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89 Cards in this Set

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Who was more insistent that jews romanize herod or pontious pilate?
pontious pilate
he promises the jews to build them an aqueduct
What does pontius pilate bring into the Beis Hamikdash?
statues of gods and goddesses
Which group was opposed to the aqueduct?
the pharisees
Who will decide who will be kohen?
pontius pilate
Which group becomes angrier and angrier and leads rebellions?
At the time that jesus lived the Kohanim were basically what?
officials of Rome
What position was essentially bought and sold?
Kohen Gadol
What 2 groups were the jewish communities divided into?
pharisees and seducees
In what way does Jesus give sermons to the crowd?
in story form
he speaks to the uneducated population and needs them to understand his message.
people were looking for someone to give them hope.
What were the 2 main tenants of his teachings?
to love god and your fellow man
he wants a religion based on love and caring.
What caused a division within the jewish community of judea?
disparity of wealth and power.
The poor jews were felt that they were ignored and isolated from temple rituals because they couldn't afford to pay for them because there was corruption among the priests at the temple
What was the environment like when the jews arrived in jerusalem?
-saducees were cooperating with the roman government
-the kohanim were very corrupt and accepted bribes
-the majority of the jew which were the pharisees got left out of the beit hamikdash and sacrifices
What were 2 reasons why Rome hated Jesus?
they thought he would lead to a revolt against judea
-Jesus reffers to the kingdom of god and romans believed that rome was a kingdom
What are three reasons roman authority is threatened by jesus and his followers?
-the roman authority fears that jesus has to much influence=revolt
-they fear that the pharisees (majority of jewish population) will feel that they have a voice or power in judea
-romans consider the roman empire to be the only valid kingdom
Yochanan Hatovel?
John the baptist
What was the sermon on the mount?
in the book of mat hew he captures the audiences attention and then goes over and explains basic jewish laws traditions and principles.
What is the stress of the sermon on the mount?
ethics, morality and humility
this is what matters most not observance of laws
torah permits divorce but jesus says its not ok
the catholic church still believes no divorce
murder is forbidden
jesus says if hate or anger against someone its like murder
jesus called it murder in the heart
son of man is sovereign over shabbas
Turn the other cheek
don't fight back don't defend yourself
jesus's teaching eliminated the need for jewish leaders
What was the trial and execution of jesus like?
Kohanim felt threatened by jesus and his influence over the majority
Who was caiphus?
he was the kohen Gadol of the time
Who was judos iscariat?
one of the disciples of jesus
What did he do?
people believe that he turned him in
The last supper?
Judis walks over to Jesus and kisses him on the cheek and that was the signal for the authorities to take him in
What is jesus put on trial for?
for being a false prophet
Caiphus decides that if Jesus claims he is the Messiah he will lead a revolt against rome
They sent him to pontius pilate
What is crucifixion?
Its a roman form of execution and jesus is sentenced to die by this means by pontius pilate.
Why are jews blamed for jesus's death for centuries?
In the book of Mathew it said Pontius pilate was afraid that he killed jesus
people would blame him throughout history and he hesitates in killing jesus because of this
"his blood be apron us and our children"?
This leads to anti-semitism blaming jews for killing jesus
(teaching of contempt)
What happened after jesus died?
the 12 disciples/apostles travel through jedea continuing his teachings
simon "peter" and jacob "james" led the way
What leads to the split from judea and ultimately judaism?
-simon the fisherman
-preaching to jews in judea isn't enough and he changes his name to peter
-he travels to rome in order to convert gentiles
-he establishes the church of rome
- he becomes the first bishop of rome
-he is martyred during the reign of the roman emperor
( nero uses christians as scapegoats)
-whenever new pope is being selected they are filling the shoes of the fisherman.
Who is Saul of Tarsus?
A jewish roman citizen who spoke greek and latin
- he was a pharisee tent maker
-he studied in jerusalem
-he was against the teaching of the disciples
- he wants to seek out new converts and wants them arrested to stand trial for treason
What happens to Saul on a journey to demascus to hunt down converts?
he has a divine revelation
he changes his name to paul and converts he spends thirty years traveling through the empire to establish christian cells he writes many letter (apistles) which become part of the new testament
he's considered the second father of christianity and he's martyred during the rain of nero
What was Paul worried about?
That new converts would go back to judaism so they restrict socialisation between them.
What does paul believe?
that jews were the original owners of the word of god thats why jesus came to them now judaism is out dated and the gents don't need restrictions of old jewish laws
and he believes christianity superseded judaism
Original sin (pride)
jewsih laws only increased pride by making people think they could work out their own salvation but paul said that only god can erase the original sin from mankind
according to christians what did god become?
god became a man (jesus) who dies for our sins ( atonement)
true salvation can only come by faith in jesus and not by observing jewish law
What is the difference between judaism and christianity?
Judaism is a religion of this world
the focus is on people homeland and laws
christianity is a religion of the next world
totally spiritual
What are the attractions of christianity?
-grounded in historical events
-it offers a promise of salvation and the savior was a regular guy
-all churches are connected in a network
-teaches social responsibility like orphans widows sick elderly
-the missionaries are christian cells that help the religion spread
What helps strengthen the catholic faith?
christians refuse to worship emperors
the blood of the martyrs are the seeds of the church.
What are the roots of anti-Semitism in christianity?
the apostle john father of anti-Semitism he preaches about the holy trinity and if the trinity is valid then the jews are guilty of deicide
What happens by 100 ce?
there is christianity throughout the empire so they make policies to completely separate the 2 religions
judaism is now heresy
What is the council of nicea?
It is 325 ce
baptism vs bris
shabbat vs sunday mass
can't enter a shul
can't et matzah over pesach
What is the council of Laodicia?
no gifts for jews on purim
christians must work on saturdays
jews can't convert other
jews can't have christian slaves
What do christians became obsessed with?
control of palestine
desire to have connection with land where jesus lived
taught and died
want symbols and institutions there
Who was Nerva?
reintroduces free speach
brings back custom of adopting an heir
Who was trajan?
Extends roman empire further then ever before
organizes a vast building campaign
builds new roads
support to farmers=to develop new agricultural techniques
expands social welfare=more help to poor
makes jews a promise that temple will be rebuilt if they obey roman law
Who was hadrian?
very much a pagan
where did Hadrian visit?
What did hadrian announce in judea?
That he will rebuild jerusalem as a pagan city
temple will be built dedicated to jupiter
a ban on circumsisions
What were the jews reaction?
They are furious and they realize they have to stand up and fight for survival of judasim
What did Rabbi Akiva do?
up until this point he encouraged to jews to cooperate with rome but now he sees they must fight back
he begins traveling through judea and instigating the jews
What else does Rabbi Akiva do?
oragnizes jewish communities to band together
appoint simon bar kozeba as leader of revolt
changes his name to bar kochva
How did jews attack the romans?
At first they were winning
they used guarilla warfare and ambushed roman soldiers they caught them by surprise
What was the bar kochva revolt?
After Hadrian returned to rome and the rebellion intensified he sends general julius severus to bring the jews under control
What does severus do when he first reaches judea?
they raid little towns throughout the countryside
burned homes looted and set up blockades to prevent supplies from reaching the jews
plan was to wear down the jewish ressistance
How long did it take for the romans to succeed?
2 years to force jews out of jerusalem
What does bar kochva and his army do?
they barricade themselves in betar and continue fighting
hold out against roman seige for several weeks
What happens?
a traitor/spy tips off the romans where bar kochvas men are hiding
When does the revolt end?
Tisha B'av
Now what does hadrian do?
He attempts to end jerusalem completely so he wont have to deal with their revolts anymore
jews not allowed in jerusalem
What rules did Hadrian make?
-Observance of jewish laws are forbidden
-no bet Din and no torah study
-eliminate all great Torah scholars
-Jews not allowed to recite shema
-not allowed to keep calendar
What was the significance of the bar kochva revolt?
The jews really wanted to fight for autonomy
After the revolt the romans change the name of judea to syria-palestina
What happens to jerusalem?
it is now a pagan city
What happens to the center of jewish life?
it shifts from jerusalem to the gallilee for next 800 years as jerusalem is a pagan city
What were the achievemants of constantine?
reunites empire
builds new capitol in east
byzantium=constantinople (todays istanbul)
adopts christianity and issues edict of milan= stops persecution of christians
What happens after rule of constantine?
eastern empire thrives while west continues to sink
Germanic invasions by huns, goths, visigoths and vandals will weaken the west furhter
What happened in 476 CE?
it marks the date for the official fall of the roman empire(western part)
What happens to roman emporer Augustulus?
he is deposed by german tribes led by Odoacer
What happens to the western part of the roman empire now?
it is replaced by a series of germanic kingdoms, the longest lasting of which are the franks
What contributed to the fall of the greatest empire ever?
political=moving capitol from rome to constantinople takes power away from rome. series of bad corrupt emporers. senate lost power and less loyalty to rome itself
What contributed to the fall of the greatest empire ever?
social=huge gap between rich and poor. persecutin of the christians=more divisions or hostilities within population of the empire
What contributed to the fall of the greatest empire ever?
economic=unfavorable balance of trade=inflation. overspending by emporers. wars cost money/drained economy. invasions=loss of property/damages. since not conquering more territories=less ribute and tax
What contributed to the fall of the greatest empire ever?
military=prestige and morale of the army goes down. patriotism also goes down
What is the western portion of the roman empire called?
it will be a series of germanic kingdoms ruled by different tribes the longets lasting of which ere the franks who used to be called the gauls and 2 other groups the angles and saxons
What were the other tribes?
ostrogoths, visigoths and vandals
What did the frankish king clovis do?
he spread christianity throughout his kingdom and we see a fusion or consolidation of germanic and roman influences
he dies in 511 CE
What was the next person who had the real power in rome after clovis?
for 200 years he was called the mayor of the palace
Who was charles martel?
mayor of the palace
battle of tours happens during his time
What happens when martel dies?
his son pepin (the short) takes over
he wants to be king of the franks
th lumard invasion of italy is prevented by pepin so pope rewards him
What is the donation of pepin?
papal states/vatican city is part of it
Who becomes ruler when pepin dies?
his son charles (charlesmagne)
What are charlesmagne's achievements?
he conquers spain, italy, germany, austria and belgium
he spreads christianity in all the areas that he conquers
encourages a revival of art and literature
wants people to receive education
What does pope lee do to pepin?
he crowns him king of all romans
What happens when charlesmagne dies?
he divides his empire up between his sons and of course they fight for it (treaty of verdun)
What happens after the sons fight?
the empire is more vlnerable to invasions from
1. muslims (spain)
2.magyars (western Asians)
3.Vikings ("norse men")=scandanavia
Who was Eric the red?
he found Greenland
Who was Leif Ericson?
he found Vineland/Canada