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109 Cards in this Set

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The cervical lesions of HPV are caused by a ____ response to the HPV infection
In HPV, the specific viral proteins interact with host ___ ___
cytoskeletal structures
High risk HPV subtypes causes ___ ___ of cervical cells
preneioplastic changes
Low risk subtypes of HPV cause __ __
genital warts
ToF: penile cancer from HPV often occurs
false: it is rare
Pap smears are now not recommended until age ___
according to ACOG, the first cervical cancer screen should occur at age __-
most women younger than __ should undergo cervical screening once every ___ years instead of anually?
30; 2
After age 30, women can be rescreened for cervical cancer every __ years
why are cervical cancer screens more strict under ACOG?
because there was a significant increase in the number of premature births related to frequent cervical cancer screens
Which testing method can identify the presence of HPV from cervical sample without the presence of lesions?
Hybrid II capture
Whta is the Thin prep pap smear?
liquid cytologic testing for cervical abnormalities
in 2011, ___ % did not used any form of birth control during their last sexual intercourse
Only __% of high school students were taught hot to correctly use a condom during health
what % of high school students were taught abstinence as the most effective method to avoid pregnancy, HIV, and other STD's.
About __% of adolescent pregnancy end in life birth; __% end in abortion; and ___ % end in miscarraige
51; 35; 14
what are the 5 patterns of adolescent heterosexual experience?
-one timers
ToF: pregnant teens have an absence of negative attitudes toward having babies, not negative attitude toward birth control
ToF: pregnant teens tend to have a lack of knowledge regarding birth control
false: they have a lack of motivation to use it
What are the qualities needed for contraceptive readiness?
-ability to plan for the future
-willingness to acquire needed contraceptives publicly
-Communication skills
What is the follow-up plan for a new birth control prescription?
close follow-up, in one month to take BP, check for belly pain
in the general counseling session, the NP should support a decision for __ at the outset
to use continuous contraception you must get a ___ __ prior to the initiation.
pregnancy test
what are the 4 mechanisms of action of birth control?
-prevention of ovulation through hypothalamic and pit secretion secondary to estrogenic and progestin activity
-alteration of cervical mucus, creating hostile enviroment for sperm
-alteration of endometrial lining
-alteration of tubal motility
Estrogen may exert an ___ effect in the uterus by interfering with hypothalamic-pituiatry axis causing bleeding
If ovulation does occur, high dose of __ may increase the rate of degeneration of the corpus luteum
Progestins may decrease rate of __ __ and altering tubal secretions and peristalsis.
ovum transport
Thick cervical mucus are promoted by ___
__ may decrease penetration into the sperm
THe injections of depo-provera are done every __ weeks
Ortho evra is a __ cm patch with __ mg of ___ and 75 mg of __
20;6; norelgestromin; EE (ethinyl estradio)
what are the side effects of ortho eva?
-irregular/absent period
-weight gain or loss
-breast tenderness
-mood changes
-recent report of thromboembolism and trombophlebitis risk is higher with this method
what are the hormones in the nuva ring?
-etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol
what does the nuva ring do?
prevents ovulation, thickens cervical mucus and suppresses endometrial growth
the nuva ring can be removed for __ hours without loss of efficacy
what is the dosing of nuva ring?
insert for 3 weeks, remove for 1 week and reinsert the fourth
what are the side effects of Nuva ring?
-vaginal discomfort
-spotting with breath through bleeding less common than with OCP
-weight gain
-return to fertility within 2-3 months
Describe the characteristics of an intradermal implant.
-requires special training for insertion
-effective for long term contraception
-side effects have caused early removal and adolescents are particularly vulnerable
what are the side effects of the intradermal implant
-irregular bleeding
-weight gain or loss
-visibility or scarring at insertion site
what is the second most used BCM?
how does depo-provera work?
-inhibits ovulation by inhibiting LH and FSH
Cannot give dep-provera if you have 12+ weeks without a __ __
pregnancy test
Depo depletes __ storage
the average weight gain with Depo is __ lbs
what are the side effects of depo?
-breath through bleeding/irregular/ absent periods
-weight gain due to increase
what are the two basic combinations of oral contraceptives?
-formulation that contains estrogen (less than 50micrograms) progestin in a low dose

-progestin-only minipill
what are the advantages of oral contraceptives?
-effective and safe
-no long term effect on reproduction
-improves hursitism
-decrease menstrual cramps, midcycle pain, bleeding PMS
-prevents ectopic pregnancies
-Can increase libido and increase HDL and decrease LDL
what are the disadvantages of oral contraceptives?
-no protection from STI
-unwanted menstrual changes
-increased headache and depression
-Decreased libido
-increase risk of DVT
-increase risk of HTN
List the non-contraceptive health benefits of OCs.
Decreases risk for:
-ovarian cancer
-endometrial cancer
-benign breast disease
-ectopic pregnancy
-fucntional ovarian cysts
-menstrual cycle disorders
-low bone density
-colorectal cancer
what are the major advantages of triphasic?
-reduction of PMS
-reduction of anemia
-decrease in PID
-reduction of ovarian and endometiral cancer
-acne clear up
-decreased effect on high-density lipoproteins (with use of triphasics)
-decreased effect on blood pressure
-decrease effect on carb metabolism
what are the disadvantages of OCP?
-confusion about color of package
-increased incidence of breakthrough bleeding
-no studies reliably document long-term effect on lipids
-some adolescents find the triphasic prep confusing, especially if they forget to take a pill
___ is the lowest effective dose of estrogen (EE) approved for OCs in the US?
20 micrograms
if the patient is over 150 pounds consider a dose of ___ of the pill
35 mcg
describe the chewable pill/
femcon Fe ).4 mg norethindrone and 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol. and is spearmint flavored
Describe Cylessa
25 mcg EE
-desogestrel (desogen, mircette)
-decrease in adrogen side effects

-better for PCOS
what is the generic warning given my the FDA in terms of OCP?
FDA only rquires generic OCP manufacturers to sue 20% of listed ingredients

-if using 20 mcg pill, 20% may make it ineffective
Yasmin should not be used with adolescents with what issues?
renal, hepatic or adrenal insufficiency.

-or on ACEIs, or antiinflammatory drugs due to risk of hyper K
what are the medications that interact with hormonal contraceptives?
-certain antivirals
-non liver induing drugs
-K sparing diuretics
what are the names of the minipills?
progestin's used in low dose OC are derivatives of ____
Yasmin (drosperinone) is a derivative of ____ and has recently been linked to increase in ___
spirolactone; thromboemboli
what are the advantages of the minipill?
-decreased cramps
-decreased bleeding
-decreased breast tenderness
-fewer headache
-less acne and depression
what are the side effects of progesterone?
-acne, hair growth
-amenorrhea or irregular bleeding
-diuretic and antiandrogen side effects (drosperidone)
-May affect appetite
what are the disadvantages of minipill?
-increased chance of ectopic pregnancy
-increased in ovarian cysts
-drug interaction similar to combination pill
what are the reasons behing OCP failure?
-patient failure/user effectiveness
-concurrent drug interactions
-OCPs can increase actions of diazepam, librium, ticyclics and theophylline
what are the classes of drugs that interact with OCPs?
-Cyto P450 systems
-antibiotics and antifungals
-herbal preps: St. John's wort
With seasonale OCPs you have withdrawal ___ every 3 months
what are the formulations of OCPs? ie the days that they are used and not?
-active pills x 21 days then inactive pills for 22-28 days
-seasonale 84 continuous pills then 7 days inactive (get withdrawal bleed every 3 months)
Headache and fatigue while on the pill may be related to ___
Changes in vaginal discharge while on the pill may be related to ___ or ___
estrogen or STD
if breakthrough bleeding occurs while ont he pill early in the cycle, need a pill higher in ___
if breakthrough bleeding occurs late int he cycle, treat with pill higher in ___ on days (__ to __)
progestin; 15-21
ToF: irregular bleeding is common with minipill and cannot be managed without adding estrogen
when should a patient be counseled to start taking the pill?
within the first five days after menses:

sunday following menses
ToF: must use backup the first month of taking the pill
If a pill is missed it should be taken as soon as remembered in the ___
same 24 hours
if 2 or more pills are missed, what is the catchup
take them twice a day, morning and night until they are caught up
When should an NP follow up with a new Rx for OCP?
one month later. ONly give 1 refill
What does ACHES stand for?
pneumonic for the thromboembolitic problem with OCP

A: abdnormal pain (severe)
C: chest pain , SOB, coughing up blood
H: headache (severe)
E: Eye problem
S: severe leg pain (calf and thigh)
what are the possible cause for Severe abdominal pain while on OCPs, THink aches
-gallbladder disease, hepatic adenoma, blood clot, pancreatitis
what are the contraindications for OCPs?
-> 35 smokers
-active liver disease
-thrombophlebitis or thromboembolitic disorders
-breast or other estrogen dependent neoplasm
-undiagnosed abnormal gential bleeding
-presence of Leiden factor V mutation
-deficienies of antithrombin, protein C, protein S or raised concentrations of Factor VIIC
what is the first line method of contraceptive recommended by ACOG?
what are the myths and misunderstandings of IUD?
-an IUD is unsuitable for nilliparous women
-an IDU causes PID
-more infertility after removal
-more ectopic pregnancies
ToF: 3 weeks or more after IUD insertion show the rate of PID with an IUD higher than than without and IUD?
false: no difference
what are the screenings if IUD insertion in relation to PID?
increase risk of PID if cervical infection at the time of the insertion
what are the advantages of the diaphragm?
-low cost
-can be placed in 6 hours before intercourse to not reduce spontaneity
-decreased incidence of some STDs
-decreased incidence of cervical neoplams
what are the disadvantages of diaphragms?
-is latex, can cause allergy
-may not fit well
-some sizes are expensive
-must use spermicide
-must leave in for 6 hours after intercourse/toxic after 24
-must be comfortable touching cervix
-can cause trauma
-may be used during lactation
-office visit required
-possible greater incidence of pap smear abnormalities
what are the contraindications for diaphragm use?
-allergy to rubber
-abnormal vagina anatomy
-recurring UTI
-history of TSS
-inability to learn correct insertion
what are the important teaching points for diaphragm use/
-wash hands first
-need yearly fitting
-recent weight loss/gain of 10 lbs = refit
-must train to learn to fit
-increased infections
there is a __ % failure rate with spermicide
a Lea Shield must be left in for __ hours but less than __ hours
8; 48
what should you tell a teen that said her BF is allergic to latex and doesn't want to use condoms?
use latex without non-oxynol-9 but use water based sperm jelly
Must tell teens to use only __ based lubricants while using a condom
ToF: while using a condom, the male must withdraw the penis while still erect
true: for maximum effectiveness, and hold on to it to stop from slipping
what are the type of condoms that those with allergic reactions can use>?
avanti polyurethane condom
what should be done if condom breaks?
-immediate insert spermacidal jelly
-within 72 hours: emergency contraception
what are the advantages of Natural family planning?
-may meet religious needs
-no office visit
-no concern about allergies, side effects or medical conditions
-low cost
what are the disadvantages to NFP?
-loss of spontaneity
-no protection against STD
what are the adolescent issues with emergency contraception?
-lack of awareness/misconceptions about the product
-high teenage pregnancy rate: missed opportunities for use
-problems with access (approved for 17 and older)
what are the options for emergency contraception?
-combined estrogen-progestin or preogestin only pill
what are the 4 brands of the ECP regimens used in the US?
1. Ella
2. Plan B one-step is a single tablet that contains 1.5mg of levonorgestrel
3. next choice: contains 2 doses which each have 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel. can be taken at same time or two doses 12 hours apart
4. levonorgestrel tab 1.5 mg
what is Ella?
ECP approved august of 2010

-one pill of ulipristal acetate, 30mg
-prevents ovulation for 5 days after unprotected sex
-cannot protect against preg from additional acts of unprotected sex after the first day
what is the effectiveness of the yupze method?
why is the yupze method not as liked?
many side effects such as NV
which IUD do they use for emergency contraception?
copper IUD
what are the contraindications for the emergency contraceptive pills?
-sensitivity/allergy to any component of the pill
-undiagnosed abdominal vaginal bleeding
-current pregnancy
what are the most common side effects to emergency contraception?
1. bleeding
2. nausea
3. fatigue
4. lower abdominal pain
5. headache
6. bleeding was more common in women taking levonorgestrel
what are the male versions of contraception, done on caucasians males in clinical trials?
-concentrate on testosterone combine with norethisteron, desogestrel, etonogestrel or depotp-medroxyprogesterone acetate
principle of hormonal MALE contraception based on suppression of ___ and ___
gonadotropins and spermatogenesis