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27 Cards in this Set

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tool to resort to in circumstances
mirror princes
genre, continuation of qualities of rulers (flatter yet instruct).
handbook of republicans
how to prevent people from rising against princely rule.
four types of principalities
hereditary, ecclesiastical, mixed, civil.
hereditary principality
ordinary intelligence prince, not much is required of ruler.
ecclesiastical prince
ruler is in position of link to deity.
mixed principality
all governed principalities
civil principality
rulers are elected by citizens.
direct rule
no intermediates so quicker action can be taken.
different now, republic then.
civil and mixed principalities
where normative affections lie
aristocratic self-respect
one see's oneself as better than everyone and thinks that is how everyone else see them.
democratic self-respect
i am as good as other and other see me as good as others.
being in and out of fate.
ability and skills that go with what you are doing, what makes you good at what you do. (mojo)
cesare borgia
pope son count of monte cristo
de officiis
cicero leading writers of humanism.
humanist perspective on virtu
-honesty, magnamity (generously forgiving insults or injuries), and liberality (generousity).
machiavelli perspective on virtu
maintaining the state was the highest status
virtue pluralism
good qualities go together.
the "dirty hands" problem
rulers maintain state, sometimes rulers have to possibly take unappealig actions to citizens virtue, but have best effect of welfare (leader must chose).
"tragic conflicts"
no choice without loss
all good values may not conflict, just a matter of finding the right values
machiavelli virtues
hard work, honest, trustworthy(citizens) and for (rulers) moral flexibility, maintain rule, ruthless(when necessary), courage, not liberality.
classic republicanism
self-rule, controls itself (not dominated by super power.
the right behavior is that which will produce the best outcomes, impartially judged.
are either hereitary or new, which means acquired by prince of for prince.