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49 Cards in this Set

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name the muscles posterior to the kidneys
Quadratus lumborum
the muscle immediately posterior to middle and inferior portion of kidney -
L: medial 1/2 of superior part rib 12 + transverse process --> iliolumbar ligament and internal lip iliac crest
inn: T12 - L4
Action: Extend vertebral column (bilateral)
Flex colum (unilateral)
fix rib during inspiration
Muscle laying anterior to quadratus lumborum
psoas maj m.
psoas maj m.
T12 - L5 vert --> attach w/ iliacus to lesser trochanter of femur
inn: ant. rami L1-3
action - flex thigh and trunk
muscle laying in iliac fossa
Iliacus m.
2/3 iliac fossa to lesser trochanter femur
inn: Femoral n. (L2-4)
action: flex thigh/trunk
main muscle of inspiration
posterior surface xiphoid
7-9 costal cartilages
distal part of rib 10-12
lateral and medial arcuate ligaments
R crura (LI-III) - pushed down by liver
L crura (LI-II)
Median arcuate ligament
formation of Lateral arcuate ligament is by what fascia?
quadratus lumborum fascia
formation of medial arcuate ligament is by what fascia?
thickening of psoas major fascia
what fibers are active with damage to diaphragm causing pain?
where is the pain actually felt
phrenic n. afferents (C3-5)
pain is felt in R or L shoulder - referred pain
motor component of nerve to diaphragm
phrenic efferent
additional afferent from body wall to diaphragm innervates with the phrenic. Why?
portion of the diaphragm develops from body wall
what is the order of splanchnic n. (SN) as they traverse diaphragm.
anterior to posterior
1. Greater SN
hemiazygous v. - inbetween
2. Lesser SN
3. Least SN - passes through medial arcuate ligament
cutaneous innervation to medial thigh is by what n?
obturator n. (L2-4)
Cutaneous inn. to portion inferior to middle of inguinal ligament is by what n.?
Genitofemoral n. (L1-2)
Cutaneous inn. to lateral thigh is by what n.?
lateral cutaneous n. (L2,3)
Cutaneous inn. to portion superior to patella is by what n.?
femoral n. (L 2-4)
Cutaneous inn. to medial portion of thigh inferior to medial inguinal ligament is by what n.?
ilioingunal n. (L1)
blood supply is cut off at the T12 hiatus of diaphragm. What vessels are first affected and what do they supply?
Inferior phrenic aa.
supply blood to diaphragm and to suprarenal gland as br. --> superior adrenal a.
if blood supply were stopped in the inf. phrenic a. what other blood supply is there for diaphragm?
thoracic side receives blood
Pericadiophrenic a.
br. of musculophrenic a.
br. small superior phrenic a. - a br. of aorta
patient presents with difficulty breathing and pain in chest and stomach. potential problem?
Hiatal hernia - paraesophogeal hernia
what slides through esophageal hiatus in paraesophageal herniation
portion of fundic stomach and peritoneal sac
what passes through hiatus in a sliding esophagus hiatal hernia
pericardial sac
cardiac region of stomach (attached to esophagus)
attenuated phrenoesophageal ligament
what vertebral level is esophageal hiatus and what passes through with esophagus?
vagus nn. pass with esophagus
if a clumsy surgeon ligated both the uterine a. and the structure nearest it, what would happen?
ligated ureter
backed up urine to kidney
where is pain referred to with calculi in ureter?
what else refers pain at this level?
bowels also refer pain at this level
causes of AAA
patient presents with caput madusae. what is wrong with the portal caval system?
hypertension in the caval system
the anastamoses in the paraumbilical v. pick up the slack and return blood back to caval system
patient presents with dark blood in sputum. alcoholic. what is likely causing his symptoms?
leaking esophageal varices
medical emergency
death likely
what type of organ is the kidney and suprarenal gland?
retroperitoneal organ
what spinal levels are the kidneys?
T11 - L3
the R is slightly lower - Liver
What nerves are important to remember when removing kidney?
Subcostal n.
ilioHypogastric n.
ilio Inguinal n.
What is immediately anterior to the R kidney? Immediately posterior?
descending duodenum
quadratus lumborum
What is immediately anterior to L kidney?
Tail of pancreas @ hilum of kidney
what is contained in the leinorenal ligament (splenorenal)
splenic a. and v.
what is the name of the fat immediately surrounding the kidney?
pErirenal fat
what is the name of the fat surrounding the fat, surrounding the kidney? outer layer of fat
pArarenal fat
what is vertebral level of Renal aa.?
transpyloric plane
typically how many branches have the renal aa.?
5 branches for 5 lobes
what is the position of the ureter LV/ S1 region?
the ureter crosses over and in between the branching of the common iliac a.
in the female, the _____ passes _______ the ureter and the ______ does the same in males
uterine a.
ductus (vas) deferens
what fibers supply the ganglia for the kidneys? what is the ganglion called?
preganglionic efferent fibers
to the Aorticorenal ganglion
fibers are from the Least and the Lesser Splanchnic n.
where is pain felt when there is pain in the kidney, and what fibers channel the signal
visceral afferents travel back to T10 - L1
what cells are responsible for producing endocrine secretions to the suprarenal gland? what are the secretions and in what percentage?
Chromaffin cells
80% Epinephrine
20% Norepinephrine
what fibers are responsible for communicating the signal to chromaffin cells in the suprarenal gland?
preganglionic sympathetic n.
what is the n. that signals chromaffin cells to release epinephrine/norepi?
Greater splanchnic n
is there any parasympathetic control over the adrenal glands?
What divides the anal venous drainage?
Dentate line
what is the significance of the dentate line?
superior - veins drain to Portal system
inferior - veins drain to Caval system - via pudendal v. -> internal iliac - > common iliac - > IVC
what is the Dentate line also called?
Pectinate line