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51 Cards in this Set

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Individual freedoms from government interferance within limits.

Civil Liberties

Government action utilized to guarantee rights of citizenship.

Civil Rights

Habeas Corpus

cannot be arrested and put in jail without a trial and due process.

Bills of Attainer

Cant pass laws against or target a specific group

Ex Post Facto

Cannot be arrested for something that became law after it happened

Establishment Clause

No laws can be passed against a specific establishment or religion.

Strict Separationist View

Always a NO perpective

Accomodationist View

Exception made based on a solid reason.

Neutralist Perspective

Law applies neutrally to everyone no exceptions

Everson VS. Board of Education


1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Subsidized bus fair for students to get to a catholic school was ok because it was in the best nature of public safety.

Engel VS. Vitele

Seperationist View

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Teacher lead prayer in school banned

Abington School District VS. Schempp

Seperationist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Bible Reading in school banned

Lemon VS. Kurtzman

Seperationist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Subsidized salaries for teachers not permitted.

* Resulted in 3 Tests

Wallace VS. Saffree

Seperationist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Moment of silence not allowed in school as its true motive was prayer in school.

Goldman VS. Weimberger

Neutralist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Cannot wear anything under helment

Edwards VS. Aguilard

Seperatist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Evolution, creationism not taught equally anymore

Employment Division VS. Smith

Neutralist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Being fired was upheld cause drugs are bad and banned for everyone no matter the reason.


Church of B.A.V. VS. City of Hialeah

Accomodationist View1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Church could continue sacrificing chickens cause they were targeted.

Corp of Presiding Bishop VS. Amos

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Could be fired from job for not getting certified with the church.

- Exemption from C.R.A.

Agostini VS. Felton

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Can subsidize teacher salaries if they are teaching secular subjects

City of Boerne VS. Arch Bishop S.A.

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

City can prevent restoration effort


Santa Fe VS. Doe

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Student lead prayer was not permitted.

Zelman VS. Harris

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

School vounchers allowed at catholic schools

Kitzmiller Etal VS. Dover School District

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Biology classes don't have to tell of creationist alternative and offer bible to students.

McCreary Co VS. ACLU

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

10 commandments cannot be posted at courthouse due to religious intent being a motivation.

Van Order VS. Perry

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

10 commandment statue allowed due to historic intent.

Intermountain Fair Housing Council VS. Boise Rescue Mission

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Restricting help to same faith members is allowed.

Burnwell VS. Hobby Lobby

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Company allowed to refuse covering contraceptive of employees.

- Closely held private businesses exempt

Town of Greece VS. Galloway

1st Ammendment (RELIGION)

Opening sessions with prayer allowed

Benefits of Freedom of Speech (4)

- Informed citizens

- Watchdog of government

- Voice for minorities

- Preservation of the truth

Alien and Sedition Acts

Power to deport immigrants and gave immigrants less power to vote.

Espionage Act

Was a crime to interfere with war effort

Sedition Act

Crime to vocally oppose the government or advocate draft dodging.

McCarran Act

Required communists to register

Smith Act

Cannot advicate overthrow of the government

- Dennis: arrest upheld for it

Communist Control Act

Communist Party outlawed

Yates Decision

Required "Imminent Threat" to convict

Nazi Right to march upheld because it was interpreted as "_____"

symbolic speech

Sullivan Test (3)

1. Prove it false

2. Prove they knew it was false

3. Prove malicious intent

4th Ammendment

Unreasonable search and seizure

5th Ammendment

Protection against self incrimination

Due Process

14th Ammendment

Equal Protection/Treatment of the Law

Matt VS. Ohio

Rights of the Acused (4th,5th,14th)

Cannot use evidence for a crime not on the warrant

Exclusionary Rule

Gideon VS. Wayneright

Rights of the Acused (4th, 5th,14th)

Argued he didnt get due process after being convicted of burglary.

Right to an Attorney

Maranda VS. Arizona

Rights of the Acused (4th,5th,14th)

Right to Remain Silent

U.S. VS. Leon

Rights of the Acused (4th,5th,14th)

Good faith exception to exclusionary rule

8th Ammendment

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Suspect Classifications

Not Allowed

Eg. Race

Quasi-Suspect Classifications

Intermediate Review

Eg. Sex, Gender

Non-suspect Classifications

Minimum Rationality Test

Eg. Age, Height

Two Types of Equality

Procedural Equality (right to vote)

Subsitive Equality (outcomes equal?)