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48 Cards in this Set

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Discrete quantification
The presence or absence of a thing. Something that can be put into a category. Male/female, as sex
Continuous quantification
capture the notion of variation along a continnum, age. Many values on a single scale
How well an experiment was performed given the method in which it was done.
questions the method of the experiment, properly performed, operationalized
taking a concept that is up in the air and making it concrete and measurable
a sentence of a particularly well, breed
must be falsifiable, could be wrong, beware of tautologies
Russett - Democratic Norms and Culture
Between 1946-1986, looked at politically relevant dyads and found the democracies were less likely to be in war. Contributes this to structural factors - checks and balances, relelection, process of declaration of war and culutral normative where a politician embodies the ideals of a democracy and treats others that way ways to explain the phenomenon
Farber & Gowa - Politics & Peace
Relationship between democracy and peace is in no way conclusive. If lengtehn the period studied then there is no correlation.

Democratic peace is recent in origin and coincides with the cold war, can be equated with common politics as opposed to cultural normative effects. These effects are undifferentiable from each other
Hobbes - On the natural condition of mankind
People in anarchy live in a state of perpetual fear, and the dnager of a violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Men = no pleasure in keeping company where there is no power able to overawe them all. Every man thinks his companion should value him the same way he values himself

reasons for war. 1. competition 2. glory 3. diffidence
Natural Law
law of self preservation and forbids humans from taking actions destructive in their own lives.
Hedley Bull - Hobbes and International Anarcy
States are in a condition of war...as in they have aknown disposition to fight. Price to pay of international anarchy is worth everyone's security.
Prisoners dilemma
confession is the dominant strategy, although sub-optimal, neither has a unilateral incentive to switch. Does not depend on lack of communication, does not arise from uncertainty. Does depend on lack of mutual concert
Stag hunt game
No dominant strategy, two possible equilibria and it depends on the trust or assurance that the other player would actually go for the stag instead of going for the rabbit. That is preempt of lie low.
Security dilemma
The idea that increasing the currency of a foreign nation jervis
Jervis - cooperation under the security dilemma
Two crucial variables
1. Differentiation between defensive and offensive weapons
2. Whether defense or offense as the advantage

Defensive weapons should be unrecognizeable and hidden well.

offense advantage - it is easier to destroy the other's army and take its territory than it is to defend one's own

defensive advantage - it is easier to protect and to hold than it is to move forward, destroy and take

What determines which advantage is technology and geographyr
Reiter - Exploding the Powder Keg Myth - preemptive wars almost never happen
Causes of preemption - the spiral model, escalating spirals out of hostility and fear, both fear worse state scenarios. Offense defense balance - wars are more likely when the offense is perceived to have the advantage.

Preemption bears high political costs

Preemption is a self denying prophecy... states take steps to have peaceful resolutions
Aggressive: acquire aggresive weapons, build beyond defense requirement, initial beliefs

Peaceful: arms control agreements, shift to defensive building posture, unilaterally restraining build up
Pollack - Next stop baghdad
The united states should invade Iraq because the present regime is dangerous and nonabiding to international agreements. Neither deterrence or containment will work. Must be aggressive
Mearshimer & Walt -An unnecessary War
The united states can contain Iraq effectively, Saddamn can be deterred because he is not a serial aggressor
The use of threats to convince another party that it is not worth fighting with them
To induce deterrence
1. Make war less palatable to the other side
2. Make capitulation from the other side less attractive
3. Make other side think that you will fight
4. Make backing down more palatable to the other sate
Reiter - Exploring the bargaining model of war
Three conditionss under which war is possible 1. disagreement between two sides 2. War may occure because of an inability to commit not to fight in the future 3. advantages to be had from striking first, then the outcomes of the war will differ
Bilmes - Iraq's 100 year mortgage
there are many social and economic costs to war that impact the United States that are not immediatlely taken into account
Reasons why bargaining does not work
1. indivisibility - the prize is hard to divide
2. overconfidence - overestimation of chance of victory = disappearance of bargaining range
3. Leaders want reputation for toughness
4. Promise breaking - a and B strike a bargain, A becomes more powerful relative B, A demands a new bargain, else war
Chapman & Reiter - The UN security council and the rally around the flag effect
When nation is involved in international conflict, the public will rally to support the national leadership. Patriotism drives the rally effect. Therefore, international organizations do good.
Meyer-Carcass of dead policies: The irrelevance of Nato
The legitimate threat that justified NATO... the S.U. no longer exists
The whole nature of contemporary europe has changed to where it has outgrown such alliances
NATO has become less important in the security interests as Rusia
NATOs programs since the cold war have seemingly expanded expnoentially and the organizing rationale has change
ISOs help with cooperation
punishment of cheaters, create trust and reduces uncertainty through repeated interaction, reduce transaction costs that link issues

security council approval leads to more
Lake - Rational extremism: Understanding Terrorism in the 21st century
Extremists- shift the balance of power to their favor, and shift bargaining range closer to their ideals. no over bargaining.

Moderates are sometimes willing to work with extremists

Response to terrorism - multilateralism, coalition operates as a fire alarm for the international community
Pape - the logic of a suicide terrorist
Suicide terrorism is startegic. It coerces a target government to change its policies to mobolize additional recruits and financial support for both.

ST is on the rise because it works, more ambitious campaigns are not likely to achieve greater gains

Reduce terrorists confidence in ability to carry out such attacks

Demonstrative terrorism- mainly directed at gaining publicity to recruit more activists

Destructive terrorism - inflicting harm on members of targer audience

Suicide terrorism- most aggressive, and coercion is paramount. Suicide terrorism attempts to inflict enough pain on the opposing society to overwhelm their interest in resisting the terrorists demand and lead to concessions. A
Altran- The genesis of suicide terrorism
First line of defense is to stop people from becoming terrorists in the first place

Doubtful because STs are often portrayed as crazy with a senseless objective for destruction. "fundamental attribution error" - explaining behvior in terms of the individual when significant situational factors are at work

currently don't know what those factors are
Altran, Axelrod, Davis - Sacred Barriers to conflict resolution
Overcoming moral barriers to smbolic concessions and their emotional underpinnings may pose more of a challenge but offer greater chances of peace

There are more than rational thought to be taken into consideration
The irregular use of violence by nonstate groups against nonmilitary targets and personnel for political ends.
The melian dialogue
Arguement of the liberal and realist ideas of international relations. Melians wanted their neutrality respected. Athens took realist stance.. the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Exterminated population.
Ellis - Utilitarianism and International Ethics
act utilitarianism - case by case basis of overall good

Rule utilitarianism - criterion is applied not to particular acts but to general rules and principals

States are commited to 1. the safety and happiness of its citizens 2. fundamental duty to the world at large
Jus ad bellum
Jus in bello
permissible to go to war?
Conduct in war? in utilitarianism there is nothing that is immoral unless the means do not justify the ends
Fiser - duty theories
Four types
1. duty to God, oneself and others
2. Rights theory - rights are related in such a way that the rights of one person implies the duties of another person. Moral rights that are natural and inalienable
3. kant - singleprinicple duties. Treat people as an ends not a means
4. Ross, duties are part of the fundamental nature of the universe of fidelity, reparation, grattitude, justice, nefience, self improvemnt... even if duties conflict there iwll e an intuition of what the actual t=duty is
How things are
how things should be

Moral skepticism , Consequentialism, nonconsequentialism
Moral Skepticism
Amoralism, moral diversity, poltical realism. Moral behaviro is dangerous, irresponsible, hypocritical and pointless
Utilitarianism - overall happiness improved ... problem of incomparable goods, greedy preferences, special duies, do consequences really matter?
Consequences are irrelevant to ethics
Moderate version - they aren't the only ethical standard
Holt - Mortality, reduced to arithmetic
Bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki mark the trumph of utilitarianism over absoute moralism (based on the nonconsequentialist dcotrine)
Crawford - Just war and theory and us counterterror war
Ask whether the cause of the war was just, self defense is the only unambigiously legitimate justification for the use of force
Proportionality & Discimination
Proportionality - violence must be in proportion to the aims of the war

Disscrimination is the injunction to avoid injuring noncombatants.
Doctrine of double effect
death of combatants are permissible if the military gaol of the action was action was just, i.e. they were unintended
Cornell - Jihad; Islam's struggle for the truth
Jihad in the Koran is used to indicate struggling and toiling for God
Christian just war theory
Grounds for war: 1. just cause 2. last resort 3. chance of success

Conduct in war - discrimination, proportional tactics, violence in proportion with cause

Discrimination of noncombatants and combatants, proportional tactics
Islamic just war theory
jihad - striving, toiling for God
Propogate islam, use as a last resort