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76 Cards in this Set

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observations or descriptions of reality
pertaining to or characterized by preferences or value judgements
based on researcher's informed understanding of the events under study, often based upon his or her personal involvement in research narrative, avoiding numerical comparisons of cases
indirect causation
one variable exerts causal influence on another only b changing the value of other varibles that directly effect it
causal model
graphically specifies a set of relationships b/w concepts or varialbes such that change in one or more precedes and gives rise to change in another
explanatory research
designed to discover factors that should be included in theorizing and research on a subject
negative relationship
exists when corresponding values on 2 variables change in opposite directions
simple enough to be understood, complex enough to be useful
abstract assertion about relationships that serves as a foundation for theoretical reasoning but it's subject to empirical test
word or phrase that represents an idea or phenomenon
characteristic that takes on different values from one case to another or, for a given case, from one time to another
independent variable
variable whose own values changes influence the value of some other variable
covarational relationship
2 or more concepts or variables tend to change together for unspecified reasons
spurious relationship
2 varibles co- vary but only b/c of changce or b/c of the action of some other variable
4 elements of causation
covariation, cause must precede effect, not spurious, logical link
2 types of propositions
covaration and causation
reasoning that generalizes from what has been observed to what hasn't
random errors
nonsystematic measurement errors that render indicators invalid and unreliable as measurements of a concept
characteristic or score of a particular case on a given variable
pragmatic validiation
process of determining the pragmatic (practical) validity of an indicator
convergent validation
several measures of a common concept provide essentially the same result
measurement that merely classifies cases w/o regard to rank or distances b/w cases, has no true zero
measurement that is mutuall exclusive, exhaustive, regards rank order and distances b/w cases and has a true zero
face validity
characteristic of a measure that gives it intuitive appeal
device or procedure used for taking a measurement
7 parts of research process
formulation of theory, operationalization of theory, selection of research techniques, observation of behavior, analysis of data, interpretation of results, publication of results
operational definition
set of observations that represent abstract concepts
traditional knowledge
taking something that's true in 1 aspect of life and applying it to another
applied research
research that has the primary purpose of examinng or resolving particular policy problems
process of designating sets of obsservations to represent abstract concepts
permits results of research on a limited set of cases to be extended to the population from which those cases are drawn
observations of or info abut reality arising from research process
stating conceptual explantions for real- world events by asserting systems of relationships among concepts
possible explanation for an event, often a set of logically related assumptions and propositions
descriptive research
concerned primarily w/ measuring some aspect of reality for its own sake rather than w/ developing or testing some theory
theory testing
effort to demonstrate utility of a theory throughout research
statement predicting the relationship b/w variables
theoretical import
degree to which a concept plays an important role in the conceptual explanation of an event
interventing variable
influences the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable
statement of relationship b/w concepts that's logically derived from assumptions of a theory; component of a theory
alternative hypothesis
alternative explanation for obtained results that logically can't be accurate if initial hypothesis is accurate
key word or phrase
word or phrase that's meaningfully related to a given concept, used for bibliographic research
measurment error
inaccuracies in observation of reality; differences b/w reality and recorded observations of it
application of an instrument to count or in some other way quantify observations of reality
extent to which measures correspond to the concepts they are intended to reflect
pragmatic (predictive) validity
validity of an indicator as a measure of a concept that's demonstrated by the ability to use it to predict the values of indicators of other concepts
multiple indicators
more than one measure of the same variable, esp. useful for enhancing the validity of indicators
measurement that classifes and ranks cases w/o regard to distance b/w them
mutually exclusive
characteristic of measures by which a given case can be assigned to only 1 category
discriminate validation
characteristic whereby a measure is valid for 1 concept alone as opposed to several concepts
internal validation
form of construct validity that evaluates if the measures are accuratley evaluating the theoretical concepts
5 elements of scientific knowledge
1. empirical
2. systematic
3. causal
4. provisional
5. objective
basic research
research whose primary purpose is to develop or test a scientific theory
research based on statistical comparisions of the characteristics of the numerical measurement representing cases being studied
periodical indexes
list identifying the location of a word in a book or article
circumstance in which persons under study modity their behavior in reaction to the research itself
research question
question identifying the basic info we're seeking in a research project
multiple causation
an effect is the result of more than one cause
explanatory research
designed to discover factors that should be included in theorizing and research on a subject
positive relationship
corresponding values on 2 variables change in the same direction
reasoning that moves from abstract statements about general relationships to concrete statements about specific behaviors
theory elaboration
result of theory testing that refines a theory rather than confirming or refuting the theory
empirical referents
observable object or event that corresponds to a concept
depedent variable
value changes in response to changes in the value of some other variable
causal relationship
relationship in which change in 1 or more concepts or varialbes leads to changes in 1 or more other concepts or variables
antecedent variables
variable that precdes another variable and, for a given hypothesis, is regarded as the independent variable
systematic errors
measurement errors that affect all applications of an instrument and render indicators invalid as measures of a concept
specific measurement of a variable
consitency w/ which a measuring instrument allows assignment of values to cases
construct validiation
characteristic of a measure by which it behaves as we would expect on the basis of theory
levels of measurement
amount of info provided by a set of instruments
interval measurement
classifies and rank orders cases so that the distance b/w cases is known by using a standard unit of measurement, no true zero
collectively exhaustive
characteristic of measures by which all cases can be assigned to at least 1 category
working hypothesis
statement predicting a relationship b/w indicators
external validiation
pertains to the degree to which a a given study relates to other populations
linear relationship
relatinship b/w 2 varibles that can be graphically represented as a straight line