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74 Cards in this Set

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The study of the adverse effects of xenobiotics (chemicals) on living systems
The inherent capacity of a substance ot produce injury
The practical certainty that injury will occur when a substance is used in stated quantity and set of conditions: Proportionate risk
The practical certainty that injury will not occur when a substance is used in stated quantity and set of conditions:
Acceptable risk
Toxicological Hazard
Routes of exposure
Duration of exposure
Presence of Mixtures
All substances are poisons: There is none which is not a poison. The right __ differentiates a poision from a remedy
Route of exposure
__ most common in children and in intentional poisoning
Route of exposure
__ is the major route in occupational settings followed by __ contacts
Inhalation is the major route in occupational settings followed by topical contacts
Duration of exposure
__ toxicity: rapid exposure to high dose with rapid course of injury
Acute toxicity:
usually accidental: 5000 to 10,000 deaths get years reported to the poison control center
Some homicidal or suicidal: Ingestion
Some occupational: Inhalation or dermal
Duration of exposure
__ toxicity: slowly developing injury that is often progressive and irreversible
Chronic toxicity
1. Frequently occupational: dermatoses, cancer, delayed neurological dz, obstructive lung dz, reproductive impairment
2. Environmental: Chronic bronchitis, excess cardiopulmonary mortality
3. Sources: Bioaccumulation, air pollution, buidling materials, industrial accidents
Accumulate in the tissue/ increasing concentration
Ex. mercury in tuna fish
Dose response possibilities
Threshold model
Regulated by body defense mechanism
Hormetic model
When dose is low, it is beneficial
ex. meds, vitamins
The process whereby a substance is changed from one chemical to another (transformed) by a chemical reaction within the body
May increase, decrease, or change
Primary chemical reactions leading to toxic actions
1. Block __
2. Alter__
3. Alter __
4. Free __ formation and __
5. Formation of ___
6. Binding to critical __
1. Block oxygen transport or utilization
2. Alter enzyme activity
3. Alter selective permeability of membranes
4. Free radical formation and lipid peroxidation
5. Formation of reactive oxygen species
6. Binding to critical macromolecules
7. Hapten (small molecule that stimulates the production of antibody molecules only when conjugated to a larger molecule) and antigen formation
Mechanisms of antidotal action
1. complexation with __
2. Acceleration of bioconversion to __
3. Block formation of more __
4. Accelerate __
5. Block or compete for essential __
6. Bypass effect of __
1. Complexation with poison
2. Acceleration of bioconversion to nontoxic metabolite
3. Block formation of a more toxic metabolite
4. Accelerate excretion
5. Block or compete for essential receptors
6. Bypass effect of the poison
Reaction with oxygen transport systems
Carbon monoxide forms __

Cannot transport O2
__ of CO for hemoblobin is 210 times that of oxygens's
Net affinity of CO
Concept of Cooperativity
In the tetrameric form of normal adult hemoglobin, the binding of oxygen is, thus, a cooperative process. The binding affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is increased by the oxygen saturation of the molecule, with the first oxygens bound influencing the shape of the binding sites for the next oxygens, in a way favorable for binding.
Destroys cooperativity kills people
Antidote for CO
Oxygen at high partial pressure displaces CO from Hb
Exposure to nitrates, aromatic amines and nitro compounds forms __
Methemoglobin formation results from exposure to nitrates, aromatic
amines and nitro compounds.
• Hb (Fe++) + NO2
 Hb (Fe+++)
• hemoglobin methemoglobin
Methemoglobin antidote
Antidote - methylene blue acts as electron donor to reduce ferric form of hemoglobin to ferrous form.

The effects from cyanide poisoning are those of progressive histotoxic tissue __ by binding to the active site of __ thereby stopping
aerobic cell __
those of progressive histotoxic tissue hypoxia by binding to the active site of cytochrome oxidase thereby stopping
aerobic cell metabolism
Cyanide ion (CN) reacts with ferric (Fe+++) form of cytochrome oxidase.
This rapidly disrupts cellular energy metabolism which is manifast by ___
and ___ dysfunction.
Cyanide ion (CN) reacts with ferric (Fe+++) form of cytochrome oxidase.
This rapidly disrupts cellular energy metabolism which is manifast by CNS
and cardiac dysfunction.
Antidote of Cyanide
Antidote is two step: 시안은 에미에게 소금을 뿌려
• amylnitrites inhaled to produce methemoglobin
Hb (Fe+++) which competes with cytochrome oxidase for free CN; cyanmethemoglobin so formed is nontoxic
• sodium thiosulfate to form thiocyanate ion (SCN) which is relatively nontoxic and is readily excreted
nitrates, aromatic
amines and nitro compounds
Methemoglobin formation
Hb (Fe++) + NO2
-> Hb (Fe+++)
Antidote of nitrate, aromatic
amines and nitro compounds
Methylene blue acts as 나이트 블루
electron donor to reduce ferric form
of hemoglobin to ferrous form
Antidote for Nitroglycerin
Methylene blue
Reaction with biocatalysts

Paraoxon insecticide
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
This leads to an accumulation of acetylcholine and a cholinergic crisis.

Antidote is three phase
팔아 옥스 앞으로 팜...Atropine sulfate blocks acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors
(It inhibits actions of acetylcholine at postganglionic parasympathetic neuroeffector sites)

Pralidoxine (PAM) dephosphorylates acetylcholinesterase and restores active enzyme

PAM reacts directly with paraoxon rendering it inert
Damaging membrane function

Solvents (gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner)

솔번트 (하인이 꿀꺽 삼키다 폐렴에 걸림)
CNS depression
**Aspiration-induced pneumonitis
Can sensitize the myocardium
Corrosive (effect on the lining of the stomach and small intestines)
***Period of apparent recovery

아연 맨은 겉으로 괜챦아 보일때가 있다.
Intoxication from kerosene or gasoline S/S
가솔린/케로신으로 인해 행동이 무질서 밴을 타고 CNS 무너짐
CNS depression similar to that of ethanol

Incoordination, restlessness, resp. arrest, death

Ventricular fibrillation (inhalation of vapors can sensitize the myocardium and precipitate ventricular filbrillation)
TX of solvents. petroleum distillates (kerosene, gasoline, diesel oil and paint thinner)
Tx is mostly supportive. B/C danger of aspiration, emesis or gastric lavage should not be considered
Heavy metals

Ferrous form absorbed readily, coverted to ferric form and bound by protein
Iron toxicity results when binding sites become
S/S of Iron toxicity
Corrosive action on GI mucosal cells leading to coagulative necrosis, hemmorhage, hypovolemic shock, and hepatic dysfunction
Corrosive action on __ leading to
Corrosive action on GI mucosal cells leading to coagulative necrosis, hemmorhage, hypovolemic shock and hepatic dysfunction
Phases of Iron poisoning

Phase 1
30-2 hr
Irritability, seizures, restlessness, Abd pain, vomiting, Bloody diarrhea, Tachypnea, Tachycardia
Phases of Iron poisoning

Phase 2 (immediately follows Phase 1)
**Period of apparent recovery
Phases of Iron poisoning

Phase 3
8-16 hr after Phase 1

Shock, Refractive acidosis
Cyanosis, Fever
Phases of Iron poisoning

Phase 4
2-4 days post ingestion

Hepatic necrosis
Elevated SGOT, SGPT
Phases of Iron poisoning

Phase 5
2-4 weeks post ingestion

GI obstruction


Elemental mercury
Inorganic mercury
Organic mercury
Speciation crucial to toxicity
Elemental mercury

(quicksilver and vapor)
Hg is uncharged, easily crosses cell membranes, and preferentially targets the CNS. Non toxic when ingested.
Inorganic mercury
Hg +1 and Hg -2
Agricultural antifungal, dental amalgums, cathartic , rat poison, curative in felt hat industry: Targets the kidney
Organic mercury (Methymercury)
Lipid soluble, Target both CNS and Kidney
Created from inorganic mercury by anaerobic bacteria
Bioaccumulation in food chain, acute exposure rate
Elemental Mercury poisoning

Target organ
CNS, Kidney
Bronchial inhalation
Excessive salivation
Tubular necrosis (kidney)
Inorganic Mercury poisoning

Target organ
Metalic taste
Tubular necrosis

Organic Mercury poisoning

Target organ
Oral and food chain

CNS, Liver

Alaxia, Chorea, Athetosis, Tremor, Convulsions, Paresthesias, Erethism

Chalators are not effective
Kidney damage
Learning and emotional disability
Accumulated in bone, hair, and teeth but can be re-mobilized by factors which affect calcium metabolism
Acute lead poisoning (rare)
Sweat metallic taste
Intestinal colic
Chronic lead poisoning (Plumbism)
-Basophillic stippling
-Hypochronic normocytic anemia

Neurological (lead encephalopathy)
Alaxia, N/V, Restlessness, Irritability, Conculsions, coma

GI (Lead colic)
Anorexia, Constipation, Metalic taste

Neuromuscular (Lead palsy)
Wrist drop, Foot drop, Fatigue, Muscular weakness

Fanconi-like syndrome (reversible)
Chronic nephritis (irreversible)
One of the greatest modern day toxicologic concerns
Widely used in numerous industrial process including elecroplating
Cadmium exhibits enzymes including alpha1 antirypsin, resulting in severe __
Lung damage
S/S Cadmium
(Ouch-Ouch dz)
Immunosuppressant, Growth retardation, Testicular damage, Carcinogenesis
Calcium disodium EDTA
For lead and Iron poisoning
Long term of using Calcium disodium EDTA cause __
Calcium disodium EDTA: Beware of __ and __
Hypocalcemia and severe proximal nephron degeneration
BAL (dimercaprol)
For mercury and Lead
Antidote to arsenical gas
BAL (dimercaprol)
for Iron poison

Can provoke histamine release
Moderately useful for a number of metals, but not first choice
For Lead poisoning __ __
Calcium disodium EDTA
BAL (dimercaprol)
For Iron poisoning __ __
Calcium disodirum EDTA
Corrosive S/S

Burning pain in mouth, throat and abd, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dysphagia, drooling, hypotension
Corrosive S/S

Bronchial irritation, pulmonary edema, frothy sputum, moist rales, hypotension, dyspnea
Corrosive S/S

Staining of skin, burning pain
Corrosive S/S

Conjuctivitis, corneal destruction, pain, lacrimation, photophobia
Lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen

Carbon Tetrachloride (solvent)
P450 metabolism to free radical
liver damage
CNS depression
Ventricular fibrillation
Lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen

Lung toxicity
Depletion of essential intermediates