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88 Cards in this Set

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How do I know if it's Gram + or - ?
Exposed to 02 => gram +
Ex: Staph aureus on skin
• Exposed to 02, yet hiding=> Gram+ anaerobe
Ex: Pr. acnes in hair follicle
• Not exposed to 02 => gram negative (most are anaerobic)
Ex: E. coli in small intestine
Clues for Anaerobes:
• gas
• Bad odor
Facultative Aerobe:
prefers O2, can survive without
Facultative Anaerobe
prefers no 02, can survive with
Adequate Sputum Sample:
<10 Epithelial cells/ low power field
>25 Leukocytes/ low-power field
How did that bug get a new infectivity?
in the wild=> virus gives plasmid to bacteria (bacteriophage vector)
Transformation, where does this happend?
in hospital=> 1 bacteria dies, another bacteria picks up its plasmid
bacteria w / pili have sex
"jumping gene"
Skin Bugs (4)
Staph aureus
Strep pyogenes
Staph epidermidis
Propionibacterium acnes
Clues: Staph aureus
Clues: Staph epidermidis
Central lines or catheter infections
Clues: Propionibacterium acnes
Clues: Strep pyogenes
Eye Bugs: (6)
Staph aureus
Hemophilus aegyptus
Francisella tularensis
Bacillus cereus
Eye Clue(s): Staph aureus
Eye Clue(s): Hemophilus aegyptus
Swollen eyeball w / pus
Eye Clue(s): Francisella tularensis
Red eye, swollen glands, rabbits, deer
Eye Clue(s): Pseudomonas
Contact lens keratitis
Eye clue(s): Chlamydia Retina
cotton exudate
Eye clue(s): Bacillus cereus
drug user proptosis, eye ring abscess
Ear Bugs:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Strep pneumoniae
ear Clue(s): Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Otitis externa
ear Clue(s): Strep pneumoniae
Otitis media
Mouth Bugs:(6)
Strep mutans
Strep viridans
Strep salivarius
Clue(s): Actinomyces
Sulfur granules
Clue(s): Fusobacterium
Painful ulcers, gum pus
Clue(s): Strep mutans
Dental cavities
Clue(s): Strep viridans
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
clue(s): Strep salivarius
Cold agglutinin test
clue(s) and tx: Eikenella
Human bite (Tx: Augmentin)
Throat Bugs: (4)
Strep pyogenes
Group C
N. gonorrhea
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Clue(s), location: Strep pyogenes
Throat Bug
Rheumatic fever
Clue(s)and location:Group C strep
Throat Bugs
Clue(s) and NF: N. gonorrhea
Throat Bugs
Pharyngitis w / oral sex
Clue(s) and NF:Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Throat Bugs
Chinese letters, gray pseudomembrane, suffocation
Lung Bugs: (12)
"name the top 3, the atypicals and 3 outliers"
Strep pneumonia
H. influenza B
N. catarrhalis
Chlamydia psittaci
Pnemnocystis jirovecii
Clostridium botulism
Bordetella pertussis
Bacillus anthracis
Clue(s) and NF: Strep pneumonia
Lung Bug
Gram + diploccoci
Clue(s) and NF: H. influenza B
Lung Bug
Thumb sign epiglottitis
Lung Bugs: (12)
Strep pneumonia
H. influenza B
N. catarrhalis
Chlamydia psittaci
Pnemnocystis jirovecii
Clostridium botulism
Bordetella pertussis
Bacillus anthracis
NF and Clue(s): N. catarrhalis
Lung Bug
NF and Clue(s): Chlamydia psittaci
Lung Bug
Parakeets, parrots
NF and Clue(s): Bordetella pertussis
Lung Bug
whooping cough
Lung Bug and Clue(s): Chlamydia
Staccato coughing, elementary and reticulate bodies
NF and Clue(s): Mycoplasma
pneumonia, Bullous myringitis, ground-glass CXR
Lung Bug
NF and Clue(s):
Legionella pneumonia
Lung Bug
AC ducts, silver stains lung, CYEA
NF and Clue(s): Pnemnocystis jirovecii
Lung Bug
AIDS, premies, silver stains
NF and Clue(s): Clostridium botulism
Lung Bug
Canned food, honey, inhibits ACh release
NF and Clue(s): Clostridium tetani
Lung Bug
Rusty nail wounds, inhibits Gly release
Stomach Bug and clue
H. Pylori, Peptic ulcers
Colon Bugs: (12)
"BeaCH LoVerS in nY"
Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens, Hepatitis A, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Salmonella, Shigella, Staph aureus, Yersinia enterolitica
Clue(s) and NF: Salmonella
colon bug: Raw chicken&eggs, turtles, rose typhoid spots
Clue(s) and NF: Campylobacter jejuni
Colon Bug
Raw chicken & eggs, very bloody diarrhea
Clue(s) and NF: Clostridium perfringens
Colon Bug
Holiday ham & turkey, DM gas gangrene
Clue(s) and Colon Bug: Bacillus cereus
fried rice
Clue(s) and NF: Listeria monocytogenes
Colon Bug
Raw cabbage, hot dogs, spoiled milk, migrant workers
Clue(s) and NF (2): Staph aureus
Colon Bug: Milk
skin: cellulitis
Clue(s) and NF: Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Colon Bug
Raw fish
Clue(s) and NF: Hepatitis A
Colon Bug
clue(s) and NF: Vibrio vulnificus
colon bug
colon bug
Day care outbreaks => seizures
clue(s) and NF: Vibrio cholera
colon bug
Rice water diarrhea
clue(s) and NF: Clostridium difficile
colon bug
Explosive diarrhea
clue(s) and NF: Yersinia enterolitica
colon bug
Presents like appendicitis + Reiter's
clue(s) and NF: Clostridium septicum
colon bug
Colon cancer
clue(s) and NF: Bacteroides fragilis
colon bug
Post-op pelvic abscess
clue(s) and NF:Strep bovis
colon bug
Colon cancer
Urinary tract Bugs: (5)
E. coli
Proteus mirabilis
Klebsiella pneumonia
Staph saprophyticus
NF and Clue(s): E. coli
raw hamburger
NF and Clue(s): Proteus mirabilis
urinary tract bug, Staghorn calculus
NF and Clue(s): Klebsiella pneumonia
urinary tract bug
Alcoholics, currant jelly sputum
NF and Clue(s): Staph saprophyticus
urinary tract bug
Young girls/College girls UTis
NF and Clue(s): Enterococcus
urinary tract bug
Nitrite negative
Blood Bugs (10)
"Nesseria, Rickettsia, brucella, Pasturella"
N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhea, Brucella,Pasteurella multocida R. rikettsii, R. akari, R. typhi, R. prowazeki, R. tsutsugamushi
Coxiella burnetii
NF and Clue(s): N. meningitis
Blood Bug
DIC, Waterhouse-Friedrichson (adrenal hemorrhage)
NF and Clue(s): N. gonorrhea
Blood Bug
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis (liver hemorrhage)
NF and Clue(s): Brucella
Blood Bug
Farmers, veterenarians, spiking fever 5x/ day, butchers
NF, tx and Clue(s): Pasteurella multocida
Blood Bug,Cat/ dog saliva
Tx: 1st: penicillin V 2nd: doxycyline, levofloxaxin and amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid, extended spectrum cephalosporins
NF and Clue(s): R. rikettsii
Blood Bug
Ticks=> Rocky mountain spotted fever
NF, vector and Clue(s): R. akari
Blood Bug
Mites => Ricketsial pox, fleshy papules
NF, vector and Clue(s): R. typhi
Blood Bug
Fleas, endemic typhus
NF, vector and Clue(s): R. prowazekii
Blood Bug
Lice, ePidemic typhus
NF and Clue(s): R. tsutsumaguchi
Blood Bug
Mites => scrub typhus
NF and Clue(s): Coxiella burnetii
Blood Bug
Dusty barn = > Q fever, lung disease
Lymph Bugs
Yersinia pestis
Bartonella henselae
NF, Tx and Clue(s): Bartonella henselae
Lymph Bug
Cat scratch=> single painful lymph node in armpit
(Tx:Bactrim or Erthythromycin)
NF and Clue(s): Yersinia pestis
Rats, fleas => Bubonic plague