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98 Cards in this Set

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10-year and 10000 hour rules; 12-7 rule
idea that people who make important contributions to a particular field have usually devoted a full decade to the mastery of necessary knowledge and skills; devoted 10000+ hours; 12 hour days, 7 days a week, for a year
skill underlying differential performance of some task for which there is an objective standard
accomplishment portfolio
conglomeration of all of your accomplishments
active-constructive responding
responding enthusiastically to a friend's good/bad news
relationship resulting from desire to be associated with some other person whose specific identity is unimportant
appreciative inquiry
focus on assets
aristotelian principle
proposition that people enjoy doing what they do well
attachment theory (John Bowlby)
theory proposing that close relationships persist because of the feelings that both people have for one another
authoritarian parenting
childrearing styling that is firm, punitive, and emotionally cold, giving children little independence or voice
authoritative parenting
childrearing style that involves negotiating with children, setting limits but explaining why
behavioral medicine
field that expands traditional medicine approaches to include the psychological context of health and illness
but-free days
go for an entire day without saying the word but
companionate love
relationship marked by unshakable affection shared by those whose lives have become intertwined
motive to do things well
defense mechanisms
unconscious strategy that people use to protect themselves against threat
difficult people
personal insults, invading one's personal territory, uninvited physical contact, threats, sarcasm, flames, humiliation, shaming, interruption, two-faced, dirty looks, snubbing
domain denigration
ignoring the important domains of behavior as a way to organize the field
emotionally focused couples therapy
approach for troubled couples based on attachment theory that directly teaches a more-flexible approach to the expression and satisfaction of needs
emotion focused coping
reaction to stress that entails changing ones emotional reaction
entity theory of intelligence
incremental theory of intelligence
equity theory
theory proposing that close relationships persist to the degree that both people involved believe that what they are getting out of the relationship is proportional to what they are putting into it
exchange versus attachment
exchange: economic approach, close relationships persist because rewards are proportional to investments, equitable relationships last, inequitable break up vs. attachment: emotional approach, close relationships persist because of feelings you have for one another, people have different attachment styles, close emotional ties with our caretakers carry into other relationships as adults
familiar stranger
project, an individual who is recognized from regular activities but with whom one does not interact
"formula" for accomplishment
=instigators+opportunity+interest+ability+instruction+practice sustained over years (with purpose and efficacy)
friendship: male vs female
relationship marked by liking, a mutual perception of similarity, and expectations of reciprocity and parity
functional autonomy of motives (Allport)
future directions for positive psychology
up to us!
general intelligence (g)
presumably, general factor common to all instances of skilled performance
generational replacement
changes in a society over time as young people come of age under different circumstances than did their parents or grandparents
person whose actual accomplishments exert a profound influence on contemporary and subsequent generations
gross national happiness
measures quality of life or social progress in more holistic or psychological terms
group well-being
morale: (1) multifaceted, (2) multidimensional, (3) multilevel
growth science
helps businesses grow through predictive business model simulation. Using data science, organizations can better build enduring businesses, prioritize innovation efforts and deliver transformational growth.
happy worker hypothesis
enabled+energized=engagement; engagement=happy+productive
ability to find meaning and challenge in the demands of life
health asset
an individual factor that produces longer life, lower morbidity, lower health care expenditure, better prognosis when illness does strike, and/or higher quality of physical health..over and above the usual suspect risk factors
health psychology
field that applies psychological theories and research to physical well-being
heart rate variability
health asset, high = good
hierarchy of needs (Abraham Maslow)
arrangement of human motives into a hierarchy reflecting the order in which people typically attend to them
japanese "a reason for being"
immune system
cells throughout the body that fight off infection by recognizing foreign material and combating it
those who show what is possible for similar others in an accomplishment domain
set of like organizations with especially sustained and pervasive influences within a society
institutional-level virtues
moral characteristics of the group as a whole: purpose, safety, fairness, humanity, dignity
instrumental value
belief about ideal modes of conduct that presumably aid and abet terminal values
topic or activity pursued with passion
leisure world
culture that develops around a shared leisure activity
relationship in which people have positive attitudes toward one another
relationship marked by reciprocated exclusiveness, absorption, predisposition to help, and interdependence
management: theory X vs theory Y
Theory x: people dislike working, people must be bribed, people would rather be directed, people are motivated mainly by money, people have little creativity
Theory y: people need to work, people will direct themselves, people will seek and accept responsibility, people are motivated under the right conditions, creativity and ingenuity are widely distributed
what is intended to be or actually expressed or indicated; the end, purpose, or significance of something
mind-body dualism (Rene Descartes)
philosophical stance that minds and bodies are altogether separate
multiple intelligences (Howard Gardner)
theory that there are a number of basic and distinct forms of intelligence; people smart, self smart, word smart, logic smart, picture smart, body smart, music smart
natural homes for positive psychology
settings where doing well is recognized, celebrated, and encouraged
biological motive that moves us to behave in ways to satisfy it, e.g. hunger, thirst
shared belief that one should act in a certain way in a certain circumstance
objective list theory
theory that happiness entails achieving objectively good things in the world
enduring and structured group
organizational virtues (psychologically healthy workplace)
employee involvement, health and safety, employee growth and development, work life balance, employee recognition
"other people matter"
positive relationships, happiness, longevity
hormone-like substance released in the brain in response to social contact, especially skin-to-skin touch
passion: harmonious versus obsessive
autonomous (good) vs. controlled (bad) internalization
passionate love
relationship marked by extreme absorption and dramatic mood swings, from ecstasy to anguish
permissive parenting
childrearing style that is loving but lax, giving children freedom but little guidance
individual eminent in more than one field, which require arguably different skills
positive health: modest form vs bold form
the study of health assets; modest form: are there factors that predict good health above and beyond the usual risk factors for poor health: happiness/life satisfaction, hope/optimism, meaning/purpose, social support/engagement; bold: is there such thing as super health: rising above an illness, reduced sensitivity to pain, perseverance, longevity
positive organizational scholarship
1. study of what cultivate human flourishing and strengths at work
2. study of what creates and sustains positively deviant teams/groups
3. study of what creates and sustains virtuous and/or positively deviant organizations
problem-focused coping
reaction to stress that entails meeting the stressful event head on and removing its effects
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
field that studies the relationships among psychological, neurological, and immunological factors
psychosocial stages
periods of life characterized by specific social milestones to be achieved
quality that enables people to thrive in the face of adversity
"safety" science
research in the science and technology of human safety
self-enhancement vs. self-transcendence
values: hedonism, power, achievement vs. universalism, benevolence
self-expressive values
values corresponding to one's need to express talents, capacities and potentialities
social support
how others help us to cope with stressful events
specific intelligence(s)
presumably, specific factor that influences skilled performance at one task but not necessarily others
super health
less frequent and briefer ailments, rapid wound healing, recuperative ability, chronic but benign diseases, DALY's and HALY's, one's real biological age, health assets
survival values
values corresponding to one's pressing biological needs
innate ability that people practice to improve upon
telomere length
health asset - biological candidate, greater __________ _______
terminal value
belief about an ideal state of existence
third places
besides work and home, where you go for a happy break
disposition to think, feel, and act in a consistent way
translational research
scientific research that facilitates the translation of findings from basic science to practical applications that enhance human health and well-being
goal about what is morally desirable
value-congruence (alignment) hypothesis
institutional level virtues contribute to the goals or the group and the fulfillment of the individuals in the group
values clarification
self-help techniques for helping people to identify values they hold
well-developed individual interest
attraction to a field marked by a deep intellectual and emotional involvement
broad state of health, including physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
wellness promotion
deliberate interventions to promote health
World Values Survey (Ronald Inglehart)
ongoing research project that periodically ascertains the values of people in dozens of countries around the world
Value self-confrontation (Milton Rokeach)
deliberate strategy of changing one's strategy of changing one's values by exposing them to contradiction among one's value priorities
Strange Situation Test
laboratory procedures for assessing the attachment style of a child by briefly separating the child from the mother
implicit theories of intelligence (Carol Dweck)
entity vs. incremental intelligence
Vivien Thomas in partners of the heart
black tech worked for white doctor, never got to go to school
Values Survey (Shalom Schwartz)
57 items, validated across 87 countries, same across cultures, 10 value types have similar meanings, similar structure, important varies across culture
Job types (John Holland)
job: correlates negatively with achievement
career: correlates negatively with benevolence, positively with achievement
calling: correlates positively with benevolence