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116 Cards in this Set

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right to govern yourself
Afgan vs. America
america tends to infrenge on other countries __________
-organizations or activities
-defines and shapes what is possible and probable
-rules regulations for this certain thing
-controlling y discussing rules
-used to take, decide (oil, land, power)
-measuring things: evidence needed
-testing y evidence is critical -standardize
Comparative methods
studying struggle across countries
comparative politics
study steeped in history and culture
qualitative method
relies on statistical data from a range of countries to construct hypotheses about politics
quantitative method
societies developed based on a core sense of values and characteristics
modernization theory
ability of an individual to act independently
shared material standard of individuals within a community, society, or country
-organizing, primary authority, laws, resolving, securing
not so foundational
-fundamental rules and norms of politics
less foundational
-leadership or elite in charge of running the state
shorthand for all the concepts so far discussed and people who live w/in political systems
authoritarian rule
democratic rule
-value where someone or something is recognized & accepted as right and proper
habit and custom. institutionalized.
"it has always been that way"
-Queen Elizabeth
traditional legitimacy
based on one individual who can move the public.
-Hitler. Muhammad.
charismatic leitimacy
laws and procedures that are highly institutionalized.
-George Bush
rational-legal legitimacy
significant powers (taxation, lawmaking, & security)

local delegation
national level w/ limited local authority
Unitary states
ss: fulfill basic tasks.
ws: execute cannot execute such tasks very well
strong states/ weak states
structures of tehs tate may become weak and collapse. resulting in a complete loss of power, anarchy and violence.
failed states
peoples knowledge, foods, resources etc that a state can hold
collection of people bound by a shared institution that define how human relations should be conducted
attributes differing between societies (ethnicity)
belonging to a nation
*a political concept*
national identity
instills pride; unifies group
(cornhuskin, democrats, peep rallies)
state obligated to provide rights to those individuals or members of that group
-pride in state; extremely political
-state has arrived and present

-statehood: citizenship= patriotism
soveriegn state encompassing 1 dominant nation that it claims to represent
dramatic change > violence. change through peace
progressive change through system not overthrow
change is disruptive; not much movement
restore political, social, and $ institutes
restoration of older values
willing to use violence
What are three difficulties involved in the study of comparative politics?
1. causation hard: not able to control variable.
2. limited cases: countries; short history
3. access the cases; limited # of countries available such as wide variety of countries cultures language limits the ability to compare
What are freedom and equality and how are they said to contradict one another?
the more freedom you have it means the less equal state power becomes. infringing on some else peace so that you can have more freedom.
What is legitimacy?
value where someone or something valued in their own right
ability of the state to wield its power independently of the public (it can do what it pleases w/o asking)
national identity is a sense of belonging to this
different ethnic groups struggle to achieve certain political or economic goals at each others expense
ethnic conflict
one or more groups do develop clear aspirations for sovereignty, clashing w/ others as a result
national conflict
sets of political values held by individuals regarding the fundamental goals of politics
political ideologies
a high priority on individual, political, and economic freedom
max degree of liberty for all people instead of equality
a system of political, social, and economic liberties, supported by competition, participation, and contestantion (such as voting)
liberal democracy
-rejects the idea that personal freedom will ensure prosperity for the majority.
-struggle over economic resources.
-state controls all making it "equal"
accepts a strong role for private ownership and market forces while still maintaining an emphasis on economic equality
social democracy (socialism)
rejects notion of equality.
inferiority vs. superiority
nothing (Fvs.E) is possible or desirable under this
rejects the notion of the state
(its eliminated)
viewed as an ideology that seeks to unite religion with the state, or rather, to make faith the sovereign authority
combined religious and political ruler.

faith and politics are inseparable.
comprises those basic institutions that help define a society.

a social road map.
-"social contract"
-surrender certain liberties in favor of order
-citizens' rights are inalienable and cannot be taken away by the state.
-civil rights
-economic development & inequality
-predicted the eventual collapse of capitalism and democracy
-bureaucracy, forms of authority, impact of culture on economic and political development
source of conflict becomes more cultural in time to come (instead of political & economical)
What is legitimacy?
A value where by something or someone is recognized and accepted as right and proper
an institution or person is widely accepted and recognized by the public
What are the differences between federal and unitary states? What are examples of both?
F: Helps represent local interests y checks w/ central power (US states)
U: most power at the national level w/ limited local authority (
U against F: lots of local thoughts no unification of power
What does it mean to say that states can have either weak autonomy, capacity or both?
A: autonomy disappears
C: no stuff in state people knowledge foods resources
What does it mean to say a state is a “failed state”? What is one example?
no sovereignty over the state: Hati or Africa
What is the difference between a nation and a nation-state?
the nation-state is an umbrella for a nation or a group with a nationalistic ideogly to be under
How does ethnic conflict differ from national conflict, as described by O’Neill?
EC: between different ethnic groups: Afghans- greater power over each other in the country
NC: 2 nations fights: American Revolution (brits vs. US)
What does it mean to say that radicals are in many ways like reactionaries?
the both believe in violence to either come back to their roots (reactionaries) or to start a whole new idea (radicals)
Which political ideology is most concerned with freedom? Which is most concerned with equality?
F: An individual is independent
E: shared standards of individuals w/in a society
What are “civilizations”, according to Huntington?
cultures or religions that bind a it together
What is comparative politics?
subfield that compares this struggle across countries
-doesn't have a oneness of cultures
maybe one culture wasn't to be separate from another
Pakistan vs. Israel
could lead to a failed state
Ethnic fragmentation
Separation of powers
democracies diffuse democratic power by giving specific branches the ability to check the political power of other actors within government
the branch that carries laws and policies of a state
2 roles: head of state y head of gov't
Head of State vs. Head of Government
HoS:symbolizes and represents the people and articulating the goals of the regime

HoG: deal with the everyday tasks
branch of gov't charged w/ making laws
Constitutional courts
highest judicial body that rules on the constitutionality of laws and other government
Civil liberties vs. rights
CL: promotion of freedom

CR: promotion of equality
Political economy
politics and economics are related and how their relationship shapes the balance of freedom and equality
interactions between the forces of supply and demand, and they allocate resources through the process of that interaction
ownership of those goods and services
Public goods
individuals obtain in the market and own and benefit from themselves
however not one person or organization can own these goods hence "public"
Social expenditures (welfare)
state provisions such as health care, education, public benefits, and transportation and "welfare"

people in adverse circumstances
state collects the funds to pay for public goods and services... benefits the public directly
central banks
institution that controls how much money is flowing through the economy, as well as how much it costs to borrow money in that economy

changes the nations inflation rates
prices begin to rise and money loses its value
rules or orders that set the boundaries of a given procedure, may take a number of different forms
comparative advantage
ability to produce a particular good/service more efficiently relative to other countries' efficiency in producing the same good/service
taxes on imported goods
limit the quantity of a good coming into the country
non-tariff barriers
create health, packaging, or other restrictions and whose ostensible purpose is to protect its citizens but which in reality make it difficult or expensive for foreign goods to be sold in the local market
a system of production based on private ownership and free markets
holds that theeconomy should be "allowed to do" what it wishes

"night watchmen"
Social Democracy
they argue that unchecked economic development produces great inequality by concentrating wealth in the hands of very few.

Edward Bernstein
Friedrich List

rejected free-trade theories of liberalism, arguing that states must play a strong role in protecting and developing the national economy against foreign competitors
Asserted that human history is driven by economic relations and inequality and that revolution will eventually replace capitalism with a system of total equality between people

Karl Marx
gross domestic product

the total market value of all goods/services produced within a country over a period of one year
purchasing-power parity

attempts of estimate the buying power of income in each country by comparing similar costs, such as food and housing, using prices in the United States as a benchmark.
Gini Index
a mathematical formula that measures the amount of economic inequality in a society
human development index

total amount of wealth in a society (GDP) BUT the overall outcome of that wealth; well being of the country's people
Bureaucratic authoritarianism
a system in which the state bureaucracy and the military share a belief that a technocratic leadership, focused on rational, objective, and technical expertise, can solve the problems of the country without public participation.
One party rule
rule by one political party, with other parties banned or excluded from power.
a nondemocratic form of rule where religion is the foundation for the regime.
Illiberal regimes
rule by an elected leadership through procedures of questionable democratic legitimacy.
a political system in which political power is exercised either directly or indirectly by the people. Liberty rule of law and equality, competition, participation, liberty…overtime evolved into democracy. In absence of rule of law and be civil war, dictatorship…and so on. Losers and winners; lose today, win tomorrow.
Liberal democracy
a political system that promotes participation, competition, and liberty and emphasizes individualization and power.
indirect democracy that emphasizes the separation of powers within a state and the representation of the public through elected officials.
the right to vote.
Electoral systems
a set of rules that decide how votes are cast, counted, and translated into seats in a legislature.
• Constituency
a geographical area that an elected official represents.
-(single-member district) an electoral district with one seat.
• PR
-(proportional representation) an electoral system in which political parties compete in multimember districts; voters choose between parties, and the seats in the district are awarded proportionally according to the results of the vote.
Mixed electoral systems
an electoral system that uses a combination of single-member districts and proportional representation.
Parliamentary vs. Presidential
Presidential-a political system in which the roles of head of state and head of government are combined in one executive offices. Parliamentary-a political system in which the roles of head of state and head of government are assigned to separate executive offices.
Separation of powers
The clear division of power between different branches of government and the provision that specific branches may check the power of other branches.
• Executive
The branch of government that carries out the laws and policies of a state.
• Legislature
the branch of government charged with making laws.
• Constitutional courts
the highest judicial body in a political system that decides wheather laws and policies violate the constitution.
• Civil liberties vs. rights-
Civil liberties-individual rights regarding freedom that are created by the constitution and the political regime. Civil rights-individual rights regarding equality that are created by the constitution and the political regime.