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28 Cards in this Set

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posterior forearm description of common origin/outlaw
8 muscles on the common flexor origin, all on the common extensor origin, lateral epicondlye and epicondylar ridge first 2 are outlaws, and the last is outlaw. 3 outlaw do not cross the wrist
posterior forearm outlaws do/have/located
do not cross the wrist
have dominate action at the elbow
one is located in the arm muscle group
posterior forearm superficial layer has 5, and 2
5 extensors in the superficial layer on the common extensor origin, 2 are extensor carpi radialis muscles.
5 extensors follow the rules!
superficial layer continued/mutual neutralizer?
one is lon and one is short, longus and brevis. extensor carpi radialis muscles are mutual neutralizers with flexor carpi radialis for radial deviation
posterior forearm superficial only one of 3 parts
there is only 1 extensor digitorum- the communis
one specializes in the pinky
extensor digiti minimi
and one ulnaris to mimic the anterior forearm
1st 7 posterior extensors are
in the superficial layer
brachioradialis description
posterior forearm, lateral location
stabilizes rotary action at radius as it flexes at the elbow
brachioradialis must dominate in? with added? or increased?
must dominate in flexion with added resistance or increased speed of contraction
brachioradialis assists in
pronation and supination with resistance
brachioradialis found/palpated/trained
easily palpated, on the prominent ridge on the lateral forearm. it is best trained in a neutral wrist position (halfway between pronation and supination) performing elbow flexion
brachioradialis o/i/a
O:lateral epicondylar ridge
i:styloid process of radius
a:elbow flexion, assists in pronation when in a supinated position and supination when in a pronated position at distal radius
extensor carpi radialis longus description/mutual neutralizer
wrist action, mutual neutralizer with flexor carpi radialis for radial deviation, longest of a pair that are closely related in origin, insertion, and action.
extensor carpi radialis longus o/i/a/
o:lateral epicondyle ridge
i:#2 metacarpal base
a:elbow/wrist extension, radial deviation
extensor carpi radialis brevis description
wrist action, mutual neutralizer with flexor carpi radialis for radial deviation. shortest of a pair that are closely related in origin, insertion, and action
extensor carpi radialis brevis o/i/a
o:lateral epicondlye ridge
i:#2,3 metacarpal base
a:elbow/wrist extension
radial deviation
extensor digitorum communis description
only 4 digit extensor
extensor digitorum communis antagonistic to which 2 flexor digitorum msucles
flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus
extensor digitorum communis o/i/a
o:lateral epicondyle
i:base and lateral surface of the middle and distal phalanx 2,3,4,5
a:wrist/elbow/finger extension
extensor digiti minimi o/i/a
o:lateral epicondyle and extensor digitorum communis tendon
i:extensor digitorum communis tendon
a:elbow/wrist/and #5 digit extension
extensor carpi ulnaris description
wrist action
mutual eutralizer with flexor carpi ulnaris for ulnar deviation
extensor carpi ulnaris o/i/a
o: lateral epicodyle and upper post. ulna
i:base of #5 metacarpal
a:elbow/wrist extension and ulnar deviation
deep posterior forearm msucles description
5 muscles in deep layer, only one common extensor origin, outlaw muscle (supinator)
other 4 are specialty digit extensors
supinator description
outlaw muscle, does not cross the wrist, primary supinator, bicep is secondary, 1st of deep layer and only deep layer on the common origin
supinator o/i/a
o: lateral epicondlye and proximal border of ulna
i: lateral proximal radius
a:supination and assistor for extension
extensor indicis proprius description
1st to deviate from common extensor origin
1st digit specialty muscle of the deep layer
oriented toward the index indicis finger
extensor indicis proprius o/i/a
o:posterior distal ulna
i:base #2 distal phalanx
a:wrist/index finger extension
posterior forearm pollicis muscle snuff box
abductor pollicis, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus
abductor, extensor brevis, longus o/i/a
o:post.ulna/radius, post. radius, and post. ulna
i: #1 distal phalanx
a:abduction, extension of the thumb