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160 Cards in this Set

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What did Trump say during the campaign about dismantling the UN


Cliff said trumps like the UN because

He prides himself on making deals

Trump said what about the Paris accord

Will withdrawal US from it

Aggrement within the UN for Climate Change starting in 2020

Paris Accord

Trump said about water boarding

Torture works

Trump and Cuba

Repeal Obama Orders with Cuba

Topics in Trump and UN article

Climate Change, Refugees, Iran Nuclear Deal, Human Rights, Arms Trade Treaty, Isreal, Cuba

Reagan plan that would knock down incoming rockets

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars

Revival of SDI proposed by bush

National Missile Defense (NMD)

Proponents of NMD argue that

States with missiles and nuclear warheads will soon be a threat

Part of the Versailles Treaty in hopes to prevent future wars

League of Nations

The main failure of the League of Nations

Failure of collective security

Idea if collective security had 2 weakness

1. Difficult to agree on what aggression is.

2. Getting member states to comply with Council to apply sanctions

Aggrement by all countries to automatically punish aggressor states

Collective Security

Stated that people will out number food supplies

Thomas Malthus

Malthusianism's computer model neglects

Possibly of increasing supplies and technology change

Underground water bearing layer


Powers of the security council

1. Meets at anytime to preserve pease.

2. Order compliance with its resolution

3. Right to veto any resolution

Blocking a measure by just one vote against


International charities and volunteering groups

Non-governmental organization (NGO)

Tendency of modest peacekeeping goals to expand

Mission creep

1944 agreement to fix exchange rates to the dollar backed by gold

Bretton Woods

Change from floating to fixed exchange rates

Bretton Woods

Caused for a change leading to the Bretton Woods aggrement

Depression and WW2

How much one currency buys another

Exchange rate

One currency buys a set number of other currencies

Fixed exchange rate

One currency buys a varying number of other currencies, depending on the market for them

Floating exchange rate

A market that has gone too high


The 1960 improvement in plant varieties, especially rice, boosting output to increase food production by scientists and technology

Green revolution

Who was called the father of the green revolution

Norman Borlaug

Related to the world as a whole, too big for one country or group of countries to handle


Something that all use free, such as air

Collective good

The overuse of collective good

Tragedy of the commons

Usable for food growing


Directed Cubase defense at the Bay of pigs

Fidel castro

Castro government was


Continued the communist revolution


Castro told US

We don't need anything from yall

What degree does castro has


Castro declared that his revolution was


Castro never....

Established a purely Communist state in Cuba nor adopt orthodox Communist party ideology

Castro helped Cuba

Flatten traditional hierarchy, improve education and health care

Castro ' supporters


Policy of keeping out foreign policy


Selling more to other countries than you buy from them

Trade surplus

Market based system to incentivize cutting CO2 emissions

Cap and trade

When a client or junior ally turns on its sponsor


Government spending to boost consumption and fight recessions

Keynesian economics

Who applied Keynesian economics in us

Roosevelt administration

Who applied Keynesian economics in Europe


Keynesian economics in US

Mildly in debt to provide jobs, loans and price supports

Keynesian economics in Germany

Public works project and large government loans

An oder to expel a diplomat

Persona non grata

Persona non grata means what in latin

Unwanted person

Traditional rules on behavior in war

Jus in bello

____ and ___ are medieval traditions that was expanded with the Geneva Convention

Jus ad bellum and jus in bello

Modern rules on behavior in war

Geneva Convention

Traditional rules on right to go to war

Jus ad bellum

What is secretary general Ban ki-moon's plan

To rush Paris climate change accord in hope to bind all countries to it for 4 years regardless of election outcome

Who is the Trump backer who wants to bring back enhance interrogation

Jose Rodriguez

Obama commanded all government employees to use only interrogation techniques set out in

US army field manual

What did Rodriguez do during the Bush administration

Destroy tapes of interrogation

Observation of rules with no exception for oneself


Doing to others what they have done to you


Extent of sovereignty from states' shores

Territorial limits

Punishment for violation of international law


Gaining countries cooperation in specialized matters so it spills over into general cooperation


Winthrop president that was also an ambassador to the UK

Phillip lader

Third party military forces to stabilize a cease fire


Disputants negotiate through a nearby mediator, not face-to-face

Proximity talks

The realist that created 9 rules to revive diplomacy

Hans Morgenthau

International commitment of less importance than a treaty

Executive agreement

Buying more from other countries than you sell to them

Trade deficit

Dissuading attack by showing it's high costs to the attacker


Attempts to relax tensions between hostile countries

Détente diplomacy

Elimination of existing weapons


Being considered trustworthy or believable, the crux of deterrence


Deterrence requires

Capabilities, communication, credibility and calculation

Mutually reinforcing negative effects of each nation's effort to increase defense capabilities

Security dilemma

Swift replacement of leadership, usually by military force


Place known for coups

Latin America

Theory that unequal wealth motivates underdog group

Relative deprivation

One of the earliest explanation for internal conflict

Relative deprivation

War on terrorism is an example of

Asymmetrical conflict

An armed rebellion or uprising


Efforts and methods to put down an insurgency


What starts terrorism


Who wins most asymmetrical wars

Weak actors

What mag or world powers did not join the ICC

Us, Russia, China

Why did 3 African nations leave ICC

They state it's bias due to all investigations were in Africa

What 3 African countries want to leave the ICC

Gambia, Burundi, South Africa

Industrialization modernize whole society, paving way for democracy

Modernization theory

Selling goods abroad for less than it costs to produce them


What did the breakup of Yugoslavia prove

The EU was weak

Arificial country of Slavs that was created and broken by war


UN protection force to keep peace in Croatia and Bosnia

UN protection force

To formally accept a treaty as binding


Reasons to believe that EU is useless

Terrorist attacks, Refugees, high unemployment and low economic growth

What was EU meeting in Bratislava for

To look at the future without Britain

France, Germany and Netherlands hopes to announce plans in Bratislava for

Reinforced EU security through joint military headquarters

The article ISIS sent 4 bombs was about

A photographer, Denton, who was hit with a bomb from ISIS

Linkage between environment and politics


Technology and adaption will save us

Cornucopian school

What can countries do when it comes to climate change

Carbon tax, cap and trade, rethink globalization

Aggressive, risk taking regime unbound by rules or agreements

Rogue state

Methods of compelling a foe to give up weapons

Coercive disarmament

Security concept that means to be nice to your neighbors

Live and let live

Try to stay neutral among aggressive neighbors


Follow the lead of a stronger nation


Pass responsibility to a stronger neighbor


Create protective alliance

Balance of power

A strong country arranges things to its desires


Most recent defense strategies

Star wars, Theater Missile Defense, National Missile defense

What type of war last the longest

Civil wars

A fundamental change in regime


Unequal wealth motivates underdog groups

Relative deprivation

Most important precipitating factors of civil war


The two antagonist in civil war

Government and opposing party

A strategy to weaken a hated political party by inspiring fear


Who is Russia afraid of bombing them


Where did Russia want to put their next bomb shelter?

The stadium in st. Petersburg for 2018 World Cup

The shelter was about

Fear in the Russian people

What is the fear behind Trump talking to Taiwan

War with China to defend Taiwan

Pence stated that the phone call from Taiwan was abouy6

Congratulating trump

Why did Iran say they will retaliate?

The extension of the Iran Sanctions Act that violates last year deal to curb nuclear program

Who is president of Iran

Hassan Rouhani

When does ISA expect to expire

December 2016

Countries with economic troubles in EU

Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Stated the EU is collapsing

Guy Milliere

Reasons Milliere gives for EU collapse

Immigration, population decline, countries in debt, pensions cut, votes at national level and not at EU level

Stated EU is doing fine

Jose Barroso

What did Barroso stated about the single market?

Key lever for competitiveness and employment

How is the EU been doing on global trade

Increase surplus

Stated US should not join ICC

Schaefer and Groves

Flaws in Rome Statute

Lacks safe guard against political manipulation, no accountability from security council, and violates sovereignty

The ICC is dependent on

Governments to arrest and transfer

What is not clearly defined in ICC


Stated joining ICC is in US National Interest

Michael Scharf

Military Tribunals that punished war crimes of holocaust

Nuremberg Trails

Who has sovereignty over Germany

Allied Control council

Scharf stated US absence from ICC causes

If one is arrested in another country they can be brought to court. US can't help make rules. Prevents US from nominating a candidate for courts bench

Stated to ratify CEDAW for women rights

Melanne verveer

US is the only industrial country that doesn't have

Paid maternity leave

Rejected the CEDAW

Steven Groves

Groves rejected CEDAW cause

It's not needed to end gender discrimination

What did the CEDAW urge Guinea to do

Not penalized women for prostitution

Said Guantanimo Bay should close

Elisa Massimino

When did US aquire bay

Spanish American war

Said Guantanimo Bay should remain open

Frank Gaffney

Since 9-11 how many detainees been convicted


The possibility that a release detainee would return to the fight


Gaffney stated about transport prisoners to us prison

Security risk

Gaffney response to the comment that Guantanimo is a recruitment tool

Shutting down would show submission

Required industrial countries to cut CO2 emissions but put no limits on developing countries

Kyoto protocol

Agreed that science regarding global warming is not clear

James Inhofe

Double electricity from renewable energy by 2020

Climate Action Plan

Suggest that a richer China has created a large group of educated middle class citizens who push for the idea of democracy

Modernization theory

Treaty that aim to make war illigal

Kellogg-briand Pact

A legal spy that operates in a foreign country under an official cover

Resident Spy

International organization that promotes peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit it for military

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)