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46 Cards in this Set

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What is an organism?
A living thing
What does a organism do?
A orgsnism obtains food, water, shelter, and other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce from its enviorment.
What is an enviorment the provides the things the organism need to live, grow, and reproduce?
What are the living parts of its habitat?
Biotic Factors
What are the non-living parts of an organisms habitat?
Abiotic Factors
What do all living things need?
Food, shelterWater, Sunlight, Oxygen, temperature and soil.
What is photosynthesis?
The process in which oraganisms use water along with sunlight and carbon dioxide to make their own food.
The temperatures that are typical of an area determine the types of ________ that can live there
What is soil?
A mixture of rock fragments, nutrients, air, water, and the decaying remains of living things
What is a species?
A group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate with eachother and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce
What is a population?
All the members of one speciesw is a paticular area
What is a community?
All the different populations that live together in an area
What is a ecosystem?
The community of oraganism that live in a paticular area, along with nonliving surroundings
What are the levels of organization?
the single oraganism which belongs to a population that includes other members of its species. The population belongs to a community of different species. The community and abiotic factors together form a ecosystem.
What is ecology?
The study of how living things interact with eachother and with their enviorment.
What are the methods of determining the size of a population? and what does each one do?
Direct Observation-
Count all of its members
Indirect Observation-
Observing signs of oraganisms
Count the numver of organisms in a small area then multiply by the bigger area
Mark and Recapture-
Catching them and marking them, releasing them. Catch them again later and count how many still have the mark they later use a mathematic formula to determine the population
What is an estimate?
An approxmation of a number based on reasonable assumptions.
What is birthrate?
The number of births in a population in a certain amount of time
What is death rate?
The number of deaths in a population in a certain amount of time.
What is immigration?
Moving into a population.
What is emmigration?
Leaving a population
Population Density?
The number of indivuidals in a specific area
Limiting factor?
An enviormental factor that causes a population to decrease
Carring capasity?
The largest population an area can support.
Natural Selection?
A process by which characteristics that make a indivual better suited to its enviorment become more commin in a species.
A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an oragnism to live successfully in its enviorment.
The role of an organism or how it makes its living.
A struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the same limited resource.
A interaction in which one organism kills another for food.
The organism that does the killing in a predation interaction.
The organism that is killed and eaten by another organism.
A close relationship between two species that benifits atleast one of the species
A relationshop that both of the species benifit from
The relationship between two species that benifit in which one benifits and the other is neither helped or harmed
A relationshiip in which one organism lived on or in a host and harms it
The organism that benifits by living on or in a host
The organism that which a parasite lives in or on in a parastism interaction
How do biologist determine the size of a population?
There are 4 ways of doing this:
Direct observation
Indirect observation
Mark and recapture
How can a population decrease?
Lack of food, shelter, water, and hunting
What are the limiting factors?
Food, water, space, and weather conditions
What is the connection betweem adaptations and natural selections?
Natural selection results in adaptation.
Relationships between animals
1) Compeition
2) Predation
3) Symbiois
1) The struggle between organism to survive as they use the same limited space
2) One organism kills another for food
3) A close relationship between two species that benifits atleast one of them
What specific adaptations do predators have to help them survive?
Some have adaptions to help them hunt(example bigs eyes of an owl lets it see at night)
Some have adaptations that help the catching the prey(exa. cheetahs run fast)
What specific adaptions do pray have to help them to survive?
Protective covering
Who are the consummers?
Who are the producers?