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52 Cards in this Set

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Laws and Regulations


Political System

Political Stability

Trade Agreements and Regulations

Governments Influence

(Tech Economic Social)

Government has a lot of influence

Social: Government expects a certain level of CSR

Technology: Government involved with patents and regulation

Economic: Government regulates banks and investment bankers

How Government Influences Businesses

Customer- Government is a large and stable customer that will help with brand reputation

Competitor- Government can create crown corporations which act as competitors to for profit organizations

How Government Influences Businesses Cont.

Taxation Agent- All 3 levels of government collect taxes, 3 types of taxes: progressive, regressive and restrictive

Provider of Incentive and Financial Support- tax breaks, subsidies, research funding etc.

How Government Influences Businesses Cont.

Provider of essential services: highways, health care, national defence

Regulator/ Law Maker- Government regulates business activity- promotes competition and protects customers

Intellectual Property Rights

Information and innovation is costly and time consuming but once developed is cheap and easy to copy, therefore little incentive to innovate

Intellectual Property Rights Cont.

Government provides IPR's as incentive to innovate:

Provide a competitive advantage

Protect new businesses from more established businesses taking there ideas and implementing them


Placed on symbol, shape and/or words

Shapes/ symbols used to identify brand reputation therefore this establishes protects brand reputation

Lasts 15 years with option to renew


Exclusive rights to innovation

Placed on products, composites, apparatuses and improvements on theses

Must be new, useful and ingenious

Last 20 years


Placed on original work of art

Provides credit and royalties to owner

Subject to copyright immediately when created (no registery)

Last life time + 50 years

Governments Link to Porters 5 Forces

(Rivalry Among Existing Competitors)

Rivalry Among Existing Competitors- Government can create crown corporations which act as competitors to for profit organizations

These corporations are large and not profit driven

Government can control firms power in an industry (i.e. prevent mergers)

Governments Link to Porters 5 Forces



Government itself is a large, influential buyer

Government can effect number of buyers in market due to tax they place on product

Governments Link to Porters 5 Forces

(Potential Entrants)

Potential Entrants

Government can create barriers to entry as it gets to choose who can and cannot enter an industry

Government can support entered of small businesses through tax breaks and advice

Governments Link to Porters 5 Forces



Government can offer substitutes to private goods

Over lower cost because government is not profit driven

I.e.- public transportation

Governments Link to Porters 5 Forces



Government signs and forms trade agreements which provides more access to more suppliers decreasing domestic supplier bargaining power

Government itself supplies essential services i.e. healthy and educated workers

How Businesses Influence Government

Lobyist- hired to represent the interests of a company or group

Trade Alliances- fragmented industries gathering (collaborating)- increases bargaining power

How Businesses Influence Government Cont.

Advertisements- Corporations with a large consumer base can use advertisements to influence voters

Industry Contract- Provides expert opinions on industry

Sole Proprietorship

Owner managed business

Owner and business are one legal entity

Taxed as a personal income

Advantages of Sole Proprietorship

Easy to form

Complete control over decisions and profit

Little Regulation

Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship

Lack of resources

Hard to obtain outside funding

Unlimited Liability

Lack of continuity


2 or more owners

Business and owners still one legal entity

Different types of partners- general and limited

Advantages of Partnership

Easy to form- partnership agreement

Lack of regulation

Greater pool of resources (know how and money)

Disadvantages of Partnership

Hard to switch ownership

Still hard to obtain outside funding

Unlimited liability for general members


3 types of corporations: Crown, Public and Private

Many owners

Decisions made by board of directors

Owners and business are separate entities

Public Corporation

Shares are available to public (publicly traded) with many shareholders

Easy to transfer onwership

Flat tax, Limited liability

Easy to transfer ownership

Easy to obtain outside funding

Costly and complex to form

High regulation, Double taxation

Private Corporation

Shares are not available to public, select group of shareholders

Relatively flat tax- lower than public

Easy to obtain outside funding


High Regulation

Crown Corporation

A business that is started and run by a country's state or government


Countries have become increasingly more dependent on each other

Forms or Competitive Advantage

Absolute Advantage: cheaper/better than any other country

Comparative Advantage: cheaper/ better than other products; lower opportunity cost

Forms or Competitive Advantage

National Competitive Advantage (4 factors)

1) Demand Conditions

2) Factor Conditions

3) Supplementry / Related Industries

4) Rivalry, Firm Strategy, Structure

Demand Condtions

Domestic demand- if high then business will develop know how and experience economies of scale

Factor Conditions

Availability, quality and price of inputs

Related/Supplementary Industries

Proximity to end users, complementary industries and suppliers

Barriers to Going International

Cultural and Social Differences-

Different cultures/ societies have different needs and expectations that must be recognized by business

Economic Differences- Exchange rate

Political Differences- trade barriers

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Achieving Financial Performance)

Governments can raise taxes, decreasing disposable income therefore decreasing a businesses profits

Governments impose IPR's which encourage innovation leading to greater financial performance

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Meeting Customer Needs)

Government provides necessary services including healthcare and education essential in meeting customer needs

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Building Quality Goods and Services)

Government provides funding for research and development to help develop better quality goods

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Engouraging Innovation and Creativity)

Government provides Intellectual Property Rights

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Encouraging Worker Commitment)

Government expects/ enforces a certain level of CSR as its primary responsibility is to protect the needs of its people

Government's Influence on Businesses Achieving 6 CSF

(Creating a Distinct Competitive Advantage)

Intellectual Property Rights

Strategy's to Enter International Market

(In order from low to high risk)

License / royalties, local agent, branch office, local firm alliance, foreign subsidiaries

License / Royalties

Giving rights to another producer to produce your good

Cant control volume produced

Local Agent

Hiring a local sales person who is knowledgable about the local culture

Branch Office

Will service customers in that country (no manufacturing will occur in office)

Local Firm Alliance

Joint venture

50/50 division of production

Foreign Subsidiary

Establishing full operations in another country

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Financial Performance)

Financial Performance

Business are able to gain greater profits due to larger market available

If tariff is attached to product this will diminish profits

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Meeting Customer Needs)

Meeting Customer Needs

Different cultures/ societies have different expectations/ needs that business have to adjust to

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Building Quality Goods and Services)

Building Quality Goods and Services

Greater access to resources that are potentially cheaper

Increase competitiveness forces firms to provide quality goods to remain competitive

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Encouraging Innovation and Creativity)

Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

Increased competition therefore must innovate to remain competitive

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Fostering Employee Commitment)

Fostering Employee Commitment

Employees and local agents must receive incentive to help success in foreign countries

How International Business Affects Achieving 6 CSF

(Creating Distinct Competitive Advantage)

Creating Distinct Competitive Advantage

International business must have advantage over domestic businesses