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75 Cards in this Set

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In legal-rational authority, the ruler exercises power to govern based on legal rules and procedures to maintain public order. As leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Mao’s political authority was _______
Largely legal-rational and charismatic.
Political Ideologies are sets of ideas and beliefs that inspire and affect political action, thus, ideologies are ____
Never Neutral
The following features best describe free-market environmentalism.
Private property ownership; free market economy; full environmental production cost.
According to Mintz et. al ___ is largely about collective decision-making, because of the diversity of needs, ideas, and wants andthe resources for distribution are never enough
Examples of Counter-ideologies are ____
environmentalism, reform liberalism, and social conservatism
_____ is generally a desirable good for all members of the community.
Common good
Power is inherent in politics as people are largely _____
coerced, influenced, or persuaded to obtain the common good.
The following features best describe Marxism and communism
Class conflict, cooperative nature of human beings, workers control the state
In Canada, education is a political issue, so that Canadians have _____regarding funding for educational institutions.
different opinions
The following features best describe socialist feminism
patriarchal capitalist system; transformation of capitalist system
The following features best describe conservatism
Inherently irrational humans, law and order, and strong government
When Canada imposed Sanctions on Russia, Canada was using power as _____
Politics is important in conflict resolution. Whether in a family, business, or government, people with ____
opposing views do cooperate
Government decisions have ______ on the lives of people
Different impacts.
______ suggest that a limited government should promote the separation between religion and politics
The key characteristics of liberal democracy:
Western representative democracy, rule of law, and rights and freedoms
In a _______, the political executives are also legislators.
Parliamentary system
When public laws are being decided by the people themselves, _____ exists.
_____ means citizens have the opportunity to evaluate regularly how political leaders perform in office.
A nation refers to a group of people who have a sense of belonging based largely on _____
The political leaders in a ____ regime encourage the proliferation of civil society organizations advocating their own political interests.
The government makes political and administrativedecisions on a daily basis. Thus, it includes the following:
prime minister, cabinet, and bureaucracy
The Benn video emphasizes the principles of ____ in a functioning democracy
Freedom and equality
This form of government subjects everyone, including the government, under the law.

The state is characterized by the following:
sovereign, government, and permanent
Plebiscitary democracy is most appropriately described as:
Populist, direct vote by citizens, and citizen's petition
When the citizens elect their political leaders, it indicates _____ present in liberal democracy.
Popular participation
Representative democracy is best described as:
party representation, election, and indirect democracy
Timely access to information is important in _____ democratic government
Adolf Hitler in Germany was a ______ leader because his government controlled and monitored the lives of citizens.
totalitarian regime
When the interests of the voters in a riding, rather than national interest, are the priority, representation is called ______
delegate model
_____ Ideology supports New Public Management which adopts entrepreneurship into public administration
In the New Public Management, public administration is characterized as:
businesslike, lean public service, and decentralized
Thelegislature in presidential system is ___ than parliamentary system because thelegislators are able to develop or modify policy proposals.
more open
It implies that external controls over the power of the bureaucracy are necessary.
Theyare generally viewed as the most powerful government agencies because they haveadministrative, fiscal, and policy powers.
Central Agencies
____ implies that parliamentary lawmakers cannot always vote according to their conscience.
Strong party discipline
Holding the government accountable for its actions or inactions is the responsibility of the ____
Amajority government in a parliamentary system is very decisive,thus effective, because the political executives control ____ of government.
Both the executive and legislative branches
Partnership with voluntary organization is a _____ strategy of delivering government services.
New Public Management
In instrumental representation, the voter is called ____ in its relationship with the member of parliament.
Being involved in policymaking is generally viewed as a political function of the modern bureaucracy. It includes ______
drafting of proposed bills
The ___ control(s) the power of the bureaucrats because of the ability to appoint or remove deputy ministers from their advisory functions.
Cabinet ministers
Alberta has a one-party dominant system because one particular party wins elections and governs for a long period of time, but there are ____ in elections.
more than two parties competing
The political party which may have a better chance to govern in a democracy because it is perceived as less ideological, and seeks compromises of varied interests.
brokerage party
It connects the citizens and their government
political party
The central or national government is specified by the constitution to have the only sovereign power in a ______.
Unitary system
Theconstitution establishes the fundamentalrules and principles by which a State is governed. Thus, itspecifies the State's ____.
Form of government
A _____ always produces a majority government
one-party dominant system
Whether the state has a fusion or separation of political powers is determined by its _____
_____ allows the courts to declare a law to be unconstitutional.
Judicial review
Thenotwithstanding clause allows provincial governments to pass laws that ___ aCanadian citizen’s freedom of opinion or expression.
May suppress
The Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada are originally ____
Cadre parties or elite-based.
The rule of law or constitutionalism in liberal democracies means that there should be limits on the power of _____
This party system has five or more significant parties, with no single party having a large number of seats
Fragmented multi-party system
Theproportional representation is a/an ___ because it determines the number ofseats a political party could win based on the percentage of votes and,eventually, which party could form the government.
electoral system
This principle gives every adult citizen in a democracy the right to choose political leaders regardless of gender, ethnicity, class, or education.
Universal suffrage
The world values survey results indicating support for democracy is an example of _____
public opinion
It is the primary means by which citizens participate in government affairs.
It is anelectoral system that gives a political party seats based on winning the mostvotes in some districts as well as the popular votes.
mixed-member proportional
The preferential voting requires a candidate to win the majority of votes after the voters preferences are considered and counted. Thus, it is a ____ system.
It is an electoral system that ensures the winning candidate has the support of the majority of the constituency.
Preferential voting system
It suggeststhat there are various political cultures in a political community, such asethnic, linguistic, religious, class, regional, gender or generationalgroupings.
It explains why most Albertans dislike big governments.
Political sub-culture
They haveinfluence over government leaders, laws and public policies, but they do notonly seek to change public policies but also transform the values of thesociety in general.
Social movements
Theymaintain their effectiveness in influencing government actions and policiesbecause of the largely grassroots nature of political participation, whichpotentially generates new ideas and shape political discourse.
Social movements.
Thisparticular perspective considers the role of media in shaping political cultureas served neither by public nor private organizations, but by making journalismas ethical as possible.
Social responsibility
Family plays an important role in _____ , thus, if our parents value voting and elections we are more likely to vote during elections.
Political socialization
This term implies that elections generally allow the citizens to choose the party they believe is most competent to design and implement solutions to deal with important government issues.
Valence issues
It occurs when children hear their parents give their views on the political parties.
Political socialization.
In principle, politicalrepresentation requiresthe Members of Parliament to cast their votes based on ____.
The people's wishes
Thebureaucracy's main function is to run the government as efficiently as possibleon a daily basis.
Public Administration
Theconstitution of the UK is ___ because it does not have a formal document calledthe Constitution.
In democracies, political parties help articulate political interests to the public as their parties’ policy _____.
The Canadianconstitution can be considered a mixture of a variety of elements consisting of constitutional conventions,such as the ___.
Non-confidence rule in Parliament.