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152 Cards in this Set

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The Framers believed single-house legislative bodies..

were prone to rash action

Powers of the federal government specifically mentioned in the Constitution are known as..

enumerated powers

The Constitution originally called for election of senators by


What describes a characteristic of the Senate, as opposed to the House of Representatives?

gives advice and consent to the president on treaties

According to the trustee model of representation, representatives should..

use their own judgments on political issues

The House of Representatives is most likely to use a ______ representative style.


Who does the filibuster benefit?

no one, no one benefits from a filibuster it harms everyone

Legislative oversight involves

keeping an eye on how the executives branch carries out the provisions of congressional statues

The constitutional presiding officer of the senate is the

president pro tempore, vice-president

Members of Congress do most of their work

in committees and subcommittees

What is a standing committee?

a permanent committee

Between 1994-2006 congressional elections, the republicans control the house of representatives. Thus,

all chairmanships of standing committees were republicans

most oversight, hearings, and markups of bills takes place

in subcommittees

select committees are

temporary committees

A norm of congress in which members defer to the judgment of specialists is called


A legislative proposal in congress designated with "H.R." or "S." would mean it was a


The Constitution

is vague on what presidents are supposed to do

The presidents of the nineteenth century

for the most part conformed to the designs of the founders

What titles is given to the role of the president as a symbol of national authority and unity?

Chief Executive

Ceremonial responsibilities of the president are particularly useful in that they

add to their prestige and standing with other government officials and the public

Presidents typically outline their yearly legislative agendas with

the State of the Union Address

The commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces is the


What is the title of the official who usually briefs the president each day on foreign policy matters and frequently clashes with the secretary of state?

national security advisor

The most important organization in the Executive office of the president is

the office of management and budget or white house(lecture)

________, while a visible symbol of the executive branch, has met rarely recently and is seldom relied upon to make policy.

The Cabinet

The authors of the Constitution created a system in which the president and Congress are often at odds, which is a ____________ fact of American politics.


According to the original Constitution, presidents were to be chosen

by electors who were appointed by state legislatures

What phrase best characterizes government bureaucracy in the United States in comparison with that of other Western democracies?

fragmented organization and divided control at the top

What two bosses do federal bureaucratic agencies have?

the president and congress

Federal departments are headed by

cabinet-level secretaries

Among the first cabinet departments created was the Department of


What could be described as being responsible for regulating sectors of the economy in which it is judged that the free market does not work properly to protect the public interest?

independent regulatory commissions

Government corporations, like the Postal Service are

created to perform economic activity that private investors are unwilling or unable to perform

More often than not, executive branch bureaucracies

are given a great deal of discretion in executing laws

Another word for patronage is


What kind of positions give presidents more control over the direction of policy in the bureaucracy

patronage postitions

What president appointed the highest number of women and racial groups to the executive branch?


On average, top political appointees stay in office about

22 months

independent regulatory agencies

are supposed to promote the public interest, are outside the department structure of the federal bureaucracy, regulate aspects of the economy, are run by commissioners

The consumer product safety comission regulates such things as


subdivisions within cabinet departments are known as

bureaus and agencies

Bureaucrats are involved inw hich of the following activities?

executing the law, making rules, and adjudicating disputes

Government corporations are

usually created to perform some important economic activity that private investors are unwilling or unable to perform

A whistleblower is

a bureaucrat who reports abuses of power, corruption, financial mismanagement, or other official malfeasance

The Office of Personal Management does each of the follow EXCEPT

oversees and streamlines the federal workforce

Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

are allowed to write specific rules and regulations that carry the force of law

Independent regulatory commissions, like the Interstate Commerce Commission

are protected against direct presidential and congressional control

Bureaucrats are involved in which of the following activites?

executing the law, making rules and adjudicating disputes

Which of these is a way that presidents can exercise their authority over the bureaucracy

the existence of a crisis or widely shared national commitment, the president can use his power as chief budget officer of the federal government, a popular president may be influential, the president can use his power of appointment

The single largest category of federal spending is

mandatory expenditures

A condition of rising prices is known as


Monetary policy refers to

the set of gov't actions having to do with spending and taxes

The total of what gov't owes is called the

national debt

Macroeconomic policy refers

to fiscal and monetary policies

Public policy

is a decision made by gov't that creates lives, programs, and regulations

Gov't fiscal policies have to do with

taxing and spending

What presidents are considered supply-siders?

Ronald reagan, Bush,Clinton

what is an example of agenda setting?

the news media address an issue in the news that resonates with the public and gov't

if the Federal Reserve Board wants to increase aggregate demand in the economy, it

increases the money supply and lowers interest rates

the federal budget deficit is the

annual shortfall between what the gov't spends and what it takes in

congressional incumbents

increasingly come from relatively ______ districts

What kind of committee reconciles difference between house and senate versions of the same bill


the franking privilege allows members of congress to

mail literature related to gov't to constituents free of charge

the framers of the constitution wanted the legislative branch to be

the center of policymaking for the federal government

lawmakers generally try to get on committees

that will help them serve their constituents

Divided government is defined

when the president and the majority n the house or senate belong to different political parties

the council of economic advisors is

a small group of economists located in the executive office of the president

george washington

solidified the prestige of the presidency at a time when executive leadership was mistrusted and the affirmed the primacy of the president in foreign affairs

treaties require

two-thirds support by senate

what does aaron W. mean by two presidencies?

presidents are much more successful when dealing with congress in foreign affairs than domestic affairs

in the role of chief of state, the president

has assumed the leadership role in managing the nation's economy

the president's cabinet

has been designated by law as the primary advisory body in the executive branch

Abe lincoln established precedents for later presidents by

stretching the powers of the institution to achieve his goals

How many tiers does the federal judiciary have?


Planned Parenthood v. Casey held that a state court could limit abortions as long as the regulation did not pose an undue burden on pregnant women.


All federal judicial judicial nominations are first referred to which of the following for a hearing?

Senate Judiciary Committee

A _____ brief is submitted by someone who is not a party to the case.

amicus curiae

The authority to be the first court to hear a case is which type of jurisdiction


what would be most likely to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade on the grounds that the framers did not intend for the constitution to protect abortion rights

Anthony Kennedy

What argued many of the key civil rights cases before the supreme court on behalf of the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) and then later went on to become a justice of the supreme court?

thurgood marshall

The U.S. is divided into 12 geographic ____courts that hear appeals from federal district courts


for a case to be heard in the supreme court, a minimum of how many justices must vote to hear the case?


the 14th amendment suggests that the protections in the bill of rights could be interpreted as applying to the states


government regulation of political speech is subject to ordinary scrutiny


what rule bars the use of illegally seized evidence at trial?


the conference of the US supreme court is

limited to the justices themselves

the grandfather clause was a device that allowed whites who had failed the literacy test to vote as long as their ancestors had voted prior to 1867


In a process known as ____, presidents generally allow senators from the state in which a judicial vacancy occurs to block the nomination

Senatorial courtesy

The supreme court has based a woman's right to an abortion on which grounds?


what nominates US federal judges

the president

Which clause prevents the national government from sanctioning an official religion?


The ____ Act of 1789 established the basic three-tiered structure of the federal court system


What cases did the supreme court declare that, under the law, slaves were not people but private property belonging to their owners?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

The 15th Amendment guarantees citizens the right to vote regardless of _____.


during the 19th century, the bill of rights did not apply to the states


what did jim crow laws mandate

racial segregation

Courts provide a statement of the legal reasoning behind their decisions in written ___


once appellate decisions are published, they become ______ that guide the decisions of other judges in the same circuit.


who attempted to expand the number of supreme court justices in 1937?

president roosevelt

what confers the power to create the office of "chief justice of the US?"

Article III of the Constitution

In which court do cases generally begin?


When a case is granted review in a appellate court, the parties submit written _______ presenting their arguments


How many justices currently serve on the supreme court?


The free exercise clause guarantees that the government will not interfere with the practice of religion


selective incorporation makes the protections from the bill of rights applicable to the states through which amendment


The admissions office at a public university could likely establish a permissible affirmative action policy that awards minority students by bumping up their SAT score by 100 points


What is the authority vested in a particular court to hear and decide the issues in a particular case?


What case did the supreme court first claim the right of judicial review?

Marbury v. Madison

A grand ______ brings indictments in federal trial courts


What does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ban?

discrimination in public accommodations

Since the 1950s, the supreme court gradually eliminated virtually all de facto segregation and discrimination in the US


Following oral arguments and reading briefs on a case, the justices gather for a _____ to reach a decision


When the federal government is a party to a supreme court case, the ____ or one of his or her deputies presents the oral arguments

solicitor general

Federal judges are appointed to ______ terms

Only a(n) _______ court can review the decisions of a lower court


Proponents of what believe that judges should use their power broadly to further justice?

judicial activism

Gender classifications are evaluated by the supreme court using the strict scrutiny standard to ensure that it is necessary to accomplish a permissible state goal and is the least restrictive way to reach that goal.


In Plessy v. Ferguson, the supreme court overturned the separate-but-equal doctrine that the court had established in brown v. board of education.


Civil liberties are religious freedoms that the government can take away


A writ of mandamus is a request submitted to the US Supreme court to review a lower court decision


The ruling in which the US supreme court struck down state-mandated segregation in public schools was called marbury v. madison 1803


In court rulings, reliance on past decisions to formulate decisions in new cases is known as which of the following?

stare deisis

Robert Bork is generally considered to be the swing vote on the roberts court


Federal district courts

are courts of original jurisdiction

Who would be considered a strict constructivist?

Justice Antonin Scalla

The organization of the federal court system is

the prerogative of congress

In 1937, the supreme court decided to

support the new deal, signaling the court's concession to political forces

Appellate courts (other than the supreme court)

exist only to hear appeals, and cases cannot originate in them.

Oral argument before the supreme court

lasts one hour

standing is known as

having authority to bring legal action because one is directly affected by the issues at hand

Appointments to the federal courts are

related to political trends at the time

What is a characteristic of US Courts of Appeals?

new evidence cannot be introduced

A justice who supports the majority opinion but has different reasons for doing so has

written a concurring opinion

When writing the opinion of the Court, the assigned justice will

receive help from law clerks

John Marshall, the principal architect of American Jurisprudence

generally believed that american greatness depended on a strong national government

Federal district courts are courts of

original jurisdiction, which means they do not hear appeals from other courts

What are the formal powers of the chief justice of the supreme court?

He has certain administrative responsibilities but derives most of his power from leadership abilities and the prestige of the office.

The decision of the court in Roe v. Wade was based on the right of


The writ of habeas corpus

is the legal doctrine that a person who is arrested must have a timely hearing before a judge

Under chief justice Taney, from 1836 to 1864, the supreme court tended to

favor economic growth over the personal enjoyment of property

Affirmative action is

a program of private and public institutions that favor minorities and women in an attempt to compensate for past discrimation

The case of Gitlow v. NY is important b/c it

incorporated the freedom of speech to the states

What is a "white primary"?

A primary held in the winter usually in November and a Jim Crow strategy

A bill attainder

is a governmental decree that a person is guilty of a crime that carries the death penalty, rendered without benefit or a trial

the seneca falls convention focused on

women's rights

Mmos of our civil rights and liverties

have evolved over time through the political process

In Mapp v. Ohio (1961), the court enunciated the ______ to prevent police and prosecutors from using evidence gained through warrantless and unreasonable searches to convict people

exclusionary rule

Civil rights refer to

government guarantees that all citizens can participate as equals in the practice of democracy

Under what type of scrutiny does the supreme court examine racial discrimination?

strict scrutiny

An ex post facto law

is a law that retroactively declares some action illegal

The 14th amendment to the constitution

extended equal protection under the law to all citizens

The ____ Amendment outlawed slavery
