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61 Cards in this Set

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Sus scrofa

Porcine (Swine)


-older female that has had a litter


-young female pig that has not has a litter


-Male -usually refers to breeding

-is the heat detector and breeder


-castrated male


-young pigs


-to give birth

Digestion of a porcine

-similar to humans

-small cecum

-simple stomach like the horse

Swine breeds distinguished by

-hair color

-ear position

-lot of cross breeding has been done with swine

different breeds names

-Yorkshire-all white (most popular in US)

-Duroc- redbrown hair, floppy ears (2nd most popular in us)

-Hampshire-black and white ("belt"), erect ears

-spotted swine- black white spots (floppy ears), 50/50 white to color

-Poland china- black w/ white points (floppy ears)

-Chester white- white hair and skin, floppy ears

Swine selected for traits

-sow productivity

-confirmation (good feet and legs, 12-14 teats)

-Feed efficiency (# of feed / # of gain)

-Carcass measurements (% of lean cuts measure back fat)

Gilts reach puberty

-around 5-6 months

-should be 7-9 months and weigh 200- 250

Swine Estrous cycle

-21 day estrous cycle

-2-4 days in estrus

-produce multiple eggs each cycle (have litters of piglets)

-should farrow 2 x a year

Gestation of swine

-114 days (3m,3wk,3d)

-try to avoid farrowing in summer b/c pigs are sensitive to heat and cold

Care of piglets

-need warm temp

-85-90 F in first 2 wks

-65-70 there after

-first 3 days clip needle teeth (8 of them)

-dock tail to prevent cannibalism

-notch ear


-iron injection (prevent anemia)

Pig gains ? / day

-1.5 to 2 # / day

Restraint of swine

-very timid, very vocal

-food reward works really well

-piglets are kept together in a pen

-hog snare for large pigs

when to market swine

-at 240-260 # about 7 months of age

-if grown longer more fat is accumulated have to be trimmed


-male that has been castrated as a mature animal, after male characteristics have developed

-very undesirable in food industry b/c testosterone changes taste of meat

carcass grades of swine

-barrows/gilts and sows are graded =

-meat is called pork

-boars/stags not graded

-yield- amt of lean meat (1-4)

-gray pink is acceptable

Ovis aries


sheep and goats provide





-pertaining to sheep


-female sheep


-male sheep


-castrated male



ewe lamb

-young adult female not bred yet

ram lamb

-young adult male

to lamb

-give birth

-Sheep Anatomy

-sheep are ruminants

-can graze

-have 2 teats

-are ungulates and cloven footed

Ovine breeds (sheep) distinguished by

-divided in to ewe, ram and dual purpose breeds

-distinguished by wool and color and size

-all ewe faces are white

Ovine Ewe breeds

-Rambouillet-fine wool, multi births, long lived, wool blindness

-merino- top quality fleece, white on legs too, wrinkled skin, little muscle

-fin sheep- ok wool, no wool on face or legs, small, 4 lambs /year

Ovine Ram breeds

-Hampshire- black face w/ whit wool on head and body, large body

-Suffolk- black face no wool on face or legs, very large, poor fleece

Dual purpose breeds

-Cheviot- white face no wool on face or legs, small

-Dorset- white face wool on head but not on face, lots of milk, good muscling, out of season breeder

-Polypay- New, good carcass, wool, mothers

Sheep gestation

-short day breeders (fall/winter)

-150 days (5months)

Sheep estrous cycle

-16 days

-estrus 30 hrs **

Ram effect

-keep ram away from ewes then reintroduce his pheromones stimulates estrus and come in to heat w/in a few days

heat detection in sheep

-don't mount eachother when in heat

-marking harnesses is used (change crayon color every 2 weeks)

-twinning is sought out

Ovine PE


-resist handling

-Temp-101.5 to 104


-lymph nodes

-restrain by rumping

Capra hircus












-castrated male


baby goat

types of goats

-dairy goat

-meat goat(leather)



goat breeds

-French alpine(most dairy breed)

-toggenburg(good milker)

-Saanen(solid color or any combination)

-Nubian- large droopy ears

-LaMancha- don't have a pinna

-boer goat- meat goat

-angora- mohair production

-cashmere- fuzzy down under layer

-pygmy- dwarf breed

Goat reproduction

-short day breeders like sheep

-1st heat 6-10 months

-21 day estrous cycle

-estrus 24 hrs

-gestation 150 days (multiple births are common)

care of kids

-id by tattoo in ear or tail


-castrate @ 2 weeks

-wattles are cut off to prevent cannibalise

-wormed regularly

Goat management

-produce 1- 1.5 gallons / day

-rarely allergic to goat milk

Caprine PE

-trim feet when needed

-look for hair loss

-palpate lymph nodes

-temp - 101 to 103

-Pulse- 70 to 135

-resp- 10-30


-over eating dz

-sudden death in lambs

-Clostridium perfringens type D

-is a vaccination

Pregancy toxemia

-twin lamb dz

-from Ketosis of sheep and goats

-last 2-4 wks of pregnancy

-more energy out than in

-down and unresponsive

-fetal death toxemia (rots in belly and kills mom)

-prevent by feeding right or C section 2-4 wks b4

Caseous Lymphadenitis

-chronic infectious dz of sheep and goats

-corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis

-Large swollen lymph nodes (break and drain)

-internal abscesses

-treat remove lymphs or get rid of the sheeps

-don't get over this it is chronic

Salt poisoning

-CNS signs

-swelling and edema in brain

-blind to surroundings

-convulsions, coma, death

-swine are prone to this

-prevent with fresh water

Gastric ulsers in swine

-often undiagnosed problem

-cause: stress, diet, management

-anorexia, paleness w/ anemia

-Melena (digested blood in stool)


-treat by lowering stress, antibiotics, and prevention is best


-parasite of swine

-Trichinella spiralis

-not very pathogenic to pig but can cause dz in humans who eat them

-forms in cysts in the muscle of pigs

-no clinical signs in pigs

-humans will have flu like symptoms

-prevention: deworm pigs , properly cook pork

Contagious Ecthyma "ORF"

-ciral dz sheep and goats

-(sore mouth)

-cause pox virus

-need break in skin

-get blisters breaks oozes then dryes up and falls off spreds rapidly.

-once scab falls off that sheep is immune to this dz

-Scab will infect the environment

-don't want to eat when scabs are around the mouth

-wont' let babies eat if on the teats

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)

-Brain and spinal cord dz

-long incubation period

-CNS signs

-eventually fatal

Called Scrapies in sheep and goats

Caprine Arthritis & Encephalitis in goats

-cause by virus

*Encephalitis: forms seen in kids, brain and spinal cord, paresis & ataxia in hind limbs, paralysis

*Arthritis: adults sometimes kids, joints get large painful, no treatment, no vaccine

-prevention: Cull animal

-in mothers milk