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19 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 waves of history?
age of agriculture, age of industrialization, and age of communication.
What are the 5 trends that affected the PR profession
-An increased incidence of change, conflict and confrontation in society
-Growth of big institutions
-Decline of communism around the world
-Increased importance of public opinion as democracy spreads
-Dominance of the Internet
What are ancient examples of PR?
parchment on agriculture, Ceasars commentaries of the Gallic Wars, Magna Carta, Catholic College of Propaganda to propagate the faith
First and oldest known written document, tells us how to grow more and better crops on land.
parchment of agriculture.
He wrote treaties about what the great armies of Rome were doing to conquer the war, so he was promoting his posistion on the war to continue what they were dong.
Ceasars commentaries of the Gallic wars
Basis of our constitution. it is an agreement between king john and the english nobles. he was forced to sign this treaty giving the nobles more rights, because they did not like his actions
magna Carta
The pope created a group of monks, a "speakers bureau" to propagate (educate) people on the faith.
catholic college of propaganda to propagate the faith.
What are some revolutionary war examples of PR
Fundraising-harvard developed endowmnet for students who couldn't pay, staged events-boston tea part, calls attention to an issue, attracted attention to the issue, Symbols-liberty tree was a secret sign used to signal that you supported the revolution. ribbons, jesus fish, nike, mcdonalds are all symbols
Other revolutionary era examples
slogans, first to press, organization for actoin
Examples of slogan.
Not taxation without representation-developed to foster participation.
the goal is to expose your side of the story first, leaving the opposition to react.
first to press ex. boston massacre
after american soldiers provoked british soldiers into shooting them, the americans got their story out first, portraying a much bloodier and more cruel even than what actually happened. in actuality , few were killed after harassing british for days by throwing snowballs and rocks at them. since they got their story out first the people believied it.
boston massacre
organizing people to get things done, uses the strength in numbers theory. MADD Peta, NRA, MLK march
Organization for action
post revolutionary war example of organization for action
sons of libery and the committees of correspondence
an example of publications post revolutionary war era was
common sense by thomas paine
written during revolutionary war, stated why citizens should be free and independent, point was to stir colonists up
common sense by thomas paine
What is history's fines PR job?
the federalist papers by hamilton, madison, and ja
credited with getting the colonists to ratify the constitution, intedned to create a stronger central government, convincing un willing american citizens that they needed a strong central government
federalist papers
examples of post revolution era PR
“History’s Finest Public Relations Job”
Creation of Events
Press Agentry
Modern Political Campaigning
First Corporate Public Relations Department