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63 Cards in this Set

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head of state
-serves as a symbol for the hopes of the people

-responsible for enchancing national unity
head of government
-runs the govt. & serves as head of the political party

-defines the nation's policy agenda

-brokers deals,lines up votes and works to pass legislation

-appoints the chair of the party's national committee

-veto powers
qualifications for presidency
-has to be chosen by the electoral college

-natural born citizen

-at least 35 yrs old
chief administrator
-the person responsible for agencies of the national govt. and the implementation of national govt
- the president appoints heads of departments to oversee the work being done
commander in chief
-head of the command structure for the entire military establihment
collection of 9 organizations that help the president with policy and political objectives
chief of staff
the person who oversees the operations of all white house staff and controls access to the president
presidential style
image projectory the president that represents how he would like to be percieved at home and abroad
civil law tradition
a legal system based on the accumulated rulings of judges over time and applied informly
adversial system
trial procedures designed to resolve conflict through the clsh of opposing sides, moderated by a neutral, positive judge who applies the law
inquistorial system
trial procedure designed to determine the outcome through the intervention of an active judge who seeks evidence and questions witnesses
subsantive laws
laws whose content or substance, define what we can or cannot do
procedural laws
laws that establish how laws are applied and enforced how legal proceedings take place
criminal law
laws prohibiting behavior the govt. has determined to be harmful to society
civil law
laws regulating interactions between indviduals
constitutional law
laws stated in the constitution
statutory law
laws passed by a state or the federal legislature
administrative laws
laws established by the burecracy on behalf of congress
executive orders
clarifications of congressional policy issued by the president and having the full force of law
judicial review
the power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of laws
writ of cretiorari
formal request by the us supreme court to call up the lower court case if it decides to hear an appeal
rule of 4
the unwritten requirement that 4 supreme court justices must agree to grant a case certitorari in order for the case to be heard
solicitor general
justice department officer who argues the government's cases before the supreme court
amicus curia briefs
"friend of the court" documents filed by interested parties to encourage the court to grant orderly certiorari or to urge it to decide a case in a particular way
judicial restraint
view that the courts hould reject any active lawmaking functions and stick to judicial interpertations of the past
concurring opinions
documents written by the justices expressing agreement with the majority ruling but describing additional reasons for the ruling
dissenting opnions
documents written by justices expressing disagreement with the majority ruling
public opinions
the collective attitudes and beliefs of indivduals on 1 or more issues
public opinion polls
scientific efforts to estimate what an entire group thinks about an issue by asking a smaller sample of the group for its opinion
the portion of the pop. that is selected to participate in a poll
sample bias
the effect of having a sample that doesnt represent all segments of the pop.
straw polls
polls that attempt to determine who is ahead in a poltical race
sampling error
a # that indicates within what range the results of a poll are accurate
random samples
samples chosen in such a way that any member of the pop. being polled has an equal chance of being selected
benchmark poll
initial poll on a canidate and issues on which campaign strategy is based and against which later polls are compared
tracking polls
ongoing series of surveys that follow changes in public opinions overtime
exit polls
election related questions asked of voters right after they vote
push polls
polls that ask for reactions to hypothetical, often false, info in order to manipulate public opinion
political socialization
the process by which we learn our political orinetations and allegiances
spiral of silence
the process by which a majority opinion becomes exaggerated b/c minorities dont feel comfortable speaking out in opposition
political generations
groups of citizens whose political views have been shaped by the common events of their youth
gender gap
the tendency of men and women to differ in their political views
marriage gap
the tendency for married people to hold different political views than those who arent married
rational ignorance
the state of being informed about politics b/c of the cost n fine and energy
on-line processing
the ability to recieve and evaluate info as events happen, allowing us to remember our evalutaion even if we have forgotten the specific events that caused it
opinion leaders
people who know more about certain topics
political gridlock
the slatemate that occurs when political rivals refuse to budge from thier positions to achieve a compromise in the public interest
political party
a group united by ideology and seeking control of govt. in order to promote thier ideas and policies
loyalty to a politcal party or cause
party organization
the offical structure that conducts the poltical business of parties
party in govt.
members of the party wh have been elected to serve in govt.
party in electorate
ordinary citizens who identify with a party
party base
members of a party who consistently vote for that party's canidadtes
party platform
list of policies a party endorses and pledges its elected officals to enact
party machines
mas-based party systems in which parties provided service and resources to voters in exchange for votes
system in which successful party canidates reward supporters with jobs and favors
party primary
nomination of party canidates by registered party members
party eras
extended periods of related poltical stability in which 1 party tends to control both the presidency and congress
critical election
an election signaling a significant change in popular alligence from 1 party to another
a trend among voters to identify themselves as independents rather than as members of a major party
the process of getting a person elected to public office
party discipline
ability of party leaders to bring party members in the legislature into line with the party program