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167 Cards in this Set

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The radiographic film image is composed of metallic ____ on a polyester base.
List the four image quality factors of a radiograph.
contrast, density, resolution, distortion
Which specific exposure factor controls the quality or penetrating ability of the x-ray beam?
Exposure time is usually expressed in units of ___.
The amount of blackness seen on a processed radiograph is called ____
The primary controlling factor for the overall blackness on a radiograph is ___
If the distance between the x-ray tube and the IR is increased from 40 to 80 inches, what specific effect will it have on the radiographic density, if other factors are not changed?
decrease density to 25 percent
Which term is used to describe a radiograph that has too little density?
Doubling the mAs will result in _____ the density on the IR image.
T/F: kV must be altered to change radiographic density on the IR image.
false. mAs must change
When IR images, using manual technique settings, are underexposed or overexposed, a minimum change in mAs of ____ is required to make a visible difference in the radiographic density.
25-30 percent
According to the anode heel effect, the x-ray beam is less intense on the ___ side of the x-ray tube.
To best use the anode heel effect, the thicker part of the anatomic structure should be placed under the ____ end of the x-ray tube.
List three common types of compensating filters.
wedge, trough, boomerang
Which type of compensating filter is used commonly for AP projections of the thoracic spine?
Which type of compensating filter permits soft tissue and bony detail of the shoulder to be equally visualized?
A radiograph of the foot is produced using conventional film-screen cassettes. THe resulting radiograph demonstrates too little density and must be repeated. The orginal exposure was 5 mAs. What mAs is needed to correct the density on the radiograph?
10 mAs
The difference in density on adjacent areas of the radiograph defines___.
What is the primary controlling factor for radiographic contrast?
List to two scales of radiographic contrast, and identify which is classified as high contrast and which is low contrast.
long scale- low contrast
short scale- high contrast
T/F: A 50 kV techinique will produce a high-conrast image.
T/F: A low-contrast image demonstrates more shades of gray on the radiograph.
WHich one of the following sets of exposure will result in the least patient exposure and produce long-scale contrast on a PA chest radiographic image?
50 kV, 800 mAs
70 kV, 200 mAs
80 kv, 100 mas
110 kv, 10 mas
110 kV, 100 mAs
A radiograph of the hand is underexposed and must be repeated. The orginal technique used was 55 kV with 2.5 mAs. The technologist decides to keep the mAs at the same level but change the kV to increase radiographic density. How much of an increase is needed in kV to double the density?
8 t0 10 kV increase
If an anatomic part measures great than __ cm, a grid must be used.
What type of grid cuttoff is created by the situation: The CR and face of grid are not perpendicular.
off-level grid cut-off
What type of grid cut-off is created by the situation: The SID is set beyond the focal range of the grid.
off-focus grid cut-off
What type of grid cut-off is created by the situation: The back of the grid is facing the x-ray tube.
upside down grid cut-off
The recorded sharpness of structures or objects on the radiograph defines _____.
The lack of visible sharpness is called _____.
blur or unsharpness
List the three geometric factors that control or influence image resolution.
focal spot size, SID, OID
The tern that describes the unsharp edges of the projected image is ____
T/F: The use of a small focal spot will entirely eliminate penumbra.
The greatest contributor to image unsharpness as related to positioning is ____.
What is the best mechanism to control involuntary motion during an exposure?
shorten exposure time
Which one of the following changes will improve image resolution?
decrease OID
The technologist is performing an elbow series on a pediatric patient. Because of the nature of the inquiry, the techonologist has been asked to produce radiographs that have the highest degree of recorded resolution possible. Which one of the following sets of factors will produce that level of detail?
.3 mm focal spot and 40 in SID
The misrepresentation of an object size or shape projected onto a radiographic recording medium is called _____.
T/F: Through the careful selection and control of exposure and geometric factors, it is possible to eliminate all image distortion.
List the four primary controlling factors for distortion.
OID, SID, object-image receptor alignment, central ray alignment
T/F: A decrease in SID reduces distortion.
False. increases distortion
T/F: An increase in OID reduces distortion.
False. increases distortion
T/F: Distortion is reduced when the CR is kept perpendicular to the plane of the IR.
The SID for general radiographic procedures resulting in maximum recorded resolution is:
40 inches
A chest x-ray on a patient with an enlarged heart has been requested. Which SID is recommended for this study?
72 inches
T/F: Every radiographic image reflects some degree of penumbra or unsharpness, even if the smallest focal spot is used.
T/F: Image distortion increases as the angle of divergence increases from the center of the x-ray beam to the outer edges.
The greater the angle of inclination of the object or the IR, the greater the amount of distortion.
T/F: Central ray alignment has little impact on image distortion.
T/F: Digital imageing requires that images be chemically processed.
T/F: Digital images are numeric representation of the x-ray intensities that are transmitted through the patient.
T/F: Digital iamges viewwed on a monitor are referred to as hard-copies.
Digital processing involves the systematic application of highly complex mathematical formulas called
The range or level of image contrast in the digital image is primarily controlled by:
digital processing
Exposure latitude with digital imaging is more ___ when compared with film-screen imaging.
List the 6 image quality factors specific to digital images.
brightness, contrast, resolution, distortion, exposure index, noise
In digital imaging, the term ____ replaces density as applied in IR-screen imaging.
T/F: Changes in mAs will not have a primary controlling effect on digital image brightness.
T/F: Brightness cannot be altered in the digital image once it has been processed.
A digital imaging system's ability to distinguish between similar tissues is termed:
contrast resolution
Radiographic contrast in the digital image is primarily affected by:
application of processing algorithms
The greater the bit depth of a digital imaging system, the greater the:
contrast resolution
List the terms describing the two pixel sizes used in digital imaging.
acquisition pixel size, display pixel size
Which one of the two pixel sizes is most critical in maintaining high-resolution digital images?
acquisition pixel size
T/F: Focal spot size has no impact on the resolution on the digital image.
The current range of image resolution for digital general radiographic imaging is between:
100 to 200 microns
Resolution in the digital image is primarily dependant on:
Display capabilities of the monitor
T/F: The factors that affect image distortion for the digital image are different from those that affect film-screen systems.
A numeric value that is representative of the exposure the digital image receptor receives is termed the _________.
exposure index
List the four factors that affect exposure index in the digital image.
mAs, kVp, total detector area irradiated, objects exposed
The complete term for "S number," as used by several manufacturers of CR equipment, is _____.
sensitivity number
An "S number" is _____ proportional to the radiation exposing the patient; and an exposure index, as used by other manufacturers, is ____ proportional.
indirectly, directly
If the recomminded exposure index range for a well-exposed image is between 150 and 250, as "S number" of 350 to 550 would indicate _______ of the image.
If the recommended exposure index range is between 2.0 and 2.4, an exposure index number of 1.2 would indicated ______ of the image.
A random disturbance that obscures or reduces clarity is the definition for____
SNR is the acronym for the _______.
signal-to-noise ratio
When insufficient mAs is applied in the production of a digital image, it will produce a _____ image.
low SNR
Another term for image noise is:
Changing or enhancing the electronic image to improve its diagnostic quality is called ______
Adding text to images
increasing brighness along the edges of structures to increase the visibility of the edges
edge enhancement
Reversing the dark and light pixel value of an image- the x-ray image reverses from a negative to a positive
image reversal
magnifying all or part of an image
adjusting brightness values of adjacent pixels closer together
removing background anatomy to allow visualization of contrast media-filled structure
List the three components of a CR system
image plates, IP reader, tech work station
What material on the CR imaging plate captures the latent image?
photostimuable phosphors
When using a CR image plate, patient data can be linked to the image by use of a:
barcode reader
T/F: Once the CR image plate has had an image recorded on it, it must be discarded.
T/F: The latent image on a CR image plate is read line by line by a laser within the CR reader.
It takes approximately 20 seconds to process a CR image and reload the cassette with a clean imaging plate.
The latent image is erased on the CR image plate by applying:
bright light
The process of transferring the CR image to a storage device is termed
image archiving.
When using CR, a minimum of __ percent of the IR must be exposed for an accurate exposure index.
T/F: The use of grids is optional with the CR since the IP is not as sensitive to scatter radiation as film-screen radiography.
Which of the following imaging components is not required with direct digital radiography?
IP, image reader, grid
IP or Image reader
T/F: Patient dose may be lower with DR as compared with film-screen radiography and CR.
T/F: When using DR for most nongrid procedures, one reason the grid is generally not removed is its fragile construction.
T/F: The 30% collimation rule applies to direct digital radiography.
24x30 cm
10x12 in
18x24 cm
8x10 in
35x43 cm
14x17 in
30x35 cm
11x14 in
24x24 cm
9x9 in
35x90 cm
14x36 in
T/F: THe size of the IR used is dependant primarily on the size of the body part being examined.
Define the acronym PACS
Picture Archiving Communication System
T/F: A PACS automatically transports conventional x-ray IRs to the chemical processor after they have been exposed.
Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine
radiology information system
hospital information system
health care level 7
An electronic, comprehensive database of all patient records and data is referred to as
series of "boxes" that gives form to the image
range of exposure factors that will produce an acceptable image
exposure latitude
the user adjusting the window level and window width
unsharp edges of the projected image
numerical value that is representative of the exposure the IR received in digital radiography
exposure index
representative of the number of shades of gray that can be demonstrated by each pixel
bit depth
misrepresentation of object size or shape as projected onto radiographic recording media
the energy of the x-ray photon
random disturbance that obscures or reduces clarity
the delivery of health care services using telecommunications and computer technology
changing or enhancing the electronic image to view it from a different perspective or improve its diagnostic quality
direct digital radiography
automatic exposure control
the user adjecting the window level and window width
representative of the number of shades of gray that can be demonstrated by each pixel
random disturbance that obscures or reduces clarity
range of exposure factors that will produce an acceptable image
exposure latitude
controls the brightness of a digital image (within a certain range)
a term used by some equipment manufacturers to indicate exposure index
sensitivity number
series of "boxes" that give form to the image
Which traditional unit is used to measure radiation exposure in air?
Which traditional unit of measurement is used to describe patient dose?
What does the acronym ED stand for?
effective dose
What is the whole body ED limit per year for a tech?
5 rem or 50 mSv
What is the cumulative dose limit for a 35 year old tech?
35 rem or 350 mSv
THe SI unit for Roentgen (R) is:
The SI unit for Rad is:
The SI unit for REM is:
3 rad=___Gy
448 mrad=____mGy
38 rem=____Sv
15 rem=____mSv
What is the max dose for a pregnant tech per month?
.05 rem
What is the max dose for a pregnant tech for the entire gestational period?
.5 rem
The ED limit for minors under the age of 18 years is ____ rem per year.
Personnel monitoring devices must be worn if there is a possibility of acquiring ___% of the annual occupational ED limit.
Define TLD
thermoluminescent dosimetry
Define OSL
optically stimulate luminescence
ALARA means
As Low As Reasonably Acheivable
A young child comes to the radiology department for a skull series. The child is combative and will not hold still for the procedure. Who should be askd to restrain the patient?
a non pregnant family member
T/F: With accurate and close collimation, area shields do not need to be used.
T/F: Skin entrance exposure (SEE) has the highest numeric value of all patient doses.
T/F: In radiography, SEE carries the least biologic significance.
T/F: ED describes gonadal dose levels only for each radiographic procedure.
Which is the best method of reducing scatter to a worker's eyes and neck during fluoroscopy?
keep the image intensifying tower as close to the patient as possible
Which of the following is the best plae for a tech to stand during fluoro to reduce occupational exposure?
behind the radiologist
What is the federal set limit for exposure rates intensified fluoro units?
10 rad/min
With most modern fluoro equipment, the average exposure rate is:
3 to 4 R/min
What is one of the primary causes for repeat radiographs?
poor communication between techs and patients
In addition to communication, what two other factors often lead to repeat exposures?
improper techniques and positioning
The ____ chest projection provides the greatest ED for females.
_____ patients reveive a greater ED for an AP hip, with or without gonadal shielding.
Which specfic organ is each gender receives the greatest dose in AP, PA, and lateral upper GI projections?
Which radiographic procedure listen on the patient dose chart provides the least amount of SEE for males and females?
PA chest