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36 Cards in this Set

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The postpartum period encompasses?
Time between delivery until the reproductive organs have returned to their prepregnant state
Postpartum period is also called?
Postpartum starts at the ___ stage of labor
Define the Rubin's maternal phases
Restorative phases that the mother must go through to replenish the energy lost during labor and to gain comfort in the role of a mother
What are the 3 phases in Rubin's maternal phases?
- Taking in
- Taking hold
- Letting go
True or False
Postpartal blues are normal for about 1-2 weeks after pregnancy.
Uterine involution is ?
The rapid reduction in size and return of the uterus to its normal size and condition
Uterine involution, placental sealing, and uterine shrinking occur ?
Immediately after delivery
The uterus shrinks ____ fingerbreath below the umbilicus every day.
Where should the fundus be in relationship to the abdomen?
If the patient's fundus is shifted to the left or right what should you ask the patient?
When is the last time you voided?
How should a uterus feel after delivery?
What is a boggy uterus? what is done to fix it?
- It is soft, difficult to find
- Fundus must be massaged till firm to prevent pooling of blood or hemorrhage
If a patient complains of cramps while breatfeeding what do you tell them?
That it is completely normal. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin which causes the uterus to contract.
What are the 3 kinds of lochia?
- Rubria
- Serosa
- Alba
When is lochia rubra seen? what does it look like?
-First 3 days PP
- Bright red
When is lochia serosa seen? what does it look like?
- about the 4th day PP
- Pink or brown tinged
When is lochia alba seen? what does it look like?
- about the 11th day PP and lasts 3-6 weeks
- Colorless or white
True or False
Saturating a perineal pad in less than one hour is considered normal.
False, it is considered abnormal and should be looked at quickly
Should locia contain large clots?
If the lochia is at serosa but changes back to rubria, what is this indicative of?
New bleeding
Do both the internal and external os of the cervix close completely after delivery?
No only the internal os, the external os will remain slightly open and look like a slit
What type of exercises are encouraged to help with the muscles in the vagina?
Kegal exercises
Vital signs right after delivery should be taken?
every 15 min for the first hour
What temp is considered febrile and postpartal infection should be suspected?
>100.4 F
How long is colostrum produced?
For 2 days
When does milk form in the breasts?
3rd day PP
How often should you palpate the fundus after delivery?
every 15 mins in the first hr
How many additional calories should be maintained if breastfeeding?
500 cal
What are important nursing interventions for the PP patient?
- Promote rest
- Promote adequate fluid intake
- Promote urinary elimination
- Prevent constipation and hemorrhoids
What does BUBBLEHE stand for?
Prolactin is a hormone that does what?
Promotes milk production by stimulating the alveolar cells of breasts
Oxytocin is a hormone that does what?
Triggers the Let down reflex and a flow of milk results
What is the daily calorie intake for a newborn?
45 to 50 kcal/lb
What is the daily fluid intake for a newborn?
100 to 150 mL/kg (45-68 mL/lb)
When does mature milk come in?
after 2 weeks