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85 Cards in this Set

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govt decision making or the process by which society makes governing decisons
not a generally accepted ideal or basic principle a govt must have to be considered a democracy
free public education
supremacy clause of the us k est who has a supreme power
us k and natl laws
authority of supreme court to rule laws for constituionality
judicial review
amendments ot the us k can be out into law solely buy 2/3 majority of both houses
ppl or voters who are in a district of or served by a given elected official
all individuals equal in their moral worth
term used when no higher political authority exists
final result of govt action or decision
public policy
collective legal procedures
due process of law
individual and group differences should be respected
eco system based on free enterprise with little govt interfernece
1st europeans to discover tx in the early 1500s
tx rev with mexico years
how long tx an ind republic
10 years
when did tx become the 28th state
which did not cause major lasting changes in tx during mid 1800s
oil and cattle drives
which did not helo end th cattle drive
13th am end slavery
political party dominant in tx for a 100 yrs
tx joined confederacy bc most were slave owners
most settlers who came to tx in 1700 and 1800s
supremacy does not apply to tx
not describe current tx k
how many amendments does tx k have
well over 400
how long has tx k been in effect
3 primary variables in who votes
older age
higher income
higher education
who granted right to vote 19 th a
poltical alienation and apathy more prevelant in tx
voter turn out low in tx compared to other states
primary elctions in tx
every 2 years private elections held by political party for party members
who enforces voting rights act of 1965
fed department of justice
campaign costs have what over the yrs in tx
increased substantially
primary goal of poltical parties
win elections
most true of poltical parties in tx
pragmatic and expedient
associated w demo party
govt regualtion of business to protect workers social wlefare protect civil rights support for the masses
associated with republican party
individual reliance support for law and order issues for free enterprise w/out govt intervention strong support for morality issues
primary goal of special interest groups
inform and influence
most numerous special interst groups including business and professional
economic groups
key person in a special interst group
best common tool of SI groups
ppl predominant beliefs values attituteds and ideals about the poltical structure
poltical culture
poltical socialization is the process by which poltical culture is passed on through generations
family and friends church religion school media tv
k decentralizes and fragments state govt and thus makes tx politics less favorable to special interst groups
tx legislature meets how often and how long
every other year for 140 days
tx house membership & senate
150 & 31
tx house term & tx senate term
2h 4s
most of the work of the legis is done & most proposed blls are killed in
presiding officer of tx house
sp of the house
single memeber winner take all geographical areas
presiding officer of tx senate
lt govenor
tx govenor powers
call special session leg powers appontive powers
who selects the presiding officer of the tx senate
we the ppl
who selcts members of the leg budget board
presiding officers of legislature
tx govenor has powerful voice in bi annual budget process
describe the tx legislature
amateur inefficeint part time not very effective
govenor and burecracy form what branch of govt
how many pppl in tx bureaucracy
1.3 million
does tx govenor have strong moral powers
no he doesnt
primary job of the govenor and executive branch
implement laws passed by legis
name given to the form of executive branch we have in tx
plural executive
tx burecracy makes rules which have force of law called
adminstrative law
jurissdiction of court to hear evidence for the first time in a trial
org. jurisd.
purpose of tx dept of criminal justice
punishment isolation rehab. deterrence
typical profile of criminals
young under educated male poor
tx bur. is neutral and fair therefore SI do not have much influence
rate power of SI groups
have a great deal of power
most judges are elected in bi partisan elections must decalre pol party
primary source of revenue for tx
general sales tax
tx are among most heavily taxed
primary source of revenue for local govt
property tax
taxes which also serve as a tool for social contract to reward acceptable behavios with lower rates or punish unacceptable behavior
regualtory tax
tax places larger burden on poor than wealthy
regressive tax
heavier burden on wealthy than poor
progressive tax
approx what portion of tx budget comes from the fed govt
balanced budget means
legis cannot spend more than it takes in
approx how large is current annual tx budget
70 billion
what portion of annual tx budget comes from taxes
overr 50%
tx revenues are earmarked and dedicated means
revenue is automatically channeled to specific sources
educational system well insulated ftom politics
area most of tx federal funding
health and human services
1912 law est incorporate and many of their own rules
home rule
professional adminstrator in a mayor and city council form of govt
city manager
county is the conerstone of rural govt how many counties
ex of local govt
municipal town/city special district county
most numerous types of local govt
special districts