices.
Grandfather of PR
Sam Adams
association of people who would go speak and rally to get people to be involved in the war
Sons of Liberty
Created Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
Did not want strong federalist control (supported decentralized)
Thomas Jefferson
First Pres-secretary
Amos Kendall
Amos Kendall was the Pres- Secretary for? He represented the "common man" and need help getting the image across.
Andrew Jackson
American showman who was known for his "hoaxes" and entertaining stories like "bearded lady"
PT Barnum
PT Barnum's press agent... First real entertainment publicist
Tody Hamilton
term revived in the 19th century in the United States as a pejorative reference to businessmen and bankers who dominated their respective industries and amassed huge personal fortunes, typically as a direct result of pursuing various anti-competitive or unfair business practices.
Robber Barrons
(Muckraker) was a prolific American author who wrote over 90 books in many genres and was widely considered to be one of the best investigators, advocating socialist views and supporting anarchist causes. He achieved considerable popularity in the first half of the 20th century. He gained particular fame for his 1906 novel The Jungle, which dealt with conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry and caused a public uproar that partly contributed to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906
Upton Sinclair
was a teacher, an author and journalist. She was known as one of the leading "muckrakers" of her day, work known in modern times as "investigative journalism." She wrote many notable magazine series and biographies. She is best-known for her 1904 book The History of the Standard Oil Company, which was listed number five among the top 100 works of twentieth-century American journalism by the New York Times in 1999.
Ida Tarbell
"the strong survive"
Social Darism
What happened in the 1840s?
Moved from "gunsmith" where one person had a specific item they made, to massive immigration of industrial machines and assembly lines.... People started taking over the industries and it was very unrestrained and contained social injustice.
Good example of PR.. 1890-1910's.. First counselor, wanted to enlighten self-intrest
Ivy Lee
Hired to "sell" WW1 along with 4000 others, (Hired by Wilson) after the war was over the 4000 people came out and were part of huge radio "boomer"
George Creel
a well-known news reporter, author, the Director of the United States Office of War Information during World War II
Elmer Davis
First Publicity Firm
Publicity Bureau 1990
At&T... First VP
Arther Page
Modern corporate leader of PR
Paul Garrett GM
Are similar to what Ivy Lee practiced
Paige's Principles
First real educator of PR
Edward Bernays
edward Bernays was the nephew of
Sigmund Fraud
Made (1891–1995), a tobacco-industry publicity man; in which women walked down the streets @ the Thanksgiving day parade smoking.