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9 Cards in this Set

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is assumed when lying flat facing up. It is used for examination of the anterior surface of the body from head to toe.Breast Examination
Dorsal Recumbent
the patient lies on their back face up, legs separated, knees flexed with feet flat on the table. This is the most comfortable position for PT with back and abdominal problems.Examinations performed in this position include rectal, genital, head, neck, and chest, as well as abdominal palpation. It could be used for urinary catheterization.
the PT is assisted to lie on her back similar to dorsal recumbent position except the buttocks should be as close to the bottom edge of the table as possible, and feet are placed in stirrups attached to the foot of the table. The lithotomy position is used for genital and pelvic examinations. It can also be used for urinary catheterization. If PT cannot assume this position assist the PT into Sims position or modified dorsal
the PT sits in a position with the back of the examination table raised to either 45 degrees(Semi-Fowlers) or 90 degrees(High-Fowlers).Legs rest flat on table. A pillow may be placed under the knees. This position is used for PT having Cardiovascular or respiratory problems to facilitate their breathing, and for examination of the upper body and head.
puts the weight of the body on the knees and chest. The PT is instructed to kneel on the table and spread knees shoulder width apart. The buttocks should be elevated, back straight with the chest resting on the table.The head positioned to one side, with arms flexed on the side of the head and hands under the head. This is not a comfortable position, and the PT may need assistance. If the possition is too uncomfortable or diffucult, hve the PT rest on the elbows. This position is unnecessary if the clinic has a protologic table. This position is used primarily for proctologic examinations, sigmoidoscopy procedures, and in some instantces vaginal examination
this position requires the use of a specialixed table. The PT instructed to undress from the waist down and to kneel on the knee board of the table. The PT then bends at the hips and rests the chest on the table. The heas is supported by a head board. The table is then turned to elevate the buttocks.
the PT is instructed to lie face down on the table with head turned to side, arms may be placed above head or along side of body. The drape must cover from mid-chest area to the legs. This position may be used for examining the posterior aspect of the body, including back or spine.
the patient is instructed to lie on the left side; the left arm and shoulder may be drawn back behind the body. The left knee is slightly flexed to support the body, and the right knee is flexed sharply. A small pillow is provided for under the patients head and a pillow may also be placed between the PT legs if it does not interfere with the examination being performed. The drape should be large enough to cover the PT from shoulders to the knees. This position may be used for vaginal or rectal examination, for rectal temperatures, sigmoidoscopy or for enemas.
can be used for two reasons. The first is to aid a person who is in shock. By lowering the head and elevating the legs, blood flow from the major vessels in the LE will, by gravity, flow upward toward the brain and major organs. This may help to increase blood pressure enough to sustain the PT until taken to the emergency department. The other reason is to elevate and incline the legs so that the abdomen and pelvic organs are pushed up toward the the chest by gravity, making visibility and maneuverability easier for the M.D doing either abdominal or pelvic surgery