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173 Cards in this Set

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information to influence someone
Public Relations Defined
the management (communication) function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies policies and decisions of an individual or an organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to earn a public understanding
Key words in PR
deliberate, planned, performance, public interest,two way commuication, management function
Two way communication
must solicit feedback and PR practitioners must be sure it does then pass on to management
--enforces social media
Management function
practitioner must be part of the upper level management of that company, involved in the highest decision making
intentionally influences, gains understanding, provides information and obtains feedback
it is systematic and requires research and analysis--somehow is a systemaized effort
including performing, not just labeling-- you can't say your the friendliest company in the world if you don't act on it or people won't believe you
Public Interest
must be responsive to publics and consider its concerns and interests with programs--people go into resturant business for fun but dont realize they need to cook what the public wants not what they want
-Negative term for PR
-Synonym for Press Agent
Robber Barons
Selfish business CEO's
--early businesses in the 1800s who didnt worry about their reputation so they started doing things in malicious ways and media got hold of this and called them _____ _____
Gillett Ammendement
No money can be spent to influence congress
--law still in effect, no PR people in U.S gov't
Gag Law
Law that prohibits the publication of any material that encourages an overthrow of a government
Public Affairs, Information Officers
the name given to PR people in government so that its not technically "PR"
-originally positive term
-today positive slant on a event or information with a point of view
-coined by William Safire
Early PR: Ancient Egypt
Rosetta stone: publicity of pharo's accomplishments
Early PR: Ancient Greece
Olympic games used PR technqiues to promote athletes as heros
Early PR: Ancient Greece: Sophists
Forerunners of lobbyists and extolled the virtues of politicians--good things politicans were doing
Early PR: Ancient Rome: Julius Cesear
Published Commentaires
-first politician to publish a book
-used book to rally public support for wars because he was going to tax them for war money
Early PR: Middle Ages--Roman Catholic Church
Pope Urban II persuaded thousands to serve god and take place in crusades
-Pope gregory XV used propaganda to propogate faith and train priests
Early PR: American 1700s: American Revolution
-colonists used PR techniques to persuade people for war
-First Slogan: Taxation without representation
Common sense-pamphlet of political communication
1st publicity stunt
Boston Tea Party
Committe of Correspondence: American Revolution
forerunners of todays associated press--disseminating information--anti british tone
1800s Press Agentry: Phineas T. Barnum
inaccurate, exaggerated publicist, said the "public be fooled"
-promoted tom thumb and jenny lind
1800s Press Agentry: Amos Kendall
First press secretary
1800s Press Agentry: Products of press agentry
davie crockie, annie oakley, buffalo bill
The West in the 1800s
-Publicity and promotion helped populate western US
American Railroads--Western US 1800s
used press agentry and publicity
Industrial Revolution After Civil War
Mills and shops became factories
-robber barons: industries run by selfish profit makers expense; "public be dammed"
Muckrackers vs. robber barons
journalists attacked ___ ____ in media and exposed scandalous operation of big business
Early PR 1900s-1950
-Pioneers of early PR began leaving media and going to work for people who wuld pay them more to create positive images
Early PR 1900s-1950: First PR Agency
Publicity Bureau, Boston, 1900
--Early Pioneers George Parker and Ivy lee opened publicity office 1905
Ivy Lee
First PR council
-declaration of principles that stressed the truth, accuracy rather than press agentry
-practiced public service and 2 way communication
-brought PR to community level
Henry Ford
First to use positioning--credit and publicity go to those who became first in mind of public (to get in the minds of the public)
-first CEO accessible to the media
Teddy Roosevelt
-Master of generating publicity
-First to use news conference and presidential tours
Edward Bernays
-Father of PR
-Pr is a function of management
-nephew of freud
-taught first PR course in 1923
-used behavior psychology to change perceptions and behaviors
Crystallizing Public Opinion, 1923
Written by Bernays
--talks baout how important it is that you listen to the public and design a PR program based on public opinion
Dors E Fleishman
First distinguished female PR practioner recruited by bernays
PR: 1950s-2000
-PR became firmy established
-WWII brought rapid growth--businesses needed PR
-growth of urban populations
-scientific advancement
-mass media growth
-emphasis on bottom line
PR today
-internet influence
-global village infleunce--technology allows us to be one connected world through communication, internet, customs
Classic Models of PR
-Press Agentry: getting peoples names in the newspaper
-one way communication
-no research
Two way Asymmetrical
-persuasion through science
-communication is 2 way, were getting feedback and putting stuff our but one is always greather than the other
Two way symmertical
-gain mutual understanding
-balanced, two way communication
-heavy, research evaluate how public percieves; determine effect actions/ policies might have; measure results
PR before 1920s
an extension of journalism focused on the dissemination of info and one way communication
--feedback wasnt considered
PR 1920s
focus shifted to psychological and sociological effect of persusive communication in target audiences
-two way asymertical
PR 1960s
Pr should be more than persuading the public that the corpoate policy is correct
--two way symmetrical
PR 1970s
reform of investor relations
PR 1980s
PR is a manegement function
-Strategic became buzzworthy--need strategy and plan ahead to see public opnion instead of just reacting
-management by objective
PR 1990's
-Enviornmental marketing era
-PR people work to maintain credibitly, build relationships and manage issues
-PR audits, CSR
PR audits
go in and talk about what is the message that’s being sent out. Is the message we sent out the one that people are receiving? Is it the positive message we want
CSR-Corporate Social Responsibility
what is the company doing to be a good citizen?
PR 2000s
Relationships building and managing is key--we are partners with our community
-interactive participants
-ongoing communication
-dialogue (social media)
PR today
-one of the fastest growing fields
-internet influence--influences writing
-global village influence
Feminization of todays PR practitioners
-70% of profession is women
-find PR more inviting
-able to make more $ than other fields though less than males
-generally more accepting
-power in management is stronger than ever
Glass Ceiling
metaphore that says woman an see a higher salary or position but cant get there because they are female--not as prevelant in PR
Makeup of PR profession
whites: 90%
blacks: 7.4%
Asians: 4%
Hispanics 3%
Native Americans 2.9%
Growth Model of PR
WWI-Creel Committee
WWII-Patriotism and morale (davis)
-Publicity Bureau started commercial ventures
-subsqeuent agncies sprang forth
Classic PR Campaign: Civil Right PR Campaign
-MLK jr.
-speeches, letter writing (letter from birmingham), lobbying staged events
Classic PR Campaign: NASA
-one of the first companies known for media access
-famous for getting astronots out
Classic PR Campaign: Cabbage Patch Kids
-strong media relations--had people lined up to buy because everyone was talking about them
Classic PR Campaign: Seat Belts
-Campaign aimed at all drivers
-much more defined
Classic PR Campaign: Hands Across America
PR stunt of 7 million people in 16 states
Classic PR Campaign: Starkist Tuna
-commerical product
-changed fishermans practice--tried to get fisherman to use a diff. kind of net so they wouldn't hurt wildlife
Classic PR Campaign:Tylenol
-classic model for crisis communciation
-capsule killed people-allowed the media into the opperation whle it was going on was how they got publicity to turn from bad to good
Classic PR Campaign: Windows 95 launch
campaign achieved 99% awareness
PR professionals take into considertion when making an ethical decision
public interest- it will hurt my interest if the public thinks i am unethical
employers self interest: the agency i work for or the client, what are their interests and how will what i do be effected ethically or unethically
Standards of PR profession- what will my PR association think of me?
Their Personal Values--what kind of reputation I have as a PR person
Absolute Ethical PR Theory
every decision is either right or wrong--end cannot justify the mean
Existential Ethical PR Theory
Choosing the best immediate practical choice
Situational Ethical PR theory
each decision is based upon what would do the least harm and most good
PR ethics
-how we should live our lives
-what is right and wrong
-fair or unfair
-caring or uncaring
-good or bad
-responsible or irresponsible
PR practitioners can be ethical and still be an advocate
are we using the truth to advocate? is our ad truthful
Major Professional PR organizations
-Public Relations Society of America--Largest
-International Association of Bussiness Communication
-International PR association
-Council for advancement and support of education
-Florida Public Relations Association
Codes of ethics for PRSA
advocacy, honesty, independece, expertise, loyalty, fairness
PRSA members major areas
-media relations
-Marketing Communications
-Corporate Communications--big companys have things the do in communication areas
VNR(video news releases) violation
-is public notified when it is used
-is info accurate, reliable
-in sponsor identified in opening
-is sponsor clearly identified
PR Licensing
-bernays advocated
-test given by professional associations
PR Accreditation
Practitioners go through a voluntary process which they are “certified” by a national organization that they are competent, qualified professionals
5 years experience
bachelors degree
moving to require education
ethical dealings with news media
-anything less than total honesty destroys credibility
-evasive answers to reporters questions constitutes lying
1st PR Department
George Westinghouse 1889 hired 2 men to publicize alternating current electricity (AC)
Other name for PR
Corporate Communications
Division of large organizations
line head, staff head, line manager, staff manager, advisory relationships
Division of large organizations: line head
has authority to direct others--you can order people to do things
Division of large organizations: Staff Head
has no direct authority to directly influence others
Division of large organizations: Line manager
-Ex: VP of Manufacturing
-delegates authority
-sets production goals
-hires employees
-directly influences work of others
Division of large organizations: Staff Managers
Ex: Attorney
-small staff
-no direct authority
-can't delegate authority
-indirectly influnces work of others
-usues suggestions, recommendations
line management has no obligation to take recommendations
Compulsory Advisory
Line management must listen to appropriate staff managers before deciding strategy
Concurring Authority
may approve "tool"
-PR staff must approve all strategies before decision making
Command Authority
company can change things with or without consent from PR
-can command another department
PR vs. Lawyers
-legal and publicity advice may be different
-good CEO listens to both
Lawyers like PR?
managning the media process during the course of the legal dispute so as to affect the outcome and its impact on clients reputation
ex: OJ simpson trial
Litigation PR Principles
-Learn the process (of case in public eye)
-develop strategy
-settle fast
-try settling again
many firms spend an average of 40% of their budgets on outside PR
-brings expertise and resources not found inside
-supplement ongoing activity inside
Reasons for Outside PR
-writing and communication needed
-media relations experts
-publicity needed
Charges of outside PR council
-basic hourly fee plus out of pocket expenses
-retainer (monthly)
-fixed project fee
-pay for placement
RFP (request for proposal)
common approach is to engage the services of a PR firm to issue )___
--firm makes a presentation to get clients business
IMF influence
in recent years, PR firms have either merged with advertising firms or become subsidaries of larger purpose firms
5 essential abilites for PR
writing, research ability, planning expertise, problem solving ability, business/economics competence
Components of PR
cousleing, media relations, publicity, community realtions, governmental affairs, employee relations, investor relations, developmental/fund raising, special events, marketing communications
Public Information Model
1920s PR--an extension of journalism and one way communication
relationship marketing
an effort to form solid, ongoing relationship with the purchaser of a product
Structuralist Perspective
people hold different roles in a company based on different experiences recieved on the job
Knowledge model
academics prove that PR is not a professon
competition model
defines a profession based on permanent competition to provide expert services
personality model
commitment, creativity and enthesuiam are hallmarks of a professioanl
mixed organic/mechanical companies
companies that rely heavily on PR
-IBM, General Motors etc
Possible names of head executive of a PR department
manager, director, vice president
the controlled, objective and systematic gathering of information for the purpose of describing and understanding

--find out what it says then find out if your proving anyting
Research is two pronged
-its defining problems
-its evaluating solutions
PR's cost of research
to achieve credibility with management
Define target
know his lifestyle
consumption patterns
periodic surveys
help companies know whats on consumers minds
monitor competition
surveys, current literature
How research is used
-achieve credibility with management
-define targets
-find the right strategy
-test messages
-help management stay in touch
-prevent crisis
-monitor competition
-sway public opinon
-generate publicity
-measure success
Secondary sources
uses magazines books articles and other types of already exisiting sources combined with primary sources to generate new information
content analysis
systematic and objective counting or categoriziing
allows you to gain a sense of what a sample is thinking
focus group
-usually consists 8-12 people
-represent characteristics of target audience
-trained mediator or facillitator who encourages people to talk
-sometimes takes place online
random sample
everyone in that targeted audience is has an equal or known chance in being selected
survey word construction
keep short, clear and unambigious
Qualitative Research
affords the researcher rich insights and understanding of a situation or a target public—also provides red flags or warnings
•Good for probing attitudes, asseing penetration of messages and testing messages
techniques of qualitative research
-content analysis
-copy testing
-focus groups
-ethnographic observation/role playing
copy testing
giving a sample of material to a sample target audience to make sure they understand
ethnographic observation
observation of an individual or group behavior
Quanitative research
requires scientific rigor and proper sampling procedures so that information can be representitive of the general population
techniques of quantitative research
random sampling and sample size
sample size
PR is usually 200-500 people because they want attitiudes and opinions, not elections
Quota Sample
draw a random sample that matches the characteristics of the target audience
use software programs to track and monitor a client’s reputation almost on a daily basis
omnibus survery
a company that buys one or two questions from a survey from a national survey taken by a national polling firm

--also called piggyback survey
you must be able to intrepret it or else its useless
the value of planning
-second step in PR process
-referred to as action bc the pr company starts making plans about whats its going to do about a situation
-should be strategic
-Practitioner must think about a situation, analyze what can be done about it, creatively conceptulize te appropriate strategies and tactis and determine how results should be measured
approaches to planning
management by objective
systematic planning
gathering information, analyzing it, and applying it specifcally for obtaining an objective
management by objective
provides focus and direction for forumlating strategy to achieve organizational objectives
-consider publics reached
-tailoring messages to what audience wants to know
-use appropriate media channels
objective characteristics
does it address the situation? are they realistic? can success be measured?
Program plan
identifies what is to be done, why and how its going to be accomplished
elements of a program plan
elements of a program plan: situation
needs a clear understanding of the situation and decide is it a one time project or a remedia plan or an ongoing effort
elements of a program plan: objectives
address the situation--should lead to outcome
-informational: designed to expose audiences to awareness of an event, product etc
-motivational-designed to change audience opinion or attitude
elements of a program plan: Audience
target audience must be specifically defined a provided research--many campagins have multiple audience
elements of a program plan: strategy
described how an objective is to be achieved and what tactics and tools your going to use to get those objectives achieved
elements of a program plan: tactics
nuts and bolts--activities in doing the plan that put the strategy together
-most visible part of the plan
-build brand awareness
-include core customers
elements of a program plan: evaulation
did the plan achieve the stated objectives? did the sales/market increase? how many calls, eyeballs were recorded?
information: measured by analysis of news clippings and how often key message was used
motivational: measured by increase in market sales
-3rd step in PR process
-the implementation of a decision
-most visible part of PR
-aka execution
purpose of communication
to persuade, inform, motivate and acheieve mutual understanding
to be an effective communicator
one must..
-know what constitues a good message and how people recieve messages
-know how people process information and change perceptions
-know what kind of media and communication tools are most appropriate for a specific audience
objectives for communicators
message exposure-audiences are exposed to messages in various forms
-achieve accurate dissemination of messages
-gain acceptance of the message
-audience accepts message and sees it as valid
-message achieves an attitude change: the reciever not only belives it but comitts an attitude change
5 communication elements
most affective 2 way communication
conversation between 2 people
media uses and gratification theory
-peopel come to messages for different reasons
-communication is interactive
-Communicator wants to persuade, and recipient wants to be entertained, informed or alerted to opportunities that can fulfill individual needs.
Passive audience
individuals pay attention to a message only because it is entertaining and offers a diverson
-are made aware of message through brief encounters
active audience
audiences that actively seek information
-these ppl are already at the interest stage and are seek more sophisticated information
concept of triggering events
-PR people should focus more on behaviors they were trying to motivate in target markets rather tha on what information is being communicated

--PR people should incorporate events into their planning that will trigger people to behave a certian way but latently in their minds
other ways of communicating
-communicate through 5 senses
-open with something that triggers the target audiences values
companies spend lots of time and money to make sure their symbol or logo for quality and service
writing for clarity
-hype words
-discriminatory language
sleeper effect
there is a decreased tendency ove time to reject material presented by an untrustworthy source
cognitive dissonance
people will not believe a message contrary to repdispositions unless the communicator can introduce information that causes them to question their beliefs
how dissonance can be created
-make the public aware that circumstances have changed
-give information about new developments
-involvement-interest or concern for an issue or product
5 stage adoption process
** a person doesn't have to go through all 5 steps
a systematic assesment of a program and its results
orderly evaluation
-learning what was done right
-learning the progress made in attaining specific objectives
-how it can be done better next time
baseline studies
measure perceptions and attitudes
Advertising Equivalency
calculate the message exposure by converting stores in regular news columns into to equivalent advertising costs
measurement of message exposure can be done with the costs of reaching with audience memeber
communication audit
measures communication activity once a year
methods for evaluating PR efforts
-media impressions: the potential audience reached
-hits on the internet
-systematic tracking: can analyze tone of content, publication,sources quoted and mention of key copy points
-800 numbers
-audience attendence
cost effectiveness
cost of program divided by media impressions--way of measuring message exposure
pilot test
before going national companies sometimes test the message and key copy poins in selected cities to see how the public reacts
split messages
2/3 different appeals are sent out by charitable organizations and then the response rate is monitored to learn what messages and graphics seemed to be the most effective