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abun·dant adjective \-dənt\
: existing or occurring in large amounts

a : marked by great plenty (as of resources) <a fair and abundant land>
b : amply supplied : abounding <an area abundant with bird life>
: occurring in abundance : ample <abundant rainfall>

ex·ces·sive adjective \ik-ˈse-siv\
: going beyond what is usual, normal, necessary, or proper
ac·cept verb \ik-ˈsept, ak- also ek-\
: to receive or take (something offered)

: to take (something) as payment

: to be able or designed to take or hold (something)

1re·ject transitive verb \ri-ˈjekt\
: to refuse to believe, accept, or consider (something)

: to decide not to publish (something) or make (something) available to the public because it is not good enough

: to refuse to allow (someone) to join a club, to attend a school, etc.

a : to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use <rejected the suggestion> <reject a manuscript>
b : to refuse to hear, receive, or admit : rebuff, repel <parents who reject their children>
c : to refuse as lover or spouse
obsolete : to cast off
: throw back, repulse
: to spew out
: to subject to immunological rejection
ad·mit verb \əd-ˈmit, ad-\

a : to allow scope for : permit <admits no possibility of misunderstanding>
b : to concede as true or valid <admitted making a mistake>
a : to allow entry (as to a place, fellowship, or privilege) <an open window had admitted rain> <admitted to the club>
b : to accept into a hospital as an inpatient <he was admitted last night for chest pains>
intransitive verb
: to give entrance or access
a : allow, permit <admits of two interpretations>
b : to make acknowledgment —used with to

de·ny transitive verb \di-ˈnī, dē-\
: to say that something is not true

: to refuse to accept or admit (something)

: to refuse to give (something) to someone : to prevent someone from having or receiving (something)

: to declare untrue <deny an allegation>
: to refuse to admit or acknowledge : disavow <deny responsibility>
a : to give a negative answer to <denying the petitioners>
b : to refuse to grant <deny a request>
c : to restrain (oneself) from gratification of desires
archaic : decline
: to refuse to accept the existence, truth, or validity of
— de·ny·ing·ly adverb
1aes·thet·ic adjective \es-ˈthe-tik, is-, British usually ēs-\\-ti-kəl\
: of or relating to art or beauty

a : of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful <aesthetic theories>
b : artistic <a work of aesthetic value>
c : pleasing in appearance : attractive <easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features — Mark Mehler>
: appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful; also : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses
agree·able adjective \ə-ˈgrē-ə-bəl\
: pleasing to the mind or senses

: ready or willing to agree : willing to do or allow something

: able to be accepted

: pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with one's tastes or needs <an agreeable companion> <an agreeable change>
: ready or willing to agree or consent
: being in harmony : consonant

con·de·scend·ing adjective \ˌkän-di-ˈsen-diŋ\
: showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people

: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others
— con·de·scend·ing·ly adverb
al·low verb \ə-ˈlau̇\
: to permit (something) : to regard or treat (something) as acceptable

: to permit (someone) to have or do something

: to permit (someone) to go or come in, out, etc.
a : to assign as a share or suitable amount (as of time or money) <allow an hour for lunch>
b : to reckon as a deduction or an addition <allow a gallon for leakage>
a chiefly Southern & Midland : to be of the opinion : think
b dialect : say, state
c : to express an opinion —usually used with as how or that
chiefly Southern & Midland : intend, plan
: admit, concede <must allow that money causes problems in marriage>
a : permit <doesn't allow people to smoke in his home>
b : to forbear or neglect to restrain or prevent <allow the dog to roam>
intransitive verb
: to make a possibility : admit —used with of <evidence that allows of only one conclusion>
: to give consideration to circumstances or contingencies —used with for <allow for expansion>

controlling adjective
: having a need to control other people's behavior

: having the power to control how something is managed or done

: giving someone the power to control how something is managed or done
ap·pre·ci·a·tion noun \ə-ˌprē-shē-ˈā-shən, -ˌpri- also -ˌprē-sē-\
: a feeling of being grateful for something

: an ability to understand the worth, quality, or importance of something : an ability to appreciate something

: full awareness or understanding of something

Full Definition of APPRECIATION

a : judgment, evaluation; especially : a favorable critical estimate
b : sensitive awareness; especially : recognition of aesthetic values
c : an expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude
: increase in value

en·vi·ous adjective \ˈen-vē-əs\
: feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has : feeling or showing envy

Full Definition of ENVIOUS

: feeling or showing envy <envious of their neighbor's new car> <envious looks>
a : emulous
b : enviable
— en·vi·ous·ly adverb
— en·vi·ous·ness noun
ap·prove verb \ə-ˈprüv\
: to believe that something or someone is good or acceptable

: to officially accept (an idea, action, plan, etc.)

Full Definition of APPROVE

transitive verb
obsolete : prove, attest
: to have or express a favorable opinion of <couldn't approve such conduct>
a : to accept as satisfactory <hopes she will approve the date of the meeting>
b : to give formal or official sanction to : ratify <Congress approved the proposed budget>
intransitive verb
: to take a favorable view <doesn't approve of fighting>
— ap·prov·ing·ly adverb

crit·i·cal adjective \ˈkri-ti-kəl\
: expressing criticism or disapproval

: of or relating to the judgments of critics about books, movies, art, etc.

: using or involving careful judgment about the good and bad parts of something

Full Definition of CRITICAL

a : of, relating to, or being a turning point or specially important juncture <a critical phase>: as (1) : relating to or being the stage of a disease at which an abrupt change for better or worse may be expected; also : being or relating to an illness or condition involving danger of death <critical care> <a patient listed in critical condition> (2) : relating to or being a state in which or a measurement or point at which some quality, property, or phenomenon suffers a definite change <critical temperature>
b : crucial, decisive <a critical test>
c : indispensable, vital <a critical waterfowl habitat> <a component critical to the operation of a machine>
d : being in or approaching a state of crisis <a critical shortage> <a critical situation>
a : inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably
b : consisting of or involving criticism <critical writings>; also : of or relating to the judgment of critics <the play was a critical success>
c : exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation <critical thinking>
d : including variant readings and scholarly emendations <a critical edition>
a : of sufficient size to sustain a chain reaction —used of a mass of fissionable material <a critical mass>
b : sustaining a nuclear chain reaction <the reactor went critical>
— crit·i·cal·i·ty noun
— crit·i·cal·ly adverb
— crit·i·cal·ness noun
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Examples of CRITICAL

The program presents a critical analysis of the government's strategies.
She has a talent for critical thinking.
We need to look at these proposed changes with a critical eye before we accept them.
First Known Use of CRITICAL

Related to CRITICAL

captious, carping, caviling (or cavilling), faultfinding, hypercritical, judgmental, overcritical, rejective
Related Words
discerning, discriminating, judicious; demanding, exacting, fastidious, finical, finicky, fussy, nitpicky, particular, picky; pettifogging, quibbling; harsh, merciless, uncharitable, unforgiving
Near Antonyms
undiscriminating; undemanding, unfussy; charitable, forgiving
Synonym Discussion of CRITICAL

critical, hypercritical, faultfinding, captious, carping, censorious mean inclined to look for and point out faults and defects. critical may also imply an effort to see a thing clearly and truly in order to judge it fairly <a critical essay>. hypercritical suggests a tendency to judge by unreasonably strict standards <hypercritical disparagement of other people's work>. faultfinding implies a querulous or exacting temperament <a faultfinding reviewer>. captious suggests a readiness to detect trivial faults or raise objections on trivial grounds <a captious critic>. carping implies an ill-natured or perverse picking of flaws <a carping editorial>. censorious implies a disposition to be severely critical and condemnatory <the censorious tone of the review>.
at·trac·tive adjective \ə-ˈtrak-tiv\
: having a pleasing appearance; especially : having a pleasing appearance that causes romantic or sexual feelings in someone

: having a feature or quality that people like

Full Definition of ATTRACTIVE

: having or relating to the power to attract <attractive forces between molecules>
a : arousing interest or pleasure : charming <an attractive smile>
b : appealing <an attractive offer>
— at·trac·tive·ly adverb
— at·trac·tive·ness noun

se·duc·tive adjective \-ˈdək-tiv\
: sexually attractive

: making someone do or want something : very attractive

Full Definition of SEDUCTIVE

: tending to seduce : having alluring or tempting qualities <a seductive, sometimes disingenuous man — Thatcher Freund> <a seductive aroma>
— se·duc·tive·ly adverb
— se·duc·tive·ness noun
au·thor·i·ta·tive adjective \ə-ˈthär-ə-ˌtā-tiv, ȯ-, -ˈthȯr-\
: having or showing impressive knowledge about a subject

: having the confident quality of someone who is respected or obeyed by other people

Full Definition of AUTHORITATIVE

a : having or proceeding from authority : official <authoritative church doctrines>
b : clearly accurate or knowledgeable <an authoritative critique>

dog·mat·ic adjective \dȯg-ˈma-tik, däg-\
: expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted

Full Definition of DOGMATIC

: characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts <a dogmatic critic>
: of or relating to dogma (see dogma)
— dog·mat·i·cal·ly adverb
— dog·mat·i·cal·ness noun
aware adjective \ə-ˈwer\
: knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exists

: feeling, experiencing, or noticing something (such as a sound, sensation, or emotion)

: knowing and understanding a lot about what is happening in the world or around you

Full Definition of AWARE

archaic : watchful, wary
: having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge
— aware·ness noun

pre·oc·cu·pied adjective \(ˌ)prē-ˈä-kyə-ˌpīd\
: thinking about something a lot or too much

Full Definition of PREOCCUPIED

: previously applied to another group and unavailable for use in a new sense —used of a biological generic or specific name
a : lost in thought; also : absorbed in some preoccupation
b : already occupied

"too preoccupied with her worries to enjoy the meal"
1bal·ance noun \ˈba-lən(t)s\
: the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall

: the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling

: a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance

Full Definition of BALANCE

: an instrument for weighing: as
a : a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends
b : a device that uses the elasticity of a spiral spring for measuring weight or force
: a means of judging or deciding
: a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence
: an oscillating wheel operating with a hairspring to regulate the movement of a timepiece
a : stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis
b : equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements
c : equality between the totals of the two sides of an account
a : an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements
b : the juxtaposition in writing of syntactically parallel constructions containing similar or contrasting ideas
a : physical equilibrium
b : the ability to retain one's balance
a : weight or force of one side in excess of another
b : something left over : remainder
c : an amount in excess especially on the credit side of an account
: mental and emotional steadiness
— bal·anced adjective
— in the balance or in balance
: with the fate or outcome about to be determined <our future hangs in the balance as we await his decision>
— on balance
: with all things considered <the meeting went well on balance>

1ex·treme adjective \ik-ˈstrēm\
: very great in degree

: very serious or severe

: very far from agreeing with the opinions of most people : not moderate

Full Definition of EXTREME

a : existing in a very high degree <extreme poverty>
b : going to great or exaggerated lengths : radical <went on an extreme diet>
c : exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected <extreme weather conditions>
archaic : last
: situated at the farthest possible point from a center <the country's extreme north>
a : most advanced or thoroughgoing <the extreme political left>
b : maximum
a : of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (as skiing) that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk <extreme mountain biking down steep slopes>
b : involved in an extreme sport <an extreme snowboarder>
— ex·treme·ness noun
beau·ti·ful adjective \ˈbyü-ti-fəl\

Definition of BEAUTIFUL

: having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure
: generally pleasing : excellent
— beau·ti·ful·ly adverb
— beau·ti·ful·ness noun
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Examples of BEAUTIFUL

You have the most beautiful smile.
The film tells a beautiful story about two young lovers.
Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean.
The sunsets here are absolutely beautiful.
What a beautiful day for a picnic!
This is a beautiful example of early American poetry.
Located on one of the most beautiful and untouched coastlines in America, this recreational area has much to offer. You can hike on rocky headlands that rise dramatically from the Pacific Ocean, ride horses or bikes along scenic trails, walk along the many beaches, kayak on pristine Tomales Bay, or spy the abundance of native flowers and wildlife, including elephant seals and tule elk.

glam·or·ous adjective \ˈglam-rəs, ˈgla-mə-\
: very exciting and attractive : full of glamour

Full Definition of GLAMOROUS

: full of glamour : excitingly attractive <a glamorous actress> <a glamorous life>
— glam·or·ous·ly adverb
— glam·or·ous·ness noun
1be·ing noun \ˈbē(-i)ŋ\
: a living thing

: the state of existing

: the most important or basic part of a person's mind or self

Full Definition of BEING

a : the quality or state of having existence
b (1) : something conceivable as existing (2) : something that actually exists (3) : the totality of existing things
c : conscious existence : life
: the qualities that constitute an existent thing : essence; especially : personality
: a living thing; especially : person
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Examples of BEING

a social movement that was brought into being in the 1960s
I knew it was true in the core of my being.

1have verb \ˈhav, (h)əv, v; in “have to” meaning “must” usually ˈhaf\
had hav·ing has

Definition of HAVE

transitive verb
a : to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement <they have a new car> <I have my rights>
b : to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal <the group will have enough tickets for everyone> <we don't have time to stay>
c : to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole <the car has power brakes> <April has 30 days>
: to feel obligation in regard to —usually used with an infinitive with to <we have things to do> <have a deadline to meet>
: to stand in a certain relationship to <has three fine children> <we will have the wind at our backs>
a : to acquire or get possession of : obtain <these shoes are the best to be had>
b : receive <had news>
c : accept; specifically : to accept in marriage
d : to copulate with
a : to be marked or characterized by (a quality, attribute, or faculty) <both have red hair> <has a way with words>
b : exhibit, show <had the gall to refuse>
c : use, exercise <have mercy on us>
a : to experience especially by submitting to, undergoing, or suffering <I have a cold>
b : to make the effort to perform (an action) or engage in (an activity) <have a look at that cut>
c : to entertain in the mind <have an opinion>
a : to cause or command to do something —used with the infinitive without to <have the children stay>
b : to cause to be in a certain place or state <has people around at all times>
: allow <we'll have no more of that>
: to be competent in <has only a little French>
a : to hold in a position of disadvantage or certain defeat <we have him now>
b : to take advantage of : trick, fool <been had by a partner>
: bear 2a <have a baby>
: to partake of <have dinner> <have a piece>
: bribe, suborn <can be had for a price>
verbal auxiliary
—used with the past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect <has gone home> <had already eaten> <will have finished dinner by then>
: to be compelled, obliged, or required —used with an infinitive with to or to alone <we had to go> <do what you have to> <it has to be said>
— had better or had best
: would be wise to
— have at
: to go at or deal with : attack
— have coming
: to deserve or merit what one gets, benefits by, or suffers <he had that coming>
— have done
: finish, stop
— have done with
: to bring to an end : have no further concern with <let us have done with name-calling>
— have had it
: to have had or have done all one is going to be allowed to
: to have experienced, endured, or suffered all one can
— have it
: assert, claim <rumor has it that he was drunk>
— have it in for
: to intend to do harm to
— have it out
: to settle a matter of contention by discussion or a fight
— have none of
: to refuse to have anything to do with
— have one's eye on
a : to look at
b : to watch constantly and attentively
: to have as an objective
— have to do with
: to deal with <the story has to do with real people — Alice M. Jordan>
: to have a specified relationship with or effect on <the size of the brain has nothing to do with intelligence — Ruth Benedict>
be·lieve verb \bə-ˈlēv\
: to accept or regard (something) as true

: to accept the truth of what is said by (someone)

: to have (a specified opinion)
be·lieved be·liev·ing

Full Definition of BELIEVE

intransitive verb
a : to have a firm religious faith
b : to accept something as true, genuine, or real <ideals we believe in> <believes in ghosts>
: to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something <believe in exercise>
: to hold an opinion : think <I believe so>
transitive verb
a : to consider to be true or honest <believe the reports> <you wouldn't believe how long it took>
b : to accept the word or evidence of <I believe you> <couldn't believe my ears>
: to hold as an opinion : suppose <I believe it will rain soon>
— be·liev·er noun
— not believe
: to be astounded at <I couldn't believe my luck>

in·sist verb \in-ˈsist\
: to demand that something happen or that someone do something

: to say (something) in a way that is very forceful and does not allow disagreement

Full Definition of INSIST

intransitive verb
: to be emphatic, firm, or resolute about something intended, demanded, or required <they insist on going>
archaic : persist
transitive verb
: to maintain in a persistent or positive manner <insisted that the story was true>
1bril·liant adjective \ˈbril-yənt\
: very bright : flashing with light

: very impressive or successful

: extremely intelligent : much more intelligent than most people

Full Definition of BRILLIANT

: very bright : glittering <a brilliant light>
a : striking, distinctive <a brilliant example>
b : distinguished by unusual mental keenness or alertness
— bril·liant·ly adverb

clev·er adjective \ˈkle-vər\
: intelligent and able to learn things quickly

: showing intelligent thinking

: funny in a way that shows intelligence

Full Definition of CLEVER

a : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : nimble <clever fingers>
b : mentally quick and resourceful <a clever young lawyer>
: marked by wit or ingenuity <a clever solution> <a clever idea>
a : good
b : easy to use or handle
— clev·er·ish adjective
— clev·er·ly adverb
— clev·er·ness noun
can·did adjective \ˈkan-dəd\
: expressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way

photography : showing people acting in a natural way because they do not know that they are being photographed

Full Definition of CANDID

: white <candid flames>
: free from bias, prejudice, or malice : fair <a candid observer>
a : marked by honest sincere expression <a candid discussion>
b : indicating or suggesting sincere honesty and absence of deception <her candid face>
c : disposed to criticize severely : blunt <candid critics>
: relating to or being photography of subjects acting naturally or spontaneously without being posed
— can·did·ly adverb
— can·did·ness noun

cal·cu·lat·ing adjective \-ˌlā-tiŋ\
: carefully thinking about and planning actions for selfish or improper reasons

Full Definition of CALCULATING

: making calculations <calculating machine>
: marked by prudent analysis or by shrewd consideration of self-interest : scheming
— cal·cu·lat·ing·ly adverb
care·free adjective \ˈker-ˌfrē\
: having no worries or problems : free from care

Full Definition of CAREFREE

: free from care: as
a : having no worries or troubles

friv·o·lous adjective \ˈfri-və-ləs\
: not important : not deserving serious attention

: silly and not serious

Full Definition of FRIVOLOUS

a : of little weight or importance
b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) <a frivolous lawsuit>
a : lacking in seriousness
b : marked by unbecoming levity
— friv·o·lous·ly adverb
— friv·o·lous·ness noun
challenged adjective
: having a physical or mental problem that makes it difficult to do things as easily as other people do

Full Definition of CHALLENGED

: presented with difficulties (as by a disability) <physically challenged>

im·pede transitive verb \im-ˈpēd\
: to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)

Full Definition of IMPEDE

: to interfere with or slow the progress of
— im·ped·er noun
Examples of IMPEDE

He claims that economic growth is being impeded by government regulations.
The soldiers could not impede the enemy's advance.
Origin of IMPEDE

Latin impedire, from in- + ped-, pes foot — more at foot
First Known Use: circa 1595
char·i·ta·ble adjective \ˈcher-ə-tə-bəl, ˈcha-rə-\
: done or designed to help people who are poor, sick, etc.

: showing kindness in talking about or judging other people : not very critical

Full Definition of CHARITABLE

: full of love for and goodwill toward others : benevolent
a : liberal in benefactions to the needy : generous
b : of or relating to charity <charitable institutions>
: merciful or kind in judging others : lenient
— char·i·ta·ble·ness noun
— char·i·ta·bly adverb

1prod·i·gal adjective \ˈprä-di-gəl\
: carelessly and foolishly spending money, time, etc.

Full Definition of PRODIGAL

: characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish <a prodigal feast> <prodigal outlays for her clothes>
: recklessly spendthrift <the prodigal prince>
: yielding abundantly : luxuriant —often used with of <nature has been so prodigal of her bounty — H. T. Buckle>
— prod·i·gal·i·ty noun
— prod·i·gal·ly adverb
cheer·ful adjective \ˈchir-fəl\
: feeling or showing happiness

: feeling or showing that you are willing to do something without complaining

: causing good feelings or happiness

Full Definition of CHEERFUL

a : full of good spirits : merry <a cheerful host>
b : ungrudging <cheerful obedience>
: conducive to cheer : likely to dispel gloom or worry <sunny cheerful room>
— cheer·ful·ly adverb
— cheer·ful·ness noun

man·ic adjective \ˈma-nik\
: having or relating to a mental illness that causes someone to become very excited or emotional

: very excited, energetic, or emotional

Full Definition of MANIC

: affected with, relating to, characterized by, or resulting from mania
— manic noun
— man·i·cal·ly adverb
cher·ish transitive verb \ˈcher-ish, ˈche-rish\
: to feel or show great love for (someone or something)

: to remember or hold (an idea, belief, etc.) in a deeply felt way

Full Definition of CHERISH

a : to hold dear : feel or show affection for <cherished her friends>
b : to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture <cherishes his marriage>
: to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely <still cherishes that memory>
— cher·ish·able adjective
— cher·ish·er noun

1prize noun \ˈprīz\

Definition of PRIZE

: something offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance; also : premium 1d
: something exceptionally desirable
archaic : a contest for a reward : competition
choose verb \ˈchüz\
: to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want

: to make a choice about what to do
chose cho·sen choos·ing

Full Definition of CHOOSE

transitive verb
a : to select freely and after consideration <choose a career>
b : to decide on especially by vote : elect <chose her as captain>
a : to have a preference for <choose one car over another>
b : decide <chose to go by train>
intransitive verb
: to make a selection <finding it hard to choose>
: to take an alternative —used after cannot and usually followed by but <when earth is so kind, men cannot choose but be happy — J. A. Froude>
— choos·er noun

1have verb \ˈhav, (h)əv, v; in “have to” meaning “must” usually ˈhaf\
had hav·ing has

Definition of HAVE

transitive verb
a : to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement <they have a new car> <I have my rights>
b : to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal <the group will have enough tickets for everyone> <we don't have time to stay>
c : to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole <the car has power brakes> <April has 30 days>
: to feel obligation in regard to —usually used with an infinitive with to <we have things to do> <have a deadline to meet>
: to stand in a certain relationship to <has three fine children> <we will have the wind at our backs>
a : to acquire or get possession of : obtain <these shoes are the best to be had>
b : receive <had news>
c : accept; specifically : to accept in marriage
d : to copulate with
a : to be marked or characterized by (a quality, attribute, or faculty) <both have red hair> <has a way with words>
b : exhibit, show <had the gall to refuse>
c : use, exercise <have mercy on us>
a : to experience especially by submitting to, undergoing, or suffering <I have a cold>
b : to make the effort to perform (an action) or engage in (an activity) <have a look at that cut>
c : to entertain in the mind <have an opinion>
a : to cause or command to do something —used with the infinitive without to <have the children stay>
b : to cause to be in a certain place or state <has people around at all times>
: allow <we'll have no more of that>
: to be competent in <has only a little French>
a : to hold in a position of disadvantage or certain defeat <we have him now>
b : to take advantage of : trick, fool <been had by a partner>
: bear 2a <have a baby>
: to partake of <have dinner> <have a piece>
: bribe, suborn <can be had for a price>
verbal auxiliary
—used with the past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect <has gone home> <had already eaten> <will have finished dinner by then>
: to be compelled, obliged, or required —used with an infinitive with to or to alone <we had to go> <do what you have to> <it has to be said>
— had better or had best
: would be wise to
— have at
: to go at or deal with : attack
— have coming
: to deserve or merit what one gets, benefits by, or suffers <he had that coming>
— have done
: finish, stop
— have done with
: to bring to an end : have no further concern with <let us have done with name-calling>
— have had it
: to have had or have done all one is going to be allowed to
: to have experienced, endured, or suffered all one can
— have it
: assert, claim <rumor has it that he was drunk>
— have it in for
: to intend to do harm to
— have it out
: to settle a matter of contention by discussion or a fight
— have none of
: to refuse to have anything to do with
— have one's eye on
a : to look at
b : to watch constantly and attentively
: to have as an objective
— have to do with
: to deal with <the story has to do with real people — Alice M. Jordan>
: to have a specified relationship with or effect on <the size of the brain has nothing to do with intelligence — Ruth Benedict>
civ·il adjective \ˈsi-vəl\
: of or relating to the people who live in a country

: of or relating to the regular business of the people in a city, town, state, etc. : not connected to the military or to a religion

: polite but not friendly : only as polite as a person needs to be in order to not be rude

Full Definition of CIVIL

a : of or relating to citizens
b : of or relating to the state or its citizenry <civil strife>
a : civilized <civil society>
b : adequate in courtesy and politeness : mannerly <a civil question>
a : of, relating to, or based on civil law
b : relating to private rights and to remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings
c : established by law
: of, relating to, or involving the general public, their activities, needs, or ways, or civic affairs as distinguished from special (as military or religious) affairs
of time : based on the mean sun and legally recognized for use in ordinary affairs

1for·mal adjective \ˈfȯr-məl\

Definition of FORMAL

a : belonging to or constituting the form or essence of a thing <formal cause>
b : relating to or involving the outward form, structure, relationships, or arrangement of elements rather than content <formal logic> <a formal style of painting> <a formal approach to comparative linguistics>
a : following or according with established form, custom, or rule <lacked formal schooling> <a formal dinner party> <formal attire>
b : done in due or lawful form <a formal contract> <received formal recognition>
a : characterized by punctilious respect for form : methodical <very formal in all his dealings>
b : rigidly ceremonious : prim
: having the appearance without the substance <formal Christians who go to church only at Easter>
— for·mal·ly adverb
— for·mal·ness noun
concerned adjective
: feeling worry or concern

: having an interest or involvement in something

: having a relation to something

Full Definition of CONCERNED

a : anxious, worried <concerned for their safety>
b : interested <concerned to prove the point>
a : interestedly engaged <concerned with books and music>
b : culpably involved : implicated <arrested all concerned>

judg·men·tal adjective \ˌjəj-ˈmen-təl\
: tending to judge people too quickly and critically

: of, relating to, or involving judgment

Full Definition of JUDGMENTAL

: of, relating to, or involving judgment
: characterized by a tendency to judge harshly <judgmental prigs>
— judg·men·tal·ly adverb
con·cil·i·ate verb \kən-ˈsi-lē-ˌāt\
: to make (someone) more friendly or less angry

Full Definition of CONCILIATE

transitive verb
: to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts
: to make compatible : reconcile
: appease
intransitive verb
: to become friendly or agreeable
— con·cil·i·a·tion noun
— con·cil·i·a·tive adjective
— con·cil·i·a·tor noun
— con·cil·ia·to·ry adjective

in·flex·i·ble adjective \(ˌ)in-ˈflek-sə-bəl\
: not easily influenced or persuaded

: not easily bent or twisted

: not easily changed

Full Definition of INFLEXIBLE

: rigidly firm in will or purpose : unyielding
: not readily bent : lacking or deficient in suppleness
: incapable of change : unalterable
— in·flex·i·bil·i·ty noun
— in·flex·i·ble·ness noun
— in·flex·i·bly adverb
con·fi·dent adjective \ˈkän-fə-dənt, -ˌdent\
: having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something : having confidence

: showing that you have confidence

: certain that something will happen or that something is true

Full Definition of CONFIDENT

: full of conviction : certain <confident of success> <confident that conditions will improve>
: having or showing assurance and self-reliance <a confident young businessman> <a confident manner>
obsolete : trustful, confiding
— con·fi·dent·ly adverb

ar·ro·gant adjective \ˈer-ə-gənt, ˈa-rə-\
: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people : having or showing arrogance

Full Definition of ARROGANT

: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner <an arrogant official>
: showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance <an arrogant reply>
— ar·ro·gant·ly adverb
con·front transitive verb \kən-ˈfrənt\
: to oppose or challenge (someone) especially in a direct and forceful way

: to directly question the action or authority of (someone)

: to deal with (something, such as a problem or danger); especially : to deal with (something) in an honest and direct way

Full Definition of CONFRONT

: to face especially in challenge : oppose <confront an enemy>
a : to cause to meet : bring face-to-face <confront a reader with statistics>
b : to meet face-to-face : encounter <confronted the possibility of failure>
— con·front·al noun
— con·front·er noun
Examples of CONFRONT

They confronted the invaders at the shore.
She confronted him about his smoking.
The country is reluctant to confront its violent past.
The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty.
I confronted her with the evidence.

ha·rass transitive verb \hə-ˈras; ˈher-əs, ˈha-rəs\
: to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way

: to make repeated attacks against (an enemy)

Full Definition of HARASS

a : exhaust, fatigue
b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
: to worry and impede by repeated raids <harassed the enemy>
— ha·rass·er noun
— ha·rass·ment noun
Examples of HARASS

She was constantly harassed by the other students.
He claims that he is being unfairly harassed by the police.
The troops harrassed the defeated army throughout its retreat.
1con·scious adjective \ˈkän(t)-shəs\
: awake and able to understand what is happening around you

: aware of something (such as a fact or feeling) : knowing that something exists or is happening

: known or felt by yourself

Full Definition of CONSCIOUS

: perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation <conscious of having succeeded> <was conscious that someone was watching>
archaic : sharing another's knowledge or awareness of an inward state or outward fact
: personally felt <conscious guilt>
: capable of or marked by thought, will, design, or perception
: self-conscious
: having mental faculties not dulled by sleep, faintness, or stupor : awake <became conscious after the anesthesia wore off>
: done or acting with critical awareness <a conscious effort to do better>
a : likely to notice, consider, or appraise <a bargain-conscious shopper>
b : being concerned or interested <a budget-conscious businessman>
c : marked by strong feelings or notions <a race-conscious society>
— con·scious·ly adverb

unaware adjective
: not aware : IGNORANT
con·sid·er·ate adjective \kən-ˈsi-d(ə-)rət\
: thinking about the rights and feelings of other people : showing kindness toward other people

Full Definition of CONSIDERATE

: marked by or given to careful consideration : circumspect
: thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others
— con·sid·er·ate·ly adverb
— con·sid·er·ate·ness noun

in·dul·gent adjective \in-ˈdəl-jənt\
: willing to allow someone to have or enjoy something even though it may not be proper, healthy, appropriate, etc.

: done or enjoyed as a special pleasure

Full Definition of INDULGENT

: indulging or characterized by indulgence; especially : lenient
— in·dul·gent·ly adverb
con·struc·tive adjective \kən-ˈstrək-tiv\
: helping to develop or improve something : helpful to someone instead of upsetting and negative

Full Definition of CONSTRUCTIVE

: declared such by judicial construction or interpretation <constructive fraud>
: of or relating to construction or creation
: promoting improvement or development <constructive criticism>
— con·struc·tive·ly adverb
— con·struc·tive·ness noun

de·struc·tive adjective \di-ˈstrək-tiv\
: causing a very large amount of damage : causing destruction or harm

Full Definition of DESTRUCTIVE

: causing destruction : ruinous <destructive storm>
: designed or tending to hurt or destroy <destructive criticism>
— de·struc·tive·ly adverb
— de·struc·tive·ness noun
con·tend verb \kən-ˈtend\
: to argue or state (something) in a strong and definite way

: to compete with someone or for something : to compete with a good chance of winning

Full Definition of CONTEND

intransitive verb
: to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties : struggle
: to strive in debate : argue
transitive verb
: maintain, assert <contended that he was right>
: to struggle for : contest

Examples of CONTEND

These people contend that they have earned the right to the land.
The team is expected to contend for the championship this year.

com·pete intransitive verb \kəm-ˈpēt\
: to try to get or win something (such as a prize or reward) that someone else is also trying to win : to try to be better or more successful than someone or something else

: to try to be noticed, accepted, or chosen over something else

Full Definition of COMPETE

: to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (as position, profit, or a prize) : be in a state of rivalry <competing teams> <companies competing for customers>
Examples of COMPETE

Thousands of applicants are competing for the same job.
She competed against students from around the country.
We are competing with companies that are twice our size.
Did you compete in the track meet on Saturday?
The radio and the television were both on, competing for our attention.
cou·ra·geous adjective \kə-ˈrā-jəs\
: very brave : having or showing courage

Full Definition of COURAGEOUS

: having or characterized by courage : brave <a courageous soldier> <a courageous decision>
— cou·ra·geous·ly adverb
— cou·ra·geous·ness noun

cour·age noun \ˈkər-ij, ˈkə-rij\
: the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous

Full Definition of COURAGE

: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty

reck·less adjective \ˈre-kləs\
: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions

Full Definition of RECKLESS

: marked by lack of proper caution : careless of consequences
: irresponsible <reckless charges>
— reck·less·ly adverb
— reck·less·ness noun
de·fend verb \di-ˈfend\
: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)

: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away

: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)

Full Definition of DEFEND

transitive verb
a : to drive danger or attack away from <defend our shores>
b (1) : to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism <defend a theory> (2) : to prove (as a doctoral thesis) valid by answering questions in an oral exam
c : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at <elects to defend the south goal>
archaic : prevent, forbid
: to act as attorney for
: to deny or oppose the right of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or a wrong charged) : contest
: to retain or seek to retain (as a title or position) against a challenge in a contest <they successfully defended their championship>
intransitive verb
: to take action against attack or challenge
: to play or be on defense <playing deep to defend against a pass>
: to play against the high bidder in a card game
— de·fend·able adjective

1at·tack verb \ə-ˈtak\
: to act violently against (someone or something) : to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone)

: to criticize (someone or something) in a very harsh and severe way

: to begin to work on or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a determined and eager way

Full Definition of ATTACK

transitive verb
: to set upon or work against forcefully
: to assail with unfriendly or bitter words
: to begin to affect or to act on injuriously <plants attacked by aphids>
: to set to work on <attack a problem>
: to threaten (a piece in chess) with immediate capture
intransitive verb
: to make an attack
— at·tack·er noun
dem·o·crat·ic adjective \ˌde-mə-ˈkra-tik\
: based on a form of government in which the people choose leaders by voting : of or relating to democracy

Democratic : of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the U.S.

: relating to the idea that all people should be treated equally

Full Definition of DEMOCRATIC

: of, relating to, or favoring democracy
often capitalized : of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the United States evolving in the early 19th century from the anti-federalists and the Democratic-Republican party and associated in modern times with policies of broad social reform and internationalism
: relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of the people <democratic art>
: favoring social equality : not snobbish
— dem·o·crat·i·cal·ly adverb

dic·ta·to·ri·al adjective \ˌdik-tə-ˈtȯr-ē-əl\
: of, relating to, or ruled by a dictator

—used to describe a person who tries to control other people in a forceful and unfair way

Full Definition of DICTATORIAL

a : of, relating to, or befitting a dictator <dictatorial power>
b : ruled by a dictator
: oppressive to or arrogantly overbearing toward others
— dic·ta·to·ri·al·ly adverb
— dic·ta·to·ri·al·ness noun
de·tached adjective \di-ˈtacht, dē-\
: not emotional : not influenced by emotions or personal interest

: not joined or connected : separate from another part or thing

Full Definition of DETACHED

: standing by itself : separate, unconnected; especially : not sharing any wall with another building <a detached house>
: exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest <a detached observer>
— de·tached·ly adverb
— de·tached·ness noun

removed adjective
: away from something

: of a younger or older generation

Full Definition of REMOVED

a : distant in degree of relationship
b : of a younger or older generation <a second cousin's child is a second cousin once removed>
: separate or remote in space, time, or character
de·ter·mined adjective \-ˈtər-mənd\
: having a strong feeling that you are going to do something and that you will not allow anyone or anything to stop you

: not weak or uncertain : having or showing determination to do something

Full Definition of DETERMINED

: having reached a decision : firmly resolved <determined to be a pilot>
a : showing determination <a determined effort>
b : characterized by determination <will deter all but the most determined thief — Security World>
— de·ter·mined·ly adverb
— de·ter·mined·ness noun

stub·born adjective \ˈstə-bərn\
: refusing to change your ideas or to stop doing something

: difficult to deal with, remove, etc.

Full Definition of STUBBORN

a (1) : unreasonably or perversely unyielding : mulish (2) : justifiably unyielding : resolute
b : suggestive or typical of a strong stubborn nature <a stubborn jaw>
: performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate, or persistent manner <stubborn effort>
: difficult to handle, manage, or treat <a stubborn cold>
: lasting <stubborn facts>
— stub·born·ly adverb
— stub·born·ness noun
devoted adjective
: having strong love or loyalty for something or someone

Full Definition of DEVOTED

: characterized by loyalty and devotion <a devoted fan> <he is devoted to her>
— de·vot·ed·ly adverb
— de·vot·ed·ness noun

1pos·ses·sive adjective \pə-ˈze-siv also -ˈse-\
: not willing to share things with or lend things to other people

: wanting all of someone's attention and love

grammar : relating to a word or a form of a word that shows that something or someone belongs to something or someone else

Full Definition of POSSESSIVE

: of, relating to, or constituting a word, a word group, or a grammatical case that denotes ownership or a relation analogous to ownership
: manifesting possession or the desire to own or dominate
— pos·ses·sive·ly adverb
— pos·ses·sive·ness noun
dip·lo·mat·ic adjective \ˌdi-plə-ˈma-tik\
: involving the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different countries : of or relating to diplomats or their work

: not causing bad feelings : having or showing an ability to deal with people politely

Full Definition of DIPLOMATIC

a : paleographic
b : exactly reproducing the original <a diplomatic edition>
: of, relating to, or concerned with diplomacy or diplomats <diplomatic relations>
: employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress
— dip·lo·mat·i·cal·ly adverb

de·cep·tive adjective \di-ˈsep-tiv\
: intended to make someone believe something that is not true

: likely to make someone believe something that is not true

Full Definition of DECEPTIVE

: tending or having power to deceive : misleading <a deceptive appearance>
— de·cep·tive·ly adverb
— de·cep·tive·ness noun
do·ing noun \ˈdü-iŋ\
: the act of making something happen through your own action

doings : things that someone does : things that happen

Full Definition of DOING

: the act of performing or executing : action <that will take a great deal of doing>
a : things that are done or that occur : goings-on <everyday doings>
b : social activities

1get verb \ˈget, ÷ˈgit\
got got or got·ten get·ting

Definition of GET

transitive verb
a : to gain possession of
b : to receive as a return : earn <he got a bad reputation for carelessness>
a : to obtain by concession or entreaty <get your mother's permission to go>
b : to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) : catch <got measles from his sister>
a : to seek out and obtain <hoped to get dinner at the inn>
b : to obtain and bring where wanted or needed <get a pencil from the desk>
: beget
a : to cause to come or go <quickly got his luggage through customs>
b : to cause to move <get it out of the house>
c : to cause to be in a certain position or condition <got his feet wet>
d : to make ready : prepare <get breakfast>
a : to be subjected to <got a bad fall>
b : to receive by way of punishment
c : to suffer a specified injury to <got my nose broken>
a : to achieve as a result of military activity
b : to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage <he got little for his trouble> <get the better of an enemy>
a : seize
b : overcome
c : to have an emotional effect on <the final scene always gets me>
d : irritate <the delays were starting to get her>
e : puzzle
f : to take vengeance on; specifically : kill
g : hit
: to prevail on : cause <finally got them to tidy up their room>
a : have —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning <I've got no money>
b : to have as an obligation or necessity —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning <you have got to come>
a : to find out by calculation <get the answer to a problem>
b : memorize <got the verse by heart>
c : hear
d : understand <he got the joke>
: to establish communication with
: to put out in baseball
: deliver 6b <the car gets 20 miles to the gallon>
intransitive verb
a : to succeed in coming or going : to bring or move oneself <get away to the country> <got into the car>
b : to reach or enter into a certain condition <got to sleep after midnight>
c : to make progress <hasn't gotten far with the essay>
: to acquire wealth
a : to be able <never got to go to college>
b : to come to be —often used with following present participle <got talking about old times>
a : to succeed in becoming : become <how to get clear of all the debts I owe — Shakespeare>
b : to become involved <people who get into trouble with the law>
: to leave immediately <told them to get>
verbal auxiliary
—used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary <they got caught in the act>
— get after
: to pursue with exhortation, reprimand, or attack
— get ahead
: to achieve success <determined to get ahead in life>
— get a life
: to stop wasting time on trivial or hopeless matters
— get a move on
: hurry
— get at
: to reach effectively
: to influence corruptly : bribe
: to turn one's attention to
: to try to prove or make clear <what is he getting at>
— get away with
: to avoid criticism or punishment for or the consequences of (as a reprehensible act)
— get cracking
: to make a start : get going <ought to get cracking on that assignment>
— get even
: to get revenge
— get even with
: to repay in kind
— get going
: to make a start
— get into
: to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in
— get it
: to receive a scolding or punishment
— get it on
: to become enthusiastic, energetic, or excited
: to engage in sexual intercourse
— get on
: to produce an unfortunate effect on : upset <the noise got on my nerves>
: to criticize insistently <the fans got on him for losing the game>
— get one's act together
: to put one's life, thoughts, or emotions in order : cease to be confused or misdirected
: to begin to function in a skillful or efficient manner <the company finally got its act together>
— get one's goat
: to make one angry or annoyed
— get over
a : overcome, surmount
b : to recover from
c : to reconcile oneself to : become accustomed to
: to move or travel across
— get real
: to stop deceiving oneself or fooling around : face reality
— get religion
: to undergo religious conversion
: to turn to or adopt an enlightened course of action or point of view
— get somewhere
: to be successful
— get there
: to be successful
— get through
: to reach the end of : complete
— get to
a : begin <gets to worrying over nothing at all>
b : to be ready to begin or deal with <I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can>
: to have an effect on: as
a : influence
b : bother
— get together
: to bring together : accumulate
: to come together : assemble, meet
: to reach agreement
— get wind of
: to become aware of
— get with it
: to become alert or aware : show sophisticated consciousness
ed·u·cate verb \ˈe-jə-ˌkāt\
: to teach (someone) especially in a school, college, or university

: to give (someone) information about something : to train (someone) to do something

Full Definition of EDUCATE

transitive verb
a : to provide schooling for <chose to educate their children at home>
b : to train by formal instruction and supervised practice especially in a skill, trade, or profession
a : to develop mentally, morally, or aesthetically especially by instruction
b : to provide with information : inform <educating themselves about changes in the industry>
: to persuade or condition to feel, believe, or act in a desired way <educate the public to support our position>
intransitive verb
: to educate a person or thing

per·suade transitive verb \pər-ˈswād\
: to cause (someone) to do something by asking, arguing, or giving reasons

: to cause (someone) to believe something

Full Definition of PERSUADE

: to move by argument, entreaty, or expostulation to a belief, position, or course of action
: to plead with : urge
— per·suad·er noun
Examples of PERSUADE

He persuaded his friend to go back to school.
She couldn't be persuaded to go.
He would not let himself be persuaded into buying the more expensive stereo.
I am not easily persuaded.
They persuaded us that we were wrong.
He persuaded himself that he had made the right choice.
egal·i·tar·i·an adjective \i-ˌga-lə-ˈter-ē-ən\
: aiming for equal wealth, status, etc., for all people

Full Definition of EGALITARIAN

: asserting, promoting, or marked by egalitarianism
— egalitarian noun

egal·i·tar·i·an·ism noun \-ē-ə-ˌni-zəm\


: a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
: a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

elit·ism noun \ā-ˈlē-ˌti-zəm, i-, ē-\

Definition of ELITISM

: leadership or rule by an elite
: the selectivity of the elite; especially : snobbery <elitism in choosing new members>
: consciousness of being or belonging to an elite
— elit·ist noun or adjective

elite noun \ā-ˈlēt, i-, ē-\
: the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people

: a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person

Full Definition of ELITE

a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : cream <the elite of the entertainment world>
b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class <superachievers who dominate the computer elite — Marilyn Chase>
c singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society <how the French-speaking elite…was changing — Economist>
d : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence <members of the ruling elite>
e : a member of such an elite —usually used in plural <the elites … , pursuing their studies in Europe — Robert Wernick>
: a typewriter type providing 12 characters to the linear inch
— elite adjective
em·pa·thet·ic adjective \ˌem-pə-ˈthe-tik\

Definition of EMPATHETIC

: involving, characterized by, or based on empathy
— em·pa·thet·i·cal·ly adverb
Examples of EMPATHETIC

<an empathetic social worker who soon realized that the single mother was at her breaking point>

em·pa·thy noun \ˈem-pə-thē\
: the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions : the ability to share someone else's feelings

Full Definition of EMPATHY

: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it
: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this

pitying adjective
: showing or expressing pity for someone or something

Full Definition of PITYING

: expressing or feeling pity
— pity·ing·ly adverb

1pity noun \ˈpi-tē\
: a strong feeling of sadness or sympathy for someone or something

: something that causes sadness or disappointment
plural pit·ies

Full Definition of PITY

a : sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy
b : capacity to feel pity
: something to be regretted <it's a pity you can't go>
en·cour·ag·ing adjective \-i-jiŋ, -ri-jiŋ\
: causing a hopeful feeling

Full Definition of ENCOURAGING

: giving hope or promise <encouraging news>
— en·cour·ag·ing·ly adverb

en·cour·age transitive verb \in-ˈkər-ij, -ˈkə-rij, en-\
: to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident

: to make (something) more appealing or more likely to happen

: to make (someone) more likely to do something : to tell or advise (someone) to do something

Full Definition of ENCOURAGE

a : to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : hearten <she was encouraged to continue by her early success>
b : to attempt to persuade : urge <they encouraged him to go back to school>
: to spur on : stimulate <warm weather encourages plant growth>
: to give help or patronage to : foster <government grants designed to encourage conservation>
— en·cour·ag·er noun
Examples of ENCOURAGE

They encouraged us in our work.
Encourage each other with kind words.
The program is meant to encourage savings.
Warm weather encourages plant growth.
He claims the new regulations will encourage investment.
He claims the new regulations will encourage people to invest.
We want to encourage students to read more.
My parents encouraged me to go back to college.
They encouraged her to go.

pro·mote transitive verb \prə-ˈmōt\
: to change the rank or position of (someone) to a higher or more important one

: to move (a sports team) to a higher position in a league

: to help (something) happen, develop, or increase

Full Definition of PROMOTE

a : to advance in station, rank, or honor : raise
b : to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank
c : to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade
a : to contribute to the growth or prosperity of : further <promote international understanding>
b : to help bring (as an enterprise) into being : launch
c : to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising, publicity, or discounting
slang : to get possession of by doubtful means or by ingenuity
— pro·mot·abil·i·ty noun
— pro·mot·able adjective
Examples of PROMOTE

He was promoted to senior editor.
The army major was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
The team have been promoted to the First Division.
Mediators were present to promote dialogue.
Good soil promotes plant growth.
The school distributed pamphlets promoting good dental hygiene.
The marketing department is busy promoting the new line of men's clothes for fall.
The island is being promoted as a destination for romantic getaways.
en·er·get·ic adjective \ˌe-nər-ˈje-tik\
: having or showing a lot of energy

: involving a lot of effort

Full Definition of ENERGETIC

: operating with or marked by vigor or effect
: marked by energy : strenuous <an energetic walk>
: of or relating to energy
— en·er·get·i·cal·ly adverb

ag·i·tate verb \ˈa-jə-ˌtāt\
: to disturb, excite, or anger (someone)

: to try to get people to support or oppose something

: to move or stir up (a liquid)

Full Definition of AGITATE

transitive verb
a obsolete : to give motion to
b : to move with an irregular, rapid, or violent action <the storm agitated the sea>
: to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb
a : to discuss excitedly and earnestly
b : to stir up public discussion of
intransitive verb
: to attempt to arouse public feeling <agitated for better schools>
— ag·i·tat·ed·ly adverb
— ag·i·ta·tion noun
— ag·i·ta·tion·al adjective
en·liv·en transitive verb \in-ˈlī-vən, en-\
: to make (something) more interesting, lively, or enjoyable

Full Definition of ENLIVEN

: to give life, action, or spirit to : animate <fresh flowers enliven the room>
Examples of ENLIVEN

He enlivened his speech with a few jokes.
a soup enlivened by chili peppers
A few touches of color will enliven the room.

1ex·haust verb \ig-ˈzȯst\
: to use all of someone's mental or physical energy : to tire out or wear out (someone) completely

: to completely use up (something, such as supplies or money)

: to try all of (something)

Full Definition of EXHAUST

transitive verb
a : to consume entirely : use up <exhausted our funds in a week>
b : to tire extremely or completely <exhausted by overwork>
c : to deprive of a valuable quality or constituent <exhaust a photographic developer> <exhaust a soil of fertility>
a : to draw off or let out completely
b : to empty by drawing off the contents; specifically : to create a vacuum in
a : to consider or discuss (a subject) thoroughly or completely
b : to try out the whole number of <exhausted all the possibilities>
intransitive verb
: discharge, empty <the engine exhausts through the muffler>
— ex·haust·er noun
— ex·haust·ibil·i·ty noun
— ex·haust·ible adjective
en·vi·sion transitive verb \in-ˈvi-zhən, en-\
: to think of (something that you believe might exist or happen in the future) : to picture (something) in your mind

Full Definition of ENVISION

: to picture to oneself <envisions a career dedicated to promoting peace>
Examples of ENVISION

The inventor envisioned many uses for his creation.
She envisioned a better life for herself.

1pic·ture noun \ˈpik-chər\
: a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something

: an idea of how something or someone looks, of what something is like, etc.

: a general situation

Full Definition of PICTURE

: a design or representation made by various means (as painting, drawing, or photography)
a : a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something <the book gives a detailed picture of what is happening>
b : a mental image
: image, copy <he was the picture of his father> <she was the very picture of health>
a : a transitory visible image or reproduction
b : motion picture
c plural : movies
: tableau 2
: situation <took a hard look at his financial picture>
1equal adjective \ˈē-kwəl\
: the same in number, amount, degree, rank, or quality

: having the same mathematical value

: not changing : the same for each person

Full Definition of EQUAL

a (1) : of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another (2) : identical in mathematical value or logical denotation : equivalent
b : like in quality, nature, or status
c : like for each member of a group, class, or society <provide equal employment opportunities>
: regarding or affecting all objects in the same way : impartial
: free from extremes: as
a : tranquil in mind or mood
b : not showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion
a : capable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task
b : suitable <bored with work not equal to his abilities>

1su·pe·ri·or adjective \su̇-ˈpir-ē-ər\
: of high quality : high or higher in quality

: great or greater in amount, number, or degree

: better than other people

Full Definition of SUPERIOR

: situated higher up : upper
: of higher rank, quality, or importance
: courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening)
a : greater in quantity or numbers <escaped by superior speed>
b : excellent of its kind : better <her superior memory>
: being a superscript
a of an animal structure : situated above or anterior or dorsal to another and especially a corresponding part <a superior artery>
b of a plant structure : situated above or near the top of another part: as (1) of a calyx : attached to and apparently arising from the ovary (2) of an ovary : free from the calyx or other floral envelope
: more comprehensive <a genus is superior to a species>
: affecting or assuming an air of superiority : supercilious
— su·pe·ri·or·ly adverb
erot·ic adjective \i-ˈrä-tik\
: relating to sex : causing sexual feelings

Full Definition of EROTIC

: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art>
: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire
— erotic noun
— erot·i·cal·ly adverb

lust·ful adjective \ˈləst-fəl\
: feeling or showing strong sexual desire : feeling or showing lust

Full Definition of LUSTFUL

: excited by lust : lecherous
— lust·ful·ly adverb
— lust·ful·ness noun

1lust noun \ˈləst\
: a strong feeling of sexual desire

: a strong desire for something

Full Definition of LUST

a : pleasure, delight
b : personal inclination : wish
: usu. intense or unbridled sexual desire : lasciviousness
a : an intense longing : craving <a lust to succeed>
b : enthusiasm, eagerness <admired his lust for life>
1es·sen·tial adjective \i-ˈsen(t)-shəl\
: extremely important and necessary

: very basic

Full Definition of ESSENTIAL

: of, relating to, or constituting essence : inherent
a : of the utmost importance : basic, indispensable, necessary <an essential requirement for admission to college>
b : being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet <dietary protein provides the body with essential amino acids> — compare nonessential 2
: idiopathic <essential disease> <essential hypertension>
— es·sen·tial·ly adverb
— es·sen·tial·ness noun

ap·par·ent adjective \ə-ˈper-ənt, -ˈpa-rənt\
: easy to see or understand

: seeming to be true but possibly not true

Full Definition of APPARENT

: open to view : visible
: clear or manifest to the understanding <reasons that are readily apparent>
: appearing as actual to the eye or mind
: having an indefeasible right to succeed to a title or estate
: manifest to the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually valid <the air of spontaneity is perhaps more apparent than real — J. R. Sutherland>
— ap·par·ent·ness noun
1eter·nal adjective \i-ˈtər-nəl\
: having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever

: existing at all times : always true or valid

: seeming to last forever

Full Definition of ETERNAL

a : having infinite duration : everlasting <eternal damnation>
b : of or relating to eternity
c : characterized by abiding fellowship with God <good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? — Mark 10:17(Revised Standard Version)>
a : continued without intermission : perpetual <an eternal flame>
b : seemingly endless <eternal delays>
archaic : infernal <some eternal villain … devised this slander — Shakespeare>
: valid or existing at all times : timeless <eternal verities>
— eter·nal·ize transitive verb
— eter·nal·ly adverb
— eter·nal·ness noun

1tem·po·ral adjective \ˈtem-p(ə-)rəl\

Definition of TEMPORAL

a : of or relating to time as opposed to eternity
b : of or relating to earthly life
c : lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred : civil <lords temporal>
: of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time
a : of or relating to time as distinguished from space
b : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : chronological
— tem·po·ral·ly adverb
eth·i·cal adjective \ˈe-thi-kəl\
: involving questions of right and wrong behavior : relating to ethics

: following accepted rules of behavior : morally right and good

Full Definition of ETHICAL

: of or relating to ethics <ethical theories>
: involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval <ethical judgments>
: conforming to accepted standards of conduct <ethical behavior>
of a drug : restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription
— eth·i·cal·i·ty noun
— eth·i·cal·ly adverb
— eth·i·cal·ness noun

equiv·o·cal adjective \i-ˈkwi-və-kəl\
: having two or more possible meanings

: not easily understood or explained

Full Definition of EQUIVOCAL

a : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse <an equivocal statement>
b : uncertain as an indication or sign <equivocal evidence>
a : of uncertain nature or classification <equivocal shapes>
b : of uncertain disposition toward a person or thing : undecided <an equivocal attitude>
c : of doubtful advantage, genuineness, or moral rectitude <equivocal behavior>
— equiv·o·cal·i·ty noun
— equiv·o·cal·ly adverb
ex·cel·lent adjective \ˈek-s(ə-)lənt\
: very good : extremely good

Full Definition of EXCELLENT

archaic : superior
: very good of its kind : eminently good : first-class
— ex·cel·lent·ly adverb
ad·e·quate adjective \ˈa-di-kwət\
: enough for some need or requirement

: good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable : of a quality that is acceptable but not better than acceptable

Full Definition of ADEQUATE

: sufficient for a specific requirement <adequate taxation of goods>; also : barely sufficient or satisfactory <her first performance was merely adequate>
: lawfully and reasonably sufficient <adequate grounds for a lawsuit>
— ad·e·quate·ly adverb
— ad·e·quate·ness noun
ex·pe·ri·enced adjective \-ən(t)st\
: having skill or knowledge from doing something : having experience

Full Definition of EXPERIENCED

: made skillful or wise through experience : practiced <an experienced driver>

1ex·pe·ri·ence noun \ik-ˈspir-ē-ən(t)s\
: the process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to you

: skill or knowledge that you get by doing something

: the length of time that you have spent doing something (such as a particular job)

Full Definition of EXPERIENCE

a : direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge
b : the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation
a : practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity
b : the length of such participation <has 10 years' experience in the job>
a : the conscious events that make up an individual life
b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally
: something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through
: the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

cyn·i·cal adjective \ˈsi-ni-kəl\
: believing that people are generally selfish and dishonest

: selfish and dishonest in a way that shows no concern about treating other people fairly

Full Definition of CYNICAL

: captious, peevish
: having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic: as
a : contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives <those cynical men who say that democracy cannot be honest and efficient — F. D. Roosevelt>
b : based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest <a cynical ploy to win votes>
— cyn·i·cal·ly adverb
1fair adjective \ˈfer\
: agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable

: treating people in a way that does not favor some over others

: not too harsh or critical

Full Definition of FAIR

: pleasing to the eye or mind especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless quality
: superficially pleasing : specious <she trusted his fair promises>
a : clean, pure <fair sparkling water>
b : clear, legible
: not stormy or foul : fine <fair weather>
: ample <a fair estate>
a : marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism <a very fair person to do business with>
b (1) : conforming with the established rules : allowed (2) : consonant with merit or importance : due <a fair share>
c : open to legitimate pursuit, attack, or ridicule <fair game>
a : promising, likely <in a fair way to win>
b : favorable to a ship's course <a fair wind>
archaic : free of obstacles
: not dark <fair skin>
a : sufficient but not ample : adequate <a fair understanding of the work>
b : moderately numerous, large, or significant <takes a fair amount of time>
: being such to the utmost : utter <a fair treat to watch him — New Republic>

scru·pu·lous adjective \ˈskrü-pyə-ləs\
: very careful about doing something correctly

: careful about doing what is honest and morally right

Full Definition of SCRUPULOUS

: having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper
: punctiliously exact : painstaking <working with scrupulous care>
— scru·pu·lous·ly adverb
— scru·pu·lous·ness noun
fer·tile adjective \ˈfər-təl\
: producing many plants or crops : able to support the growth of many plants

: producing a large amount of something

: producing many ideas

Full Definition of FERTILE

a : producing or bearing fruit in great quantities : productive
b : characterized by great resourcefulness of thought or imagination : inventive <a fertile mind>
c obsolete : plentiful
a (1) : capable of sustaining abundant plant growth <fertile soil> (2) : affording abundant possibilities for growth or development <damp bathrooms are fertile ground for fungi — Consumer Reports> <a fertile area for research>
b : capable of growing or developing <a fertile egg>
c (1) : capable of producing fruit (2) of an anther : containing pollen (3) : developing spores or spore-bearing organs
d : capable of breeding or reproducing
: capable of being converted into fissionable material <fertile uranium 238>
— fer·tile·ly adverb

lux·u·ri·ant adjective \-ē-ənt\
: having heavy and thick growth

: having an appealingly rich quality

Full Definition of LUXURIANT

a : yielding abundantly : fertile, fruitful
b : characterized by abundant growth : lush <luxuriant vegetation>
: abundantly and often extravagantly rich and varied : prolific
: characterized by luxury : luxurious <a luxuriant fabric>
— lux·u·ri·ant·ly adverb
flex·i·ble adjective \ˈflek-sə-bəl\
: capable of bending or being bent

: easily changed : able to change or to do different things

: willing to change or to try different things

Full Definition of FLEXIBLE

: capable of being flexed : pliant
: yielding to influence : tractable
: characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements <a flexible foreign policy> <a flexible schedule>
— flex·i·bil·i·ty noun
— flex·i·bly adverb

rig·id adjective \ˈri-jəd\
: not able to be bent easily

: not easily changed

: not willing to change opinions or behavior

Full Definition of RIGID

a : deficient in or devoid of flexibility <rigid price controls> <a rigid bar of metal>
b : appearing stiff and unyielding <his face rigid with pain>
a : inflexibly set in opinion
b : strictly observed <adheres to a rigid schedule>
: firmly inflexible rather than lax or indulgent <a rigid disciplinarian>
: precise and accurate in procedure <rigid control of the manufacturing process>
of an airship : having the outer shape maintained by a fixed framework
— rig·id·ly adverb
forgiving adjective
: able or willing to forgive someone or something

Full Definition of FORGIVING

: willing or able to forgive
: allowing room for error or weakness <designed to be a forgiving tennis racquet>
— for·giv·ing·ly adverb
— for·giv·ing·ness noun

re·sent transitive verb \ri-ˈzent\
: to be angry or upset about (someone or something that you think is unfair)

Full Definition of RESENT

: to feel or express annoyance or ill will at <resented the implication>
Examples of RESENT

She resented being told what to do.
He resented his boss for making him work late.
1free adjective \ˈfrē\
: not costing any money

: not held as a slave or prisoner

: not physically held by something

Full Definition of FREE

a : having the legal and political rights of a citizen
b : enjoying civil and political liberty <free citizens>
c : enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination
d : enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another
a : not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself
b : determined by the choice of the actor or performer <free actions>
c : made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously
a : relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome <free from pain> <a speech free of political rhetoric> —often used in combination <error-free>
b : not bound, confined, or detained by force
a : having no trade restrictions
b : not subject to government regulation
c of foreign exchange : not subject to restriction or official control
a : having no obligations (as to work) or commitments <I'll be free this evening>
b : not taken up with commitments or obligations <a free evening>
: having a scope not restricted by qualification <a free variable>
a : not obstructed, restricted, or impeded <free to leave>
b : not being used or occupied <waved with his free hand>
c : not hampered or restricted in its normal operation
a : not fastened <the free end of the rope>
b : not confined to a particular position or place <in twelve-tone music, no note is wholly free for it must hold its place in the series — J. L. Stewart>
c : capable of moving or turning in any direction <a free particle>
d : performed without apparatus <free tumbling>
e : done with artificial aids (as pitons) used only for protection against falling and not for support <a free climb>
a : not parsimonious <free spending>
b : outspoken
c : availing oneself of something without stint
d : frank, open
e : overly familiar or forward in action or attitude
f : licentious
: not costing or charging anything
a (1) : not united with, attached to, combined with, or mixed with something else : separate <free ores> <a free surface of a bodily part> (2) : freestanding <a free column>
b : chemically uncombined <free oxygen> <free acids>
c : not permanently attached but able to move about <a free electron in a metal>
d : capable of being used alone as a meaningful linguistic form <the word hats is a free form> — compare 5bound 7
a : not literal or exact <free translation>
b : not restricted by or conforming to conventional forms <free skating>
: favorable —used of a wind blowing from a direction more than six points from dead ahead
: not allowing slavery
: open to all comers
— free·ness noun
— for free
: without charge

reg·u·late transitive verb \ˈre-gyə-ˌlāt also ˈrā-\
: to set or adjust the amount, degree, or rate of (something)

: to bring (something) under the control of authority

: to make rules or laws that control (something)

Full Definition of REGULATE

a : to govern or direct according to rule
b (1) : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority (2) : to make regulations for or concerning <regulate the industries of a country>
: to bring order, method, or uniformity to <regulate one's habits>
: to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of <regulate the pressure of a tire>
— reg·u·la·tive adjective
— reg·u·la·to·ry adjective
Examples of REGULATE

The dam regulates the flow of water into the river.
We need better laws to regulate the content of the Internet.
Laws have been made to regulate working conditions.
The government regulates how much lead may be found in our water supply.
The department regulates foreign trade.
gen·er·ous adjective \ˈjen-rəs, ˈje-nə-\
: freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things

: providing more than the amount that is needed or normal : abundant or ample

: showing kindness and concern for others

Full Definition of GENEROUS

archaic : highborn
a : characterized by a noble or forbearing spirit : magnanimous, kindly
b : liberal in giving : openhanded
c : marked by abundance or ample proportions : copious <a thin salt-and-pepper moustache interrupted by a generous nose — Richard Zabel>
— gen·er·ous·ly adverb

pet·ty adjective \ˈpe-tē\
: not very important or serious

: relating to things that are not very important or serious

: committing crimes that are not very serious

Full Definition of PETTY

: having secondary rank or importance : minor, subordinate
: having little or no importance or significance
: marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies : small-minded
1gen·tle adjective \ˈjen-təl\
: having or showing a kind and quiet nature : not harsh or violent

: not hard or forceful

: not strong or harsh in effect or quality
gen·tler gen·tlest

Full Definition of GENTLE

a : belonging to a family of high social station
b archaic : chivalrous
c : honorable, distinguished; specifically : of or relating to a gentleman
d : kind, amiable —used especially in address as a complimentary epithet <gentle reader>
e : suited to a person of high social station
a : tractable, docile
b : free from harshness, sternness, or violence
: soft, delicate
: moderate
— gent·ly adverb

1rough adjective \ˈrəf\
: having a surface that is not even

: having or causing sudden, violent movements

: difficult or unpleasant to deal with

Full Definition of ROUGH

a : marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface : coarse
b : covered with or made up of coarse and often shaggy hair <rough-coated collie> — compare smooth, wirehaired
c (1) : having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface <rough terrain> (2) : difficult to travel through or penetrate : wild <into the rough woods — P. B. Shelley>
a : turbulent, tempestuous <rough seas>
b (1) : characterized by harshness, violence, or force (2) : presenting a challenge : difficult <rough to deal with — R. M. McAlmon>
: coarse or rugged in character or appearance: as
a : harsh to the ear
b : crude in style or expression
c : indelicate
d : marked by a lack of refinement or grace : uncouth
a : crude, unfinished <rough carpentry>
b : executed or ventured hastily, tentatively, or imperfectly <a rough draft> <rough estimate>; also : approximate <a rough idea>
— rough·ish adjective
— rough·ness noun
gift·ed adjective \ˈgif-təd\
: having great natural ability

Full Definition of GIFTED

: having great natural ability : talented <gifted children>
: revealing a special gift <gifted voices>
— gift·ed·ly adverb
— gift·ed·ness noun

lucky adjective \ˈlə-kē\
: having good luck

: producing a good result by chance : resulting from good luck

Full Definition of LUCKY

: having good luck
: happening by chance : fortuitous
: producing or resulting in good by chance : favorable
: seeming to bring good luck <a lucky rabbit's foot>
— luck·i·ness noun
1give verb \ˈgiv\
gave giv·en giv·ing

Definition of GIVE

transitive verb
: to make a present of <give a doll to a child>
a : to grant or bestow by formal action <the law gives citizens the right to vote>
b : to accord or yield to another <gave him her confidence>
a : to put into the possession of another for his or her use <gave me his phone number>
b (1) : to administer as a sacrament (2) : to administer as a medicine
c : to commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expressed reason
d : to transfer from one's authority or custody <the sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden>
e : to execute and deliver <all employees must give bond>
f : to convey to another <give them my regards>
a : to offer to the action of another : proffer <gave her his hand>
b : to yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse
a : to present in public performance <give a concert>
b : to present to view or observation <gave the signal to start>
: to provide by way of entertainment <give a party>
: to propose as a toast
a : to designate as a share or portion : allot <all the earth to thee and to thy race I give — John Milton>
b : to make assignment of (a name)
c : to set forth as an actual or hypothetical datum <give the dimensions of the room>
d : to attribute in thought or utterance : ascribe <gave the credit to you>
a : to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : produce <cows give milk> <84 divided by 12 gives 7>
b : to bring forth : bear
a : to yield possession of by way of exchange : pay
b : to dispose of for a price : sell
a : to deliver by some bodily action <gave him a push>
b : to carry out (as a bodily movement) <gave a cynical smile>
c : to inflict as punishment
d : to award by formal verdict <judgment was given against the plaintiff>
: to offer for consideration, acceptance, or use <gives no reason for his absence>
a : to suffer the loss of : sacrifice
b : to offer as appropriate or due especially to something higher or more worthy <gave his spirit to God>
c : to apply freely or fully : devote <gave themselves to their work>
d : to offer as a pledge <I give you my word>
a : to cause one to have or receive <mountains always gave him pleasure>
b : to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure
a : to allow one to have or take <give me time>
b : to lead or attempt to lead —used with an infinitive <you gave me to understand you'd be late>
: to care to the extent of <didn't give a hoot>
intransitive verb
: to make gifts or presents
a : to yield to physical force or strain
b : to collapse from the application of force or pressure
c : to undergo or submit to change <for the strike to be settled, something has to give>
: to afford a view or passage : open <the window gives onto the terrace>
: to enter wholeheartedly into an activity
slang : to be happening <wants to know what gives>
— give a good account of
: to acquit (oneself) well
— give birth
: to have a baby <gave birth last Thursday>
— give birth to
: to produce as offspring <gave birth to a son>
: to be the source of
— give chase
: to set off in pursuit
— give ground
: to withdraw before superior force : retreat
— give of
: to make available : provide generously <freely gave of their time>
— give or take
: as an estimate accurate within (an amount to be added or subtracted)
— give place to
: to be replaced or succeeded by <optimism gave place to worry>
— give rise to
: to be the cause or source of : produce
— give the gun
: to open the throttle of : speed up
— give the lie to
: to accuse of falsehood
: to show to be false, inaccurate, or invalid
— give tongue
of hounds : to begin barking on the scent
— give way
a : retreat
b : to yield the right of way
: to yield oneself without restraint or control
a : to yield to or as if to physical stress
b : to yield to entreaty or insistence
: to yield place
: to begin to row

Examples of GIVE

She gave him a camera for Christmas.
Are you giving this to me or only lending it?
She has given money to many worthy causes.
They're asking people to give money for a new hospital.
Please give to our charity.
We already gave at the office.
It is better to give than to receive.
He gave me the letter.
He gave her his coat to hold.
He gave me a head start.

1take verb \ˈtāk\
took tak·en tak·ing

Definition of TAKE

transitive verb
: to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: as
a : to seize or capture physically <took them as prisoners>
b : to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing
c (1) : to move against (as an opponent's piece in chess) and remove from play (2) : to win in a card game <able to take 12 tricks>
d : to acquire by eminent domain
: grasp, grip <take the ax by the handle>
a : to catch or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence <taken with a fit of laughing> <taken ill>
b : to catch or come upon in a particular situation or action <was taken unawares>
c : to gain the approval or liking of : captivate, delight <was quite taken with her at their first meeting>
a : to receive into one's body (as by swallowing, drinking, or inhaling) <take a pill>
b : to put oneself into (as sun, air, or water) for pleasure or physical benefit
c : to partake of : eat <takes dinner about seven>
a : to bring or receive into a relation or connection <takes just four students a year> <it's time he took a wife>
b : to copulate with
: to transfer into one's own keeping:
a : appropriate <someone took my hat>
b : to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or purchase) <take a cottage for the summer> <I'll take the red one> <took an ad in the paper>
a : assume <gods often took the likeness of a human being> <when the college took its present form>
b (1) : to enter into or undertake the duties of <take a job> <take office> (2) : to move onto or into : move into position on <the home team took the field> <take the witness stand>
c (1) : to bind oneself by <take the oath of office> (2) : to make (a decision) especially with finality or authority
d : to impose upon oneself <take the trouble to do good work> <take pains to make her feel welcome>
e (1) : to adopt as one's own <take a stand on the issue> <take an interest> (2) : to align or ally oneself with <mother took his side>
f : to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted <take the credit>
g : to accept the burden or consequences of <took the blame>
h : to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself <transitive verbs take an object>
a : to secure by winning in competition <took first place>
b : defeat
: to pick out : choose, select <took the best apple>
: to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use: as
a : to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something <take a scythe to the weeds>
b : to use as a means of transportation or progression <take the bus>
c : to have recourse to for safety or refuge <take shelter>
d : to go along, into, or through <took a different route>
e (1) : to proceed to occupy <take a seat in the rear> (2) : to use up (as space or time) <takes a long time to dry> (3) : need, require <takes a size nine shoe> <it takes two to start a fight>
a : to obtain by deriving from a source : draw <takes its title from the name of the hero>
b (1) : to obtain as the result of a special procedure : ascertain <take the temperature> <take a census> (2) : to get in or as if in writing <take notes> <take an inventory> (3) : to get by drawing or painting or by photography <take a snapshot> (4) : to get by transference from one surface to another <take a proof> <take fingerprints>
: to receive or accept whether willingly or reluctantly <take a bribe> <will you take this call> <take a bet>: as
a (1) : to submit to : endure <take a cut in pay> (2) : withstand <it will take a lot of punishment> (3) : suffer <took a direct hit>
b (1) : to accept as true : believe <I'll take your word for it> (2) : follow <take my advice> (3) : to accept or regard with the mind in a specified way <took the news hard> <you take yourself too seriously>
c : to indulge in and enjoy <was taking his ease on the porch>
d : to receive or accept as a return (as in payment, compensation, or reparation) <we don't take credit cards>
e : to accept in a usually professional relationship —often used with on <agreed to take him on as a client>
f : to refrain from hitting at (a pitched ball) <take a strike>
a (1) : to let in : admit <the boat was taking water fast> (2) : accommodate <the suitcase wouldn't take another thing>
b : to be affected injuriously by (as a disease) : contract <take cold>; also : to be seized by <take a fit> <take fright>
c : to absorb or become impregnated with (as dye); also : to be effectively treated by <a surface that takes a fine polish>
a : apprehend, understand <how should I take your remark>
b : consider, suppose <I take it you're not going>
c : reckon, accept <taking a stride at 30 inches>
d : feel, experience <take pleasure> <take an instant dislike to someone> <take offense>
a : to lead, carry, or cause to go along to another place <this bus will take you into town> <took an umbrella with her>
b : to cause to move to a specified state, condition, or sphere of activity <took the company public> <took his team to the finals>
c : to stop prescribing a specified regimen to —used with off <took him off the medication>
a : remove <take eggs from a nest>
b (1) : to put an end to (life) (2) : to remove by death <was taken in his prime>
c : subtract <take two from four>
d : exact <the weather took its toll>
a : to undertake and make, do, or perform <take a walk> <take aim> <take legal action> <take a test> <take a look>
b : to participate in <take a meeting>
a : to deal with <take first things first>
b : to consider or view in a particular relation <taken together, the details were significant>; especially : to consider as an example <take style, for instance>
c (1) : to apply oneself to the study of <take music lessons> <take French> (2) : to study for especially successfully <taking a degree in engineering> <took holy orders>
: to obtain money from especially fraudulently <took me for all I had>
: to pass or attempt to pass through, along, or over <took the curve too fast> <take the stairs two at a time>
intransitive verb
: to obtain possession: as
a : capture
b : to receive property under law as one's own
: to lay hold : catch, hold
: to establish a take especially by uniting or growing <90 percent of the grafts take>
a : to betake oneself : set out : go <take after a purse snatcher>
b chiefly dialect —used as an intensifier or redundantly with a following verb <took and swung at the ball>
a : to take effect : act, operate <hoped the lesson he taught would take>
b : to show the natural or intended effect <dry fuel takes readily>
: charm, captivate <a taking smile>
: detract
: to be seized or attacked in a specified way : become <took sick>
— tak·er noun
— take a back seat
: to have or assume a secondary position or status
— take a bath
: to suffer a heavy financial loss
— take account of
: to take into account
— take advantage of
: to use to advantage : profit by
: to impose on : exploit; also : to exploit sexually
— take after
: to resemble in features, build, character, or disposition
— take a hike also take a walk
: to go away : leave
— take aim at
: target 1 <new legislation that takes aim at crime>
— take apart
: to disconnect the pieces of : disassemble
: to treat roughly or harshly : tear into
— take a powder
: to leave hurriedly
— take care
: to be careful or watchful : exercise caution or prudence
— take care of
: to attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of
— take charge
: to assume care, custody, command, or control
— take effect
: to become operative
: to be effective
— take exception
: object <took exception to the remark>
— take five or take ten
: to take a break especially from work
— take for
: to suppose to be; especially : to suppose mistakenly to be
— take for a ride
: trick, cheat
— take for granted
: to assume as true, real, or expected
: to value too lightly
— take heart
: to gain courage or confidence
— take hold
: grasp, grip, seize
: to become attached or established : take effect
— take into account
: to make allowance for
— take in vain
: to use (a name) profanely or without proper respect
— take issue
: disagree
— take it on the chin
: to suffer from the results of a situation
— take kindly to
: to show an inclination to accept or approve
— take no prisoners
: to be merciless or relentless (as in exploiting an advantage) <a politician who takes no prisoners>
— take notice of
: to observe or treat with special attention
— take one's time
: to be leisurely about doing something
— take part
: join, participate, share
— take place
: happen, occur
— take root
: to become rooted
: to become fixed or established
— take shape
: to assume a definite or distinctive form
— take ship
: set out on a voyage by ship
— take the cake
: to carry off the prize : rank first
— take the count
of a boxer : to be counted out
: to go down in defeat
— take the floor
: to rise (as in a meeting or a legislative assembly) to make a formal address
— take the mickey
: joke, kid
— take the mickey out of
: to make fun of : tease
— take the plunge
: to do or undertake something decisively especially after a period of hesitation or uncertainty
— take to
: to go to or into <take to the woods>
: to apply or devote oneself to (as a practice, habit, or occupation) <take to begging>
: to adapt oneself to : respond to <takes to water like a duck>
: to conceive a liking for
— take to court
: to bring before a judicial body; especially : sue 3
— take to task
: to call to account for a shortcoming : criticize
— take to the cleaners
: to deprive of money or possessons : clean out
— take turns
: alternate
glob·al adjective \ˈglō-bəl\
: involving the entire world

: involving all of something and especially a computer system, file, etc.

Full Definition of GLOBAL

: spherical
: of, relating to, or involving the entire world : worldwide <a global system of communication>; also : of or relating to a celestial body (as the moon)
: of, relating to, or applying to a whole (as a mathematical function or a computer program) : universal <a global search of a file>
— glob·al·ly adverb

1lo·cal adjective \ˈlō-kəl\
: relating to or occurring in a particular area, city, or town

: located or living nearby

of a bus or train : making all the stops on a route

Full Definition of LOCAL

: characterized by or relating to position in space : having a definite spatial form or location
a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place : not general or widespread
b : of, relating to, or applicable to part of a whole
a : primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district
b of a public conveyance : making all the stops on a route
: involving or affecting only a restricted part of the organism : topical <a local anesthetic>
: of or relating to telephone communication within a specified area
gra·cious adjective \ˈgrā-shəs\
: very polite in a way that shows respect

: having or showing the attractive things (such as charm, good taste, and comfort) that are associated with having a lot of money

—used as an interjection to express mild surprise or for emphasis

Full Definition of GRACIOUS

a obsolete : godly
b archaic : pleasing, acceptable
a : marked by kindness and courtesy <a gracious host>
b : graceful
c : marked by tact and delicacy : urbane
d : characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding <gracious living>
: merciful, compassionate —used conventionally of royalty and high nobility
— gra·cious·ly adverb

dec·o·rous adjective \ˈde-kər-əs also di-ˈkȯr-əs\
: correct and polite in a particular situation

Full Definition of DECOROUS

: marked by propriety and good taste : correct <decorous conduct>
— dec·o·rous·ly adverb
— dec·o·rous·ness noun
grate·ful adjective \ˈgrāt-fəl\
: feeling or showing thanks : feeling or showing thanks to someone for some helpful act

Full Definition of GRATEFUL

a : appreciative of benefits received
b : expressing gratitude <grateful thanks>
a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing
b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated
— grate·ful·ly adverb
— grate·ful·ness noun

in·debt·ed adjective \in-ˈde-təd\
: owing something (such as money or thanks) to someone or something : in debt

Full Definition of INDEBTED

: owing gratitude or recognition to another : beholden
: owing money
har·mo·ni·ous adjective \här-ˈmō-nē-əs\
music : having a pleasing mixture or combination of notes

: having parts that are related or combined in a pleasing way

: not experiencing disagreement or fighting

Full Definition of HARMONIOUS

: musically concordant
: having the parts agreeably related : congruous <blended into a harmonious whole>
: marked by accord in sentiment or action
— har·mo·ni·ous·ly adverb
— har·mo·ni·ous·ness noun

dis·rupt transitive verb \dis-ˈrəpt\
: to cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way : to interrupt the normal progress or activity of (something)

Full Definition of DISRUPT

a : to break apart : rupture
b : to throw into disorder <agitators trying to disrupt the meeting>
: to interrupt the normal course or unity of
— dis·rupt·er noun
— dis·rup·tion noun
— dis·rup·tive adjective
— dis·rup·tive·ly adverb
— dis·rup·tive·ness noun
Examples of DISRUPT

The barking dogs disrupted my sleep.
The weather disrupted our travel plans.
a chemical that disrupts cell function
Origin of DISRUPT

Latin disruptus, past participle of disrumpere, from dis- + rumpere to break
heal verb \ˈhēl\
: to become healthy or well again

: to make (someone or something) healthy or well again

Full Definition of HEAL

transitive verb
a : to make sound or whole <heal a wound>
b : to restore to health
a : to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome : mend <the troubles … had not been forgotten, but they had been healed — William Power>
b : to patch up (a breach or division) <heal a breach between friends>
: to restore to original purity or integrity <healed of sin>
intransitive verb
: to return to a sound state

Examples of HEAL

You've got to give the injury time to heal.
After the divorce, he needed some time to heal.
The ointment will help heal the wound.

ir·ri·tate verb \ˈir-ə-ˌtāt\
: to make (someone) impatient, angry, or annoyed

: to make (part of your body) sore or painful

Full Definition of IRRITATE

transitive verb
: to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in : annoy
: to induce irritability in or of
intransitive verb
: to cause or induce displeasure or irritation
— ir·ri·tat·ing·ly adverb
help·ful adjective \ˈhelp-fəl; Southern often ˈhep- also ˈheəp-\
: making it easier to do a job, deal with a problem, etc. : giving help

: willing to help other people

Full Definition of HELPFUL

: of service or assistance : useful <helpful advice>
— help·ful·ly adverb
— help·ful·ness noun

med·dle intransitive verb \ˈme-dəl\
: to become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted

: to change or handle something in a way that is unwanted or harmful

Full Definition of MEDDLE

: to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety
— med·dler noun
Examples of MEDDLE

<please stop meddling in your sister's marriage, even though you mean well>
ho·lis·tic adjective \hō-ˈlis-tik\
: relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts

Full Definition of HOLISTIC

: of or relating to holism
: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts <holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body> <holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system>
— ho·lis·ti·cal·ly adverb

an·a·lyt·ic adjective \ˌa-nə-ˈli-tik\

Definition of ANALYTIC

: of or relating to analysis or analytics; especially : separating something into component parts or constituent elements
: being a proposition (as “no bachelor is married”) whose truth is evident from the meaning of the words it contains — compare synthetic
: skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning <a keenly analytic person>
: characterized by analysis rather than inflection <analytic languages>
: psychoanalytic
: treated or treatable by or using the methods of algebra and calculus
a of a function of a real variable : capable of being expanded in a Taylor's series in powers of x − h in some neighborhood of the point h
b of a function of a complex variable : differentiable at every point in some neighborhood of a given point
— an·a·lyt·i·cal·ly adverb
1hon·est adjective \ˈä-nəst\
: good and truthful : not lying, stealing, or cheating

: showing or suggesting a good and truthful character

: not hiding the truth about someone or something : not meant to deceive someone

Full Definition of HONEST

a : free from fraud or deception : legitimate, truthful <an honest plea>
b : genuine, real <making honest stops at stop signs — Christian Science Monitor>
c : humble, plain <good honest food>
a : reputable, respectable <honest decent people>
b chiefly British : good, worthy
: creditable, praiseworthy <an honest day's work>
a : marked by integrity
b : marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression : frank <an honest appraisal>
c : innocent, simple

1le·gal adjective \ˈlē-gəl\
: of or relating to the law

: based on the law

: allowed by the law or by the rules in a game

Full Definition of LEGAL

: of or relating to law
a : deriving authority from or founded on law : de jure
b : having a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact : titular <a corporation is a legal but not a real person>
c : established by law; especially : statutory
: conforming to or permitted by law or established rules
: recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity
: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the profession of law or of one of its members
: created by the constructions of the law <a legal fiction>
— le·gal·ly adverb
1hon·or noun \ˈä-nər\
: respect that is given to someone who is admired

: good reputation : good quality or character as judged by other people

: high moral standards of behavior

Full Definition of HONOR

a : good name or public esteem : reputation
b : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition <pay honor to our founder>
: privilege <had the honor of joining the captain for dinner>
: a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office <if Your Honor please>
: one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit <an honor to the profession>
: the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon
: an evidence or symbol of distinction: as
a : an exalted title or rank
b (1) : badge, decoration (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance <buried with full military honors>
c : an award in a contest or field of competition
d archaic : a gesture of deference : bow
e plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course
: chastity, purity <fought fiercely for her honor and her life — Barton Black>
a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity <a man of honor>
b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance <on my honor, I will be there>
plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host <asked her to do the honors>

en·shrine transitive verb \in-ˈshrīn, en-, especially Southern -ˈsrīn\
: to remember and protect (someone or something that is valuable, admired, etc.)

Full Definition of ENSHRINE

: to enclose in or as if in a shrine
: to preserve or cherish as sacred
— en·shrine·ment noun
1hum·ble adjective \ˈhəm-bəl also chiefly Southern ˈəm-\
: not proud : not thinking of yourself as better than other people

: given or said in a way that shows you do not think you are better than other people

: showing that you do not think of yourself as better than other people
hum·bler hum·blest

Full Definition of HUMBLE

: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission <a humble apology>
a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : insignificant, unpretentious
b : not costly or luxurious <a humble contraption>
— hum·ble·ness noun
— hum·bly adverb

dif·fi·dent adjective \ˈdi-fə-dənt, -ˌdent\
: lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people

: very careful about acting or speaking

Full Definition of DIFFIDENT

: hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
archaic : distrustful
: reserved, unassertive
— dif·fi·dent·ly adverb
hu·mor·ous adjective \ˈhyüm-rəs, ˈyüm-, ˈhyü-mə-, ˈyü-\
: causing laughter

Full Definition of HUMOROUS

obsolete : humid
a : full of or characterized by humor : funny
b : indicating or expressive of a sense of humor
— hu·mor·ous·ly adverb
— hu·mor·ous·ness noun

som·ber adjective \ˈsäm-bər\
: very sad and serious

: having a dull or dark color

Full Definition of SOMBER

: so shaded as to be dark and gloomy
a : of a serious mien : grave <somber dignitaries>
b : of a dismal or depressing character : melancholy
c : conveying gloomy suggestions or ideas
: of a dull or heavy cast or shade : dark colored
— som·ber·ly adverb
— som·ber·ness noun
im·par·tial adjective \(ˌ)im-ˈpär-shəl\
: treating all people and groups equally : not partial or biased

Full Definition of IMPARTIAL

: not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally
— im·par·tial·i·ty noun
— im·par·tial·ly adverb

righ·teous adjective \ˈrī-chəs\
: morally good : following religious or moral laws

: caused by something that you believe is not morally right or fair

Full Definition of RIGHTEOUS

: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin
a : morally right or justifiable <a righteous decision>
b : arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality <righteous indignation>
slang : genuine, excellent
— righ·teous·ly adverb
— righ·teous·ness noun
in·ge·nious adjective \in-ˈjēn-yəs\
: very smart or clever : having or showing ingenuity

Full Definition of INGENIOUS

obsolete : showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment
: having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving <an ingenious detective>
: marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution <an ingenious contraption>
— in·ge·nious·ly adverb
— in·ge·nious·ness noun

scheming adjective

Definition of SCHEMING

: given to forming schemes; especially : devious
See scheming defined for kids »
Examples of SCHEMING

<the novel is about an elderly man and his scheming son who is impatient to inherit the family fortune>

1scheme noun \ˈskēm\
: a clever and often dishonest plan to do or get something

: an official plan or program of action

: the way that something is arranged or organized

Full Definition of SCHEME

a archaic (1) : a mathematical or astronomical diagram (2) : a representation of the astrological aspects of the planets at a particular time
b : a graphic sketch or outline
: a concise statement or table : epitome
: a plan or program of action; especially : a crafty or secret one
: a systematic or organized configuration : design <color scheme>
inspired adjective
: very good or clever

: having a particular cause or influence

Full Definition of INSPIRED

: outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration <gave an inspired performance>
See inspired defined for English-language learners »
Examples of INSPIRED

She gave an inspired performance.
He was an inspired choice for the role.

in·spire verb \in-ˈspī(-ə)r\
: to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create

: to cause (something) to happen or be created

: to cause someone to have (a feeling or emotion)

Full Definition of INSPIRE

transitive verb
a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on <was particularly inspired by the Romanticists>
c : to spur on : impel, motivate <threats don't necessarily inspire people to work>
d : affect <seeing the old room again inspired him with nostalgia>
a archaic : to breathe or blow into or upon
b archaic : to infuse (as life) by breathing
a : to communicate to an agent supernaturally
b : to draw forth or bring out <thoughts inspired by a visit to the cathedral>
: inhale 1
a : bring about, occasion <the book was inspired by his travels in the Far East>
b : incite
: to spread (rumor) by indirect means or through the agency of another
intransitive verb
: inhale
— in·spir·er noun

in·spi·ra·tion noun \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\
: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone

: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something

: a good idea

Full Definition of INSPIRATION

a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
b : the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
c : the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
: the act of drawing in; specifically : the drawing of air into the lungs
a : the quality or state of being inspired
b : something that is inspired <a scheme that was pure inspiration>
: an inspiring agent or influence
— in·spi·ra·tion·al adjective

mun·dane adjective \ˌmən-ˈdān, ˈmən-ˌ\
: dull and ordinary

: relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things

Full Definition of MUNDANE

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the world
: characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary : commonplace <the mundane concerns of day-to-day life>
— mun·dane·ly adverb
— mun·dane·ness noun
— mun·dan·i·ty noun
in·ten·tion·al adjective \in-ˈtench-nəl, -ˈten(t)-shə-nəl\
: done in a way that is planned or intended

Full Definition of INTENTIONAL

: done by intention or design : intended <intentional damage>
a : of or relating to epistemological intention
b : having external reference
— in·ten·tion·al·i·ty noun
— in·ten·tion·al·ly adverb

in·ten·tion noun \in-ˈten(t)-shən\
: the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose

Full Definition of INTENTION

: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve
: import, significance
a : what one intends to do or bring about
b : the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered
: a process or manner of healing of incised wounds
: concept; especially : a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge
plural : purpose with respect to marriage

cal·cu·lat·ing adjective \-ˌlā-tiŋ\
: carefully thinking about and planning actions for selfish or improper reasons

Full Definition of CALCULATING

: making calculations <calculating machine>
: marked by prudent analysis or by shrewd consideration of self-interest : scheming
— cal·cu·lat·ing·ly adverb
in·tu·i·tive adjective \in-ˈtü-ə-tiv, -ˈtyü-\
: having the ability to know or understand things without any proof or evidence : having or characterized by intuition

: based on or agreeing with what is known or understood without any proof or evidence : known or understood by intuition

: agreeing with what seems naturally right

Full Definition of INTUITIVE

a : known or perceived by intuition : directly apprehended <had an intuitive awareness of his sister's feelings>
b : knowable by intuition <intuitive truths>
c : based on or agreeing with intuition <intuitive responses> <makes intuitive sense>
d : readily learned or understood <software with an intuitive interface>
: knowing or perceiving by intuition
: possessing or given to intuition or insight <an intuitive mind>
— in·tu·i·tive·ly adverb

1lit·er·al adjective \ˈli-t(ə-)rəl\
: involving the ordinary or usual meaning of a word

: giving the meaning of each individual word

: completely true and accurate : not exaggerated

Full Definition of LITERAL

a : according with the letter of the scriptures
b : adhering to fact or to the ordinary construction or primary meaning of a term or expression : actual <liberty in the literal sense is impossible — B. N. Cardozo>
c : free from exaggeration or embellishment <the literal truth>
d : characterized by a concern mainly with facts <a very literal man>
: of, relating to, or expressed in letters
: reproduced word for word : exact, verbatim <a literal translation>
— lit·er·al·i·ty noun
in·ven·tive adjective \in-ˈven-tiv\
: having or showing an ability to think of new ideas and methods : creative or imaginative

Full Definition of INVENTIVE

: adept or prolific at producing inventions : creative <an inventive mind>
: characterized by invention <an inventive method>
— in·ven·tive·ly adverb
— in·ven·tive·ness noun

pro·sa·ic adjective \prō-ˈzā-ik\
: dull or ordinary

Full Definition of PROSAIC

a : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : factual
b : dull, unimaginative <prosaic advice>
: everyday, ordinary <heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives — Kirkus Reviews>
— pro·sa·i·cal·ly adverb
inviting adjective
: attractive in a way that makes you want to do something, go somewhere, be near someone, etc.

Full Definition of INVITING

: attractive, tempting
— in·vit·ing·ly adverb

1urge verb \ˈərj\
: to ask people to do or support (something) in a way that shows that you believe it is very important

: to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something

: to use force or pressure to move (someone or something) in a particular direction or at a particular speed

Full Definition of URGE

transitive verb
: to present, advocate, or demand earnestly or pressingly <his conviction was upheld on a theory never urged at his … trial — Leon Friedman>
: to undertake the accomplishment of with energy, swiftness, or enthusiasm <urge the attack>
a : solicit, entreat <urged him to keep trying>
b : to serve as a motive or reason for <urged by a sense of duty>
: to force or impel in an indicated direction or into motion or greater speed <the dog urged the sheep toward the gate>
: stimulate, provoke <urge not my father's anger — Shakespeare>
intransitive verb
: to declare, advance, or press earnestly a statement, argument, charge, or claim <urged for the adoption of the proposal>
involved adjective
: very complicated

: having a part in something : included in something

: actively participating in something

Full Definition of INVOLVED

: involute, twisted
a : marked by extreme and often needless or excessive complexity
b : difficult to deal with because of complexity or disorder
: being affected or implicated
— in·volv·ed·ly adverb

in·volve transitive verb \in-ˈvälv, -ˈvȯlv also -ˈväv or -ˈvȯv\
: to have or include (someone or something) as a part of something

: to cause (someone) to be included in some activity, situation, etc. : to cause (someone) to take part in something

: to cause (someone) to be associated with someone or something

Full Definition of INVOLVE

archaic : to enfold or envelop so as to encumber
a : to engage as a participant <workers involved in building a house>
b : to oblige to take part <right of Congress to involve the nation in war>
c : to occupy (as oneself) absorbingly; especially : to commit (as oneself) emotionally <was involved with a married man>
: to surround as if with a wrapping : envelop
a archaic : to wind, coil, or wreathe about
b : to relate closely : connect
a : to have within or as part of itself : include
b : to require as a necessary accompaniment : entail
c : 3affect <the cancer involved the lymph nodes>
— in·volve·ment noun
— in·volv·er noun
Examples of INVOLVE

He told us a story involving life on a farm.
She remained involved with the organization for many years.
Renovating the house involved hiring a contractor.
The disease continued to spread until it involved the entire jaw.

ob·sess verb \əb-ˈses, äb-\
: to be the only person or thing that someone thinks or talks about

: to think and talk about someone or something too much

Full Definition of OBSESS

transitive verb
: to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of <was obsessed with the idea>
intransitive verb
: to engage in obsessive thinking : become obsessed with an idea

ob·ses·sive adjective \äb-ˈse-siv, əb-\
: thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is not normal : having an obsession : showing or relating to an obsession

Full Definition of OBSESSIVE

a : tending to cause obsession
b : excessive often to an unreasonable degree
: of, relating to, or characterized by obsession : deriving from obsession
— obsessive noun
— ob·ses·sive·ly adverb
— ob·ses·sive·ness noun
joy·ful adjective \ˈjȯi-fəl\
: feeling, causing, or showing great happiness : full of joy

Full Definition of JOYFUL

: experiencing, causing, or showing joy : happy
— joy·ful·ly adverb
— joy·ful·ness noun

1plea·sure noun \ˈple-zhər, ˈplā-\
: a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction : a pleasant or pleasing feeling

: activity that is done for enjoyment

: something or someone that causes a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction

Full Definition of PLEASURE

: desire, inclination <wait upon his pleasure — Shakespeare>
: a state of gratification
a : sensual gratification
b : frivolous amusement
: a source of delight or joy

plea·sur·able adjective \ˈplezh-rə-bəl, ˈplāzh-; ˈple-zhə-, ˈplā-\
: causing a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment

Full Definition of PLEASURABLE

: pleasant, gratifying
— plea·sur·abil·i·ty noun
— plea·sur·able·ness noun
— plea·sur·ably adverb
2just adjective \ˈjəst\
: agreeing with what is considered morally right or good

: treating people in a way that is considered morally right

: reasonable or proper
Full Definition of JUST

a : having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : reasonable <a just but not a generous decision>
b archaic : faithful to an original
c : conforming to a standard of correctness : proper <just proportions>
a (1) : acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good : righteous <a just war> (2) : being what is merited : deserved <a just punishment>
b : legally correct : lawful <just title to an estate>
— just·ly adverb

pu·ni·tive adjective \ˈpyü-nə-tiv\
: intended to punish someone or something

: extremely or unfairly severe or high

Full Definition of PUNITIVE

: inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment <severe punitive measures>
— pu·ni·tive·ly adverb
— pu·ni·tive·ness noun
2kind adjective
: having or showing a gentle nature and a desire to help others : wanting and liking to do good things and to bring happiness to others

—used to make a formal request
Full Definition of KIND

chiefly dialect : affectionate, loving
a : of a sympathetic or helpful nature
b : of a forbearing nature : gentle
c : arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance <a kind act>
: of a kind to give pleasure or relief

Examples of KIND

A kind old woman took the cat in and nursed it back to health.
It was very kind of you to show me the way.
Thank you for your kind words.

cru·el adjective \ˈkrü(-ə)l\
—used to describe people who hurt others and do not feel sorry about it

: causing or helping to cause suffering : terrible and unfair
cru·el·er or cru·el·lercru·el·est or cru·el·lest

Full Definition of CRUEL

: disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings <a cruel tyrant>
a : causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain <a cruel joke>
b : unrelieved by leniency <cruel punishment>
— cru·el·ly adverb
— cru·el·ness noun
lead·ing adjective \ˈlē-diŋ\
: having great importance, influence, or success

: most important

Full Definition of LEADING

: coming or ranking first : foremost
: exercising leadership
: providing direction or guidance <a leading question>
: given most prominent display <the leading story>

co·erce transitive verb \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats

: to get (something) by using force or threats

Full Definition of COERCE

: to restrain or dominate by force <religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious — W. R. Inge>
: to compel to an act or choice <was coerced into agreeing>
: to achieve by force or threat <coerce compliance>
— co·erc·ible adjective
lib·er·ate transitive verb \ˈli-bə-ˌrāt\
: to free (someone or something) from being controlled by another person, group, etc.

: to give freedom or more freedom to (someone)

: to take or steal (something)

Full Definition of LIBERATE

: to set at liberty : free; specifically : to free (as a country) from domination by a foreign power
: to free from combination <liberate the gas by adding acid>
: to take or take over illegally or unjustly <material liberated from a nearby construction site — Thorne Dreyer>
— lib·er·a·tor noun
— lib·er·a·to·ry adjective

re·strict transitive verb \ri-ˈstrikt\
: to limit the amount or range of (something)

: to prevent (someone) from doing something

: to allow (someone) to only have or do a particular thing

Full Definition of RESTRICT

: to confine within bounds : restrain
: to place under restrictions as to use or distribution
Examples of RESTRICT

Her eye problem restricts her reading.
She was told to restrict the amount of salt she uses.
The new law restricts smoking in public places.
They have accused the government of trying to restrict free speech.
They say the government is trying to restrict them from speaking out.
Origin of RESTRICT

Latin restrictus, past participle of restringere
long–term adjective \ˈlȯŋ-ˈtərm\
: lasting for, relating to, or involving a long period of time

Full Definition of LONG-TERM

: occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time <seeking long–term solutions>
a : of, relating to, or constituting a financial operation or obligation based on a considerable term and especially one of more than 10 years <long–term bonds>
b : generated by assets held for longer than six months <a long–term capital gain>

im·me·di·ate adjective \i-ˈmē-dē-ət, British often -ˈmē-jit\
: happening or done without delay

: happening or existing now

: important now

Full Definition of IMMEDIATE

a : acting or being without the intervention of another object, cause, or agency : direct <the immediate cause of death>
b : present to the mind independently of other states or factors <immediate awareness>
c : involving or derived from a single premise <an immediate inference>
: being next in line or relation <the immediate family>
a : existing without intervening space or substance <brought into immediate contact>
b : being near at hand <the immediate neighborhood>
a : occurring, acting, or accomplished without loss or interval of time : instant <an immediate need>
b (1) : near to or related to the present <the immediate past> (2) : of or relating to the here and now : current <too busy with immediate concerns to worry about the future>
: directly touching or concerning a person or thing <the child's immediate world is the classroom>
loy·al adjective \ˈlȯi(-ə)l\
: having or showing complete and constant support for someone or something

Full Definition of LOYAL

: unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
: showing loyalty
obsolete : lawful, legitimate
— loy·al·ly adverb

chau·vin·ism noun \ˈshō-və-ˌni-zəm\
: an attitude that the members of your own sex are always better than those of the opposite sex

: the belief that your country, race, etc., is better than any other

Full Definition of CHAUVINISM

: excessive or blind patriotism — compare jingoism
: undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which one belongs or has belonged
: an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex; also : behavior expressive of such an attitude
— chau·vin·ist noun or adjective
— chau·vin·is·tic adjective
— chau·vin·is·ti·cal·ly adverb
mer·ci·ful adjective \ˈmər-si-fəl\
: treating people with kindness and forgiveness : not cruel or harsh : having or showing mercy

: giving relief from suffering

Full Definition of MERCIFUL

: full of mercy : compassionate <a merciful ruler>; also : providing relief <a merciful end>
— mer·ci·ful·ness noun

per·mis·sive adjective \pər-ˈmi-siv\
: giving people a lot of freedom or too much freedom to do what they want to do

Full Definition of PERMISSIVE

archaic : granted on sufferance : tolerated
a : granting or tending to grant permission : tolerant
b : deficient in firmness or control : indulgent, lax
: allowing discretion : optional <reduced the permissive retirement age from 65 to 62>
— per·mis·sive·ly adverb
— per·mis·sive·ness noun
mod·est adjective \ˈmä-dəst\
: not very large in size or amount

: not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities : not showing or feeling great or excessive pride

of clothing : not showing too much of a person's body

Full Definition of MODEST

a : placing a moderate estimate on one's abilities or worth
b : neither bold nor self-assertive : tending toward diffidence
: arising from or characteristic of a modest nature
: observing the proprieties of dress and behavior : decent
a : limited in size, amount, or scope <a family of modest means>
b : unpretentious <a modest home>
— mod·est·ly adverb

haugh·ty adjective \ˈhȯ-tē, ˈhä-\
: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people

Full Definition of HAUGHTY

: blatantly and disdainfully proud
— haugh·ti·ly adverb
— haugh·ti·ness noun
1nat·u·ral adjective \ˈna-chə-rəl, ˈnach-rəl\
: existing in nature and not made or caused by people : coming from nature

: not having any extra substances or chemicals added : not containing anything artificial

: usual or expected

Full Definition of NATURAL

: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice>
a : being in accordance with or determined by nature
b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
a (1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : legitimate (2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption <natural parents>
b : illegitimate <a natural child>
: having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question <his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence>
: implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn <a natural talent for art>
: of or relating to nature as an object of study and research
: having a specified character by nature <a natural athlete>
a : occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural <natural causes>
b : formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation <natural religion> <natural rights>
c : having a normal or usual character <events followed their natural course>
: possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (as kindliness and affection) of human nature <a noble … brother … ever most kind and natural — Shakespeare>
a : growing without human care; also : not cultivated <natural prairie unbroken by the plow>
b : existing in or produced by nature : not artificial <natural turf> <natural curiosities>
c : relating to or being natural food
a : being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment : unregenerate <natural man>
b : living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society
a : having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious <a corporation is a legal but not a natural person>
b : of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world <natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe>
a : closely resembling an original : true to nature
b : marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint
c : having a form or appearance found in nature
a : having neither flats nor sharps <the natural scale of C major>
b : being neither sharp nor flat
c : having the pitch modified by the natural sign
: of an off-white or beige color
— nat·u·ral·ness noun
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Examples of NATURAL

furniture made of natural materials
The river forms a natural boundary between the two countries.
natural foods like whole grain bread and fresh vegetables
Gray hair is one of the natural consequences of getting older.
a natural increase in the population
the natural course of the disease
It's perfectly natural to feel nervous before a test.
Origin of NATURAL

Middle English, from Anglo-French naturel, from Latin naturalis of nature, from natura nature
First Known Use: 14th century

ar·ti·fi·cial adjective \ˌär-tə-ˈfi-shəl\
: not natural or real : made, produced, or done to seem like something natural

: not happening or existing naturally : created or caused by people

: not sincere

Full Definition of ARTIFICIAL

: humanly contrived often on a natural model : man-made <an artificial limb> <artificial diamonds>
a : having existence in legal, economic, or political theory
b : caused or produced by a human and especially social or political agency <an artificial price advantage> <artificial barriers of discrimination — R. C. Weaver>
obsolete : artful, cunning
a : lacking in natural or spontaneous quality <an artificial smile> <an artificial excitement>
b : imitation, sham <artificial flavor>
: based on differential morphological characters not necessarily indicative of natural relationships <an artificial key for plant identification>
— ar·ti·fi·ci·al·i·ty noun
— ar·ti·fi·cial·ly adverb
— ar·ti·fi·cial·ness noun
1no·ble adjective \ˈnō-bəl\
: having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.)

: of, relating to, or belonging to the highest social class : of, relating to, or belonging to the nobility

: impressive in size or appearance
no·bler no·blest

Full Definition of NOBLE

a : possessing outstanding qualities : illustrious
b : famous, notable <noble deeds>
: of high birth or exalted rank : aristocratic
a : possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties <noble wine>
b : very good or excellent
: grand or impressive especially in appearance <noble edifice>
: possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : lofty <a noble ambition>
: chemically inert or inactive especially toward oxygen <a noble metal such as platinum> — compare base 6a
— no·ble·ness noun
— no·bly adverb

Examples of NOBLE

He was a man of noble character.
It was noble of her to come forward with this information.

pomp·ous adjective \ˈpäm-pəs\
: having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people

Full Definition of POMPOUS

: excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric>
: having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>
: relating to or suggestive of pomp or splendor : magnificent
— pomp·ous·ly adverb
— pomp·ous·ness noun
1nur·ture noun \ˈnər-chər\
: the care and attention given to someone or something that is growing or developing

Full Definition of NURTURE

: training, upbringing
: something that nourishes : food
: the sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism

1drain verb \ˈdrān\
: to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out

of a container : to become empty of a liquid

of a liquid : to flow into, away from, or out of something

Full Definition of DRAIN

transitive verb
obsolete : filter
a : to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely <drained all the water out>
b : to cause the gradual disappearance of <drain the region's wealth>
c : to exhaust physically or emotionally <feeling drained at the end of a long workday>
a : to make gradually dry <drain a swamp>
b : to carry away the surface water of <the river that drains the valley>
c : to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments <drained the country of its resources>
d : to empty by drinking the contents of <drain a mug of beer>
: drop 7c, sink <drained the putt>
intransitive verb
a : to flow off gradually
b : to disappear gradually : dwindle
: to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping <waiting for the tub to drain>
: to discharge surface or surplus water
— drain·er noun

Examples of DRAIN

Drain the canned tomatoes before adding them to the pot.
The swamp has been drained.
I was waiting for the bathtub to drain.
The river drains into a lake.
Years of civil war have drained the country's resources.
The city's emergency fund has been drained.
I feel totally drained of energy this evening.
1ob·ser·vant adjective \-vənt\
: good at watching and listening : good at noticing what is going on around you

: careful to follow religious teachings or customs

Full Definition of OBSERVANT

a : paying strict attention : watchful <an observant spectator>
b : keen, perceptive
: careful in observing (as rites, laws, or customs) : mindful <pious and religiously observant families — Sidney Hook> <always observant of the amenities>
— ob·ser·vant·ly adverb

sus·pi·cious adjective \sə-ˈspi-shəs\
: causing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly : causing suspicion

: having or showing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly : feeling or showing suspicion

Full Definition of SUSPICIOUS

: tending to arouse suspicion : questionable <suspicious characters>
: disposed to suspect : distrustful <suspicious of strangers>
: expressing or indicative of suspicion <a suspicious glance>
— sus·pi·cious·ly adverb
— sus·pi·cious·ness noun
1open adjective \ˈō-pən, -pəm\
open·er open·est

Definition of OPEN

: having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides <cattle grazing on an open range>
a (1) : being in a position or adjustment to permit passage : not shut or locked <an open door> (2) : having a barrier (as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage <the house was open>
b : having the lips parted <stood there with his mouth wide open>
c : not buttoned or zipped <an open shirt>
a : completely free from concealment : exposed to general view or knowledge <their hostilities eventually erupted with open war>
b : exposed or vulnerable to attack or question : subject <open to doubt>
c : being an operation or surgical procedure in which an incision is made such that the tissues are fully exposed
a : not covered with a top, roof, or lid <an open car> <her eyes were open>
b : having no protective covering <open wiring> <an open wound>
: not restricted to a particular group or category of participants <open to the public> <open housing>: as
a : enterable by both amateur and professional contestants <an open tournament>
b : enterable by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation <an open primary>
: fit to be traveled over : presenting no obstacle to passage or view <the open road> <open country>
: having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded position : spread out : unfolded <an open book>
a (1) : low 13 (2) : formed with the tongue in a lower position <Italian has an open and a close e>
b (1) : having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat <an open vocal tone> (2) of a tone : produced by an open string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys
a : available to follow or make use of <the only course open to us>
b : not taken up with duties or engagements <keep an hour open on Friday>
c : not finally decided : subject to further consideration <the salary is open> <an open question>
d : available for a qualified applicant : vacant <the job is still open>
e : remaining available for use or filling until canceled <an open order for more items>
f : available for future purchase <these items are in open stock>
g : available for breeding : not now pregnant <an open heifer>
h : not proprietary : available to third party developers <open source code>
a : characterized by ready accessibility and usually generous attitude: as (1) : generous in giving (2) : willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with : responsive (3) : free from reserve or pretense : frank
b : accessible to the influx of new factors (as foreign goods) <an open market>
a : having openings, interruptions, or spaces <open mesh>: as (1) : being porous and friable <open soil> (2) : sparsely distributed : scattered <open population> (3) of a compound : having components separated by a space in writing or printing (as opaque projector)
b : not made up of a continuous closed circuit of channels <the insect circulatory system is open>
a of an organ pipe : not stopped at the top
b of a string on a musical instrument : not stopped by the finger
: being in operation <an open microphone>; especially : ready for business, patronage, or use <the store is open from 9 to 5> <the new highway will be open next week>
a (1) : characterized by lack of effective regulation of various commercial enterprises <an open town> (2) : not repressed by legal controls <open gambling>
b : free from checking or hampering restraints <an open economy>
c : relatively unguarded by opponents <passed to an open teammate>
: having been opened by a first ante, bet, or bid <the bidding is open>
of punctuation : characterized by sparing use especially of the comma
a : containing none of its endpoints <an open interval>
b : being a set or composed of sets each point of which has a neighborhood all of whose points are contained in the set <the interior of a sphere is an open set>
a : being an incomplete electrical circuit
b : not allowing the flow of electricity <an open switch>
of a universe : having insufficient mass to halt expansion gravitationally
— open adverb
— open·ly adverb
— open·ness noun
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Examples of OPEN

The door suddenly swung open.
You left the blinds wide open.
The meat was roasted over an open fire.
I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Don't chew with your mouth open.
staring with her eyes wide open
There's already an open jar of pickles in the refrigerator.
They kept the road open throughout the winter.

se·cre·tive adjective \ˈsē-krə-tiv, si-ˈkrē-\
: not letting people see or know what you are doing or thinking : tending to act in secret

Full Definition of SECRETIVE

: disposed to secrecy : not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes
— se·cre·tive·ly adverb
— se·cre·tive·ness noun
op·ti·mism noun \ˈäp-tə-ˌmi-zəm\
: a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future : a feeling or belief that what you hope for will happen

Full Definition of OPTIMISM

: a doctrine that this world is the best possible world
: an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome
— op·ti·mist noun
— op·ti·mis·tic adjective
pes·si·mis·tic adjective \ˌpe-sə-ˈmis-tik also ˌpe-zə-\
: having or showing a lack of hope for the future : expecting bad things to happen

Full Definition of PESSIMISTIC

: of, relating to, or characterized by pessimism : gloomy
— pes·si·mis·ti·cal·ly adverb
1or·der·ly adjective \-lē\
: arranged or organized in a logical or regular way

: peaceful or well-behaved

Full Definition of ORDERLY

a (1) : arranged or disposed in some order or pattern : regular <orderly rows of houses> (2) : marked by order : tidy <keeps an orderly desk>
b : governed by law : regulated <an orderly universe>
c : methodical <an orderly mind>
: well behaved : peaceful <an orderly crowd>
— orderly adverb

con·fused adjective \-ˈfyüzd\
: unable to understand or think clearly

: difficult to understand : not clearly organized, expressed, etc.

Full Definition of CONFUSED

a : being perplexed or disconcerted <the confused students>
b : disoriented with regard to one's sense of time, place, or identity <the patient became confused>
: indistinguishable <a zigzag, crisscross, confused trail — Harry Hervey>
: being disordered or mixed up <a contradictory and often confused story>
— con·fused·ly adverb
— con·fused·ness noun
out·go·ing adjective \ˈau̇t-ˌgō-iŋ, -ˌgȯ(-)iŋ\
—used to describe someone who is friendly and likes being with and talking to other people

: going away : leaving a place

: leaving a particular position

Full Definition of OUTGOING

a : going away : departing <an outgoing ship>
b : retiring or withdrawing from a place or position <the outgoing president>
c : directed to an intended recipient <outgoing mail>
: openly friendly and responsive : extroverted
— out·go·ing·ness noun

re·served adjective \ri-ˈzərvd\
: not openly expressing feelings or opinions

: kept for use only by a particular person or group

Full Definition of RESERVED

: restrained in words and actions
: kept or set apart or aside for future or special use
— re·serv·ed·ly adverb
— re·serv·ed·ness noun
1pa·tient adjective \ˈpā-shənt\
: able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people

: done in a careful way over a long period of time without hurrying

Full Definition of PATIENT

: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
: not hasty or impetuous
: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
a : able or willing to bear —used with of
b : susceptible, admitting <patient of one interpretation>
— pa·tient·ly adverb

av·id adjective \ˈa-vəd\
: very eager

: wanting something very much

Full Definition of AVID

: desirous to the point of greed : urgently eager : greedy <avid for publicity>
: characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit <avid readers>
— av·id·ly adverb
— av·id·ness noun
pa·tri·ot·ic adjective \ˌpā-trē-ˈä-tik, chiefly British ˌpa-\
: having or showing great love and support for your country : having or showing patriotism

Full Definition of PATRIOTIC

: inspired by patriotism
: befitting or characteristic of a patriot
— pa·tri·ot·i·cal·ly adverb

pa·tri·ot noun \ˈpā-trē-ət, -ˌät, chiefly British ˈpa-trē-ət\
: a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country

Full Definition of PATRIOT

: one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests

na·tion·al·is·tic adjective \ˌnash-nə-ˈlis-tik, ˌna-shə-nə-ˈlis-tik\
: relating to or showing a belief that your country is better and more important than other countries

Full Definition of NATIONALISTIC

: of, favoring, or characterized by nationalism <nationalistic election speeches>
: national 1
— na·tion·al·is·ti·cal·ly adverb
peace·ful adjective \ˈpēs-fəl\
: quiet and calm : without noise, excitement, etc.

: not fighting a war

: not involving violence or force

Full Definition of PEACEFUL

: peaceable 1
: untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion : quiet, tranquil
: of or relating to a state or time of peace
: devoid of violence or force
— peace·ful·ly adverb
— peace·ful·ness noun

bel·lig·er·ent adjective \bə-ˈlij-rənt, -ˈli-jə-\
: angry and aggressive : feeling or showing readiness to fight

: fighting a war : engaged in a war

Full Definition of BELLIGERENT

: waging war; specifically : belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war
: inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness
— belligerent noun
— bel·lig·er·ent·ly adverb
po·lite adjective \pə-ˈlīt\
: having or showing good manners or respect for other people

: socially correct or proper

Full Definition of POLITE

a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of advanced culture
b : marked by refined cultural interests and pursuits especially in arts and belles lettres
a : showing or characterized by correct social usage
b : marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy
c : marked by a lack of roughness or crudities <polite literature>
— po·lite·ly adverb

ob·se·qui·ous adjective \əb-ˈsē-kwē-əs, äb-\
: too eager to help or obey someone important

Full Definition of OBSEQUIOUS

: marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
— ob·se·qui·ous·ly adverb
— ob·se·qui·ous·ness noun
pow·er·ful adjective \ˈpau̇(-ə)r-fəl\
: having the ability to control or influence people or things

: having a strong effect on someone or something

: having or producing a lot of physical strength or force

Full Definition of POWERFUL

: having great power, prestige, or influence <a powerful leader>
: leading to many or important deductions <a powerful set of postulates>
— pow·er·ful·ly adverb

1pow·er noun, often attributive \ˈpau̇(-ə)r\
: the ability or right to control people or things

: political control of a country or area

: a person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or organizations

Full Definition of POWER

a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect
b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right
a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others
b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state
c : a controlling group : establishment —often used in the phrase the powers that be
d archaic : a force of armed men
e chiefly dialect : a large number or quantity
a : physical might
b : mental or moral efficacy
c : political control or influence
plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
a : the number of times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a factor in a product <5 to the third power is 125>; also : the product itself <8 is a power of 2>
b : cardinal number 2
a : a source or means of supplying energy; especially : electricity
b : motive power
c : the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred
2power verb
: to supply (something) with power

: to move with great speed or force
Full Definition of POWER

transitive verb
: to supply with power and especially motive power
: to give impetus to
intransitive verb
: to move about by means of motive power
: to move with great speed or force

power noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
In science and engineering, the time rate of doing work or delivering energy. Power (P) can be expressed as the amount of work done (W), or energy transferred, divided by the time interval (t): P = W/t. A given amount of work can be done by a low-powered motor in a long time or by a high-powered motor in a short time. Units of power are those of work (or energy) per unit time, such as foot-pounds per minute, joules per second (called watts), or ergs per second. Power can also be expressed as the product of the force (F) applied to move an object and the speed (v) of the object in the direction of the force: P = Fv. See also horsepower.

1force noun \ˈfȯrs\
: physical strength, power, or effect

: power or violence used on a person or thing

: strength or power that is not physical

Full Definition of FORCE

a (1) : strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power <the forces of nature> <the motivating force in her life> (2) capitalized —used with a number to indicate the strength of the wind according to the Beaufort scale <a Force 10 hurricane>
b : moral or mental strength
c : capacity to persuade or convince <the force of the argument>
a : military strength
b (1) : a body (as of troops or ships) assigned to a military purpose (2) plural : the whole military strength (as of a nation)
c : a body of persons or things available for a particular end <a labor force> <the missile force>
d : an individual or group having the power of effective action <join forces to prevent violence> <a force in politics>
e often capitalized : police force —usually used with the
: violence, compulsion, or constraint exerted upon or against a person or thing
a : an agency or influence that if applied to a free body results chiefly in an acceleration of the body and sometimes in elastic deformation and other effects
b : any of the natural influences (as electromagnetism, gravity, the strong force, and the weak force) that exist especially between particles and determine the structure of the universe
: the quality of conveying impressions intensely in writing or speech <stated the objectives with force>
— force·less adjective
— in force
: in great numbers <picnickers were out in force>
: valid, operative <the ban remains in force>

force·ful adjective \ˈfȯrs-fəl\
: having a strong and confident quality

: expressed in a way that is effective and that influences people's thoughts and ideas

: done with military or physical force

Full Definition of FORCEFUL

: possessing or filled with force : effective <a forceful argument>
— force·ful·ly adverb
— force·ful·ness noun
1praise verb \ˈprāz\
: to say or write good things about (someone or something) : to express approval of (someone or something)

: to express thanks to or love and respect for (God)

Full Definition of PRAISE

transitive verb
: to express a favorable judgment of : commend
: to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections
intransitive verb
: to express praise

1flat·ter verb \ˈfla-tər\
: to praise (someone) in a way that is not sincere

: to cause (someone) to feel pleased by showing respect, affection, or admiration

: to show or describe (someone or something) in a way that is very favorable or too favorable

Full Definition of FLATTER

transitive verb
: to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest
a archaic : beguile 4
b : to encourage or gratify especially with the assurance that something is right <I flatter myself that my interpretation is correct>
a : to portray too favorably <the portrait flatters him>
b : to display to advantage <candlelight often flatters the face>
intransitive verb
: to use flattery
— flat·ter·er noun
prin·ci·pled adjective \-s(ə-)pəld, -sə-bəld\
: having, based on, or relating to strong beliefs about what is right and wrong

Full Definition of PRINCIPLED

: exhibiting, based on, or characterized by principle —often used in combination

1ex·pe·di·ent adjective \ik-ˈspē-dē-ənt\
: providing an easy and quick way to solve a problem or do something

Full Definition of EXPEDIENT

: suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance
: characterized by concern with what is opportune; especially : governed by self-interest
— ex·pe·di·ent·ly adverb
privileged adjective
: having special rights or advantages that most people do not have

law : known only by the people who need to know

Full Definition of PRIVILEGED

: having or enjoying one or more privileges <privileged classes>
: not subject to the usual rules or penalties because of some special circumstance; especially : not subject to disclosure in a court of law <a privileged communication>

en·ti·tle transitive verb \in-ˈtī-təl, en-\
: to give a title to (something, such as a book)

: to give a right to (someone)

Full Definition of ENTITLE

: to give a title to : designate
: to furnish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something <this ticket entitles the bearer to free admission>
pro·lif·ic adjective \prə-ˈli-fik\
: producing a large amount of something

Full Definition of PROLIFIC

: producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful
archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction
: marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity <a prolific composer>
— pro·lif·i·ca·cy noun
— pro·lif·i·cal·ly adverb
— pro·lif·ic·ness noun

1bar·ren adjective \ˈber-ən, ˈba-rən\
: having very few plants : not suitable for plants

: not producing fruit or not able to produce fruit

of a woman or female animal : not able to produce children or offspring

Full Definition of BARREN

: not reproducing: as
a : incapable of producing offspring —used especially of females or matings
b : not yet or not recently pregnant
c : habitually failing to fruit
: not productive: as
a : producing little or no vegetation : desolate <barren deserts>
b : producing inferior crops <barren soil>
c : unproductive of results or gain : fruitless <a barren scheme>
: devoid, lacking —used with of <barren of excitement>
: lacking interest or charm <a barren routine>
: lacking inspiration or ideas <a barren mind>
— bar·ren·ly adverb
pur·pose·ful adjective \ˈpər-pəs-fəl\
: having a clear aim or purpose

Full Definition of PURPOSEFUL

: having a purpose: as
a : meaningful <purposeful activities>
b : intentional <purposeful ambiguity>
: full of determination <was soft-spoken but purposeful>
— pur·pose·ful·ly adverb
— pur·pose·ful·ness noun

Examples of PURPOSEFUL

<a soft-spoken but purposeful criminal investigator>
<there's a difference between a purposeful lie and an accidental untruth>

de·sir·ous adjective \di-ˈzī(-ə)r-əs\
: wanting or wishing for something very much : feeling desire for something

Full Definition of DESIROUS

: impelled or governed by desire <desirous of fame>
— de·sir·ous·ly adverb
— de·sir·ous·ness noun
re·ceive verb \ri-ˈsēv\
: to get or be given (something)

: to react to (something) in a specified way

: to welcome (someone) in usually a formal way

Full Definition of RECEIVE

transitive verb
: to come into possession of : acquire <receive a gift>
a : to act as a receptacle or container for <the cistern receives water from the roof>
b : to assimilate through the mind or senses <receive new ideas>
a : to permit to enter : admit
b : welcome, greet
c : to react to in a specified manner
: to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate : believe
a : to support the weight or pressure of : bear
b : to take (a mark or impression) from the weight of something <some clay receives clear impressions>
c : acquire, experience <received his early schooling at home>
d : to suffer the hurt or injury of <received a broken nose>
intransitive verb
: to be a recipient
: to be at home to visitors <receives on Tuesdays>
: to convert incoming radio waves into perceptible signals
: to prepare to take possession of the ball from a kick in football

Examples of RECEIVE

You will be charged a late fee if the electric company does not receive your payment on time.
I received a letter from her yesterday.
You will receive a discount if you spend over $100.
She received the news of his death with remarkable calmness.
George, white-gloved, with a gardenia in his buttonhole, stood with his mother and the Major, embowered in the big red and gold drawing room downstairs, to “receive” the guests; and, standing thus together, the trio offered a picturesque example of good looks persistent through three generations. —Booth Tarkington, The Magnificent Ambersons, 1918

grasp·ing adjective \ˈgras-piŋ\
: wanting money and possessions too much

Full Definition of GRASPING

: desiring material possessions urgently and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness
— grasp·ing·ly adverb
— grasp·ing·ness noun
1re·lease verb \ri-ˈlēs\
: to allow (a person or animal) to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc. : to set (someone or something) free

: to stop holding (someone or something)

: to allow (a substance) to enter the air, water, soil, etc.

Full Definition of RELEASE

transitive verb
: to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude <release hostages> <release pent-up emotions> <release the brakes>; also : to let go : dismiss <released from her job>
: to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses <was released from her promise>
: to give up in favor of another : relinquish <release a claim to property>
: to give permission for publication, performance, exhibition, or sale of; also : to make available to the public <the commission released its findings> <release a new movie>
intransitive verb
: to move from one's normal position (as in football or basketball) in order to assume another position or to perform a second assignment
— re·leas·able adjective

te·na·cious adjective \tə-ˈnā-shəs\
: not easily stopped or pulled apart : firm or strong

: continuing for a long time

: very determined to do something

Full Definition of TENACIOUS

a : not easily pulled apart : cohesive <a tenacious metal>
b : tending to adhere or cling especially to another substance <tenacious burs>
a : persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired <a tenacious advocate of civil rights> <tenacious negotiators>
b : retentive <a tenacious memory>
— te·na·ci·ous·ly adverb
— te·na·cious·ness noun
re·li·ant adjective \-ənt\
: needing someone or something for help, support, etc.

Full Definition of RELIANT

: having reliance on something or someone : dependent
— re·li·ant·ly adverb

re·ly intransitive verb \ri-ˈlī\

Definition of RELY

: to be dependent <the system on which we rely for water>
: to have confidence based on experience <someone you can rely on>
— re·li·er noun
Examples of RELY

<rigorously tested the rope before starting out, for the rock climbers would be relying on it with their very lives>

1de·pen·dent adjective \di-ˈpen-dənt\
: decided or controlled by something else

: needing someone or something else for support, help, etc.

: addicted to alcohol or a drug

Full Definition of DEPENDENT

: hanging down
a : determined or conditioned by another : contingent <plans that are dependent on the weather>
b (1) : relying on another for support <dependent children> (2) : affected with a drug dependence
c : subject to another's jurisdiction <a dependent territory>
d : subordinate 3a <dependent clauses>
a : not mathematically or statistically independent <a dependent set of vectors> <dependent events>
b : equivalent 6a <dependent equations>
— de·pen·dent·ly adverb
1re·quest noun \ri-ˈkwest\
: an act of politely or formally asking for something

: something (such as a song) that a person asks for

Full Definition of REQUEST

: the act or an instance of asking for something
: something asked for <granted her request>
: the condition or fact of being requested <available on request>
: the state of being sought after : demand

Examples of REQUEST

They made a request to begin work immediately.
She filed a formal request for more information.
At your request, I am enclosing a full refund of your payment.
Troops were sent at the request of our allies.
This next song is a request from one of our listeners.

de·mand·ing adjective
: requiring much time, attention, or effort

: expecting much time, attention, effort, etc., from other people : hard to satisfy

Full Definition of DEMANDING

: requiring much time, effort, or attention : exacting <a demanding job> <demanding customers>
— de·mand·ing·ly adverb
— de·mand·ing·ness noun

1de·mand noun \di-ˈmand, -ˈmänd, dē-\
: a forceful statement in which you say that something must be done or given to you

: a strong need for something

: the ability and need or desire to buy goods and services

Full Definition of DEMAND

a : an act of demanding or asking especially with authority <a demand for obedience>
b : something claimed as due <a list of demands>
archaic : question
a : willingness and ability to purchase a commodity or service <the demand for quality day care>
b : the quantity of a commodity or service wanted at a specified price and time <supply and demand>
a : a seeking or state of being sought after <in great demand as an entertainer>
b : urgent need
: the requirement of work or of the expenditure of a resource <equal to the demands of the office> <demands on one's time> <oxygen demand for waste oxidation>
— on demand
: upon presentation and request for payment; also : when requested or needed <video on demand>
re·spect·ful adjective \ri-ˈspekt-fəl\
: showing or having respect

Full Definition of RESPECTFUL

: marked by or showing respect or deference
— re·spect·ful·ly adverb
— re·spect·ful·ness noun

1re·spect noun \ri-ˈspekt\
: a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc.

: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way

: a particular way of thinking about or looking at something

Full Definition of RESPECT

: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation <remarks having respect to an earlier plan>
: an act of giving particular attention : consideration
a : high or special regard : esteem
b : the quality or state of being esteemed
c plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference <paid our respects>
: particular, detail <a good plan in some respects>
— in respect of
chiefly British : with respect to : concerning
— in respect to
: with respect to : concerning
— with respect to
: with reference to : in relation to

2demean transitive verb
Definition of DEMEAN

: to lower in character, status, or reputation
re·spon·si·ble adjective \ri-ˈspän(t)-sə-bəl\
: having the job or duty of dealing with or taking care of something or someone

: able to be trusted to do what is right or to do the things that are expected or required

: involving important duties, decisions, etc., that you are trusted to do

Full Definition of RESPONSIBLE

a : liable to be called on to answer
b (1) : liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent <a committee responsible for the job> (2) : being the cause or explanation <mechanical defects were responsible for the accident>
c : liable to legal review or in case of fault to penalties
a : able to answer for one's conduct and obligations : trustworthy
b : able to choose for oneself between right and wrong
: marked by or involving responsibility or accountability <responsible financial policies>
: politically answerable; especially : required to submit to the electorate if defeated by the legislature —used especially of the British cabinet
— re·spon·si·ble·ness noun

guilty adjective \ˈgil-tē\
: responsible for committing a crime or doing something bad or wrong

: showing that you know you have done something bad or wrong

: feeling bad because you have done something bad or wrong or because you believe you have done something bad or wrong

Full Definition of GUILTY

: justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime
obsolete : justly liable to or deserving of a penalty
a : suggesting or involving guilt
b : aware of or suffering from guilt <guilty consciences>
— guilt·i·ly adverb
sat·is·fy verb \ˈsa-təs-ˌfī\
: to cause (someone) to be happy or pleased

: to provide, do, or have what is required by (someone or something)

: to cause (someone) to believe that something is true

Full Definition of SATISFY

transitive verb
a : to carry out the terms of (as a contract) : discharge
b : to meet a financial obligation to
: to make reparation to (an injured party) : indemnify
a : to make happy : please
b : to gratify to the full : appease
a : convince
b : to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) : dispel
a : to conform to (as specifications) : be adequate to (an end in view)
b : to make true by fulfilling a condition <values that satisfy an equation> <satisfy a hypothesis>
intransitive verb
: to be adequate : suffice; also : please
— sat·is·fy·ing·ly adverb

2sate transitive verb \ˈsāt\
: to fill (someone) with food so that no more is wanted

: to end (something, such as hunger or curiosity) by providing everything that is required or wanted
Full Definition of SATE

: to cloy with overabundance : glut
: to appease (as a thirst) by indulging to the full
Examples of SATE

The meal was more than enough to sate his hunger.
The information sated their curiosity.
Origin of SATE

probably by shortening & alteration from satiate
First Known Use: 1579

satiate = filled to excess
se·lec·tive adjective \sə-ˈlek-tiv\
: careful to choose only the best people or things

: involving the selection of people or things from a group

Full Definition of SELECTIVE

: of, relating to, or characterized by selection : selecting or tending to select
: highly specific in activity or effect <selective pesticides> <selective absorption>
— se·lec·tive·ly adverb
— se·lec·tive·ness noun
— se·lec·tiv·i·ty noun

1ex·clu·sive adjective \iks-ˈklü-siv, -ziv\
: not shared : available to only one person or group

: only allowing in people from a high social class

: available to only a few people because of high cost

Full Definition of EXCLUSIVE

a : excluding or having power to exclude
b : limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group
a : excluding others from participation
b : snobbishly aloof
a : accepting or soliciting only a socially restricted patronage (as of the upper class)
b : stylish, fashionable
c : restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense
a : single, sole <exclusive jurisdiction>
b : whole, undivided <his exclusive attention>
— ex·clu·sive·ly adverb
1se·rene adjective \sə-ˈrēn\
: calm and peaceful

Full Definition of SERENE

a : clear and free of storms or unpleasant change <serene skies>
b : shining bright and steady <the moon, serene in glory — Alexander Pope>
: august —used as part of a title <His Serene Highness>
: marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude <a serene smile>
— se·rene·ly adverb
— se·rene·ness noun

1dull adjective \ˈdəl\
: not exciting or interesting

: having an edge or point that is not sharp

of a sound : not clear and loud

Full Definition of DULL

: mentally slow : stupid
a : slow in perception or sensibility : insensible <somewhat dull of hearing>
b : lacking zest or vivacity : listless <a dull performance>
: slow in action : sluggish
a : lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness <a dull ache>
b : not resonant or ringing <a dull booming sound>
: lacking sharpness of edge or point <a dull knife>
: lacking brilliance or luster <a dull finish>
of a color : low in saturation and low in lightness
: cloudy <dull weather>
: tedious, uninteresting <dull lectures>
— dull·ness also dul·ness noun
1serve verb \ˈsərv\
: to give (food or drink) to someone at a meal, in a restaurant, etc.

: to give food or drink to (someone)

: to be enough food for (a particular number of people)

Full Definition of SERVE

intransitive verb
a : to be a servant
b : to do military or naval service
: to assist a celebrant as server at mass
a : to be of use <in a day when few people could write, seals served as signatures — Elizabeth W. King>
b : to be favorable, opportune, or convenient
c : to be worthy of reliance or trust <if memory serves>
d : to hold an office : discharge a duty or function <serve on a jury>
: to prove adequate or satisfactory : suffice <it will serve for this task>
: to help persons to food: as
a : to wait at table
b : to set out portions of food or drink
: to wait on customers
: to put the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games (as tennis, volleyball, or badminton)
transitive verb
a : to be a servant to : attend
b : to give the service and respect due to (a superior)
c : to comply with the commands or demands of : gratify
d : to give military or naval service to
e : to perform the duties of (an office or post)
: to act as server at (mass)
archaic : to pay a lover's or suitor's court to (a lady) <that gentle lady, whom I love and serve — Edmund Spenser>
a : to work through (a term of service)
b : to put in (a term of imprisonment)
a : to wait on at table
b : to bring (food) to a diner
c : present, provide —usually used with up <the novel served up many laughs>
a : to furnish or supply with something needed or desired
b : to wait on (a customer) in a store
c : to furnish professional service to
a : to answer the needs of
b : to be enough for : suffice
c : to contribute or conduce to : promote
: to treat or act toward in a specified way <he served me ill>
a : to bring to notice, deliver, or execute as required by law
b : to make legal service upon (a person named in a process)
of a male animal : to copulate with
: to wind yarn or wire tightly around (a rope or stay) for protection
: to provide services that benefit or help
: to put (the ball or shuttlecock) in play (as in tennis or badminton)
— serve one right
: to be deserved

Examples of SERVE

Soup was served as the first course.
The waiter served our meals quickly.
The restaurant serves excellent Italian food.
The waiter who served us was very nice.
Feel free to serve yourself at the salad bar.
You carve the turkey, and I'll serve.
The roast should serve six.
I'm afraid all of our salespeople are serving other customers right now.
What can we do to serve our customers better?

Related Words
attend, minister (to), tend (to)

am·bi·tious adjective \am-ˈbi-shəs\
: having ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous

: not easily done or achieved : requiring or showing ambition

Full Definition of AMBITIOUS

a : having or controlled by ambition <an ambitious young executive>
b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : aspiring <ambitious for power>
: resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition <an ambitious film>
— am·bi·tious·ly adverb
— am·bi·tious·ness noun

Related Words
determined, diligent, driving, dynamic, enterprising, gung ho, hungry, hustling, industrious, motivated, scrappy, venturesome, venturous; animated, lively, spirited; ardent, avid, eager, energetic, impassioned, keen, raring, vigorous; aggressive, assertive, high-flying, opportunistic, overambitious, pretentious, pushy, self-assertive; competing, competitive, rival, rivalrous
3share verb
: to have or use (something) with others

of two or more people : to divide (something) into parts and each take or use a part

: to let someone else have or use a part of (something that belongs to you)
Full Definition of SHARE

transitive verb
: to divide and distribute in shares : apportion —usually used with out <shared out the land among his heirs>
a : to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others
b : to have in common <they share a passion for opera>
: to grant or give a share in —often used with with <shared the last of her water with us>
: to tell (as thoughts, feelings, or experiences) to others —often used with with
intransitive verb
: to have a share —used with in <we all shared in the fruits of our labor>
: to apportion and take shares of something
: to talk about one's thoughts, feelings, or experiences with others
— shar·er noun

Examples of SHARE

They shared the last cookie.
We shared the money equally.
The children need to learn to share their toys.

1hoard noun \ˈhȯrd\
: a large amount of something valuable that is kept hidden

Full Definition of HOARD

: a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away

Examples of HOARD

a squirrel's hoard of nuts
<keeps a hoard of empty yogurt containers in his basement workshop for storing whatnots>
sig·nif·i·cant adjective \sig-ˈni-fi-kənt\
: large enough to be noticed or have an effect

: very important

: having a special or hidden meaning

Full Definition of SIGNIFICANT

: having meaning; especially : suggestive <a significant glance>
a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important <a significant piece of legislation>; also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount <a significant number of layoffs> <producing significant profits>
b : probably caused by something other than mere chance <statistically significant correlation between vitamin deficiency and disease>

im·por·tant adjective \im-ˈpȯr-tənt, especially Southern & New England -tənt, -dənt\
: having serious meaning or worth : deserving or requiring serious attention

: having power, authority, or influence

Full Definition of IMPORTANT

: marked by or indicative of significant worth or consequence : valuable in content or relationship
obsolete : importunate, urgent
: giving evidence of a feeling of self-importance
1so·ber adjective \ˈsō-bər\
: not drunk

: having or showing a very serious attitude or quality

: plain in color
so·ber·er so·ber·est

Full Definition of SOBER

a : sparing in the use of food and drink : abstemious
b : not addicted to intoxicating drink
c : not drunk
: marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor
: unhurried, calm
: marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness <a sober candlelight vigil>
: subdued in tone or color
: showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice
— so·ber·ly adverb

in·tox·i·cat·ed adjective \-sə-ˌkā-təd\
: affected by alcohol or drugs

Full Definition of INTOXICATED

: affected by or as if by alcohol : drunk
— in·tox·i·cat·ed·ly adverb
spon·ta·ne·ous adjective \spän-ˈtā-nē-əs\
: done or said in a natural and often sudden way and without a lot of thought or planning

: doing things that have not been planned but that seem enjoyable and worth doing at a particular time

Full Definition of SPONTANEOUS

: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint
: arising from a momentary impulse
: controlled and directed internally : self-acting <spontaneous movement characteristic of living things>
: produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous
: developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment
: not apparently contrived or manipulated : natural
— spon·ta·ne·ous·ly adverb

im·pul·sive adjective \im-ˈpəl-siv\
: doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without careful thought : acting or tending to act on impulse

: done suddenly and without planning : resulting from a sudden impulse

Full Definition of IMPULSIVE

: having the power of or actually driving or impelling
a : arising from an impulse <an impulsive decision>
b : prone to act on impulse <an impulsive young man>
: acting momentarily
— im·pul·sive·ly adverb
— im·pul·sive·ness noun
— im·pul·siv·i·ty noun
1spir·i·tu·al adjective \ˈspir-i-chə-wəl, -i-chəl, -ich-wəl\
: of or relating to a person's spirit

: of or relating to religion or religious beliefs

: having similar values and ideas : related or joined in spirit

Full Definition of SPIRITUAL

: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : incorporeal <spiritual needs>
a : of or relating to sacred matters <spiritual songs>
b : ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal <spiritual authority> <lords spiritual>
: concerned with religious values
: related or joined in spirit <our spiritual home> <his spiritual heir>
a : of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena
b : of, relating to, or involving spiritualism : spiritualistic
— spir·i·tu·al·ly adverb

ma·te·ri·al·ism noun \mə-ˈtir-ē-ə-ˌli-zəm\
: a way of thinking that gives too much importance to material possessions rather than to spiritual or intellectual things

philosophy : the belief that only material things exist

Full Definition of MATERIALISM

a : a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter
b : a doctrine that the only or the highest values or objectives lie in material well-being and in the furtherance of material progress
c : a doctrine that economic or social change is materially caused — compare historical materialism
: a preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things
— ma·te·ri·al·ist noun or adjective
— ma·te·ri·al·is·tic adjective
— ma·te·ri·al·is·ti·cal·ly adverb
stead·fast adjective \ˈsted-ˌfast also -fəst\
: very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause : not changing

Full Definition of STEADFAST

a : firmly fixed in place : immovable
b : not subject to change <the steadfast doctrine of original sin — Ellen Glasgow>
: firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal <her followers have remained steadfast>
— stead·fast·ly adverb
— stead·fast·ness noun

1fal·ter verb \ˈfȯl-tər\
: to stop being strong or successful : to begin to fail or weaken

: to begin to walk or move in an unsteady way

: to feel doubt about doing something

Full Definition of FALTER

intransitive verb
a : to walk unsteadily : stumble
b : to give way : totter <could feel my legs faltering>
c : to move waveringly or hesitatingly
: to speak brokenly or weakly : stammer <her voice faltered>
a : to hesitate in purpose or action : waver <he never faltered in his determination>
b : to lose drive or effectiveness <the business was faltering>
transitive verb
: to utter hesitatingly or brokenly
— fal·ter·er noun
strive intransitive verb \ˈstrīv\
: to try very hard to do or achieve something
strove also strived striv·en or strivedstriv·ing

Full Definition of STRIVE

: to devote serious effort or energy : endeavor <strive to finish a project>
: to struggle in opposition : contend
— striv·er noun
Examples of STRIVE

We must all strive to do better.
She always strives for perfection.
They continue to strive toward their goals.

1strug·gle intransitive verb \ˈstrə-gəl\
: to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems

: to move with difficulty or with great effort

: to try to move yourself, an object, etc., by making a lot of effort

Full Definition of STRUGGLE

: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition <struggling with the problem>
: to proceed with difficulty or with great effort <struggled through the high grass> <struggling to make a living>
— strug·gler noun
Examples of STRUGGLE

He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving.
They struggled for the right to vote.
She struggled up the hill through the snow.
She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy.
He struggled to get free of the wreckage.
He's been struggling in math class for most of the year.
The team has continued to struggle in recent weeks.
He was living as a struggling artist in the city.
1sur·ren·der verb \sə-ˈren-dər\
: to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting, etc., because you know that you will not win or succeed

: to give the control or use of (something) to someone else

: to allow something (such as a habit or desire) to influence or control you

Full Definition of SURRENDER

transitive verb
a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand <surrendered the fort>
b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner
b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
intransitive verb
: to give oneself up into the power of another : yield

1wor·ry verb \ˈwər-ē, ˈwə-rē\
: to think about problems or fears : to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen

: to make (someone) anxious or upset : to cause (someone) to worry

Full Definition of WORRY

transitive verb
dialect British : choke, strangle
a : to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping especially at the throat
b : to shake or pull at with the teeth <a terrier worrying a rat>
c : to touch or disturb something repeatedly
d : to change the position of or adjust by repeated pushing or hauling
a : to assail with rough or aggressive attack or treatment : torment
b : to subject to persistent or nagging attention or effort
: to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious
intransitive verb
dialect British : strangle, choke
: to move, proceed, or progress by unceasing or difficult effort : struggle
: to feel or experience concern or anxiety : fret <worrying about his health>
— wor·ried·ly adverb
— wor·ri·er noun
1ten·der adjective \ˈten-dər\
: very loving and gentle : showing affection and love for someone or something

of food : easy to chew or bite : not tough

: painful when touched

Full Definition of TENDER

a : having a soft or yielding texture : easily broken, cut, or damaged : delicate, fragile <tender feet>
b : easily chewed : succulent
a : physically weak : not able to endure hardship
b : immature, young <children of tender age>
c : incapable of resisting cold : not hardy <tender perennials>
: marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions : fond, loving <a tender lover>
a : showing care : considerate, solicitous <tender regard>
b : highly susceptible to impressions or emotions : impressionable <a tender conscience>
a : appropriate or conducive to a delicate or sensitive constitution or character : gentle, mild <tender breeding> <tender irony>
b : delicate or soft in quality or tone <never before heard the piano sound so tender — Elva S. Daniels>
obsolete : dear, precious
a : sensitive to touch or palpation <the bruise was still tender>
b : sensitive to injury or insult : touchy <tender pride>
c : demanding careful and sensitive handling : ticklish <a tender situation>
d of a boat : easily tipped by an external force
— ten·der·ly adverb
— ten·der·ness noun

1hard adjective \ˈhärd\
: very firm or solid : not easy to bend, cut, etc. : not soft

: physically or mentally difficult : not easy

: difficult to experience : severe or harsh : having a lot of pain, trouble, or worries

Full Definition of HARD

a : not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure
b of cheese : not capable of being spread : very firm
a of liquor (1) : having a harsh or acid taste (2) : strongly alcoholic
b : characterized by the presence of salts (as of calcium or magnesium) that prevent lathering with soap <hard water>
a : of or relating to radiation of relatively high penetrating power : having high energy <hard X rays>
b : having or producing relatively great photographic contrast <a hard negative>
a : metallic as distinct from paper <hard money>
b of currency : convertible into gold : stable in value
c : usable as currency <paid in hard cash>
d of currency : readily acceptable in international trade
e : being high and firm <hard prices>
a : firmly and closely twisted <hard yarns>
b : having a smooth close napless finish <a hard worsted>
a : physically fit <in good hard condition>
b : resistant to stress or disease
c : free of weakness or defects
a (1) : firm, definite <reached a hard agreement> (2) : not speculative or conjectural : factual <hard evidence> (3) : important or informative rather than sensational or entertaining <hard news>
b : close, searching <gave a hard look>
c : free from sentimentality or illusion : realistic <good hard sense>
d : lacking in responsiveness : obdurate, unfeeling <a hard heart>
a (1) : difficult to bear or endure <hard luck> <hard times> (2) : oppressive, inequitable <sales taxes are hard on the poor> <a hard restriction>
b (1) : lacking consideration, compassion, or gentleness : callous <a hard greedy landlord> (2) : incorrigible, tough <a hard gang>
c (1) : harsh, severe, or offensive in tendency or effect <said some hard things> (2) : resentful <hard feelings> (3) : strict, unrelenting <drives a hard bargain>
d : inclement <hard winter>
e (1) : intense in force, manner, or degree <hard blows> (2) : demanding the exertion of energy : calling for stamina and endurance <hard work> (3) : performing or carrying on with great energy, intensity, or persistence <a hard worker>
f : most unyielding or thoroughgoing <the hard political right>
a : characterized by sharp or harsh outline, rigid execution, and stiff drawing
b : sharply defined : stark <hard shadows>
c : lacking in shading, delicacy, or resonance <hard singing tones>
d : sounding as in arcing and geese respectively —used of c and g
e : suggestive of toughness or insensitivity <hard eyes>
a (1) : difficult to accomplish or resolve : troublesome <hard problems> <the true story was hard to come by> (2) : difficult to comprehend or explain <a hard concept>
b : having difficulty in doing something <hard of hearing>
c : difficult to magnetize or demagnetize
: being at once addictive and gravely detrimental to health <such hard drugs as heroin>
: resistant to biodegradation <hard detergents> <hard pesticides such as DDT>
: being, schooled in, or using the methods of the natural sciences and especially of the physical sciences <a hard scientist>
of money : contributed (as by individuals or political action committees) directly to a particular candidate or campaign

Examples of HARD

She was asked a lot of hard questions.
We're going to have to make some hard choices.
It was very hard to find a replacement for her.
Their story is hard to believe.
It's hard not to worry about her.
It's hard to tell what she's thinking.
He has learned a hard lesson.
His health has suffered from years of hard living.
This old bicycle has obviously gotten some hard use.
thought·ful adjective \ˈthȯt-fəl\
: serious and quiet because you are thinking

: done or made after careful thinking

: showing concern for the needs or feelings of other people

Full Definition of THOUGHTFUL

a : absorbed in thought : meditative
b : characterized by careful reasoned thinking <a thoughtful essay>
a : having thoughts : heedful <became thoughtful about religion>
b : given to or chosen or made with heedful anticipation of the needs and wants of others <a kind and thoughtful friend>
— thought·ful·ly adverb
— thought·ful·ness noun

pe·dan·tic adjective \pi-ˈdan-tik\

Definition of PEDANTIC

: of, relating to, or being a pedant(see pedant)
: narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned
: unimaginative, pedestrian
— pe·dan·ti·cal·ly adverb
Examples of PEDANTIC

It may seem pedantic to harp on what looks like mere procedure, but this is one case where the process is the forest. —Hendrik Hertzberg, New Yorker, 29 May 2000

ped·ant noun \ˈpe-dənt\
: a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details

Full Definition of PEDANT

obsolete : a male schoolteacher
a : one who makes a show of knowledge
b : one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge
c : a formalist or precisionist in teaching
thrifty adjective \ˈthrif-tē\
: managing or using money in a careful or wise way

Full Definition of THRIFTY

: thriving by industry and frugality : prosperous
: growing vigorously
: given to or marked by economy and good management
— thrift·i·ly adverb
— thrift·i·ness noun

2cheap adjective
: not costing a lot of money

: of low quality : not worth a lot of money

: charging low prices
Full Definition of CHEAP

a : purchasable below the going price or the real value
b : charging or obtainable at a low price <a good cheap hotel> <cheap tickets>
c : depreciated in value (as by currency inflation) <cheap dollars>
: gained or done with little effort <a cheap victory> <talk is cheap>
a : of inferior quality or worth : tawdry, sleazy <cheap workmanship>
b : contemptible because of lack of any fine, lofty, or redeeming qualities <feeling cheap>
c : stingy <my cheap uncle>
of money : obtainable at a low rate of interest
— cheap adverb
— cheap·ish adjective
— cheap·ish·ly adverb
— cheap·ly adverb
— cheap·ness noun
time·less adjective \ˈtīm-ləs\
: staying beautiful or fashionable as time passes

: lasting forever

Full Definition of TIMELESS

archaic : premature, untimely
a : having no beginning or end : eternal
b : not restricted to a particular time or date <the timeless themes of love, solitude, joy, and nature — Writer>
: not affected by time : ageless
— time·less·ly adverb
— time·less·ness noun

fad noun \ˈfad\
: something (such as an interest or fashion) that is very popular for a short time

Full Definition of FAD

: a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : craze
— fad·dish adjective
— fad·dish·ly adverb
— fad·dish·ness noun
— fad·dism noun
— fad·dist noun
— fad·dy adjective
tol·er·ant adjective \ˈtä-lə-rənt, ˈtäl-rənt\
: willing to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own

: able to allow or accept something that is harmful, unpleasant, etc.

Full Definition of TOLERANT

: inclined to tolerate; especially : marked by forbearance or endurance <tolerant parents> <a culture tolerant of religious differences>
: exhibiting tolerance (as for a drug or an environmental factor)
— tol·er·ant·ly adverb

prejudiced adjective
: having or showing an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.

: having a feeling or like or dislike for something or someone

Full Definition of PREJUDICED

: resulting from or having a prejudice or bias for or especially against
trac·ta·ble adjective \ˈtrak-tə-bəl\
: easily managed or controlled

: willing to learn or be guided by another

Full Definition of TRACTABLE

: capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled : docile <a tractable horse>
: easily handled, managed, or wrought : malleable
— trac·ta·bil·i·ty noun
— trac·ta·ble·ness noun
— trac·ta·bly adverb

2con·trary adjective \ˈkän-ˌtrer-ē, -ˌtre-rē, 4 often kən-ˈtrer-ē\
: exactly opposite to something else : entirely different from something else

: against or opposed to something

: not favorable or helpful
Full Definition of CONTRARY

: being so different as to be at opposite extremes : opposite <come to the contrary conclusion> <went off in contrary directions>; also : being opposite to or in conflict with each other <contrary viewpoints>
: being not in conformity with what is usual or expected <actions contrary to company policy> <contrary evidence>
: unfavorable —used of wind or weather
: temperamentally unwilling to accept control or advice
— con·trari·ly adverb
1trust noun \ˈtrəst\
: belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.

: an arrangement in which someone's property or money is legally held or managed by someone else or by an organization (such as a bank) for usually a set period of time

: an organization that results from the creation of a trust

Full Definition of TRUST

a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b : one in which confidence is placed
a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope
b : reliance on future payment for property (as merchandise) delivered : credit <bought furniture on trust>
a : a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another
b : a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition
archaic : trustworthiness
a (1) : a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship (2) : something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another
b : responsible charge or office
c : care, custody <the child committed to her trust>
— in trust
: in the care or possession of a trustee

gull·ible adjective \ˈgə-lə-bəl\
: easily fooled or cheated; especially : quick to believe something that is not true

Full Definition of GULLIBLE

: easily duped or cheated
— gull·ibil·i·ty noun
— gull·ibly adverb
truth·ful adjective \ˈtrüth-fəl\
: telling the truth

: containing or expressing the truth

Full Definition of TRUTHFUL

: telling or disposed to tell the truth <a truthful witness>
— truth·ful·ly adverb
— truth·ful·ness noun

truth noun \ˈtrüth\
the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true

: the quality or state of being true

: a statement or idea that is true or accepted as true
plural truths

Full Definition of TRUTH

a archaic : fidelity, constancy
b : sincerity in action, character, and utterance
a (1) : the state of being the case : fact (2) : the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b : a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics>
c : the body of true statements and propositions
a : the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality
b chiefly British : true 2
c : fidelity to an original or to a standard
capitalized Christian Science : god
— in truth
: in accordance with fact : actually

1false adjective \ˈfȯls\
: not real or genuine

: not true or accurate; especially : deliberately untrue : done or said to fool or deceive someone

: based on mistaken ideas

Full Definition of FALSE

: not genuine <false documents> <false teeth>
a : intentionally untrue <false testimony>
b : adjusted or made so as to deceive <false scales> <a trunk with a false bottom>
c : intended or tending to mislead <a false promise>
: not true <false concepts>
a : not faithful or loyal : treacherous <a false friend>
b : lacking naturalness or sincerity <false sympathy>
a : not essential or permanent —used of parts of a structure that are temporary or supplemental
b : fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to disguise its appearance <a false ceiling>
: inaccurate in pitch <a false note>
a : based on mistaken ideas <false pride>
b : inconsistent with the facts <a false position> <a false sense of security>
: threateningly sudden or deceptive <don't make any false moves>
— false·ly adverb
— false·ness noun
uni·fy transitive verb \ˈyü-nə-ˌfī\
: to cause (people or things) to be joined or brought together

Full Definition of UNIFY

: to make into a unit or a coherent whole : unite
— uni·fi·able adjective
— uni·fi·er noun
Examples of UNIFY

The creation of the national railroad system unified the country.
two very different people unified by a common belief

1di·vide verb \də-ˈvīd\
: to separate (something) into two or more parts or pieces

: to separate (something) into classes or categories

: to give (something) out in usually equal amounts

Full Definition of DIVIDE

transitive verb
a : to separate into two or more parts, areas, or groups <divide the city into wards>
b : to separate into classes, categories, or divisions <divide history into epochs>
c : cleave, part <a ship dividing the waves>
a : to separate into portions and give out in shares : distribute <divide profits>
b : to possess, enjoy, or make use of in common <divide the blame>
c : apportion <divides her time between the office and home>
a : to cause to be separate, distinct, or apart from one another <fields divided by stone walls>
b : to separate into opposing sides or parties <the issues that divide us>
c : to cause (a parliamentary body) to vote by division
a : to subject (a number or quantity) to the operation of finding how many times it contains another number or quantity <divide 42 by 14>
b : to be used as a divisor with respect to (a dividend) <4 divides 16 evenly>
c : to use as a divisor —used with into <divide 14 into 42>
intransitive verb
: to perform mathematical division
a (1) : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into parts (2) : to branch out
b : to become separated or disunited especially in opinion or interest
un·self·ish adjective \ˌən-ˈsel-fish\
: having or showing more concern for other people than for yourself : not selfish

Full Definition of UNSELFISH

: not selfish : generous
— un·self·ish·ly adverb
— un·self·ish·ness noun

self·ish adjective \ˈsel-fish\
: having or showing concern only for yourself and not for the needs or feelings of other people

Full Definition of SELFISH

: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others
: arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others <a selfish act>
: being an actively replicating repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that serves no known function <selfish DNA>; also : being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication <selfish genes>
— self·ish·ly adverb
— self·ish·ness noun
2value transitive verb
: to make a judgment about the amount of money that something is worth

: to think that (someone or something) is important or useful
Full Definition of VALUE

a : to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : appraise <value a necklace>
b : to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate
: to consider or rate highly : prize, esteem <values your opinion>
— val·u·er noun
Examples of VALUE

She values the time she spends with her family.
The items are highly valued by collectors.
The herbs are valued for their medicinal properties.

ex·ploit·ative adjective \ik-ˈsplȯi-tə-tiv, ek-ˌsplȯi-\

Definition of EXPLOITATIVE

: exploiting or tending to exploit; especially : unfairly or cynically using another person or group for profit or advantage <exploitative terms of employment> <an exploitative film>
— ex·ploit·ative·ly adverb

2ex·ploit transitive verb \ik-ˈsplȯit, ˈek-ˌ\
: to get value or use from (something)

: to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly
Full Definition of EXPLOIT

: to make productive use of : utilize <exploiting your talents> <exploit your opponent's weakness>
: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage <exploiting migrant farm workers>
— ex·ploit·abil·i·ty noun
— ex·ploit·able adjective
— ex·ploit·er noun
vir·tu·ous adjective \ˈvər-chə-wəs, ˈvərch-wəs\
: morally good : having or showing virtue

Full Definition of VIRTUOUS

: potent, efficacious
a : having or exhibiting virtue — (see virtue)
b : morally excellent : righteous <a virtuous decision>
: chaste
— vir·tu·ous·ly adverb
— vir·tu·ous·ness noun

cel·e·brat·ed adjective
: known and praised by many people

Full Definition of CELEBRATED

: widely known and often referred to <a celebrated author>
— cel·e·brat·ed·ness noun
2warm verb
: to become warm or to make (someone or something) warm
Full Definition of WARM

transitive verb
: to make warm
a : to infuse with a feeling of love, friendship, well-being, or pleasure
b : to fill with anger, zeal, or passion
: to reheat (cooked food) for eating —often used with over
: to make ready for operation or performance by preliminary exercise or operation —often used with up
intransitive verb
: to become warm
a : to become ardent, interested, or receptive —usually used with to or toward <warmed to the idea>
b : to become filled with affection or love —used with to or toward
: to experience feelings of pleasure : bask
: to become ready for operation or performance by preliminary activity —often used with up

1warm adjective \ˈwȯrm\
: somewhat hot : not cool or cold

: causing or allowing you to feel warm

: feeling or showing friendship and affection

Full Definition of WARM

a : having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree <warm weather> <a warm fire>
b : serving to maintain or preserve heat especially to a satisfactory degree <a warm sweater>
c : feeling or causing sensations of heat brought about by strenuous exertion
: comfortably established : secure
a : marked by strong feeling : ardent
b : marked by excitement, disagreement, or anger <the argument grew warm>
: marked by or readily showing affection, gratitude, cordiality, or sympathy <a warm welcome> <warm regards>
: emphasizing or exploiting sexual imagery or incidents
: accompanied or marked by extreme danger or duress
: newly made : fresh <a warm scent>
: having the color or tone of something that imparts heat; specifically : of a hue in the range yellow through orange to red
: near to a goal, object, or solution sought <not there yet but getting warm>
— warm·ish adjective
— warm·ness noun

fe·ver·ish adjective \ˈfē-vrish, ˈfe-vər-ish\
: having a fever : suffering from a higher than normal body temperature caused by illness

: of or relating to a fever

: involving intense emotion or activity : feeling or showing great or extreme excitement

Full Definition of FEVERISH

a : tending to cause fever
b : having the symptoms of a fever
c : indicating or relating to fever
: marked by intense emotion, activity, or instability <feverish excitement>
— fe·ver·ish·ly adverb
— fe·ver·ish·ness noun