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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the idea of an international community?
Community bound together by shared values, benefits and responsibilities and common rules and procedures
What type of thinking is International Community indicative of?
Constructivist Thinking
Although war and conflict cannot be completely avoided, what can be done?
War and conflict can be done "properly"
Two parts of Just War
Jus Ad Bellum- Right to Go To War

Jus in Bello- Following right conduct while in war
What are some components of Jus ad Bellum?
- War has a just cause
- Comparative Justice (injustice suffered by one side outweighs the other)
- Legitimate authority
- Right intention (no material gain)
- Probability of success
What are some components of Jus in Bello?
- Directed at enemy combatants, not civilians
- Proportionality
- Military Neccesity
What is International Law?
A body of rules which binds states and other agents in world politics in their relations with one another
How does International Law differ from Domestic Law?
- No international sovereignty
- No world legislature
- Consent, no real enforcement
Two sources of International Law
- Treaties
- Customary Practices
The policies of a treaty are forced upon who?
Only those nations who signed the treaty.
True or false
Treaties are always on a global scale
Can be bilateral or multilateral.
How are treaties monitored?
It is assumed that treaties will be kept and performed in good faith, it is hard to monitor.
What are customary practices?
International customs that represent the established and consistent practice of states in international relations.
Who are expected to follow Customary practices?
It is seen as binding to all states, not just those who have expressly committed to them.
When did the International Criminal Court get established?
1998, Came into force in 2002
What is the stated purpose of the ICC?
Have the power to try individuals accused of the most egregious including war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
Characteristics of First Generation Human Rights
- Liberty, participation in politics
- Protects individuals from excesses of the state
- Freedom of speech, religion, suffrage, fair trial
Characteristics of Second Generation Human Rights
- Related to equality
- Different members of a citizenry receive equal rights and privileges
- Right to employment, shelter, health care
Characteristics of Third Generation Human RIghts
- Remains largely unofficial
- Defines a broad spectrum
- Economic and social development
True or False

It is suggested that peacekeeping and intervention reflect failures in world politics

Righting a wrong that could have been avoided in the first place
What event resulted in a marked increase of peacekeeping missions?
The end of the Cold War
Why was optimism high after the creation of the UN?
It was believed that it could be a primarily positive influence and serve for the good.
With who and when did the idea of Peacekeeping originate?
Lester B. Pearson, 1956 with the Suez Canal.
Why was the optimism for peace at a high level following the conclusion of the Cold War?
The solving of a long-winded ideological struggle resulted in optimism
Criticism of Peacekeeping- Conceptual Issues
- Peacekeeping just freezes hostilities, does not solve shit
- Lack of proactivity
Criticisms of Peacekeeping- Legal Provisions
- Used to be invited, nowadays peacekeeping is generally needed most where it is not wanted.
- Question of whether peacekeeping will improve or worsen conditions. Will we ever really know?
- Interventions means a side must be chosen
- Intervention can be used to hide ulterior motives
Criticisms of Peacekeeping-
Operational Problems
- Since it is not conventional warfare, rules of engagement can be confusing
- Tensions among various military components, who runs the show?
- Difficulty arriving at consensus
- Misunderstanding of cultural or linguistic issues
Criticisms of Peacekeeping- Accountability
- To whom are peacekeeping agencies accountable?
- Do states owe the peacekeepers anything in return?
What is migration influenced by?
Changing economic, political and social conditions within and between states
What are the two main issues in migration in the contemporary era?
- Regulation and control of international migration
- Policies for dealing with ethnic migrant minorities
What are the differing policies that different countries have on migration.
- Protect their culture
- Encourage diversity and acceptance
What are Refugees?
Individuals or groups who fall under the category of involuntary migrants forced to leave their homeland through no choice of their own .
In history, what was the main motivation for migration?
Economic- Jobs and Slave labour
Why has migration shifted mainly from Europe to the States?
The US is the main economic center in the world.
Why do many migrants head to the Middle East?
For jobs in oil.
What results in "waves" of refugees coming from specific regions?q
Regional political instability
What do slowing birth rates in the West mean for migration?
Increased need for immigrants
Economic effects due to migration
- Demands on infrastructure and service
- Affects employment and wages
- Blue collar wage down, white collar wage up
Social effects due to migration
- Admitting immigrants affects the social fiber of a society
- The decision of whether to assimilate or accommodate immigrants
- Possible backlash from previously existing population
Political effects due to migration
- Issues used to be left behind in former country, no longer.
- Certain ethnicities of immigrants are heavily scrutinized in the wake of 9/11
- Concern with loyalties to two different states