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20 Cards in this Set

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The institutions and people, usually in the Executive Branch, who administer the laws and services of the government.
A point of view favoring political and social policies that preserve and maintain the existing order. View government as best that governs least - see government as infringement on individual and economic rights.
A dual form of government in which sovereignty ( the power to rule others) is shared between state governments and a national government.
A point of view favoring political and social policies of non-revolutionary change, progress and reform. Advocate government involvement in the economy and provision of social services. Believe government should take active role in protecting individual rights, women and minorities and the environment.
Public Policy
A course of action followed by the government in dealing with a problem or issue.
Checks and Balances
A form of limited government. Each of the three branches of government has some degree of oversight and control over the actions of the other branches.
A person living in a public official’s district.
The institution or authority that makes and administers public policy.
The activities of groups and organizations that seek to influence legislative and executive action at the local, state and National level, to the advantage of the group.
A representative, or indirect democracy.
When conflicting parties and interests come to an agreement on a common course of action. When there is general agreement, there is consensus.
Civil Service
Government employees who obtain their jobs through examination rather than political appointment.
The written law that describes the organs of government, their power, limitations, and the relationship between citizens and the government.
The totality of socially transmitted institutions, beliefs, arts and behavior patterns of a community. A given group’s common ideas, values, attitudes, beliefs and behavior that are transmitted from one generation to the next. Government and politics shapes and is shaped by the culture of society. American culture is broad and diverse with many subcultures.
The person currently holding a public office.
Interest Group
A group that comes together because of a common goal or interest and tries to influence the government.
Popular Sovereignty
The theory that sovereignty - the power to rule - ultimately rests with the people.
Public Opinion
What the public thinks about an issue(s) at any point in time.
Separation of Powers
An example of limited government. Each of the branches of the government have different powers and are selected by and responsible to different constituencies. This works to limit the power of the government.
Social Contract
The belief that people are free and equal by nature - a natural right - and that in order to live in communities and societies, people give their consent to be governed. This agreement is the basis of the social contract.