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78 Cards in this Set

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____% of total body K⁺ is intracellular


What is the normal plasma [K⁺]?

4 mEq/L

Define hyperkalemia

Plasma [K⁺] > 5.5 mEq/L

Define hypokalemia

Plasma [K⁺] < 3.5 mEq/L

Changes in extracellular K⁺ can change...

Resting membrane potential (e.g., ↑ K⁺ → ↓ resting membrane potential → ↑ excitability)

How are dietary intake-induced changes in plasma [K⁺] prevented?

  • Rapid cellular uptake of K⁺ (epinephrine, insulin, aldosterone → ↑ Na⁺-K⁺-ATPase)

  • Renal excretion (much slower)

~____% of the filtered load of K⁺ is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule and the thick ascending limb


How is the rate of K⁺ excretion primarily regulated?

By controlling the rate of K⁺ secretion into the late distal nephron and collecting tubule

How is K⁺ secreted into the distal nephron and collecting tubule?

  1. Uptake of K⁺ across the basolateral membrane via Na⁺-K⁺-ATPase

  2. Efflux of K⁺ across the luminal membrane via K⁺ channels & K⁺-Cl⁻ cotransporters

  3. Lumen negative potential created by Na⁺ reabsorption promotes K⁺ secretion

In cases of hypokalemia, how is K⁺ secretion prevented in the distal nephron & collecting tubule?

  1. Uptake of K⁺ across the luminal membrane via energy-dependent K⁺-H⁺ anti-porter
  2. Efflux of K⁺ across the basolateral membrane via K⁺-selective channels

List two potential causes of hyperkalemia

  1. Hypertonic ECF - causes cells to shrink, increasing intracellular [K⁺] and thus increasing K⁺ efflux
  2. Cell lysis - releases K⁺ into the ECF → (local) hyperkalemia (e.g., exercise-induced muscle breakdown)

Changes in ECF ____ concentration can cause parallel changes in ECF [K⁺]


Describe the effects of changes in ECF [H⁺] on ECF [K⁺]

Metabolic alkalosis (↓ ECF H⁺) → ↓ plasma [K⁺] (K⁺ moves from ECF to ICF)

Metabolic acidosis (↑ ECF H⁺) → ↑ plasma [K⁺] (K⁺ moves from ICF to ECF)

Which has the greater effect on plasma [K⁺], metabolic acidosis due to inorganic acids (HCl, H₂SO₄) or a similar acidosis due to organic acids (lactic acid, keto acids)?

Metabolic acidosis due to inorganic acids

What effect do respiratory acid-base disorders have on plasma [K⁺]?

Little or no effect

How do increases in ECF [K⁺] affect K⁺ secretion and excretion in the urine?

K⁺ secretion and thus excretion are increased by:

  1. Direct ↑ Na⁺-K⁺-ATPase activity on distal nephron cells
  2. Direct ↑ aldosterone secretion → ↑ Na⁺-K⁺-ATPase activity & ↑ luminal membrane K⁺ permeability

What effect does tubular fluid flow have on K⁺ secretion?

↑ Flow → ↑ K⁺ secretion due to:

  1. ↑ Flow minimizes the rise in tubular fluid K⁺ concentration (↑ cell-to-lumen K⁺ gradient)
  2. ↑ Flow → ↑ Na⁺ reabsorption → ↑ Na⁺-K⁺-ATPase activity → ↑ intracellular K⁺

What effect do loop diuretics have on plasma [K⁺]?

May increase K⁺ excretion and lead to hypokalemia due to:

  1. ↓ K⁺ reabsorption in the thick ASC
  2. ↑ Distal K⁺ secretion due to ↑ tubular fluid flow & ↑ distal Na⁺ reabsorption

Maintenance of normal plasma [Ca²⁺] is dependent upon PTH-mediated effects on...

  • Kidney (↓ [Ca²⁺] → ↑ PTH secretion → ↑ renal Ca²⁺ reabsorption)
  • GI tract (↓ [Ca²⁺] → ↑ PTH secretion → ↑ calcitriol → ↑ intestinal Ca²⁺ absorption)
  • Bone (↓ [Ca²⁺] → ↑ PTH secretion → ↑ bone resorption)

How is Ca²⁺ reabsorbed in the distal tubule?

  1. Luminal Ca²⁺ channels
  2. Ca²⁺ ATPase & Na⁺-Ca²⁺ exchanger on the basolateral membrane

How is bone resorption-induced hyperphosphatemia prevented?

Inhibitory effect of PTH on renal HPO₄²⁻ reabsorption

How does PTH reduce HPO₄²⁻ reabsorption by the proximal tubule?

Inhibition of luminal Na⁺-HPO₄²⁻ co-transporter

How does the distal convoluted tubule reabsorb NaCl?

  1. Luminal NCC (Na⁺-Cl⁻ co-transporter)
  2. Basolateral KCC4 (K⁺-Cl⁻ co-transporter) & CIC-Kb (Cl⁻ channel)

____ diuretics target the NCC (Na⁺-Cl⁻ co-transporter)


How does the distal convoluted tubule reabsorb Ca²⁺?

Luminal TRPV5 channel (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type 5)

How does the distal convoluted tubule reabsorb Mg²⁺?

Luminal TRPM6 channel (Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin type 6)

How do you calculate pH?

pH = -log[H⁺]

What is the normal plasma pH?


What are the survival limits of plasma pH?


What are the two principal metabolic sources of H⁺?

Volatile acid (~15-20,000 mmol/day of CO₂ generated by oxidative metabolism)

Fixed (non-volatile) acid (~50 mmol/day of inorganic and organic acid generated (for example) by amino acid metabolism; increases with exercise (lactic acid) and diabetes mellitus (ketoacid)

Does volatile acid typically cause any problems?

No, because it is efficiently eliminated by the lungs

What are the three "lines of defense" that help prevent fixed acid-induced acidification of body fluids?

  1. Physicochemical buffering
  2. Respiratory compensation (CO₂ elimination)
  3. Renal compensation (H⁺ excretion & generation of HCO₃⁻)

Define buffer

A molecule that combines with or releases H⁺ ions

Describe the dibasic-monobasic phosphate buffer system

H⁺ + HPO₄²⁻ ↔ H₂PO₄⁻

↑ H⁺ + HPO₄²⁻ → H₂PO₄⁻

↓ H⁺ + HPO₄²⁻ ← H₂PO₄⁻

Define pK

pH at which buffer component concentrations equal (represents the point of greatest buffering capacity)

What is the pK of the PO₄⁻ buffering system?


What is the isohydric principle?

The free H⁺ concentration (pH) is determined by the combined effect of all buffers in a given compartment

What buffering system is present in both plasma and urine?

Phosphate buffering system

What buffering systems are present intracellularly?

Protein buffering

Organic phosphate buffering

What buffering system is present within RBCs?

Hemoglobin buffering

What buffering system is present within bone?


What is the most important extracellular buffering system?

Carbon dioxide-bicarbonate buffering system

What enzyme catalyzes the conversion of water and carbon dioxide to carbonic acid (and vice versa)?

Carbonic anhydrase (CA)

What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation?

pH = pK + log [base; HCO₃]/[acid; CO²]

How do you convert pCO₂ to mmol/L of dissolved CO₂?

pCO₂ × 0.03 (CO₂ solubility coefficient)

How is CO₂ transported for tissues to the lungs?


Describe the process of CO₂ elimination from the tissues

  1. CO₂ diffuses from tissue → RBCs where it is converted to H⁺ + HCO₃⁻ (by carbonic anhydrase)
  2. H⁺ buffered by de-oxygenated hemoglobin
  3. HCO₃⁻ diffuses out of the RBC in exchange for Cl⁻ (the "chloride shift")
  4. Process reversed at the lungs

Under normal conditions, what controls arterial pCO₂?

Alveolar ventilation

Alveolar ventilation is regulated by...

  • Arterial pCO₂

  • Plasma H⁺ concentration

Describe the relationship between arterial pCO₂ and alveolar ventilation

↑ Arterial pCO₂ → ↑ alveolar ventilation

Describe the relationship between plasma H⁺ concentration and alveolar ventilation

↑ Plasma [H⁺] → ↑ alveolar ventilation

How would the body respond to an IV infusion of HCl?

  1. Physiochemical buffering (all acid buffered by HCO₃⁻)
  2. Respiration eliminates the CO₂ generated in the buffering process
  3. Continued low pH will stimulate respiration & further decreases in pCO₂
  4. Kidneys generate new HCO₃⁻ and excrete excess H⁺ that was retained with other buffers

>____% of filtered HCO₃⁻ is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule


How is HCO₃⁻ reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?

  1. Intracellular generation of H⁺ and HCO₃⁻ from CO₂ and H₂O (catalyzed by CA)
  2. H⁺ secreted into the lumen (via H⁺-Na⁺ anti-porter) where it combines with filtered HCO₃⁻ forming CO₂ & H₂O (catalyzed by CA)
  3. HCO₃- transported across basolateral membrane to ECF (via Cl⁻-HCO₃⁻ anti-porter)

____ inhibits carbonic anhydrase and can cause acidosis

Acetazolamide (a diuretic)

Proximal tubule HCO₃⁻ reabsorption is regulated by...

  • Arterial blood pCO₂ (↑ pCO₂ → ↑ H⁺ secretion → ↑ HCO₃⁻ reabsorption)

  • Na⁺ reabsorption (↑ Na⁺ reabsorption → ↑ Na⁺-H⁺ antiport → ↑ H⁺ secretion → ↑ HCO₃⁻ reabsorption)

What segment of the nephron is responsible for the majority of new HCO₃⁻ production?

Distal nephron intercalated collecting tubule cells

Generation of new HCO₃⁻ depends on...

The availability of urinary buffers to accept secreted H⁺ (HPO₄²⁻/H₂PO₄⁻)

How is HCO₃⁻ generated in the proximal tubule?

From glutamine metabolism

Proximal tubule HCO₃⁻ generation also produces...

Ammonium (NH₄⁺)

What happens to the NH₄⁺ generated in the proximal tubule?

  1. NH₄⁺ is secreted into the tubular lumen
  2. NH₄⁺ is reabsorbed in the thick ASC (substitutes for K⁺ on the Na⁺-K⁺-2Cl⁻ co-transporter)
  3. NH₄⁺ transported across intercalated cells into the lumen and excreted
  4. NH₃ transported into lumen and interacts with secreted H⁺ forming new HCO₃⁻

How does metabolic acidosis affect renal HCO₃⁻ synthesis?

It increases glutamine metabolism and thus HCO₃ synthesis/NH₃ availability

How does aldosterone affect HCO₃ synthesis?

↑ Aldosterone → ↑ H⁺ ATPase → ↑ H⁺ excretion → ↑ HCO₃⁻ reabsorption/synthesis

Define acidemia

Blood pH < 7.35

Define alkalemia

Blood pH > 7.45

Define respiratory acidosis

↑ pCO₂ → ↓ pH (e.g. hypoventilation)

Define respiratory alkalosis

↓ pCO₂ → ↑ pH (e.g., hyperventilation)

Define metabolic acidosis

↑ H⁺ → ↓ HCO₃⁻ (e.g., ketoacidosis)

Define metabolic alkalosis

↓ H⁺ → ↑ HCO₃⁻ (e.g, chronic vomiting)

How does the body respond to respiratory acidosis?

Renal production of HCO₃⁻ (relatively slow)

Why should you avoid immediate removal of a respiratory obstruction in a patient with respiratory acidosis?

pCO₂ will normalize quickly, but excess HCO₃⁻ will cause metabolic alkalosis

How does the body respond to metabolic acidosis?

Increased respiration (very fast response)

After respiratory compensation, how is there enough H⁺ to reabsorb/synthesize the necessary HCO₃⁻?

Low plasma HCO₃⁻ resultes in a greatly reduced filtered load of HCO₃⁻, thus H⁺ is still sufficient to reabsorb all filtered HCO₃⁻and generate new HCO₃⁻ (1 meq H⁺ secreted = 1 meq HCO₃- reabsorbed/synthesized)

How do you calculate the anion gap?

Anion gap = [Na⁺] - ([Cl⁻] + [HCO₃⁻])

What is a normal anion gap?

8-16 mEq/L

How is the anion gap used clinically?

To identify the cause of metabolic acidosis

List some causes of metabolic acidosis that present with a high anion gap

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Lactic acidosis

List some causes of metabolic acidosis that present with a normal anion gap

  • HCl-induced acidosis (↓ HCO₃⁻ but ↑ Cl⁻)
  • Diarrhea (loss of HCO₃⁻ in the stool but retention of Cl⁻)