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77 Cards in this Set

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relationship between happiness and income
Many people believe that if they have more money they will be happier however generally your happiness will eventually come back to its regular level.
Early life adversity and future greatness…why might these be connected
Facing adversities at an early age is related to future greatness because when a child “suffers” they demonstrate resiliency and this helps them to cope with and future issues in a much better way.
What contributes to ideal child development
1) Rewarding bonding
2) Competencies- Social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, moral
3) Encouraging self determination
4) Spirituality
5) Positive identity
6) Believe in the future
7) Recognizing positive behaviors
8) Prosocial development
9) Prosocial norms
Hedonic treadmill
The ability to maintain happiness throughout our lives. We quickly adapt to life’s circumstances and get used to it. Over time they no longer make us happy and we move on.
Various personality disorders
1) Anitisocial
2) Paranoid
3) Schitzotypal
4) Avoidant
5) Dependent
6) Passive aggressive
7) Schizoid
8) Histrionic
9) Narcissistic
10) Borderline
11) Obsessive compulsive
12) Sadistic
13) Self Defeating
1) Anitisocial
a. Only worried about themselves
b. Don’t feel guilty, superficial charm
2) Paranoid
self explanatory
3) Schitzotypal
4) Avoidant
a. Hyper sensitive, easily humiliated
5) Dependent
a. Very needy/clingy
b. No self confidence
6) Passive aggressive
a. Hostile in an indirect way.
b. Purposely try to annoy others.
7) Schizoid
a. Always want to be alone “hermits”
8) Histrionic
a. Drama Queen
b. Loves being center of attention
9) Narcissistic
a. Very into themselves, all about “me”
10) Borderline
a. Very moody
b. Unstable
11) Obsessive compulsive
a. Obsessive about a lot of things rather than just one or two (OCD)
12) Sadistic
a. Cruel to other people, they like to intimidate them
13) Self Defeating
a. Feel sorry for themselves, feel mistreated
b. “whiners of the world”
Malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortune of others. Example of this is when people we don’t like finally get what they deserve.
Yin Yang
The ups and downs of life. Part of Taoism.
Birth order and later Success-
-All depends on the success that is required or expected
-Intelligence is associated with first borns, then diminished as you go down.
-Revolutionaries are more likely to be later borns.
-Later borns tend to be more charismatic and are “born to rebel”
Traits associated with happiness
-Curiosity (thirst for knowledge)
-Physical activity
-Social Contact
-Idealism (concerned with social causes)
-Tranquility (Being along sometimes)
Freedom from desires. Main goal of Buddhism
Genetically deficient-
This was the belief in the early 20th century that some people, cultures, and races are inferior and unable to contribute to society. The bell curve stated in 1994 that the ability to reason and solve problems is genetically determined. It also varies from one race to another.
Culturally deficient-
During the middle of the 20th century people believed that certain cultures were inadequate because of environmental, nutritional, linguistic or interpersonal reasons.
Culturally Different
Features of a culture that builds strengths.
a) Culture free strengths transcend all cultures.
b) Culturally embedded culture values influence what is important in positive psychology.
Goal of reincarnation
Reincarnation is when you’re reborn because you have failed to achieve the ultimate self knowledge and good actions. The goal of it is to give a person another chance to reach enlightenment.
Life tasks according to Valliant
1) Identity- Find out who we are
2) Intimacy- Loved one
3) Career consolidation
a. Social identity, contentment/compensation
b. Commitment
Crystallizing experience
Special life occasions that transform the person and helps them become driven towards excellence.
Seligmans most important life outcomes
1) Love- Connecting with others
2) Work- Pursuing the meaning of life
3) Play- Experiencing some degree of pleasure
10 criteria for character strengths and virtues
1) How the strength fulfills the good life
2) Morally valued in its own right
3) Display of strength does not diminish others
4) Absence of a weakness does not constitute a strength
5) Can be assessed and has a degree of generality across situations
6) The strength can be distinguished from others in the classification system
7) Can be embodied in a person
8) Existence of prodigies displaying the strength (someone who stands out at early age)
9) Existence of those who display the total absence of the strength
10) Larger society cultivates the strength
6 virtues
wisdom and knowledge
civic strengths that underlie a healthy community
wisdom and knowledge
Cognitive strength, acquisition and use of knowledge.
strengths of wisdom and knowledge
open mindedness
love of learning
thinking in novel ways
an interest in everything. Find subjects and topics fascinating
open mindedness
Think things through, don’t jump to conclusions
love of learning
adding systematically to what you know.
Being able to provide counsel to others. Look at the world so it makes sense to other people.
Emotional strengths that involve the exercise of a will to accomplish goals in the face of obstacles.
virtues of courage
speaking up for what is right, not shrinking from a threat
b. Persistence
finishing what one starts
c. Integrity
honest, taking responsibility for feelings and actions
d. Vitality
- enthusiasm, zest. Approaching life with excitement
Interpersonal strengths, helping and befriending others
virtues of humanity
social intelligence
- valuing close relationships with others
- generosity, compassion and caring
social intelligence
being aware of the motives and feelings of others and yourself. Knowing what to do in social situations
civic strengths that underlie a healthy community
virtues of justice
social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork
treating people the same, not letting personal feelings bias decisions(judge)
encouraging groups to get things done. Maintaining harmonious relationships with others.
- Strengths that protect against excess
virtues of temperence
humility and modesty
self regulation
mercy, giving people 2nd chance
humility and modesty
letting accomplishments speak for themselves
c. Prudence
- being careful about choices, not taking undue risks
d. Self Regulations
- self control, being disciplines
connections to larger universe, provide meaning in life
virtues of transcendence
appreciation of beauty and excellence
appreication of beauty and excellence
awe and wonder, noticing beauty, excellence, skilled performance.
b. Gratitude
being aware and thankful for the good things that happen, taking time to express thanks
c. Hope
optimism, future orientation, expecting the best in the future that can be brought about
d. Humor
playfulness, liking to laugh, bringing smiles to others, seeing the light side
e. Spirituality
religiousness, faith, purpose and meaning in life that provides comfort
Essence of Buddhism-
Suffering is a part of life, attain happiness by ending desires and cravings.
the four noble truths of buddhism
1) Life is suffering from birth to death
2) All suffering is a result of ignorance about reality
3) Suffering can end by ending the ignorance.
4) Noble eightfold paths to enlightenment
noble eightfold paths to enlightenment
a. Right views
b. Right intentions
c. Right speech
d. Right action
e. Right livelihood
f. Right effort
g. Right mindedness
h. Right contemplation
Four Buddhist virtues
1) Compassion
2) Joy
3) Love
4) Equanimity (laid back in life)
What is Confucianism duty?
Etiquette etc…- Importance of morality, main goal is attainment of the five virtues
5 virtues of confucianism
1) Humanity- Most important, being kind to others
2) Duty- Golden Rule
3) Etiquette- Good manners, being polite, sensitive
4) Wisdom-Good decision making, knowledgeable
5) Truthfulness
Knowing that life can be better, leads to motivations and efforts to make it better, Cognitive and emotional emphasis, set goals and work to accomplish the. Wishing- envisioning some sort of positive change or event, does not lead to action.
Differences between eastern and western ways of thinking-
- All eastern disciplines emphasize harmony and compassion. Western focuses on hope and goal directed thought.
External factors related to child resiliency-
-Boundaries and expectations
-Constructive use of time